Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
...i'm not a zeitgeist groupie. i actually have been saying that the existence of jesus is questionable for quite a while now, prior to the release
of zeitgeist
I am aware of this. But isn't it pushing the envelope just to aggravate? You
can question Jesus existence, sure. 2000 years from now, people
would question your existence, should someone say "once upon a time madnessinmysoul was a person who advocated atheism on a website called
abovetopsecret.", people would indeed doubt and say "wheres the evidence?" and since you weren't anyone super particularly famous, none of your
works or belongings were kept, lets say hypothetically.
you are now Jesus in the flesh. how are you going to be remembered 2000 years from now? I think Jesus has a one up on you madness, because he has
millions and millions of people not even questioning that he lived, gave that which he gave in teachings and in his flesh, and even that he will come
flying in from the sky one day to make things alright, just because
he said he would 2000 years ago. Show me a single man of this caliber on
Earth today and I will concede the argument. Why is it that all of the locations of all of the events in the New Testament throughout Jerusalem
have been excavated, with actual items being taken back to Constantinople or Rome by Constantine's Momma, Helen I believe. And she was led to these
sites by her men to dig and excavate by the locals, only a few hundred years after the events. You know, here in Virginia a few hundred years ago
there was a battle in Yorktown that decided the face of this nation and you know what? That battlefield has a location, and it was carried on, not
with technology, disks or files, but word of mouth and primitive means of the late 1700s, and on to today for us to visit. would you question that
saying where are the surrender papers, this never happened until I see them? My point is that even people without technology and much education
compared to todays standards can keep tabs on what significant events happened where, particularly if it was just a few hundred years after they
happened. If those events didnt happen, tell me, what were the writers of the new testament smoking, but more importantly what were the people that
led Helen and her men to these locations of these events smoking? And how did they find relics in these spots that corroborate this?
...this is why your religion is so weak.
it rests upon it being factual truth instead of spiritual and allegorical truth.
the buddhist religion wouldn't fall if buddha was wrong, it would PROSPER.
my religion rests upon it being factual truth with the expected and unavoidable mistakes through translations, rewritings, and even possible
tamperings. it is the faithfuls job to weed out the things he feels in his heart are not supposed to be there. and it his obligation to read the texts
he feels shouldnt have been removed from the bible either. like the otherside of a coin, it is also completely busting as the seams with spiritual and
allegorical truth. All of Jesus' teachings were parables, which are similar to allegories. my religion teaches how to live happily and peacefully,
not because you have your material selfish desires fulfilled, but because you've been taught that you dont need that to be happy. when you are truly
content and at peace with yourself you are happy, and my religion teaches how to do this.
I dont even want to bust out quotes from 1st or 2nd Corinthians of Paul teaching wise, relevant things even unto this day regarding carrying oneself
socially. I dont need to quote Jesus' many parables. It's just too much. And only you can
want to read it. I am not going to make you. Maybe
you can respect me for that.
well considering the buddhists are expecting
the reincarnation of buddha in the flesh soon, I read, I think they'd be much disappointed if the
one they picked and said was buddha refused them because he was autistic and didnt understand what he was turning down, and didnt play along like all
the other young, blissful and non-understanding children that were selected in the past. this goes to the hindu traditions of revering children as
incarnations of gods and goddesses.
here's my question: where's the damn evidence the jesus existed?
well, i cant quite answer it decisively, but maybe you can help me with an unrelated question.
where is the damn evidence that the revolutionary battlefield at yorktown, virginia, where cornwallace surrendered, is where the battle
really took
place? I mean, it could've easily have taken place exactly 1/2 a mile to the north, west, south, or east instead, and this patch of grass that I
see could just be some old field. wheres the evidence? i mean, i need something rock solid.
Dont show me the surrender papers or the constitution or anything like that because it could be a fake. Just like you'd say if someone did try to
give you a physical proof of Jesus once existing..
[edit on 12/3/2007 by runetang]