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Solar Flare - 2012

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posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:13 PM
I think a good place to learn more about this is also David Ickes documentaries or I guess you would call them seminars really. As long as you can watch with an open mind I like a lot of what david icke talks about.

The show I watched recently was Freedom Road and it was 3 DVDs where he talks about the earth spinning slowing which lowers its magnetic field create dby the spin and eventually the earth stops spinning for a few days as we actually pass through the galagtic plane and as we pass through the the other side the earth will begin to spin the other way due to magnetic fields of the galaxy if i understand it right.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
reply to post by MrUniverse

How about a little background and citations of these things? What are you basing this on? Where did you get your information?

We always check sources around here, so nothing bad meant for asking.

Physical changes in the intensity of solar radiation conspire with human impacts to stress the world system. Astronomers have noted that since the 1940s, and particularly since 2003, the Sun has become remarkably turbulent, with the exception of the last year or so. Solar activity is predicted to peak around 2012, creating storms of intensity unprecedented since the 1859 “Carrington event,” when a large solar flare accompanied by a coronal mass ejection flung billions of tons of solar plasma into the Earth’s magnetosphere.

Solar storms, capable of traveling at speeds up to 5 million miles per hour, could knock-out virtually every major technological infrastructure on the planet: transportation, security and emergency response systems, electricity grids, finance, telecommunications, including satellite and other wireless networks, and even household electronic equipment.

The solar storm of 1859 was the most powerful event of its kind in recorded history. On the 1st of September of that year the Sun expelled huge quantities of high-energy protons in a large flare that traveled directly toward the Earth, taking eighteen hours instead of the usual three or four days to reach our planet. It disrupted telegraph systems all over Europe and North America. Fires erupted in telegraph stations due to power surges in the wires; and the northern lights (aurorae borealis) were seen as far south as Florida.

The next solar storm on record, in March of 1989, melted the transformers of the HydroQuebec Power Grid, causing a nine-hour blackout that affected six million people in Canada. And the solar storms that reached the Earth between October 19th and November 7th 2003 disrupted satellites and global communications, air travel, navigation systems, and power grids all over the world. It also affected systems on the International Space Station.

The solar maximum forecast for 2012 could do greater harm than any before, since human life has become much more dependent on the global energy grid. According to “Severe Space Weather Events: Understanding Economic and Societal Impacts,” a National Research Council report issued in the spring of 2009 by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, another Carrington event would induce ground currents that knock out 300 key transformers within 90 seconds and cut off power for more than 130 million people in the U.S. alone. Its cost could be as high as 2 trillion dollars, and recovery time would be four to ten years. An even worse impact would be felt in China, where the electrical grid is more vulnerable than in the West.

A major solar storm would cause the failure of electric power in most parts of the world. The above cited report of the National Academy of Science claims that this would have catastrophic consequences. People in high-rise apartments, where water has to be pumped up, would be cut off immediately. For most others drinking water would come through the taps for about half a day, but the flow would then cease without electricity to pump it from reservoirs. Transportation systems directly or indirectly dependent on electric power (which means practically all systems) would come to a standstill. Back-up generators would operate at some sites until their fuel ran out. For hospitals that would mean about 72 hours of essential care only services. Without power for heating, cooling and refrigeration, and with a breakdown in the distribution of medicines and pharmaceuticals, urban population would begin to die back within days.

Scientists forecast yet another disruptive event for the end of 2012:

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by MrUniverse

Do you have any evidence that anyone can predict solar flares?

1. The strength of the magnetic field is not related to the polar ice caps.
2. X-rays do not penetrate far into the atmosphere. That's why astronomical x-ray telescopes are in outer space.
3. The attenuation of the earth's magnetic field has been steady since it was first measured by Gauss. There is no indication that the field will substantially reduce in the next few years.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by TheOracle

The Maya had no specific prophecies for the end of the long count calendar. Their calendar was quite stunning. It had a 365 day calendar. The Egyptians had that over 2000 years earlier. We tossed that out the window in 1582 when the Gregorian calendar was adopted.

Excuse me. Cell phones use terrestrial towers.

Oh, yeah. You were referring to an outage in 1989 and this is 2010 and lots of similar events have happened since then and the problem has been addressed.

You got it backwards. The LITTLE ice age has no definite dates has been supposed to be due to reduced solar activity. That has not been confirmed. There are other hypotheses as well as to what happened. To suggest that the earth's magnetism affected the sun is completely ludicrous.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 06:19 PM
Another thread another 10 or so things that get flaunted around like solar flares, ice age, supervolcanos, etc, etc, all with absolutely 0 evidence besides twisting previous dates into some sort of prophecy that will inevitably fail.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by GINetwork

I think you could call Icke's shows bad entertainment at best and a hoax at worst.

The deceleration in the earth's rotation is due to the tidal forces of the moon. Th earth won't stop spinning as we pass through any plane. That's a human construct. Does the spin reverse? Nope. Hasn't happened since the solar system formed 4.6 billion years ago.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by discl0sur3

The energy of the 1859 is conjecture on you part. The ability to damage our infrastructure is again a conjecture on your part. You claim the effects of protons in the events of 1859 before the proton was discovered in 1886. Are you certain that is what happened?

So the long wires of the telegraph system were not prepared for the in coming solar event. Are you proposing that nothing has been learned in 150 years?

