At the time i am posting this link, the current results show Ron Paul winning with 48% in this weeks huge cnn/youtube debate.
Read the #'s yourself.
Now, if you look all over CNN politics, you will notice they completely ignore this plain Fact. That ron paul won by a LANDSLIDE! lol
Its rediculous, they think "if we ignore him, he will go away". Im assuming thats their stance.
Now before anyone claims this is bullocks, ill refute you pre-emptively.
1) hackers.
Thats a load of bull and you know it, if anyone hacked the website, there would be EVIDENCE, not to mention the hacker would have placed a higher
percentage for whomever he choose. Example : 90% + victory.
Anyways, we all know everyones IP got logged, otherwise why cant i vote twice from the same IP?
2) Internet crazies.
Internet ppl actually read and at least make a slight attempt to investigate things, the True crazy ppl are the ones that get ALL their "news" from
3) Ron Paul has organized his supporters to go in force and "screw" these polls.
Look at it this way, even if this was an organized vote, it doesnt matter. None of the other canidates can organize like this. Wheres their votes?
Exactly, barely anyone votes for them because they are "teh sux", to put it crudely .
Just try and come up with an excuse to downplay this, because it can easily be refuted.
Ron Pauls the LANDSLIDE winner, easily.
SO why isnt CNN posting a story front page "ZOMG Ron Paul Wins!!!!11!!1"
He is suppost to be the "underdog nobody " canidate, but apparently even CNN viewers are overwhelmingly in favor of this man and his agenda.
Just look at the SAME style debate from several months ago. Check out these #'s. Read em and weep naysayers.
Dr Paul keeps on winning time after time. And the media keeps downplaying it, outright lying to pretend it doesnt count, and even just ignoring it
The proof is in the #'s. Hes by far the Top choice according to the Polls. like i said "Landslide"
Also, another interesting tidbit. Did you notice how almost all of the "Youtube questions" posed to canidates appeared scripted?
Why? Because ALL OF THE questioners somehow were present at the debate!! How does that make sense???
If it was a REAL fair and balanced you tube debate, 90%+ of the questions asked , would have been by ppl who couldnt have possibly be PRESENT at the
actual debate, if that makes any sense.
Yes theres a massive conspiracy. Its all too obvious. If Guiliani or Romney won these 2 debates in such LANDSLIDE #'s , it would be plastered all
over the front page cuz its a BIG BIG DEAL!
But Ron Paul, the corporatists greatest enemy, Wins hands down. And they ignore it completely. Its disgusting.
Just thought you guys should see the #'s.
If any of those "other canidates" were worth a damn, they would have had far greater success in the Internet Polls. Im sorry but thats just the way
things work. The other canidates suck horribly, and their poll numbers show that most everyone else agrees.
Ron paul has almost 50% , you have heard the will of the random ppl who visit CNN (or went purely just to get coverage of the debate itself).
Even if you dislike Dr Paul, i highly suggest you post your vote on their right now. Vote for who YOU like. And lets see the #'s. Because these polls
are always treated as "proof" by the MSM, except of course when the ppl's choice is their worst nightmare. Then they pretend the Poll was just a
useless bias'd gauge that doesnt mean anything.
Well im SOrry, this is a HUGE DEAL! and Dr Paul is kickin tail! We are talking 2nd round TKO here.