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Nanosolar's Breakthrough - Solar Now Cheaper than Coal

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posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 04:32 PM
Does anyone know if this will cause any more military bases in the US to switch over?
That link shows that the Nellis area will be partly solar powered with the older tech. Do you think that they know about this company and may want to add to this project?

I think this is a great idea and I hope they aren't bought out or shut down by any greedy people. I hope this is what they say it is. I'm so ready to go solar and get away from paying a monthly bill for something that I can get for free if the tech is available.

Great thread

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 05:14 PM
found 2 animations on this page here:

I wonder about the efficiency (=how many precent of the incomming light energy it converts into electrical energy) of this solar cell.
Couldn't find a number. This is importand so you can calculate how much area you have to cover for a certain electrical energy output.

Is it less or equal the todays solar cell efficiencies?
(10% the one that are produced, 20% in labors)

[edit on 24-11-2007 by g210b]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 05:20 PM
It sounds wonderful, but so do the world lotteries I've won, the millions from some South African bank I can get for only a few thousand dollars, etc.

Something this world-shaking should be front page news and on every TV news program. It would be great but until I see more documentation, I'll just figure it's another Internet scam to get people to invest in a get rich quick con job.


posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 05:41 PM
This is, indeed, good news...but I'm not sure how good. On the up-side, I don't think 'Big Oil' will be buying these folks out...not because Google is in a position to play 'White Knight' against a hostile takeover, but because reduced demand for bunker-grade oil to run power plants and home/business heating oil will mean that more crude can be turned into things that are much more profitable (aviation fuels, plastics, and Premium Unleaded).

On the down-side, I'm skeptical of their ability to hold their prices. If their manufacturing plant can't keep up with demand, that dirt-cheap price is going go up...possibly way up.

They're also going to face all of the traditional problems of solar power...areas with lots of overcast days are obviously not going to see the same benefit from solar as, say, Arizona and New Mexico. Setting that aside, are these cells tough enough to stand up to hail? Heavy lateral winds? If not, 'tornado alley' in the Midwest isn't going to be the best of markets, either.

No, I don't mean to sound like a perpetual pessimist...more of a realist. I don't think the energy problem has a 'silver bullet' solution. This technology could be a huge help, but even if it lives up to its billing, it's not a total solution.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 06:29 PM
It's pretty fantastic news if you ask me.
I'd love to see it implemented as well; I just have a hard time believing I'll see it in happen on a large scale in my life time.
And hell, I haven't even reached twenty yet.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 06:54 PM
All very hopeful. This manufacturing plant is going in across the bay from me. I've known about it for a year or so. Hoping a friend will work there so I can get in on it soon.

Remember, as oil prices go up so will manufacturing of real goods. So the price-per watt was based on what date and what price a barrel of oil was?

I'm waiting also for Over Unity, or Zero Point tech. I actually did the patent illustrations and 3D animations for some ZP devices that are currently being tested in the Nanotechnology Labs at Colorado State University. DARPA was almost going to fund that. No results yet that I know of. I just did the illustrations and know the physicists, but not privy to any news.

We need to understand that even if we had a working high efficiency source of energy it would take decades to fully retrofit our energy infrastructure in the U.S. only. The thousands of new engineering problems alone would buffer any rapid implementation. So, the sooner, the better.


posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 07:20 PM
This would be the greatest thing since sliced bread if I can go to my local building supply store and buy some panels without stopping at the bank for a second mortgage.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 08:13 PM
What happens to my child when he inhales a nano solar cell?

Sri Oracle

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 09:02 PM
As another poster mentioned, watch Big Oil swoop in under the cover of darkness and don't be surprised if Big Auto is at their side to buy up or squash out this threat to their world dependent domination.

Few people know about how GM and other car companies snapped up all of the leased electric cars and crushed them all because they worked too well and required almost zero maintenance or replacement parts. To top it off the second generation battery cells that would increase efficiency to 200+ miles on a charge were buried as the patent and ownership rights of said batteries was sold to, you guessed it! Big Oil! The guy that invented these long range batteries sold the rights to them to GM under the impression that they were going to put them in the second generation electric cars. Now, what would a big oil company need with car battery patents?

