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Am I being plauged by demons?

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posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 09:34 PM
Ok I'm new here and I admit to being a skeptic on most things but something wierd is going on in my life right now and I need your help finding out what it is... anyway heres the story.

A few years ago I lost faith and turned to the darkness for a while, not like Satan worshipping darkness or anything just I didn't really belive anymore, so I started messing around with old rituals I found online (Summoning 'demons'/'ghosts', etc.) and recently with the help of a girl that I belive I love I have stopped all of that, but the last few weeks I have been hearing voices and seeing things that would make even Chuck Norris **** himself, at first I thought I was going crazy but that was before the voices started telling me certain things, and what they told me started coming true...

(Example) I was having a hard time at school with a teacher and the voices told me that on the 18th of November she would fall and break her ankle I went to school on the 19th just to find out that she couldn't come to the school for a month because she broke her ankle falling down the stairs on her way out of the school, the same day she gave me an F on a paper that was 100% correct (I checked with a friend he had the same answers and got an A+)

If it means anything the day she got hurt I showed Extreme anger towards her for the F I got. Now could someone please tell me whats going on, these are some theories I have...

The demon(s) I may have summoned still think they are in my service.
I'm going crazy.
I'm having premonitions that are being 'told' to me by a split personallity.

Please help, I have a bad feeling someone else is going to get hurt by whatever it is, and I don't want the girl I love to be hurt by the mistakes I made in the past...

I almost forgot the creature(s) I am seeing are about as big a small child with lavendar colored skin, long white hair, cat like features (Face, Ears, Limbs, Tail), and stand upright... I'd estimate their around 2-4 ft tall...

[edit on 24-11-2007 by Darxide]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:26 AM
if you want the voices to stop address the voice and say "i rebuke you in the name of god, and ask to be cleansed in the blood of christ" i have cured 4 skitzos that way and yes you probably did summon some demon or something which i wouldnt doubt but remember you service the demons they dont service you, in life there is give and take, and they take more than they give ill tell you that.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:11 PM
Um... thanks for tryin to help but I think I just pissed them off, I told them "By all that is holy, and by the power of God return to Hell!" then everything just went silent I couldn't hear cars go by or anything, then out of nowhere I heard a very loud distinct ringing in my ears and I lost all feeling in my body, and fell to the ground, it took me like 5 min. but I eventually got feeling back in my body, so the second I did I started running, anyway I really need help before this gets out of control, and someone close to me gets hurt...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:26 PM
Sorry but the majority of your issues our in your head. You are in a state of fear which you brought on by thinking that you were able to summon ghosts or demons....well I have news for you. They only exist in your mind. If it continues to torment you seek professional help. NOT some minister wacko that says your possessed by the devil and jesus will drive him out. Thats bs. A psychologist is your first start. You mind believes what you tell it to...not some demon.

P.S. by reading your posts your probably joking anyway.........??

[edit on 25-11-2007 by luxor311]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:45 PM
I realize I sound like I'm kidding but I tend to joke when I'm nervous, like when I tried to 'banish' the demons or whatever I chose those lines because I was nervous, I wasn't sure if they were real, and I wanted to try and envoke them to show themselves... I was curious on what they were and I wanted to ask them a few questions... anyway please help I've been searching online and the only thing I found was to call them out then seal them within somthing... I'm not gonna try that though unless I hear positive feedback about it...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Darxide

If you are serious, I would fervently pray with great intent to understand and rise above the situation. ask for protection and ask to be guided to learn your lesson in safety. You can tell when you've been heard, because you can feel it in your body afterward. For me, I feel a fluttering in the solar plexus area and then I feel clearer and lighter afterward. i would seal my energy, too, at least twice a day.

Sleeper seems to know something of these entities - maybe you could post the question in his thread.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 06:50 PM
Do you mind giving the link? And I need something fast because I just found a dead cat in my backyard, and it's missing it's paws... I'll take pics if you want but it's kinda gruesome, reminds me of a movie I saw a while back "In The Woods"... anyway If I do take pics it'll be a few days till I can post 'em up, anyway hope Ya'll have strong stomaches... that is if you wanna see it...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:02 PM
Get some sweetgrass and burn it letting the smoke filter through the house. Say a prayer from the heart asking for G-d for forgiveness. Be sure to mean it because your next prayer to remove them will not work. Next you say a prayer for the negative forces to leave your life. Everything will be right as rain.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:27 PM
Personally I don't want to see the pics of the cat mutilated.

