posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 08:36 PM
Originally posted by khunmoon
originally RedGolem
I hope this is the real deal also. From what I read in the article this has over come several technology hurdles.
Yes, they are confronting the biggest hurdle of them all: Big Oil!
IF this tech is sound they'll be bought out of business in an instance and we won't hear further about this for the next 20 years.
This is probably what has already happened.....
But this idea's time has come and it is reaching a critical mass....
And i think the reason this is so is that the writting is on the wall for oil as a power source...I.E it will run out in our life times....
So they can not kill this idea now it is too late......
But there is always scope for creating monopolies...
I.E. if you cant beat em join em....
The same people will simply jump ship when the time is right....
Buy up the solar companies (if they dont already have a stake) and work on creating a manopoly here.....
They will probably employ strategies like with every increase in efficiency building in diminishing lifespan so that you will have to replace your
cells periodically at great expense...
Or your goverments will tax them and you will bleed that way.
No they will not kill this idea......
Zero point ---- that they would kill....
This idea still involves wall papering the whole roof of your house with very expensive cells that will only last for a limited time....
There is still much scope to create monopoly here.