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Global riots if USA bombs Iran

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posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Extralien
It would seem that after all threats, negotiations and promises, Iran is still there and still sticking it's fingers up at the USA.
Right on!

Sigh. It's not just the USA that Iran is sticking its fingers up at - it's the rest of the world as well. Nobody is happy about the way Iran is going about things. You seem to forget (or are simply ignorant of the facts...) that Iran lied about it's nuclear activity for nearly 20 years - which is in direct violation of the NPT, of which it is a member. When they were busted by the IAEA and told to suspend their nuclear work (and rightly so) while the UN looked into things, then they started banging on about their "rights" and such. Well, tough luck. They lost their rights when they broke international law in the first place.

And yes, yes, the US, Israel, Pakistan have nukes its hypocritical yada-yada-yada, etc, etc. So let's just forget trying to uphold international law then - disband the UN and the IAEA and let everybody do what they want. Let's see how that works out.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 10:30 AM
Why should a country with nuclear weapons tell another country that they cannot have them? Although I'm personally against Iran getting the "bomb", this is one of those hypocritical scenarios that I have a hard time wrapping my arms around.

With assistant of the Brits, we overthrew Mohamed Mosadek in 1953 because he wouldn't allow us our way. Then we "installed" the Shah (a dictator), which made the country implode to a revolution, which is where we are today. Apparently, if it's not a puppet (dictator) of ours, they will have to do as we say and not as we do.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Extralien

PARIS, Nov. 29 — Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is known for overheated, boastful pronouncements. So it was hardly a surprise earlier this month when he declared that despite demands from the United States and other countries that Iran stop enriching uranium, Tehran was pressing ahead and negotiations were out of the question.

“From our point of view,” he said, “this subject is closed.”

Which is fair comment, seeing as Iran has stated time after time that their project is for peaceful purposes. Yet the USA is standing firm in its beliefs.

Of course, Ahmadinejad also has said that Israel should be "wiped off the world map". Nuclear weapons in the hands of his nation would make that much, much more likely.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by echo725

He never said that actually. That translation was falsely and blatantly misinterpreted to manipulate popular opinion in regards to the situation in Iran. We've been over this a few hundred times or so here at

[edit on 30-11-2007 by DeadFlagBlues]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Well, back here in the UK, I don't know anybody who agree's with the US's plans for global domination.

I appreciate your sentiments and I would agree with you, except I don't think this is a war of global domination.

I believe the United States itself is the target. We are to overextend ourselves fighting in conflicts across the globe, and thereby weaken the American people's resolve. This makes the bitter pill of a North American Union & Currency easier to shove down our throats.

What they want to do is place political, cultural, and economic pressure on us from within so that we will waste our energy bickering over non-important issues, our cultural identity becomes dissolute, our economy crashes, and then the whole country will be in such a mess that America will be screaming for some change.

Then they will give us what we never wanted, because by the time we're all living in hell, purgatory will look pretty nice.

Then we're one major step closer to having the entire world under the umbrella of a global elite, who make the laws, create the money from thin air, and control police and military forces. Using all these tools they will be able to erase all opposition to their plans of taking ownership of the earth, because if any group starts to form in protest to their domination, they just give an instruction from a central location, and blast that group into oblivion.

This is the plan.

This is why all these things are happening.

It's not about US domination. It's about domination of the whole world, and the US is just one of the chess pieces. It may be sacraficed at any time if convenient.

These people have no loyalty to any nation, only to power.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues
reply to post by echo725

He never said that actually. That translation was falsely and blatantly misinterpreted to manipulate popular opinion in regards to the situation in Iran. We've been over this a few hundred times or so here at

[edit on 30-11-2007 by DeadFlagBlues]

Yeah, leaders of the fascist EU must have misunderstood when they condemned the statement:

I suppose that he didn't also question the validity of the Holocaust as well.....

[edit on 30-11-2007 by echo725]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 11:45 AM
Well, if USA starts war with Iran, do you think there will be probably Holocaust part two?

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 11:54 AM
Things could very well go out of control that way. While I think that a nuclear armed Iran would be a huge menace, I certainly don't think the US should act against Iran unilaterally - especially with nuclear weapons.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Extralien

Let the rent a mobs riot! It wouldn't be the first time. I would would rather have riots than Iran with nukes. for sure.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Extralien

Let the rent a mobs riot! It wouldn't be the first time. I would would rather have riots than Iran with nukes. for sure.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:28 PM
Every sovereign nation has the right to defend itself. Of course Iran wants the bomb, Israel has it and the US is threatening to blow them straight to hell. US foreign policy since Sept 11th has only increased the Iranians NEED to develop the bomb.

