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I was abducted last night!!

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posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Tynee
River Godess, please describe the "layers of building material" that you can "smell". i assume there is an attice above your bedroom? explain what you saw as you passed through the ceiling/floor, then the roof of your house.

There is no attic it is a one story flat roof building.....
I saw nothing as I was going through it.
When I started to go through I got the smell of chalk in my nose......and then creosote soaked wood, then tar..........right at the start of the tar smell all senses end. I was smelling/tasting these things, if that makes any sense....and it probably makes no sense at all to people who have no recall of any OOBE events.....

All I can do is give as precise a report of what happened as I can......and thats the best I can do.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Paul the seeker

hope it's not against the rules to ask another member a question here, if it's not the person who opened the discussion. but i just had to ask you if you have any topics on here about your experiences. you sound pretty savvy about alien knowledge. i would like to hear about some of your experiences if you have any.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 05:08 AM
didn't mean to ignore you river goddess. your experience is pretty fascinating as well. something like that would scare me.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 01:57 PM
I believe you River! It's been happening to me since I was a child. You will remember everything that happened someday. If you want to hear what's happened to me (long story) send me a email to [email protected]. They aren't dreams like some people say. How many of you that dis her have had a "dream" of being abducted? And I'm glad you weren't scared.

posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Hi there,

You had an OBE. Most people don't believe in the experience. I have had so many OBE's that I am not sure of how many. I never.....not 1 time ever encountered any ET's, but.....I have encountered some bad spirits. Sometimes really bad ones. I have learned how to control the EXPERIENCE and have come out to play many times. It's actually fun. As long as there isn't any negative energies around.

You explained you're OBE perfectly. Being able to see while you are paralyzed. I call it. BEING ABLE TO SEE WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. Your spirit floats within your shell and you can detach when you are in this state.
It takes some concentration sometimes, but other times you might shoot out like an out of control boom-a-rang. If it ever happens again try to take control and explore around your house. Go through walls, the ceiling and check your insulation, under the house and look at the plumbing as I did these things. The more control the further I would venture. You will never forget any of the OBE's. You can never get lost. All you have to do is think. GO BACK.

Good luck and take care.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

HI RG, I was thinking about this thread and your account last night and I really feel your experience has something important in it.

I think in the dream state, we do travel.

I just wonder if contact with ETs and other 'low flying' LOL energies can come into contact with us whilst in that state? The fact that you were conscious is also important.

Perhaps this kind of stuff, astral or dream state vulnerability happens all the time and yet, we are not conscious of it.

I use the word vulnerable because I believe now, post some of my experiences that traveling in the dream state is haphazard.

Just like life on Earth I guess, good and bad energies everywhere!
It was though, fortunate that you had a positive encounter as many people who come forward with their experiences haven't been so lucky.

Some share they have been abducted whilst awake and were very frightened and traumatised by it.

I am impressed with the dream state and encounters and I sincerely believe you were fortunate to be conscious of something that does happen.


posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:09 PM
last night was HIGH STRANGENESS around my place.....

I do not think I was abducted, but what was happening was SO WEIRD that I thought to post it here as an add on......

At 3:25 am......... I came wide awake.......and layed there wondering why I woke up after checking the 3:30 strange flashes of light were bursting in through my window.......(this freeked me out and I got scared) did NOT look in anyway like a flashlight was a blueish white 3:35 there were 2 big THUMPS that sounded like they were quite close to my bedroom window out in my backyard......this even woke my cat & brought to attention staring at the window with hackles raised. Then a weird hum started, and it sounded like a beehive kinda hum........
So I got up and turned on the lights in the carport that shine in the backyard. I opened the back door and said "Ive already called 911 so you better haul your backside out of here"....then I stepped out into the front yard and looked up in the sky to see if I could see anything, and the hum seemed to be coming from far away.
Then I shut and locked the door and raced to my bedroom window to look out and to listen to see if I heard someone leaving the yard.....but it was silent. It really seemed like noone was back there.
I went to my son's room and checked on him and he was sound asleep.
I left the lights on and went back to bed but it tool till clear past 5am before I fell asleep again......I could NOT sleep until the humming stopped.

I have never experienced strange light flashes like that. It was all just so strange. I am writing this here to record what happened for reference if needed........

It creeped me out and gave me some serious heebie jeebies.

to reply to the above post by Thurisaz...well all you say has serious merrit if one is asleep and dreaming, and I was not asleep nor was I dreaming......:

reply to post by sizzle

Thanks for your interest but this is all I can share.....I have seen oddly moving lights in the sky a couple of times but thats all.

reply to post by vonlevi

I am very well versed in OOBE and the real experience of that phenomenon........
My abduction was not some typical OOBE.....I was being taken.
I was abducted from my room right through the ceiling.
No IDEA why I was so seemingly excited by weird.

[edit on 8-5-2009 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:47 PM
You did not get abducted, I can't believe that if something like this happens automatically people believe they been abducted. It is a natural process in your brain. 90% of all ufo cases are identifyable, abduction cases are even lower, 99% are all normal processes in your brain.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by Diplomat

Clearly you have never had an OOBE. OOBEs are not 'dreams'. Perhaps you should withhold judgement until you actually know what you are talking about through experience.

[edit on 8-5-2009 by Malcram]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by armandomadrigal
You did not get abducted, I can't believe that if something like this happens automatically people believe they been abducted. It is a natural process in your brain. 90% of all ufo cases are identifyable, abduction cases are even lower, 99% are all normal processes in your brain.

Interesting statistics. What are your sources for them?

And what phenomena are you referring to that are "normal processes" in the brain?

Your post is rather vague, although your intent is not.

[edit on 8-5-2009 by Malcram]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 09:06 AM
What an amazing experience, it is a shame that you cannot remember anything other than being taken. I sometimes wonder how many people do not even remember that much. I hope you remember more soon.

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari
What an amazing experience, it is a shame that you cannot remember anything other than being taken. I sometimes wonder how many people do not even remember that much. I hope you remember more soon.

Very true, most of us remember nothing. I remember thoughts in my head with images of a place at the nearest mountain which was about 10mins away from our house when I was younger and images at the time I did not think anything of it and never even knew about ET's or what they were never even thought about that at a young age but looking back I clearly remember these vivid thoughts and images in my head and a strong feeling of having to go to these places at that mountain.

I did go many times but I remember nothing else of it. The only thing I remember that I believe now was unlocked so I'm able to remember at my age was an incident when I was living in my parents home staying in the basement. I was asleep and then awaken in paralysis unable to move with little figures at my bed side but I can barely even remember what they looked like only that they were small and I could not move then I remember blacking out. The memory feels like it could be a dream but it is clear, then I remember fighting or struggling with something probably out of fear those are clear memories that I could never deny happened and I believe to be real encounters. If only I could remember more. I do remember flying or being taken out past my parents window above my room and looking into their window it feels so real in my memories.

[edit on 8-5-2009 by ET_MAN]

posted on May, 8 2009 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

I remember when i had my first beer.
The exact same thing happened to me.

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