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The Truth, The Story, The Future.

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posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 07:03 PM
well thank you I appreciate a response to my "two" apologizes! it seems to me, if I may mention this? that most of the postings here are placed early? just wondering.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 07:16 PM
Uhmari, dude, I gotta ask...if indeed you are so darned enlightened, how come you can't spell worth poo? I'm not gonna insist that neatness counts, but such profundities come across with so much more elegance if spelt correctly.

Just a thought, eh?

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Unani

Im sorry but I dont understand your question, what do you mean by "too early"? Do you mean its early in the day or early in the thread?

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Uhmari
There is rumor that the greys and humans are stepping up their plans to out right conquer the planet. I think it will happen before 2009 also.

I hate when that happens.

In all seriousness, in any war, casualties are unavoidable, no matter how enlightened or how evolved one is. Good people will be killed regardless.

However, the wise ones strive to raise their consciousness so that if they are among those who are forced to transition, they can use that opportunity to do more on the Other Side - in and of The Light - than they could on This Side before their ascension.

The best way to raise consciousness on a personal basis is by cultivating the ability to love genuinely and deeply.

And the best way to do that is to use Heart Chakra Radiance on a daily basis while rejecting lusty and competitive energies, cultivating compassion, humility, and purity, and by striving to live by The Golden Rule. Finding a way to serve others also helps a lot.

Doing the above is the fastest and most efficient way to spiritually progress so that when one transitions one can ascend to a dimension of energy in The Light whereby one can become a Co-Creator.

It takes months, even years to develop into having the ability to be a stable lesser god or Magi after death. But there is still time to do so before the situation really falls apart on and around this planet.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Originally posted by Uhmari
There is rumor that the greys and humans are stepping up their plans to out right conquer the planet. I think it will happen before 2009 also.

I hate when that happens.

In all seriousness, in any war, casualties are unavoidable, no matter how enlightened or how evolved one is. Good people will be killed regardless.

However, the wise ones strive to raise their consciousness so that if they are among those who are forced to transition, they can use that opportunity to do more on the Other Side - in and of The Light - than they could on This Side before their ascension.

The best way to raise consciousness on a personal basis is by cultivating the ability to love genuinely and deeply.

And the best way to do that is to use Heart Chakra Radiance on a daily basis while rejecting lusty and competitive energies, cultivating compassion, humility, and purity, and by striving to live by The Golden Rule. Finding a way to serve others also helps a lot.

Doing the above is the fastest and most efficient way to spiritually progress so that when one transitions one can ascend to a dimension of energy in The Light whereby one can become a Co-Creator.

It takes months, even years to develop into having the ability to be a stable lesser god or Magi after death. But there is still time to do so before the situation really falls apart on and around this planet.

Love is essential. With out it, We are lost.
Love is wisdom, and wisdom is love, They are never apart. They are infact the same thing, in various ways.

It is important for all to stop judging, This is probly the single most step, that one can take. All must understand, That when you remove that physical shell, We are all energy; Thus, We, that is, Human, Arcturian, Plejaren, Zeta, Draconin, We are all equal on our core level.

Remove judgment, Then add to yourself, faith, Love, and wisdom.
Instead of showing hate to those that hate you, Outright love them, And remember, The light always conqueres the darkness.

Lust, Hate, Anger, Pain, Judgement... All of lower vibrations, instead Show compassion, Mercy, Wisdom, Love, Light, Hope.

Then you will surely have made such and advancement, that it would be in comparison of you jumping off the largest, highest cliff, and the bottem being a state of unending, pure love, that never changes.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Uhmari]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Uhmari

Uhmari... I really wish you no ill will, but the stuff you are posting, with all of its incorrect spellings, really bad logic, and sentence structure, and 60s vintage Beatles hyped philosophy (All you need is love... Sound familiar? And not very original to where you are trying to come from, as it was last used in the movie Independence Day.).... is kind of feeling like it's wasting your and our time.

