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Solar Flare - 2012

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posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 06:16 PM
Does anyone know of the expected solar flare that is projected towards Earth in Dec.2012.
There would be nothing special about this expect this one will be very powerful as it will be a flare at the end of the Suns eleven and a half year cycle which produces very powerful x-ray and gamma-rays but also what gets me thinking is the fact that Earths magnetic field has been reducing at a rapid rate due to the polar caps melting (which happens every 10,000 yrs by the way) and our magnetic field is expected to be almost gone around the same date of 2012.
I just find it strange that there is all this talk of 2012 and aliens and all yet it's this we should be concerned about as I believe this happens every now and then and could be responsible for the extinction of dinosaours and neanderthals.

[edit on 28-11-2007 by MrUniverse]

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by MrUniverse

How about a little background and citations of these things? What are you basing this on? Where did you get your information?

We always check sources around here, so nothing bad meant for asking.

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 10:08 PM
You are thinking of Solar Maximum (Solar Max).
There are a few threads kicking around about that, mostly in the Fragile Earth forum.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by NGC2736



posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 11:02 AM
here is your answer:
The end of days is present in many if not all scriptures and describe events in the sky and fire.
Book of Enoch - The Second End is predicted to be an end of fire (the first was the flood).
91.9 And all the idols of the nations will be given up, their towers will be burnt in fire, and they will remove them from the whole Earth.
And they will be thrown down into the Judgment of Fire, and will be destroyed in anger, and in the severe judgment that is forever.
102.1 And in those days, if He brings a fierce fire upon you, where will you flee, and where will you be safe?

2 Peter 3:6-7 "through which the world at that time was utterly ruined, being deluged with water.
7] But the present heavens and Earth by His Word are being stored up for fire, kept for the day of judgment and ruin of impious men."

Isaiah 30:25-27
[25] And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill,
rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.
[26] Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold,
as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
[27] Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy:
his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: ..."

Revelation 8:5-7 an angel throws burning incense onto the Earth.
Revelation 16:8-9 "And they fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given to it to burn men with fire."
9] And men were burned with great heat; and the blasphemed the name of God Who has the authority over these plagues;
and they did not repent to give Him glory."

But the most striking is the Maya prophecies and calendar. The maya were great astronomers way beyond their age,they calculated and predicted accurately many celestial events. They predicted the end of this era for 21st December 2012. Their calendar is linked to the sun: "When Maurice Cotterel came to study the Mayan calendar he noticed that there was a great similarity between the time cycles predicted for solar magnetism and the cycles inherent to the Mayan calendar system. In his theory the Sun's magnetic field reverses at the end of a complete cycle, after 1,366,040 days.
In the Mayan calendar, a complete cycle of time is 1,366,560 days."

Solar flares are real. They caused disruptions in the past.
Past disruptions

During the last maximum in 1989, a power surge triggered by solar energy damaged transformers of the Hydro-Quebec power system, leaving 6 million people in Canada and the northeast United States without power for more than nine hours. The event also knocked satellites out of orbit and disrupted radio communications.

Now, with a world that relies increasingly on satellites for daily communication, the risks are higher. Cellular telephones, pagers and the Global Position System -- used for airline navigation -- could be particularly vulnerable, experts say.

Other effects
Scientists increasingly suspect that solar cycles affect more than just satellites and power grids.An active sun, known to heat the Earth's outer atmosphere, may also alter our climate.
Scientists say a small ice age from 1645 to 1715 corresponded to a time of reduced solar activity, and current rises in temperatures might be related to increased solar activity. This may be due to effects on the Earth electromagnetism.

[edit on 5-12-2007 by TheOracle]

[edit on 5-12-2007 by TheOracle]

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 11:03 AM
A Solar Flare is due...and guess when? (NASA)
The next such event is predicted for the year 2012. (see cover-story 'Bolts of Fire,' New Scientist magazine 27th Feb 99).
Normally these events provide spectacular displays of the Northern Lights (aurora borealis), but are not bright compared to the Sun.
Hathaway's prediction should not be confused with another recent forecast:
A team led by physicist Mausumi Dikpata of NCAR has predicted that Cycle 24, peaking in 2011 or 2012, will be intense.
Hathaway agrees: "Cycle 24 will be strong. Cycle 25 will be weak. Both of these predictions are based on the observed behavior of the conveyor belt."
Like most experts in the field, Hathaway has confidence in the conveyor belt model and agrees with Dikpati that the next solar maximum should be a doozy. But he disagrees with one point. Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012. Hathaway believes it will arrive sooner, in 2010 or 2011.

