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I was abducted last night!!

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posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:20 PM
I'm a believer in alien abductions (physical ones that is) such as the Betty/Barny Hill and the Allagash Four, for example. But I seem to see too many claims of OOBEs, abductions, astral projections, and so forth from the same people that have deeply involved themselves in these things beforehand. It's like Travis Walton. One night he's watching the Betty and Barny Hill story on TV and the next night he just a little bit too conveniently gets abducted himself. So I don't know what to make of such numerous claims on this forum. This appears to be an abduction of her soul and not physical body which doesn't make a lot of sense and I'd like to think isn't possible, nor does it make sense to look for physical body marks if her body wasn't touched, a contradiction nobody seemed to notice. I wasn't aware aliens changed from physical abductions to abducting people's souls. I'd be interested in what the aliens can achieve by doing the latter though.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:22 PM
99% of all real out of body experiences are mediated by demons. This is thanks in part to our post christian culture that promotes all kinds of occult activity. You should make an examination of your life to see if you've compromised yourself in this way. Have you ever prayed to statues or goddesses like mother mary? Do you read the horoscope? Have you ever tossed the I-ching or used Tarot cards? Ever used an 8-ball or it's equivalent? Have you ever used a ouija board or have practiced magic? Are you into eastern mediation or yoga? Do you consult gurus, witches, psychics or play a lot of fantasy role playing games? Do you have any cultic artifacts in your house? Say catholic statues, rosary beads, or maybe african masks, paintings etc. Are you into native american spirituality? And finally the big one, do you take drugs? I'm afraid even this list is not comprehensive.

Practicing these sorts of things will guarantee the presence of evil spirits manipulating your life. It is impossible to escape such phenomenon on your own. You need to Trust in Jesus to clean house.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

You forgot, "have you recently been brain-washed by an established religion".

This must be a dream, river. I've had that sensation where you wake up torn between dream and concioiusness and your body is still paralyzed. This happens to many people.

Sounds like a cool experience though.

[edit on 27-11-2007 by defuntion]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
99% of all real out of body experiences are mediated by demons. This is thanks in part to our post christian culture that promotes all kinds of occult activity. You should make an examination of your life to see if you've compromised yourself in this way. Have you ever prayed to statues or goddesses like mother mary? Do you read the horoscope? Have you ever tossed the I-ching or used Tarot cards? Ever used an 8-ball or it's equivalent? Have you ever used a ouija board or have practiced magic? Are you into eastern mediation or yoga? Do you consult gurus, witches, psychics or play a lot of fantasy role playing games? Do you have any cultic artifacts in your house? Say catholic statues, rosary beads, or maybe african masks, paintings etc. Are you into native american spirituality? And finally the big one, do you take drugs? I'm afraid even this list is not comprehensive.

Practicing these sorts of things will guarantee the presence of evil spirits manipulating your life. It is impossible to escape such phenomenon on your own. You need to Trust in Jesus to clean house.

I agree you have to be careful.

But i think meditation and OBE works, I'm right now trying to reach that point on a daily basis. And i hope i can achieve that goal soon.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
99% of all real out of body experiences are mediated by demons. This is thanks in part to our post christian culture that promotes all kinds of occult activity. You should make an examination of your life to see if you've compromised yourself in this way. Have you ever prayed to statues or goddesses like mother mary? Do you read the horoscope? Have you ever tossed the I-ching or used Tarot cards? Ever used an 8-ball or it's equivalent? Have you ever used a ouija board or have practiced magic? Are you into eastern mediation or yoga? Do you consult gurus, witches, psychics or play a lot of fantasy role playing games? Do you have any cultic artifacts in your house? Say catholic statues, rosary beads, or maybe african masks, paintings etc. Are you into native american spirituality? And finally the big one, do you take drugs? I'm afraid even this list is not comprehensive.

Practicing these sorts of things will guarantee the presence of evil spirits manipulating your life. It is impossible to escape such phenomenon on your own. You need to Trust in Jesus to clean house.