I suspect that the guileless who are willing to give, even the ice cream man a shot at legitimacy, are about the only ones who aren't laughing at you as they goad you into continuing to publish.

Again, no offense intended, and I hope you don't take any... But I suspect that you may get a very small following, but generally are spinning your wheels here, where we pride ourselves on repeatable, verifiable experiments and verifiable, valid information.

Like your visualization and enlightenment experiment... It is basically self hypnosis, which can if you are so prone, put you in a slight trance state (a state wherein your perceptions of reality are altered)... Nothing new, and nothing earth shattering there. And, as the subconscious has no capability to discern between a joke and the truth, it will strive to provide you with whatever vision of whatever reality your heart desires.

I hope you can come up with more substantive material. It feels like your audience, such as it is, is slipping away quickly. And I, for one, am sorry to see it happen to someone else, yet again.

edited because after 59 years, I am still unable to spell philosphoyiy.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by sigung86]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by sigung86
reply to post by Uhmari

Uhmari... I really wish you no ill will, but the stuff you are posting, with all of its incorrect spellings, really bad logic, and sentence structure, and 60s vintage Beatles hyped philospohy (All you need is love... Sound familiar? And not very original to where you are trying to come from).... is kind of feeling like it's wasting time.

I suspect that the guileless who are willing to give, even the ice cream man a shot at legitimacy, are about the only ones who aren't laughing at you as they goad you into continuing to publish.

Again, no offense intended, and I hope you don't take any... But I suspect that you may get a very small following, but generally are spinning your wheels here, where we pride ourselves on repeatable, verifiable experiments and information.

Like you visualization and enlightenment experiment... It is basically self hypnosis, which can if you are so prone, put you in a slight trance state (a state wherein your perceptions of reality are altered)... Nothing new, and nothing earth shattering there.

I hope you can come up with more substantive material. It feels like your audience, such as it is, is slipping away quickly. And I, for one, am sorry to see it happen to someone else, yet again.

Sig, i tell you now, Surely, There is no proof, Not even sticking another being infront of you, Or others here, or on this planet, that it is real. IT is the reason why i said, Choose to believe or not, Your will, Your choice. I am simply giving the message, From creation.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Uhmari]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Your message seems to be a little incomplete. You have bragged that you are somehow special (as in you think your better than everybody else) and little else. You have not said what is going to go down, and when. You have not said who the source of your material is.

SO..........we are just supposed to take your word for all of this?

That, is like asking somebody to believe in Santa Clause. Sheeeeesh!

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard

Originally posted by Uhmari
There is rumor that the greys and humans are stepping up their plans to out right conquer the planet. I think it will happen before 2009 also.

I hate when that happens.

In all seriousness, in any war, casualties are unavoidable, no matter how enlightened or how evolved one is. Good people will be killed regardless.

However, the wise ones strive to raise their consciousness so that if they are among those who are forced to transition, they can use that opportunity to do more on the Other Side - in and of The Light - than they could on This Side before their ascension.

The best way to raise consciousness on a personal basis is by cultivating the ability to love genuinely and deeply.

And the best way to do that is to use Heart Chakra Radiance on a daily basis while rejecting lusty and competitive energies, cultivating compassion, humility, and purity, and by striving to live by The Golden Rule. Finding a way to serve others also helps a lot.

Doing the above is the fastest and most efficient way to spiritually progress so that when one transitions one can ascend to a dimension of energy in The Light whereby one can become a Co-Creator.