Can you support your claim that transformers melted in 1989? If the blackout was over in 9 hours are you in any way suggesting that the transformers were replaced in 9 hours?

You mention specific reports yet provide no link to them.

You failed to mention the 1921 and 1960 events.

Overall I think you point out some things that happened, a realization that plans have been enacted in case things happen. You point out that there is at least an 18 hour warning to prepare. But then you claim a 2012 prediction without a shred of supporting evidence. Why?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:11 PM
I spoke to someone today who is a level headed business women. When i was talking about my free sat box and how cool it was to get free hd she said " we are not buying any expensive electrical equipment until after 2012 because of the solar flares that are going to fry sensitive equipment." Is this true?? how can they predict flares two years in advance? She went on to say that Nasa knows all about it. Well its news to me.

[edit on 5-7-2010 by tarifa37]

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by MrUniverse

This is a solar maximum that has been pushed back to 2013. These happen about every 11 years.

PS the Earth's magnetic field is going down and has for as long as man has measured its strength. Will it be there in 2012? Oh, yes. Did you know that only a small portion of the field actually is observed at the surface?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by TheOracle

Mistaking myth for history is a common problem. Shoehorning so-called prophecies with current events is another problem and has been happening as long as people have been making up stories about what is to come.

Ad for the Maya, they were naked eye astronomers. Their data is good considering the limitations of their instrument - the human eye. The accuracy of events such as the motions of Venus are within error bounds of a week or so.

Then you mention the sun's magnetic field and the Mayan calendar. Everyone should understand that the sun's magnetic field is quite difficult to predict. Even today's sophisticated studies with satellites observing the sun was unable to accurately predict the next solar maximum. The predicted maximum was pushed back an entire year.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by TheOracle

Where do you get this idea that you call a "flash ice age"?

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by dragonking76

Sunspots can be seen with naked eye observations. The moon looks red during lunar eclipses.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by MrUniverse

1. The inner core does not slow down. You are making that up.
2. There is no 10000 year cycle. You're making that up.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by GINetwork

David Icke is a fraud.

The magnetic field of the Earth is not due to its rotation.
The Earth's rotation has been slowing down over millions of years - it never has spun the "other" direction.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by discl0sur3

You posted no sources. Isn't that the issue you were responding to?

The claims of a turbulent 2012 have been replaced with a 2013 solar maximum.

If household electronics are disconnected from the outlet then they survive. If transformers are disconnected from the long transmission lines that act like antennas then they survive. It is possible to survive such an event with minimal losses.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by TheOracle

OH YEAH ! it's true I was talking to a friend on the phone then suddenly
ops no more electricity,and my pal at the end of the line said woah me neither...
but the phone was still working tough and we were 300 miles apart. Obviously the phone lines were protected and we have improved from the past now about this kind of event.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by LoneWeasel

How can ANYONE argue about what will and will not happen. No one knows. If you are a believer in God, and the Bible, remember the story of Noah's Ark? No one believed in him, until it actually happened. My meaning is, maybe something will happen, maybe this is God testing us again like he did with Noah. Maybe it is all just a bunch of science fiction, but like I said, what is there to argue about when NO ONE has any facts about either side of this debate.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 11:12 AM
Well the Solar Max is supposed to happen in 2012... and there has been talk in the scientific community that Earths magnetic field is weakening.. IF there are powerful flares Earth could get VERY unstable..

I reccomend Ancient Aliens, a series on HC. It will open your eyes.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Jadedmind
reply to post by LoneWeasel

How can ANYONE argue about what will and will not happen. No one knows. If you are a believer in God, and the Bible, remember the story of Noah's Ark? No one believed in him, until it actually happened. My meaning is, maybe something will happen, maybe this is God testing us again like he did with Noah. Maybe it is all just a bunch of science fiction, but like I said, what is there to argue about when NO ONE has any facts about either side of this debate.

Somethign is going to happen in 2012. SOMETHING.

Anyone ever found it strange that all of these ancient cultures in contact with alien races spoke of the return of the 'gods'? Maybe 2012 is the year.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 12:38 PM
this is how is see the "kill shot" a class M flare of such massive proportions, along with class X hits the earth, everything electrical and electronic is toast, world wide, the poles then begin to shift, north to the south, at a rate or 1000mph therefor it will take one day,for the poles to flip. Will the land mass follow? will the rotation slow, or change direction? could we wind up looking like Uranus? what about the moon, what will the effects be on it. will your car start? will there be power? water, gas, food, can this really happen? will BP be blamed for it
had too,after all they seem to be blamed for every thing, now for some answers, will the land mass fallow the gravitational path? yes, it stands to reason it will, the rotation could slow, or it could speed up, could the poles stop at a point were the earth is poles are left at the equator, this is one possibility, among others, the effects on the moon, i have not run across any thing on this, there might be some reference to that on ATS, will your car start, probable not a kill shot is one big EMP it will zap every thing electrical, is this the end of the world, no just the way we live, we can adapt, and make do, are there plans for this as far as gov go? form what i have found, no they are not. Can this happen? "can" should not be the question, when is more fitting, and that is the unknown, one thing that we can all agree on is, it will happen, so the next time your power goes out will it stay out, i wish i had time to find the links to my theory, the best one i know is Richard C Hoagland and the second best, AM Coast to Coast. these are not definite nor proof, as what could happen, just some thoughts, what are yours?

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