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Am I being plauged by demons?

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posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove
Darxide, if everything you are saying is the truth, let me try to offer my advice. In the Bible in Acts, the seven sons os Sceva tried to excercise demons. They all nearly got killed. Why, because while they feared jesus they were not afraid of them. So I'll ask if you ever asked Jesus to forgive your sins an save you. Is Jesus your savior and Lord. If so, then what you have done is dangerous. What you need to do is renounce what you did and ask Jesus to deliver you from their evil power. It may also be a good to have others pray for you in Jesus name. If you are not a Christian, you have no power against them at all. To have that power you need to ask Jesus to save you, and forgive you. When episodes come, you need to keep filling your mind with prayer asking Jesus to save you. He will, but you will have to just keep giving it all to Him and He will save you. To understand Jesus, may I suggest a read of the Gospel of John? I hope you turn to Jesus and finally get delivered once and for all.

Typical "read your bible" crap. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that the bible will help you with a mental condition... none..

If your not faking it a doctor would probably be your first logical choice. The Bible can be used as a mind control device anyway, prayer may just make you think that you are more bad off than you really are....

Find a doctor and dont open yourself to this religious mumbo jumbo...Demons are only in your mind not outside of it.

[edit on 25-11-2007 by luxor311]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Darxide

i don't know - to me it looks more like a goat than a wolf - but your choice.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 05:58 AM
ditto (see below)

[edit on 26/11/07 by chutso_ha]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by luxor311

I don't think you need to bash someone's belief system in order to make your point.

Personally, I got some demons attached to me once through the ouija board, and things got so bad for me, I called on Jesus. At the time, I believed in Jesus, and it worked for me. But the power of belief is strong in and of itself. Now, I don't believe in the Jesus story as told in the bible, but I think it is more than possible that a great man of that time did attain christhood, and perhaps calling on the name of Jesus is like a hyperlink to Office of Christ, which is real, and any spiritist or channeler will confirm that. I definitely believe in the powers of Christ - so you could try calling on Christ.

Take it or leave it, but that is what I would do if I were you, and from personal experience, I can tell you it helped me out of a dark, dark hole.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Darxide

Look. I didn't want to say anything at first, but now that the cat is out of the bag, and you say you have black outs and maybe a split personality, it sounds like classic satanic mind-control. if you don't know what that is, check out Springmeier for more details (can do a google) or go to (he's got material on this). If you have missing time and stuff like that, it is serious.

good luck.


posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 06:15 AM
Heh. I used to dabble in black magick and so forth. I still get annoyed every once in a while by a few spirits that are bored. They aren't demons. REAL demons have 6.7 billion other people to torment. They won't spend so much time on one person. Someone elses post holds true. They do not service you, you service them. I could never get rid of them. I have been to psychiatrists and been medicated for multiple Schizo disorders. They don't work. By all means, do NOT turn to God. It was his fault that these things can even torment you. Your best defense is yourself. Study some psionics and learn to raise psionic shields around you and people you love. Once they learn they can no longer harm you or the people around you, they will leave.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 07:04 AM
Dear Darxide,

I really feel for you which is why I'm posting this reply. Last year I began to have very similar experiences to yourself. It began at a festival when I smoked some cannabis, and basically my experience was that an entitiy or entities began to move me around - literally control my body - and they could move my head around and in so doing spell out words for me - fortunately, unlike you I never experienced any visual or auditory hallucinations. I understand why other respondents may be skeptical of your experiences - but when the 'entities' communicating with you can tell you things about the real world - that is, the consensual reality that everyone else experiences, I find that arguments for mere mental illness cannot accurately describe the whole picture. The sciences simply do not have all the answers in this terrain. The entities inside me also 'told' me some things that were going to happen - for example they said that if I went to Leeds (UK) to see my friend I'd end up in a prison cell - at the time I though it was just metaphorical - but the next morning - sure enough, I was being interviewed in a cell in a police station after my best friend had been arrested for jumping up and down on a car shouting 'I am nature I am nature!'. They told me where people were, and what would happen if I did certain things. Initially I welcomed what was happening. BUt then I began to be afraid - and as soon as fear set inthe experience began to change too. If you want to know the details you can ask me, basically in the end I went to a medical doctor and was prescribed antipsychotics (Seroquel). However although these managed to end the panic ( as they are mood stabilisers), I have continued to experience the entities' control to a certain extent. The ways that I can use to minimise the experience of them are as follows: Be happy - maximise stuff that keeps you, as it were, in the light - like hanging out with your girlfriend - my boyfriend helped alot. Concentrate on feeling positive emotions towards others as well as yourself. If I experience strong negative mood I can begin to have possession experiences again. Stay healthy in body - eat well, sleep well, minimize any alcohol and drug consumption- get outside and play. Be gentle with yourself. Go to the doctor if it will make you feel like you are taking a positive step forward. And last but not least focus your mind as much as is possible on the consensual reality - spend time with other people who take you out of that spirit domain. As for religiosity - for me there is simply no doubt that there is a God - I may have started out as a firm atheist (it's the norm to be so in Britain) but since around 4 years ago my reality began to change, and now there's no going back. However, if prayer makes you more aware of the reality that you are trying to avoid then do not engage in it at present - but try to trust that if you ask enough and want enough to stay in this reality then you will be guided back here. I promise you there is enough magic in this reality for all of us! YOu don't nned whatever it is you think they might offer you. Despite still feeling on occasion that there are other entities inside me, if I ignore them they seem to have no power, and i believe that one day it will no longer occur. I have heard that some people get lost out there - so I hope really hope that you will be okay and can come back. All my love and good wishes and prayers if you would like them to you, from Jessica