It takes months, even years to develop into having the ability to be a stable lesser god or Magi after death. But there is still time to do so before the situation really falls apart on and around this planet.

you know this sounds very beautiful and all and the reason why........

is because it is

one question i have is your use of the word transcends, are you exchanging that ....with what most..... commonly refer to as...... death, or can one transcend in othey ways.

anyway thanks for the message

p.s it makes sense by some people's reply's here that it could be the perfect prison here on earth/ or this frequency/dimension what ever.

a deceptive tempting prison people return to because they are unaware that fear causes them to fear death (which could be rebirth) ...and also a world which has been created with all the (didn't think i would use this word) "temptations" that gets one to stray from living by the golden rule (because you are sort of indoctrinated into it) , it is something not really thought about, it just is how most everyone else is. people feel like they are missing out on things if they live by this rule, when in reality they have no idea what they are really missing out on, and that they are or i am just another "you". And that by living the golden rule, when we transcend, we will now ascend.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 09:32 PM
Christ... When is it going to stop? When? I am so tired of this people coming on this message board and others claiming to be Messiah. Is it a new trend or something? They never present any evidence just an interesting fantacy story about a pink elephant. No wonder Ufology is so F.... No wonder people laugh at the idea of aliens visiting earth and at me for believing it.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 09:48 PM
Why hasn't this been moved to Skunk Works yet?

Practical question...

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 09:49 PM
What is becoming of this forum? When utter make believe rubbish like this is becoming so frequent.
Where is the science? Where is the proof? Where is the intelligent conversations and threads with substance gone?

This place is quickly turning into a new agers fantasy land.

Cant the mods create a FICTION section of the forums for this kind of crap?

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by evanmontegarde
Why hasn't this been moved to Skunk Works yet?

Practical question...

I am wondering the same ... I guess the administration is busy removing 100s of other posts like this one.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Burginthorn
What is becoming of this forum? When utter make believe rubbish like this is becoming so frequent.
Where is the science? Where is the proof? Where is the intelligent conversations and threads with substance gone?

This place is quickly turning into a new agers fantasy land.

Cant the mods create a FICTION section of the forums for this kind of crap?

Yep thats right. Let them make a new section called 'New Age Fantasy' where all the Indigo children, "we live in a Matrix world" and other varaious Gurus can interact amongst themselves. I have encountered many of them over the years and they are all the same. They always think they know the truth. They always think they are special. The only difference is each one of them sings a different tune... Pathetic....

[edit on 22-11-2007 by N0ONE]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 10:29 PM
I do believe i mentioned a technique that will give you anwers on a one on one bases, if you so desired to learn it, and to ask the beings on higher planes.

Also, Let me present you with a parable.
If a messenger go's to a king, Was he not believed, with the message?
That is to say, did they king not take his word seriously? Therefore, Is not the truth, truth, and a lie a lie?

How ignorant are you to be, how blind, if people constantly tell you the same thing, and you reject it as false? And with all honesty, Rumor is rumor, It from its infinite sources are always changed, edited, or alterd in large degree's, However, here you have many saying the same basic facts.

There is a battle here for the conciousness of the people on this planet.
There is more life, then beyond this world, and level of exsistance
There are beings that care very much for you, all of you.

How can you dispute these things, when its been already given to you.

A good friend told me a very good phrase once.

Hope for the best, Expect the worse.

So then i tell you, Hope for love and infinite light from the stars above, but expect a war that may end alot of life, None the less, regaurdless of what happends in this form, know that you have each other, so stop hating, i say then, and start loving. because even if its all lies, ( which i assure you its not ) the simple fact remains, all of you are here, and if you love each other and all things turn out to be lies, how much more better off will you be?

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Uhmari]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Uhmari
I do believe i mentioned a technique that will give you anwers on a one on one bases, if you so desired to learn it, and to ask the beings on higher planes.

Explained as a self directed self hypnosis technique, not what is advertised here, but it is something else entirely, and does not give the results you are stating...

Also, Let me present you with a parable.
If a messenger go's to a king, Was he not believed, with the message?
That is to say, did they king not take his word seriously? Therefore, Is not the truth, truth, and a lie a lie?

If the fellow Lord Buddha presented you with a curse, and you did not accept it, where would it go? Why of course... Back to the person presenting it. You are kind of slipping and getting a little off course here Umahri...

How ignorant are you to be, how blind, if people constantly tell you the same thing, and you reject it as false? And with all honesty, Rumor is rumor, It from its infinite sources are always changed, edited, or alterd in large degree's, However, here you have many saying the same basic facts.