The magazine New Scientist, 9 Jan 99, carried an article covering a meeting of the American Astronomical Society. A team of astronomers studying Sun-like stars discovered that most of them seem to produce a superflare about once a century.

They studied observational records and found that stars similar to the Sun occasionally become as much as ten times brighter, for periods of hours or days.The astronomers are reported to be baffled as to why the Sun is so stable. Perhaps it does flare, but only every five thousand years, when the magnetic field reverses; causing so much destruction that no eye witness accounts have survived.

From CNN
The ability to detect the flares and ejections is there, but scientists currently lack the ability to predict how damaging they will be.

"All you can say now is sort of like a storm coming in.
You can tell them there's a storm coming but you can't predict all the effects of it. You just know the problems increase and the potential is there," Zwickl said.

Flare can make the sun a hundred times brighter, like other planets of similar size. The electromagnetic damage will render everything electronic useless, never mind the effects on the environment.

There have been a series of seven ice ages over the last 700,000 years, according to paleological records
- one every hundred thousand years or so, followed by an interglacial period of about 10 to 12 thousand years.
The last ice age ended about 10,800 years ago, meaning that the present interglacial period is approaching its end. A massive solar flare can create flash ice ages. Previous ice age was so quick it has frozen mammoths in place with food still in their mouth.
And I believe that's what caused the dinosaurs extinction.
In conclusion
When I quoted earlier how the Mayan calendar is based on sun cycle. Science tells us 1,366,040 days. In the Mayan calendar, a complete cycle of time is 1,366,560 days. They calculated it to 520 days difference from today's measurements, NASA predicts 2011 for the peak which almost perfectly fits the end of this age.

You may or may not believe that something catastrophic will happen during those 2 years but the facts remain that the threat is real and coming.
Scientists have no way of predicting the scale and impact and warnings are clear from our ancestors and from our dreams and conscience.
I know a lot of you are preparing for hard times anyways, I just hope that you will be ready by the end of 2012.

[edit on 5-12-2007 by TheOracle]

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 11:05 AM
How is it going to be like living in a world with no communications, satellites, banking, govt files, electricity, sewage, water purification, running water and so on? With the threat of govt using nukes to protect sources of food/water.
What about the magnetic effects on the poles and the possibility of an (overdue) ice age?

I would also like to point out that many of my dreams and premonitions showed me a scenario fitting to such events.


[edit on 5-12-2007 by TheOracle]

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 11:16 AM
I've said it before, and I'll doubtless say it again - but there is absolutely no evidence whatever to suggest that 2012 is even remotely significant as a date in the history of the earth.

"All this talk" is based on spurious, groundless and often inaccurate claptrap about Mayan calendars (which do not predict the end of the earth in 2012 at all, indeed many dates after 2012 are referred to in Mayan inscriptions); Dan Burisch's fantastic claims (debunked along with Burisch himself) and various new age "authorities" like Jose Arguelles (debunked).

If anyone here can offer a shred of evidence to back up the idea that 2012 is sigificant, I'll view it with an open mind, in the meantime I continue to be amazed by this constant flow of baseless nonsense.

If we're talking specifically about the Mayan calendar, 2012 is the end of a certain part of the cycle. There have been many such ends of cycles according to the Mayan calendar in history, which have proved to be competely unremarkable. The event is the end of the cycle itself - any excuse for a party, those crazy Mayans - to attach anything else to it is to pluck the whole idea completely out of thin air. Absolutely nothing to back it up.


posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 12:09 PM
It is an established fact that Earth has been through periods of unexplained flash ice ages. It is written in earth sediments and come in frightening regularity. The most frightening thing is that the next ice age is overdue

[edit on 5-12-2007 by TheOracle]

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by LoneWeasel

Not that I'm defending the theory, but 2012 isn't the end of any old Mayan cycle, but rather the end of the biggest 27,000 year long cycle. I believe it is called the Baktun. The whole thing then ticks over to start again. It is more than likely linked to the precession of the stars due to the earths wobble, which incidentally, changes over a period of around 27,000 years.

I would go more into it, but time is short and I have work to do. You catch my drift

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by TheOracle

the magnetic poles callapse to the centre of the earth (imagine a bar magnet) when the flare arrives this will recharge our magentic field in turn reversing our poles there wont be great devestation but enought to be cocerned about. This activity has already recharged or pole revesrsal other planet the latset one mars so it like the time the sun take to do a cycle maybwe 72,000 or 144,000 yrs cant remeber .
I promise you there will be much more volcanic and earthqauke activity building up over the next five years.