The fact that it is impossible to have an out of body experience when you are afraid nullifies the notion that demons cause OOBE's. You do realize that the second you feel fear during an OOBE you get jammed back into your body.

The thing thats gets me about religious "fanatics" is they do not have their own beliefs. Their belief system is prefabricated and they are told what to believe.

Please research OOBE's before you comment on them. OOBE's are wonderful things and if, by your assumption they were caused by demons, why are they very very peaceful?

I do believe in god, but to get to god you first have to know thyself inside and out.

[edit on 11-27-2007 by CPYKOmega]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by hikix

I know that I'm pretty new around here, but it seems to me that a new board needs to be added for these types of experiences which by their very nature are so personal/internal as to allow no possibility of either verification or falsification. You can either believe the poster or not and nothing between.

I figure that it would be titled something along the lines of: "Anecdotal Reports of the Paranormal".

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:40 PM
Rivergodess, it sounds to me like you were dreaming! Why don't these little critters ever abduct astronomers? 15 years, I've been out alone under the dark skies and not a flicker of interest! Not so much as a UFO! Quite frankly, I'm beginning tp feel neglected...

Perhaps they don't care for the British weather. I know I don't...

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:51 PM
Why not book in for some hypnotic regression? It's been done before and many things have been recalled they previously thought they couldn't remember..

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by vortex`

That's a good idea vortex. You're guaranteed an alien abduction with hypnotherapy!

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by Noscitare

good idea, I kinof think Skunk Works covers that area though. It is about personal theories, not because a subject is too ridiculous for the other boards. I think people get confused thinking if a thread gets transferred to skunkworks, it is a bad thing.

Anyway, I personally could never achieve an oobe, even though i have tried. I am just too anxious to ever become that relaxed. I am not saying the OP's story isn't true. I think the title is just misleading. I got a little too excited before I read the thread.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 08:06 PM
This is a honest question to better understand.

If you remember nothing about being abducted why do you think you were abducted? What is the bridge that led to that conclusion?

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by hikix
The title says 'I was abducted last night'. But you have no indication at all that you even saw an alien let alone got abducted by one.
'I was abducted' and not even having one shred of it in your story?

Yes I have been here a long time. Yes I am well aware of how beat up some people can be over things they decide to reveal......

Let me get right to the root of your question......SOMETHING, some 'force' totally outside of myself TOOK ME last night. In the common sense this is called an abduction.
I was abducted from my room by a beam of bright blueish light.
I clearly recall everything that took place up untill I was going through the ceiling, then it is just a blank.

That is the entire story that I can share as this is all I remember. I have related exactly what I experienced & it was the very first thing in my mind when I woke up, as this was NO dream, I was awake....but I was in the state of being consciously out of my body. I have been working on this out of body stuff for long enough to KNOW the clear difference between dreaming and awake.....between being out of my body or in it. The lines are very clear for most people between awake and asleep....I can FEEL when I slip out of body just like pulling a very tight body suit off my body from the shoulders down. There is a physical sensation to 'leaving' the body......this feeling woke me up.
If you were asleep wearing a tight body suit and someone decided to peel it off of you do you not think you would wake up?? I know it would wake me up. Taking a hat off my head while I was sleeping would not wake me up but peeling a full body suit off of me would.

My title does NOT say I was taken into any kind of UFO as I saw nothing beyond my face going into the ceiling, I saw no creatures, so it could have been humans or even bigfoots for that matter......maybe it was just the bright blue light taking me away and nothing more...but it did seem to be doing this taking of me, on purpose, so that would mean there was a conscious choice in the matter of taking me.
I had NO CHOICE about going along or was taking me and there was not a single thing I could 'do' about it.....
I can tell and share about what I saw, as I saw NOTHING beyong my face going into the ceiling, and I am not going to make up extra juicy 'stuff' like seeing Nordics and Reptilians dancing in the moonlight for your entertainment.