There is a battle here for the conciousness of the people on this planet.
There is more life, then beyond this world, and level of exsistance
There are beings that care very much for you, all of you.

How can you dispute these things, when its been already given to you.

A little more than the current, I said it, if you won't believe it that's too bad, would be good here Umahri... Again, no offense intended or implied, bu tyou are acting as if y9u are coming across as an enlghtened being, and everyone is buying it... And, frankly, I don't see it that way. It seems as if less people are buying your legitimacy with each post.

A good friend told me a very good phrase once.

Hope for the best, Expect the worse.

So then i tell you, Hope for love and infinite light from the stars above, but expect a war that may end alot of life, None the less, regaurdless of what happends in this form, know that you have each other, so stop hating, i say then, and start loving. because even if its all lies, ( which i assure you its not )

the simple fact remains, all of you are here, and if you love each other and all things turn out to be lies, how much more better off will you be?

So what you are saying is there is an off chance that you might be lying, but we should believe, because by believing your possible lies, we will be better off? The end justifies the means? Ummm.... I'm not so sure that's good for anyone here, or for you, speaking in a karmic fashion...

And, once again, sorry to be beating a dead horse, my friend, but your spelling errors, simple sentence structure, badly mauled and borrowed Buddhist philosophies and koans, is incredibly hurting any credibility you might have had.

At the risk of questioning the logic or the dictates of what drives you and getting a warning for harrassing you, I have a question. If, as you say, in your philosophy, it is all true, and simply for us to believe, or not believe, I guess Im wondering why, after you've said all you have said, you are still here defending the, obviously, indefensible?

And I hope you put together enough defense to blow all my questions and aspersions and mild accusations out the windows. But I fear that will not be the case...

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Uhmari]

[edit on 22-11-2007 by sigung86]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 10:52 PM
Uhmari sorry but you don't make a lot of sense. I am trying to understand where are you going with your parables. So far you left me confused. Are you trying to say that even if what you are presenting us is all a lie it is still sufficient enough since it teaches us how to love one another. That is illogical in my opinion. If that is your goal then we have enough teachers who taught us to love one another. Jesus name comes to mind though I am not a believer.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by N0ONE]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 11:31 PM

I've heard that the Rothchilds and the Rockafellers basically own this planet. Is this truth
as you know it to be? If so, are they on the side of light, darkness or somewhere
If they are on the dark side, what are they to gain by bringing the world's spiritual
awareness into a downward spiral? Having power in a dark, spiritually flat world does
not sound like power to me...Sounds like pure misery. Is that what these people want?...
To rule a dark spiritually empty civilization?

Sorry if these questions seem silly, but I'm currious.

Thanks, bro.


posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 12:44 AM
Oki didnt bother reading alot of the posts so you can correct me if i missed alot. Now i have seen alot of these theories before and while im not going to ask you for any proof since that is what people who are out to discredit ask, i will ask where the evidence is. Evidence does not necessarily point to any proof or definate answer, but it does help to convince or at least lead someone to believe somethings. Now i know you are probably going to say something like "they spoke to me" or "i had a vision" which is fine and i can't by any means disprove, i can't be lead to believe anything on the word of a couple of faceless individuals on the interweb. Thoeries like alien astronaut theory, earth-mars connection, and ufo encounters all contain "evidence" to at least provide some credibility to peoples claims. Something that can be seen by anyone like an artifact or a ruin, some ancient writing that contains texts with reference to your claims at least. Like i said it does not have to prove but just provide some reference so we can at least come to some sort of consensus and say ok this MAY actually have some truth it. Otherwise it can just be considered stories like the reptillian theory or Lemuria.

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 12:51 AM
Sig, I will no longer reply to your responses on this topic, There is no proof i can present, that you simply will accept, In your heart, You have made your choice.

may mercy and compassion be bestowed apon you.

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