At the moment i am writing a book that will be full of proof and evidence of my findings . these are what the chapters cover;

spiritualism and religion
quantum physics
sacred geometry
global warming cycle
future mankind

when i fininsh a chapter at a time i will print it here to see your opinions.
Thanks sean

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by MrUniverse

when is your book coming ut? I 'd really like a copy

posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 06:45 AM
Drift caught.

I accept it might be a notable cycle. But the point remains the same - there's nothing more to it than turning over a page in the calendar. There is no link between it and the sort of cataclysms that are suggested by the new age twaddle spouted by Arguelles.

We slightly arbitrarily divide our year into months. New years happen all the time. Centuries happen. Millennia, even. We knew the Millenia was a special new year because Tony Blair made the Queen hold his hands in a hut in East London. But it was still essentially just another page in the calendar.

There's no difference between the turn of one of our millenia and the turn of one of the Mayan's time cycles.

Originally posted by stumason
reply to post by LoneWeasel

Not that I'm defending the theory, but 2012 isn't the end of any old Mayan cycle, but rather the end of the biggest 27,000 year long cycle. I believe it is called the Baktun. The whole thing then ticks over to start again. It is more than likely linked to the precession of the stars due to the earths wobble, which incidentally, changes over a period of around 27,000 years.

I would go more into it, but time is short and I have work to do. You catch my drift

posted on Dec, 6 2007 @ 11:50 AM
The concepts of Solar Flares and Solar Maximum may be related, but they are two different things.

While it's true that the Sun will be at or near "solar maximum" in 2012 -- and solar flares will certainly be more common during that period -- NOBODY today can predict that there will be a specific occurance of a solar flare in December of 2012 (and especially not the ancient Mayans).

There may very well be a powerful and detrimental solar flare in December 2012 (or maybe not), but there is no way that could be predicted years in advance. Solar flares are common occurances, and are known to occur at both a greater frequency and magnitude during a "Solar Max" period, but Solar flares do not operate like clockwork.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 08:48 AM

and could be responsible for the extinction of dinosaours and neanderthals.

It could also be the end for us as we know it, which I hope it's not. And those bible verses disturb me, even though I believe in Him. The world now may not be the same in 2012...

[edit on 28-1-2009 by flare]

[edit on 28-1-2009 by flare]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 10:33 AM
I believe it will really happen. NASA has all of the evidence and all of the sunspots are fading before our eyes.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 07:51 PM

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 09:41 PM
In the doomsday texts of the bible, it basically says that the sun will turn black, and the moon red.

What effect would a gigantic sunspot look like on the sun.. so large that it could be seen from earth without telescopes?

From what I have seen on documentaries sunspots are precursors of solar flares. That would have to be a really large sunspot to make the sun look black.

The moon reflects the light of the sun.. would a large enough sunspot make the moon look red?

Ancient cultures(other than biblical) speak of a "neverending solar eclipse."

I guess I'm just mixing a little science with religion, but I've always felt that the two are more connected than we realize.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by MrUniverse
Does anyone know of the expected solar flare that is projected towards Earth in Dec.2012.
There would be nothing special about this expect this one will be very powerful as it will be a flare at the end of the Suns eleven and a half year cycle which produces very powerful x-ray and gamma-rays but also what gets me thinking is the fact that Earths magnetic field has been reducing at a rapid rate due to the polar caps melting (which happens every 10,000 yrs by the way) and our magnetic field is expected to be almost gone around the same date of 2012.
I just find it strange that there is all this talk of 2012 and aliens and all yet it's this we should be concerned about as I believe this happens every now and then and could be responsible for the extinction of dinosaours and neanderthals.

[edit on 28-11-2007 by MrUniverse]

You cant predict when a solar flare will happen never mind what direction they will go ,why would the ice caps melting affect the magnetic field and where is the proof this happens every 10,000yrs?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:55 AM
From the earths inner core slowing down reduces the strength of the magnetic field which lets various radiation (climate change) enter earths atmosphere resulting in caps melting, earths wobble, caps readjust by 3 degrees or so. If you check out earths timeline history you will see this process happenned around 8,000 bc, 18,000 bc and so on. Recordings of caps receding, sea levels rising, mass extinctions, raise in methane levels etc....

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