Now the auto makers come out with these Sheethole "hybrids" that increase "gas" mileage by 4 or 5 miles more per gallon! I absolutely love these new car commercials that show how great hybrids are and promising a future of alternative fuels once again using the word "soon". I'd like to have a dollar for every time I heard that "soon" crap! The sad part is that half of America never knew these "full electric" cars existed and the car companies have done their darnedest to see that the other half of the country will forget they ever saw them. Now Toyota will be introducing their new hydrogen fueled leases next year at $600.00 per moth. Or at least they claim! Lets see what happens to that promise.

I don't mean to be pessimistic but big oil and big auto are going to go to any length to keep us dependent on oil until the last drop is pumped out of the earth! That's millions of dollars worth of petroleum products and car parts! You think they are going to give in?!

Heck! They won't even promote propane powered engines that cost all of $200.00 to switch a car over because propane cost less and makes cars run much cooler with much less friction and more lubrication. This in turn makes engine parts last indefinitely.

Oh no! They'll find a way to stomp this down as well! Rant out!

[edit on 24-11-2007 by jbondo]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by jbondo

I wish it were just as simple as the monopolies buying out patents. Indeed there are a lot of energy patents that have expired and are in the public domain. There is some good technology out there. Unfortunately the energy companies are so powerful they can afford to hire private armies, they have obtained quasi governmental authority and they can hurt you if necessary. They especially like to wait until you build out your manufacturing and then raid your plant and confiscate everything. Most can't recover from the capital loss.

[edit on 24-11-2007 by SevenThunders]

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
As another poster mentioned, watch Big Oil swoop in under the cover of darkness and don't be surprised if Big Auto is at their side to buy up or squash out this threat to their world dependent domination.

Originally posted by SevenThunders

Unfortunately the energy companies are so powerful they can afford to hire private armies, they have obtained quasi governmental authority and they can hurt you if necessary. They especially like to wait until you build out your manufacturing and then raid your plant and confiscate everything. Most can't recover from the capital loss.

Links plz?

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
Let me know when you or anyone you know buys some. I am getting tired of these miraculous solar claims, only to find that you just can't get your hands on any of it. I feel like a carrot is being dangled in front of my face.

This is an interesting post for me to read, and I'd like to hear more.

I've been to this company's website, and I'm waiting for their products to launch. This is the first I've heard of this kind of technology being commercialized. Am I being naive here? Sounds like I'm just catching on to something that Karl has seen over and over.

posted on Nov, 24 2007 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by jbondo

I think the oil and auto industries are archaic dinosaurs today. Their business models are unsustainable, and they know it. I doubt there is anyone left in those circles who really things they can hold onto yesterday any longer.

The world knows what's going on, and we're moving forward without them. These parasites of the past are being shaken off like ticks.

The world needs this stuff, and electric cars if we want to avoid a nightmarish future.

People are busy doing the right thing now. They see the writing on the wall. Every day even the greedy and corrupt are getting on board, because it expends too much of their energy to fight it, and they're realizing it's actually a good idea.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 01:10 AM
The second company mentioned seems to make the most promising material of the two. It uses more of the light spectrum.

You really need some financial backing from an honest and plentiful source. These folks need to watch out who they partener up with. An enemy could be "planted" as a "friend," and end up burying the technology. Let's hope folks like Google are the good guys.


posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by NJ Mooch

Im not sure of this or not. However, I do know that many Air Force bases are using or looking to use wind energy. Dyess AFB runs completely on wind energy!

The "Green" Military

My FIL is a top dude at GE and overseas all of the wind energy

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 02:34 AM
Personally I don't think that Big Oil and GM will buy this out (if its true). I venture that they would rather use it in vehicle's the same way they have with the hybrids. They can make a buck both directions, higher cost for the vehicle's and it still requires FF to fully operate.

The pressure to produce more efficient vehicles is growing globally along with pressure to conform to the Kyoto accords. The US is still playing around in the stone age with efficiency but that is not due to lack of technology. We can thank our gov, big oil and the top three for that. You would think that a country that has gone to the moon so many times that it became routine could produce a car that could get 100 mpg at the least. Big oil, GM, Ford, Chrysler and the gov make me wana

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:50 AM
This is a great thread. There are several companies that are attempting to make Solar more affordable and spread across a number of applications. One of those is Ascent Solar. (FYI - a portion of my IRA is invested in this company - ASTI is the ticker symbol) The key to widespread adoption is not only the affordability but the asthetics. Ever drive by a house where the solar panels are hogging up the entire roof and they look ugly? Ascent is stepping in to solve that issue.