Besides it would open the door for people to wonder if you did it yourself. I don't think you did, but ya know what I mean?

If these things you speak of are happening it sounds very serious and scary. I also wonder why you think "they" would hurt the people you care about. With the teacher it seems she treated you badly whereas the people you love did not.

If in fact these things are happening I would go to any length to undo it. I wish I knew how to undo it, if I did I would tell you.

Keep us posted as to how this plays out.

I do believe that something could be summoned, that is why I don't go anywhere near the realms where "other" entities reside. No way.

I am sure it can be undone, just not sure how. Don't give up.

Edit for grammer

[edit on 25-11-2007 by interestedalways]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Darxide
so I started messing around with old rituals I found online (Summoning 'demons'/'ghosts', etc.)
[edit on 24-11-2007 by Darxide]

Try undoing it.


[edit on 25-11-2007 by x-phile]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:40 PM
The reason I'm afraidthey will hurt someone I love is I have a very short temper and I almost broke a guys nose for grabbing my girlfriends ass, so I'm afraid I might accidently get mad at someone I love for something small and then they get hurt by whatever it is thats messing with my life...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Darxide

you need to get a grip on your emotions. these beings that are using you are totally feeding off of your fear and anger and guilt, etc.

also, think about changing your avatar. that might help ;-)

[edit on 25/11/07 by chutso_ha]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by chutso_ha
reply to post by Darxide

you may think about changing your avatar. that might help ;-)

I agree, it does look pretty creepy.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:54 PM
Me? My avatar means Loyal Wolf Dragon (long story), and it also represents my redemption from darkness... The wolf represents me, and the white of it represents god, and the black represents the darkness left inside of me... It's pretty much my life story in an avatar...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Darxide

Sounds like there is a lot going on.
The episode after you said, "By all that is holy, and by the power of God return to Hell!", sounds a lot like epilepsy. There are types that show the same symptoms: loud ringing, numbness, etc.
My suggestions are to to to a spiritual advisor (ie. priest, minister, nun, rabbi, mullah, etc) and get their advice. I would also tell them about the episode and see what their thought are and PLEASE seek help with the control over your anger, jealousy, guilt, etc.

I can help as much as I can, but i am not there as you experience this. All I can do from here is advise you and give you moral support.

Good luck

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 08:03 PM
I strongly appreciate all of your support and help... I still haven't found anything that works, but I won't stop untill these voices, and creatures are gone for good...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Darxide
Me? My avatar means Loyal Wolf Dragon (long story), and it also represents my redemption from darkness... The wolf represents me, and the white of it represents god, and the black represents the darkness left inside of me... It's pretty much my life story in an avatar...

I apologize for saying it looked creepy. I suppose that was judgemental and narrow minded of me. Just had that baphomet look upon first glance.

I seems like earlier you mentioned something about a split personality. What do you mean by that? It sounds more internal than external in that context.

The demon(s) I may have summoned still think they are in my service.
I'm going crazy.
I'm having premonitions that are being 'told' to me by a split personallity.

Where did you summon them from? Why did you do it? I wish you the best in solving your issues.

[edit on 25-11-2007 by interestedalways]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 08:22 PM
Well a while back I had blackouts often and while I remembered nothing my friends claimed I acted like a completly different person like I was menacing and violent... I went to the doctor and they gave me some pills for it and I'm still taking those pills, and as far as I know I havn't had any blackouts since... so I guess its under control... anyway I've got to go for tonight hopefully I'll find somthing tomarrow...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 08:26 PM
Why did the doctors give you pills for blackouts? What did they diagnose?

Take it easy and hope your night is okay.

Keep us posted.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:14 PM
Darxide, if everything you are saying is the truth, let me try to offer my advice. In the Bible in Acts, the seven sons os Sceva tried to excercise demons. They all nearly got killed. Why, because while they feared jesus they were not afraid of them. So I'll ask if you ever asked Jesus to forgive your sins an save you. Is Jesus your savior and Lord. If so, then what you have done is dangerous. What you need to do is renounce what you did and ask Jesus to deliver you from their evil power. It may also be a good to have others pray for you in Jesus name. If you are not a Christian, you have no power against them at all. To have that power you need to ask Jesus to save you, and forgive you. When episodes come, you need to keep filling your mind with prayer asking Jesus to save you. He will, but you will have to just keep giving it all to Him and He will save you. To understand Jesus, may I suggest a read of the Gospel of John? I hope you turn to Jesus and finally get delivered once and for all.

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