I will only relate what I know....and what I know is that I was taken not of my will, elsewhere to where I know not......therefore I WAS abducted.
It happened last night.
Hence the title ~I was abducted last night~

[edit on 27-11-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 08:33 PM
Originally posted by theRiverGoddess

OMG OMG OMG I was ABDUCTED last night no joke!

Ok, good read so far.

I did not get to see any ship or any aliens, as they blacked out my memory...

Umm, ok. Problem here.

But I know this happened.

If they "blacked out" you're memory..

How do you know ?

I want to be able to remember...

Can't pay for this kind of stuff.

I'm sorry, but you're so contradictory,
OJ's lawyer team wouldn't take this case.


posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by defuntion

This must be a dream, river. I've had that sensation where you wake up torn between dream and concioiusness and your body is still paralyzed. This happens to many people.

[edit on 27-11-2007 by defuntion]

I know what you mean. I HAVE experienced sleep paralysis and this was awake paralysis, and I was just laying IN my bed not floating above I was moving upward towards the ceiling. I could move my eyeballs and that was it, but I could easily tell I was moving upwards.

Originally posted by Breadfan

What I DO believe is, if there IS sucha thing as alien abduction, you sure as hell wouldn't be posting about it day after u had experienced it. That much I know.

Thats truly amazing that you KNOW exactly what any person on the planet WOULD must be very Godlike in your knowledge of all of mankind! Why do you bother to ask questions or even post on the internet when you KNOW what other people do already with your all powerful all knowing mind?
I think what you really mean to say is you know what YOU would do. I would even challenge this idea, as humans tend to react to a situation differently, no matter how many times they planned it out in their head, it is very easy to act impulsively in the moment.

I am editing here to add I have thought of something that I did yesterday that was different from any other day. Yesterday I purchased a 55cm circle of rhodacrosite which is a pink stone. I put this stone on a silver chain and put it on, and I was wearing it all night last night. This is the only new or different thing I had done.
I have never heard of wearing anything jewelry like would attract such attention so I doubt this was the cause.......but I am trying to think of WHY this would happen my middle age. I was wondering what I did yesterday that was not in my normal routine of life. The only thing different was adding this stone pendent.

[edit on 27-11-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 09:31 PM
I have experienced dreams, vivid dreams, sleep paralysis, and various OOBE events, so believe me when I say I know where you're coming from. I completely understand how real it feels and how each level, for lack of a better word, has it's own feel or reality. I have a psych degree and I'm insanely curious about my brain and consciousness. That being said...

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I did not get to see any ship or any aliens, as they blacked out my memory...
But I know this happened.

You can not tell me that doesn't contradict itself, and I personally see it as evidence that you are attached your own beliefs, thoughts, fantasies, prejudices, whatever to the situation. How can you know it happened when your memory was blacked out? I've been through the feeling of wanting to attach meanings to the experiences we have, and I know how tempting it is to draw out the event and fill in the blanks.

There are two parts to your experience. Part A is what you told us about, Part B is what you have filled in when you said you blacked out. But Part B is more interesting than Part A so you concentrate on that one and begin to lose touch with what you actually experienced. I'm not trying to call you out or say that you are lying but I'm asking that you take a look at what you know and what you think. This has cleared my mind in past experiences so I offer it as advice.

Think about your first OBE and how real and concrete you knew it was. All your life you heard stories about ghosts, spirits, energies, and other paranormal topics but this was the 'no choice but to believe' moment. I think that if you were abducted by an alien it would be one of these moments. But you compare it to your OBE history right away, it was just a different experience. Before I ever gained control in an OBE I experienced exactly what you described. I would even get out of bed and walk a few feet away only to realize I was in a 'dream', my body would then float up while slowly turning around so that I was horizontal, then I would move towards my bed, stop above it, and lower down. I had no control as you described but it had the real feeling of an OBE.

