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Why is the World so Screwed Up; Part 0.1

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posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 10:59 PM
Why is the World so Screwed Up; Part 0.1

Control Mechanisms?
The elite, i.e. the 10%, who own 90% of the worlds resources have put forth certain control mechanisms. The first being economic control. Example; If the majority of the population is primarily concerned with economic survival, they will not pay attention to what we do.

The Elite
We the elite can and will not give a rats right testicle, that the lower classes can;
1. Survive.
2. Exist without our control.
3. Have freedom of thought.

We the elite discourage the following;
1. We want you to believe that you want what we advertise.
2. We want you to parrot the so called facts we give you.
3. We want to be able to tell you what to think and not teach you how to think.
4. We will encourage gender war.
5. We will encourage racial war.
6. Hell we will encourage any war that destabilizes society.

1. We have been coerced by the almighty power of government to indoctrinate the children of thi great country or countries to:
a: Take your vaccinations
b: Believe Thy Teacher
c: Love Thy Government, No matter what.

The current economic system is a pile of lies. I can say this with Conviction, As a student of economics for six years of my adult life, with qualifications, the current system world-wide is a fraud. Do your own research and you will find that the minority controls the majority through DEBT and fluctuating interest rates and inflation which are both inventions of the fraudulent FIAT system.

I can see that “the powers that be, through their corrupt media sources “(Murdoch, Turner etc)” have launched a war against anything that can make a normal person happy. Watch FOX news or CNN for more than 15 minutes and you will be depressed.

Want for something?
We always want more. Why do we always want more? ADVERTISING ADVERTISING, PRODUCT PLACEMENT, MAIN STREAM MEDIA. To look at this plague that has infested mankind, advertising is the worst. This is a ideology that wishes the general public, you and me? To by stuff that you or I do not need. All in All advertising is BS (emphasis in the BS)

War is BS as it makes out lords and masters, (the elite) tm. All that the powers that be care about is power and profit. Which are really detrimental to the survival of the human race.

Any Ideology must stand up to scrutiny by its intellectual peers and be subject to non peer review to be able to say that yes my peers agree or disagree with me, but my non-peers also agree or disagree with me. As the term peer is vague in its meaning.

[edit on 24-11-2007 by djaybeetoo]

[edit on 24-11-2007 by djaybeetoo]

[edit on 24-11-2007 by djaybeetoo]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 11:58 PM
I would say you're pretty much right on all points.

Question is... what are we going to do about it?

Are we going to scream and yell at THEM to do it another way? Do you think they'll ever listen? I don't think so.


From the ground up we're going to have to devour their control structure like an immune system reaction to a parasite attacking the body.

We can:

Develop and implement independent energy technologies. Wind, solar, free, etc.

Plant our own gardens, set up farmer's markets, community trade centers.

Use community currencies, like Ithaca Hours (google it) to pay less taxes and keep money local.

Turn off the damn TV. That's the brainwash box.

I'm convinced we're only going to make change fromt the ground up. We will destroy the foundation of their control structure, and their tower of babel will fall.


posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 12:05 AM
the world is so screwed up for several reasons.

1. is the democrats and leberals, this is first and for most.
2. is that no body cares about anything but them selves. and who cares right.
3. why does it matter if no one realy cares.

but thats just my take on it all.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by dionysius9

Turn off the damn TV. That's the brainwash box.

Give that man a cigar.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
1. is the democrats and leberals, this is first and for most.

Har har! "Liberals" and "Conservatives" are totally meaningless terms these days.

They have become caricatures of themselves, put up for the rubes to throw rotten fruit at. "Both" sides screw you, until you decide which kind of screwing you can put up with...then you join that side and POW! They have you, believing 50% of the lies...which is all that is required.

There is no difference whatsoever between the democrats and the republicans.

There is no difference whatsoever between Ann Coulter and Michael Moore.

There is no difference whatsoever between ABC and Fox.

Stop believing their lies.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:15 AM
There are those in power, and those they control. Nothing else exists.

Those in power you might call "Republicans". Republicans created Democrats to give the people the illusion that they have a choice.