Really, prior to 1953 Persia had never posed a threat to any western power yet we still deposed their lawfully elected government and installed a dictator. Since then they have never bothered anyone except their own people. The Iran hastage crisis and the Islamic Revolution was in direct response to CIA interference in their country. Even in the US we arrested KGB agents during the Cold War, why should not other countries do the same to our spies that are moving against them. In the 80's we supplied Iraq with the weapons to invade Iran and kill millions of their people and then we supplied Iran with weapons to kill 100,000's of Iraqis in return. WE GAVE SADDAM HUSSEIN CHEMICAL WEAPONS HE USED AGAINST IRANIAN CIVILIANS!!! Why shouldn't they hate us and why shouldn't they try to build a Nuke as a detterent. We built hundreds of thousands of Nukes as a detterent to the USSR.

So many people are failing to see the primary problem with this whole situation. The United States of America is THE BAD GUY. And it sucks.
And our children will pay for it. Our country was founded on the principles of liberty and freedom and limited government and we have abandoned these principles whole heartedly. Whats worse is the average American has no idea! You can build an impressive comparison between modern US government policy and that of Germany in the late twenties and early thirties. All of you that will say "oh, were not killing millions of jews" can shut up before you start. I am referring to our foreign and domestic policy, not racially motivated hate. We are the Weimar Republic and we have begun outr wars of Aggression. Remember, Germany attacked Poland because Poland was a "threat" and a good portion of conquered France was considered "liberated" from it's French oppressors.

So yes, I think there would be a Global Revolt against any type of military action against Iran. Putin has already stated that "any attack on Iran would be considered an attack on Moscow". Our dollar is devalued enough and the Euro has gained value enough against the Yuen that the Chinese can just say "meh, see ya" and begin to flood the European market with their goods like they did here in the late 90's and early 20th century. Every country except Israel would cease to be any good to us. The Dollar is finished in global markets so it would just be a mater of the world giving a collective shrug and US empire would dissolve whether we would be "victorious" in Iran or not. Which I happen to think we would not be; the Iranians have the capability to sink nearly every ship in the Persian gulf, there would be a Populous uprising against our occupying forces in Iraq, Suadi Arabia, Pakistan, and possibly Turkey and Afghanistan as well. We may also see our troops on the ground in Iraq stuck there without much way to get them out depending on how bad things go and that to me is frightening. I still have a number of friends in that are still in the Army. Just makes me glad I seperated before all this started..

As far as the US being a target? I agree, we are a target. We have also done everything within our power for the last 60+ years to make every Muslim in the world want to blow us straight to hell. Our government has done some terrible awful things in the past without our knowledge. this "they hate us because we are free and Christian" is BS and I fail to comprehend how anybody who buy's into that is capable of operating a computer let alone tying their shoes in the morning..

Edited because I could

[edit on 30-11-2007 by Tinhatman]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Well, back here in the UK, I don't know anybody who agree's with the US's plans for global domination.

I have muslim friends, soldier friends, hippy friends, teachers and tutors, people from all walks of life.... and not one of them agree with what America has done to the middle east.

I have attended anti-war protests and have met some of the nicest, most intelligent people there, yet I come on forums like this and when I talk to the idiots who say things like 'yeah well we'll turn their city to glass', I just think to myself, who or what gave these idiots power...

If the Yanks started bombing Iran, then I think the time will have come to really think about where we stand.

I think as a whole, the world won't stand for this....

Oh, and before I get the usual tirade of 'oh my god, you're anti-american', please realise I'm not anti-american, i'm just sick of being patronised by idiots who still think it's the wild west... I have a lot of american friends and thankfully most of them are clever enough to realise that the Iraq war is a shambles, that serves the benefit of a tiny elite.


Good for you on the No to war..
but there is a woman who the sudanies people are wanting dead because she had her muslim children name a bear as a project hmmm ok
and in the great saudi area a woman was raped bye 6 guys let me say that again 6 guys raped her and she is getting pushiment for it happing. wow these muslim countrys are soo stuck on staying in the past and not moving into the future with there thoughts. you can still belive in any religion and not do some of the things they are doing. Let me ask you a question if we left everyone alone and said look ya'll handle your own problem's ( witch is what i would do as our gov.) what do you think the dictators would do to there own people to hold there power? and if we said to iran ok do what you want, and they hit isreal with a nuke and kill thousands mabey millons of just plain ole people? belive me i think we should bring all of our troops home now and post them at all our borders and remove all ill alien, but that would be soo redundant to expect to remove people that have work here and are providing for there familys.
the United States have rendered themself the worlds police witch is wrong, but in the same sence why would i want to give aid or help any country who have no free press or any freedoms at all but we americans still give the most aid then any country in the world. but these are just my opinions . and you have yours..