From their website:

"Using the Ascent Solar thin film photovoltaic (PV) technology on plastics, large photovoltaic modules in roll formats will be integrated with various construction materials to produce multiple Building Integrated PV (BIPV) products for commercial and residential applications. The new “plug-and-play” module designs should eliminate the vast amount of wires, cables, connectors, junction boxes, and conduit required in current systems. Ascent Solar expects that with PV the cost to produce electricity will be reduced from 20¢/kWhr to 5¢/kWhr based on U.S. Department of Energy cost models."

"Applications on Earth could include large commercial buildings, master planned communities, and residential homes which demand low-cost, simple power solutions. Applications like solar blinds and roller shades for homes, solar tents, solar awnings, and solar roofing tiles all are now possible in the near future."

"The key to realizing the day when low cost PV systems produce electricity more cost effectively than fossil fuels, is the low cost manufacturing of modules and system components. "

“The Ascent Solar Technologies vision is to see the day when BIPV will become pervasive as a building and construction material much like plywood is today and becomes affordable for all in need of low cost electricity.”

Great stuff. Do I think that the oil interests or a car company will buy them out and crush the technology? No, because Hydro Building Systems, a huge building company, has already partnered on one product line and has invested a ton of money in the company. They own a large percentage of the stock.

I think the end is near for the big oil interests. I define near as several decades.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:18 PM
Wonderful. I've always liked the idea of solar power, but at the same time, I've understood its drawbacks. I have to be skeptical, however, as they claim to have solved so many problems with solar power at once.

There are so many applications for such a technology, real or not. Unlike the solar cars with which universities compete, solar-hybrids would not have to look butt-ugly. We already have cars with big sun roofs. The overhead shade could be fitted on top with sheets of this stuff. And like theebdk posted, everyday parts of the home such as shades and awnings could use the material, too. Heck, if this stuff makes it to the public, I guarantee it'll take no more than a couple years to see solar-sheet clothing.

The biggest problem I see is in the storage of this energy. It may have been on ATS where I read this, but the area around the plant that makes the Prius batteries is a wasteland. The metals used for them are expensive, and the batteries would have to be replaced every once in a while. There are plenty of direct applications for solar cells, but when it's cloudy out, I wouldn't be happy buying electricity that my house produced for free the day before.

I'd like to add that I'm proud of this thread for avoiding somehow blaming the current administration for some hypothetical future cover-up of this technology, possibly trying to involve the reptilians. I was worried page two might take a turn down that road

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

I'll buy some as soon as it's available. I was wondering what to put on the roof for solar power (building a house now).

I'm not far from Germany where the plant is supposed to be located.

Next problem of course is how to store the electricity, as the battery solution sucks big time. I looked into flywheels running on magnetic bearings in a vaccuum, but they got to be buried underground or in reinforced concrete bunkers incase they come off the bearings!

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:53 PM
Has anyone noticed that the stated reason that gasoline is so high isn't all the price of oil itself, but the refining bottleneck? And why have no refineries of any size been built in the last twenty years?

Big oil sees the handwriting on the wall, and they want the price artificially high so that when the price is forced to drop to compete, it won't go so low they make next to nothing in profits. It's the same with the oil producers.

Espionage is not the province of governments alone, and these guys are just as much long range planners as a mortgage banker. So right now, it seems to me, we're getting the big squeeze for oil. And the reason isn't that it's running out, or that we've forgotten how to build refineries. It's because it's time is passing.

Sure, various governments have helped with this swindle, maybe by delaying funding here and there, or denying a patent or two. The people who make up government can be "influenced" to keep the brakes on. But like a heavy truck on a steep hill, they can only slow it down, and they know this.

Now to us it seems slow in coming, the same way waiting on an ambulance beside a loved one seems to take forever. But it will come in a rush, when it does: when the first major auto maker gives in and wholeheartedly embraces the possibility of going in a new direction.

Sometimes there is no stopping things when their time has come.

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