The machine motors on.

Get off the crazy train.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by dionysius9

Those in power you might call "Republicans". Republicans created Democrats to give the people the illusion that they have a choice.

And vice-versa.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by The Good Reverend Roger

There is no difference whatsoever between ABC and Fox.

Stop believing their lies.

i honestly cant tell you the last time i watched the news. heck i dont even own a tv. i for have better things to do with my time.

i do how ever listen to the radio, and i try to hear both sides. i listen to rush, glen, and npr.

as for republicans creating democrats. not but just a century a go democrats were conservists and republicans would have been more liberal, look it up.

btw there is a reason the democratic symbol is an ass....

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 10:54 AM
The world is effed and always will be effed.

There's nothing we or you or we can do about it.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by DaleGribble

i do how ever listen to the radio, and i try to hear both sides. i listen to rush, glen, and npr.

You may as well jump in the sty with the piggies, dude.

Originally posted by DaleGribble
as for republicans creating democrats. not but just a century a go democrats were conservists and republicans would have been more liberal, look it up.

Common knowledge, and you are totally missing the point.

Originally posted by DaleGribble
btw there is a reason the democratic symbol is an ass....

Let me believe the politicians on "your side" are somehow angelic, or at least somehow better than the politicians on "their side", right?

Well, I have this oceanfront property in Arizona for sale, see...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by TheoOne
The world is effed and always will be effed.

There's nothing we or you or we can do about it.

Then why did you bother making that post?

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 12:53 PM

you are 100% correct.

It's not that i believe you but i did my research and come up with this.

i wonder how much longer it takes till people become aware of the matrix they're living in. It's so horrible.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Paul the seeker
i wonder how much longer it takes till people become aware of the matrix they're living in. It's so horrible.

Or hilarious. Depends how you look at it.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by The Good Reverend Roger
Then why did you bother making that post?

Then why did you bother making that post?

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by The Good Reverend Roger

Originally posted by Paul the seeker
i wonder how much longer it takes till people become aware of the matrix they're living in. It's so horrible.

Or hilarious. Depends how you look at it.

The question is,

are you able to believe it,

or just one of billions of human beings INBOXED in their small horizons.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
the world is so screwed up for several reasons.

1. is the democrats and leberals, this is first and for most.
2. is that no body cares about anything but them selves. and who cares right.
3. why does it matter if no one realy cares.

but thats just my take on it all.

I agree DaleGribble

One of the reasons the world is so ****ed up is because it is filled with morons.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:36 PM

The only way to improve the world is through education.

Educating public is important, too...

[edit on 25-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:43 PM
I prefer to be succinct, but this site precludes it.

My answer to this question is: G R E E D

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Paul the seeker

Originally posted by The Good Reverend Roger

Originally posted by Paul the seeker
i wonder how much longer it takes till people become aware of the matrix they're living in. It's so horrible.

Or hilarious. Depends how you look at it.

The question is,

are you able to believe it,

or just one of billions of human beings INBOXED in their small horizons.

Oh, believe it. I am a misanthrope. This is all very funny to me.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 02:19 PM
Democrats, aren't the problem, Republicans aren't the problem, Liberals aren't the problem, Conservatives aren't the problem, None of these entities are the problem here in the States, and similar parties throughout the world aren't the problem.

These sides are nothing more then a distraction created by those who really run the show, to keep our minds occupied on meaningless BS which shouldn't even be being debated in the first place as such things in general are personal beliefs which always seem to limit the freedom and liberty of another person, this is wrong....

The problem is when we take our personal beliefs and force them on free men through law, the thing is when you force such beliefs on someone through law, they are no longer free men...

The problem is no one understands this simple concept of , unless someone is violating your individual rights as a free man, Then what they Say, Do, Own, or believe, is none of your business, and no one has the right to force any of such things upon you through law nor do they have the right to restricts such things.

If everyone could grasp this simple concept the world would be a much better place. unfortunately people are to caught up with telling others who they can and can not love, What they can and cannot own, What they can and cannot say, Or what religion they should or should not practice.

Mind your own business people.....

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