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Theblues

If Iran hit Israel with a nuke, Israel would erase Iran. Iran barely has the tech level to hit Tel Aviv and they do not even have the Bomb yet. Israel has thousands of bombs and the tech to accurately deploy them AND quite possibly the tech to intercept any Iranian delivery system.

As far as free press in the US? You must never ever watch Fox News, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, CBS, or NBC. Every major news outlety in the US is owned and operated by the same multi-trillion dollar companies that build the bombs and the Politicians they "own" are the ones who pass the laws to drop them.

This is Empire, and empires fall. The US empire is crumbling away and in it's place we very well may see the Global Elites total power grab.

I hate work

[edit on 30-11-2007 by Tinhatman]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:00 PM
I thought Israel had nukes.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Theblues

Sorry, not trying to be rude. I am at work and got cut off

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 02:06 PM
It's unfair to blame "America" for this because "America" isn't the people- its run by the bush administration and all his followers and corrupt politicians. If everyone in the U.S. was all for the war then that would make sense- More Americans don't want to be in Iraq than Americans who do. We're looking for terrorists- how bout starting by looking at our government. These people have brainwashed people with media that America's doing the right thing and then when people try to protest or do anything- they are shut down. We've elected an idiot who continues to screw us over and ruin our name (I certainly didnt vote for him). You want to blame America, point your fingers at our leaders- not the people. The people if anything- are the only thing stopping this madness from going country to country. Either way- when nukes are used- we all lose. The future will be dim and empty if we begin nuking. I suggest voting for Ron Paul- he seems to be the only one that isn't full of it and wants peace. Voting for the next president is the only solution. I'm sure theres already a handful of puppets waiting to be elected. I'd rather die then live to see America become an NWO.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by dj05544

When I use the term "America" it refers to the US Gov or Fedgov. "Americans" are the people who live here, and the blame IS on us to a degree. We do have incredible forces aligned against us in the form of the absolutely most effective Corpratist Propaganda machine ever utilized by any group. BUT. We also have available to us the most accessible information utility that has ever existed as well. Truly, many Americans are brainwashed. The question is how many of them are "happily" brainwashed. I had a conversation with a friend of mine who said "I would rather just not know the truth, go on and raise my son and be happy". I then showed her the "Zeitgeist" movie and "Freedom to Fascism" and "Iraq for Sale" and now she is one of the most active Ron Paul supporters I know.

My point is, many Americans are ignorant by choice. They know that there is another side to the story than the one being vomited at them by CNN and FOX and many of them remain ignorant because it is difficult to accept that your Government is as evil as those "damn foreigners" are claiming it to be. German villagers near concentration camps in WWII claimed that they had know idea what was going on in the camps even though they were close enough to smell the death in their own homes.

To take the blame completely from those who allow the Bushies and the Clintons and etc.. to stay in power is a great disservice to those who have died becuase of our complacency.

Do not get me wrong though, the actions taken by our "enemies" are many times just as despicable as those taken by our own Fedgov.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 02:54 PM
We have completely strayed from the topic here. Obviously the public isn't too upset about what is happening in Iraq, or they would do something about it. They would gather in the streets, they would march on their local government offices en masse. They would have organized work stoppages that would bring the country to its knees immediately.

Instead, no-one does anything. A handful of sad protestors here and there look like loonies and end up getting tear gassed or tazered. Nothing would change if bombs started dropping on Iran. People here talk about how the American public is being 'dumbed down' by flouride, by mainstream media (lohan and britney programming), by food preservatives and colourings, by vaccines, by chemtrails, HAARP programming, whatever. Guess what, folks? It already happened long ago! No-one cares in the slightest because none of this has affected their lives one iota. And by the time it does, it will be far too late to do anything about it. Watch as Bernake cranks up the interest rate through the spring, and then watch as mortgage foreclosures in the US start exploding beyond any of the worst nightmares that the sub-prime can conjure. And then people will say "why?! Oh God why?!" and then they will still tune in to the latest news about Paris Hilton anyway.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 03:03 PM
There will be protests but I am unsure of riots.

I would like to think that people would stand up though.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Europe has been meddling and mucking about in middle east politics for centuries with disastrous results. So for Europe (especially the UK) to criticize another country’s policies seems pretty lame to me.

But it wouldn’t be the first time Europe turned away and hits its collective head in the sand while a power mad dictator rises to power. The world, not just the USA needs to deal with this madman now on our own pre-nuclear terms. Before he has his own first strike capability and no problems with using it.


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