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 01:52 PM
From Luxor311: "Typical "read your bible" crap. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that the bible will help you with a mental condition... none.."

The trouble with people who say such things is their lack of understanding. It would be ok though if I talked like everyone else and mentioned nothing of God or Jesus, no, can't possibly help right? Well, I gave my opinion for what it's worth, in spite of some who choose to spew hatred of christians out there simply because they refer to spiritual matters in terms of God, the devil, angels, demons. Luxor311 chooses to believe it's all in the imagination, but you won't hear me slamming him for his belief though I hardly agree with it. He'll just go on with the hate without any logic behind it except for prejudice.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 03:21 PM
Ok I'm back with good news and bad news the good news is my girlfriend, and everyone I know are praying for me... the bad news is the problem is getting worse, whatever they are they think it's funny to mess with me while I'm sleeping, I woke up this morning with my socks on my hands, and blood seeping through them, but when I checked for wounds I had none...

Anyway now to answer questions...

interestedalways- I summoned them from a cemetary a few towns over, maybe you've heard of it Peck Cemetary in Illinois... and I summoned them, because I was kinda rebelling against religion then... and I can't remember what they called it I'll call the doctor tomarrow and ask...

Fromabove- I already asked Jesus back into my heart, and it's not really helping much right now...

Luxor331- I've already been to a doctor, and I'm taking medicine for whatever it is they diagnosed me with...

Chutso_ha- A goat?!?! And I like the little pun even if it was on accident (the cat is out of the bag), and I don't really think I need a shrink right now I think I need prayer...

Deadangel23- I have attempted psionics before and I can't seem to get the hang of it I always mess up...

Jess27- Thank you and I would like to know the details if you don't mind, and I have been spending mass amounts of time with my girlfriend the last couple days because I fear I might not be here much longer...

Anyway thank all of you for your support and wish me luck as I continue to find a way out of this...

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by deadangel23

agreed - one cannot get rid of them, one must find ways to transform the situation as it exists.

apparently these beings mark your bioplasmic body with a poltergeist material that they can use to come into and out of at will. these "bottomfeeders", as one poster called them, are around us all the time, anyway.

the best cure is to NOT fear them. the only sovereignty they have over you is the one you consciously or unconsciously give to them; learn to seal your energy; stay in service-to-other (STO), rather than the frequency of STS (because these entities exist on that frequency). just change the channel. use love and a positive attitude consistently and with integrity. if you do this, they will get bored of you eventually. but be aware, they will always keep tabs on you.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by jess27

jess, i just wanted to say - well said.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 07:15 PM
Hey Darxide, there has been some good advice here. The problem with mere banishing is that once gone, if there's nothing to fill the void, it seems to me they just come back to the same hole they left behind. The gospel of John is a good start in reading but Matthew has more to say about demons. If you read a chapter a day, that'll give a steady way of reading and thinking rather than plowing through the whole book in one sitting.

The prayers from friends, family, and people here are also a good start. The reason why things are getting worse, quite frankly, is because they don't want to leave. They want to try to show you that it's not working to get you to stop. It's like fighting a virus. It's holding on and multiply while our body is trying to destroy it.

I agree your avatar has some very connected connotations to the current problem.

As you mentioned in your first post, you'd opened a doorway some time ago. Now it's time to shut it for good. It's something only you can do, but I'd be glad to walk along with you on how if you'd like to U2U me.