This is going to sound bad but if you try to confirm that you are special through these experiences you are going to lead yourself astray. It's hard to fight the feeling of thinking 'this is happening to me for a reason', or in the case of an abduction 'i was selected or chosen'. It sounds harsh but someone pointed it out to me not to long ago and it changed my perspective, and I feel, helped to clarify what I experience. Before I felt like it isolated me in some way but now I feel that anyone is capable, and it made me look at what it means to be a human. How far does the depth of our being go? Perhaps you've thought of these things but I feel that you may be misleading

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous Avatar
Sounds exciting. Too bad they didn't let you remember them. That would be frustrating... such a tease.

Heheh.. if they let them see their true form, the OP's enthusiasm and happiness would've been shattered and turned into fear and terror lol.

I mean, lets assume that aliens are scary looking, some, at least?

[edit on 11/27/2007 by runetang]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
99% of all real out of body experiences are mediated by demons. This is thanks in part to our post christian culture that promotes all kinds of occult activity. You should make an examination of your life to see if you've compromised yourself in this way. Have you ever prayed to statues or goddesses like mother mary? Do you read the horoscope? Have you ever tossed the I-ching or used Tarot cards? Ever used an 8-ball or it's equivalent? Have you ever used a ouija board or have practiced magic? Are you into eastern mediation or yoga? Do you consult gurus, witches, psychics or play a lot of fantasy role playing games? Do you have any cultic artifacts in your house? Say catholic statues, rosary beads, or maybe african masks, paintings etc. Are you into native american spirituality? And finally the big one, do you take drugs? I'm afraid even this list is not comprehensive.

WOW... I am astounded, and we are all doomed!

Find me 100 good men that do not do a single one of these and I will spare Above Top Secret.

"Alas, we cannot find 100 men"

Okay, make it 10 good men, and snappy.

"We cannot find 10 good men, only this old guy with two hot arse daughters... who just so happened to be the nephew or cousin or something of that guy Abe, you know the one we tricked into cutting he and his children's foreskins off? Yeah, umm .. we decided to stay at his house to hide from all the gays, so after you blow the place they'll think we're the only MEN left alive! Hahaha! Men .. what a demotion for some proper motion!"

*God destroys Above Top Secret with fire and brimstone*
(and the Angels never get to be with the daughters, who subsequently think their daddy is the only man left alive. Ahem..)

[edit on 11/27/2007 by runetang]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 10:04 PM
With a post like SevenThunders, it's no wonder why SpeakerOfTruth thought ATS is becoming Anti-Christian.

Anyway, your experience sounds interesting. It's a shame you didn't get a chance to keep your memory, or maybe you were better off with your memory wiped.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 10:09 PM
"What I DO believe is, if there IS sucha thing as alien abduction, you sure as hell wouldn't be posting about it day after u had experienced it. That much I know. "

Your somewhat contradicting yourself. If someone were to believe in lets say the tooth fairy and then lo and behold the damn tooth fairy flies through your window one night, I would not be the least bit surprised if that individual would want to share with the world that he/she is not crazy for believing in (for arguments sake) the tooth fairy, which they witnessed first hand rather than read about. Whether real or not, I believe this experience cofirms RiverGoddesses prior heartfelt convictions on the topic of aliens.

[edit on 27-11-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 10:34 PM
Rivergoddess friend to the rescue!!!

Around what time was this, RiverGoddess???

Because I had a strange occurrence last night when I was trying to go to sleep. I was nowhere asleep yet, though. I actually had just laid down less than a minute previous... it was maybe around 3 or 4am....insomnia sometimes, ya know?..... and I suddenly felt that OBE feeling and it was NOT of my own doing, and it felt like there were presences around me, pulling me. I could hear scampering feet and feel my bedsheets being moved... and I just got really almost PISSED, and I just shouted "LEAVE ME ALONE!" and I used all my force, held onto my body for dear life and flopped outta my bed... and as soon as I did that, everything was fine and normal... except I was a little freaked.

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