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 11:36 AM
Dear darxide - you asked me for details, and I am not sure what to say. There was a time when I was unable to sleep, my heart would pound when I was in bed alone and every creak that the room made my mind would translate as being a potential attack by a spirit entity. Sometimes I was struck dumb. Sometimes I was unable to do anything other than follow the movements of what I felt was inside me - one night that happened when I was in town and I just called a cab cos I had to get out of there - it was that night that I decided that despite my reservations I would take the drugs that the shrink had prescribed. At times there were no other sentient beings in the universe except for me - I had what psychiatrists call 'delusions of reference' when every thing in the environment is a signal of some sort. Sometimes I felt there was no connection between me any other mind - only me and the universal mind. This is very difficult to describe - I'm sorry if what I'm saying doesn't make much sense... But there were also shafts of light - like I was on a train and my body felt like it was on fire and I didn't know how I was going to make it home (this was after it had just turned bad) and I felt something inside me say look (not a voice just a prompt) and I opened my eyes and in front of me was a small dog with beautiful eyes. It came and sat with me and I began to feel a bit better. At last I got the strength to get up from where I was crouching in the carriage and sit on a seat. I asked the owner the Dog's name and he said 'She's called Angel'.

I don't know if the details of what happened to me are helpful to you though. As others have said it is the fear you must fight - you must believe that they - or it -or your mind or whatever it is that creates these things cannot hurt you. One really clever way to do this is to absolutely concentrate on the fears and worries of others - ask people about their lives - consider other people's concerns and misfortunes and wrap yourself up in them - elevate the mundane in your mind - that was one of the first steps that I made away from it - my family were completely useless - they told me to just pull myself together! But in a sense that helped because I had to just concentrate on what they were thinking about - mundane normal issues. It was really really hard - the other experiences I was having were so compelling - so distracting - how could I dwell on anything else? But over days and weeks and months I think it helped. As chutso_ha said stay in service to others - I remember realising that that helped and being utterly amazed by it - if I had the strength to shift into that mode then I was flying - they couldn't touch me. After all if you have no desires no needs and care nothing for yourself, only for others... if you care nothing for whether you live or die, nothing for your physical self - how can they hurt you? What is inside me cannot make me afraid. It will not make me afraid. I am too happy to be afraid! Try not to elevate what is happening to you - instead elevate the mundane - normal life is #ing great! Food and TV and school and mum and dad and friends and pets and silliness and throwing a ball around and reading wonderful books and finally writing tht novel you've been meaning to start on or whatever. It's all good. Love, Jess

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 11:41 AM
Sorry I forgot to say if you want details perhaps we can talk about it somewhere else - but I don't know how to do that on this thing as I'm not too computer literate - or rather am not used to this website - I really stumbled across your post by accident and I only signed up because I felt moved to respond to your post.

Best wishes, Jess

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 11:44 AM
Oh and thank you for your acknowledgement chutso_ha! Best wishes, Jess

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by jess27

Sure - you've given wonderful advice - very concise and realistic and it touched me deeply reading it; you are right on every level, and I hope he follows your advice.



posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 03:24 PM
Ok I'm back with more, while I was at school they started messing with me again so I asked the teacher if I could go to the counciler, and as I was walking I instead decided not to go to the counciler so I snuck into the locker room and called the school from my cell claiming to be my GF's dad, I asked them to let her leave early and they did so we met up outside of the school and went back to where it all started... The Cemetary, the second I walked into it I felt a rise in tempeture so much so that I had to take my coat off... anyway when we found the grave I used as the 'portal' we scrubed the marks I made off and called out whatever was messing with me, shortly after we called it out we heard movment in the woods surrounding the cemetary, she got kinda creeped out at that point, so I started hugging her and we prayed for roughly 10 min. and after we were done I felt like their pressence had been lifted from me, but the thing is I heard the voice as we left and it said "12 will cross, but 9 will fall." Do you guys know what it means, cause me and her have been trying to decode it and we have nothin...

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Darxide

I don't know the meaning of that message. I'd guess that it has something to do with crossing a threashhold or boundary. Hopefully it means that you are now lighter in number (as to those elements or beings who are attaching to you).

But I am not an expert in these matters. Just listen to the advice on these pages and you'll get out of this hole IF you want. And I still think you need to change the avatar.

Best to you,

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 02:33 PM
Evil spirits and demons will make your life miserable, I strongly advise everybody to not even speak their names.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:34 PM
Well, IMO, I don't think you're lying. Somebody who puts some fake post on this site must have waaay too much time on their hands. When you mentioned the mutilated cat, the first thing that jumped into my mind was some sort of alien phenomena. Since I live in Utah, I've been looking a lot at this "Utah: The New Area 51" website and there have been lots of reports of cat mutilations such as the one you described, even pictures. Eww. Also, I know that sometimes when things of demonic nature are toyed with, that they don't just go away on their own. They usually stick around. I don't have any advice as to how to get rid of these things, but just know that although you may have changed, that doesn't mean they'll just go away.

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