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The Truth, The Story, The Future.

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posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 12:52 PM
Let me be the nail in everyone's side here. I see the similarities with him and the other poster on the RPG forum... BUT if you'd taken the time to actually TALK to him like I have.... he's got a good question for you.

Who are you?

I bnever thought about that question before... but when I did start to think about it, I realized I didn't really know who I was! I realize who I have constructed myself to be, but who was I before my ego constructed my curerent personality from parts and pieces of my surroundings that have made an impression on me?

And even more of a mind #... who else is there except you/me?

If I'm experiencing all of these people that I come in contact with... if I'm the only one that I know of 100 percent that is aware of everything else in this world and this universe.... how is any of it separated from me, if, directly or indirectly, I'm experiencing it all.

So what I'm saying is...we're all the same thing.

That's the important message here... whether this guy is an obsessive gamer oliving in a fantasy world or not...

In reality, we're all living our own fantasy worlds. He's just a little more creative than most!

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 01:35 PM
Theories, speculations and grand sweeping comments as fact- without any real evidence seems to me to a bit- oh, what's the words... grandiose omnipotence. The truth is, yes- there will be a great conflict which will be quelled by divine interference (ETs and what not). I definitely know this to be true- now as to when this will occur is again quite speculative- yet it could happen on the suspect date. I do not believe any of this will happen without an indoctrination slow for the benefit of all to be able to comprehend without being over-whelmed with new information- because for it to occur any other way- would not be an enlightened event by enlightened beings.

I believe we will begin to see signs, en mass, by 2009 and they will increase over the next two years until we are all ready to make a "choice" using our free-will unhindered by lies, deceptions and manipulations.

The truth is being revealed at the proper pace- yet many, including myself from time to time, get hopped up in a vain attempt to wake our fellows- yet this is part of the problem that is holding things back.

I for one believe we should sit back and take in the events and discuss them calmly without name calling, debunking and bashing which only serves to draw the revelation out.

Those in know, know and they know enough to only speak when spoken to by a true seeker of enlightenment- the rest can be added to the cabal of conspiracy loons and alarmists... Myself included, which is why I am diligently working on curbing my cynical tongue... which could always be used to slice roast beef!

We will just have to wait and see... it never hurts to be a little ready either!

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:33 PM
OP, are you familiar with Alex Collier? Your theories/stories sound almost identical.

I hope this thread can continue without namecalling/bashing. There are a few people on this forum that can relate with you.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Beamish

Thanks for the info. By the way, you're not the Uhmari who plays EVE, the MMORPG about interstellar conflict, alien races and conquest, are you? I ask this because your writing style is very similar...

Do you agree empires are built on conquest and war, not peace and trade?

Anhinga, thanks for the heads up.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Beamish]

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Beamish]

nope, only game i play is that crack game, wow =P

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by GeeGee
OP, are you familiar with Alex Collier? Your theories/stories sound almost identical.

I hope this thread can continue without namecalling/bashing. There are a few people on this forum that can relate with you.

Because it is all true =)

Dk, I agree. There is rumor that the greys and humans are stepping up their plans to out right conquer the planet. I think it will happen before 2009 also.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Pericle

Thank you for sharing. If you have any more information on this subject please do tell us!

I want to understand how and why only 1 million people will gather to stop that event that has the possibility to destroy Earth. What is that danger that is able to destroy Earth?

1,000,00. Why? the reason for this is simply because this is going to be the number of ascended souls, give or take, that will gather to save this planet. if there is more then this that have ascended, i do not know, but i do know that 1 mill or so will gather, to stop a very serious event, by channeling telekentic energy.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:51 PM
I have read some of the other posts, and I must say i am not suprised.

Many exsist with doubt. It comes from many places, more so from those who have little faith. It is these closed minded people that will probly never ascend prior to the great event. None the less, I will offer Proof, If you open your closed mind, That will allow you to ascend, And ask the elder races, or even the grandcreator himself.

There exsists an telepathic ability, That allows a spirit to temperory leave its body, To move to the higher planes of exsistance. I will now teach you this method, If infact you deisre truth, and want to know; If you do not, Well i am sorry, but there is nothing i can do to help. This technique takes time to learn.

First, Relax all your muscles, By strechting as much as you can. Then lay down in your own confie state / way. Now, Clear your mind, And breathe with you noise, and out your mouth. As you start to sleep into sleep, hold yourself just before the point of losing conciousness, then visualize yourself seeing your body. once you have done this, you will likely grow with fear, as its a new experience, but as you repeat this, you will move beyond this. Understand, this is safe, there is nothing that can happen to you in this state, your body is linked, to your spirit. When you have over comed this fear, Call out what you wish to know, And it will be shown to you, the answers you seek will be given.

This takes time, some can do it in a day, others take years. Keep an open mind, and i promise, as you start to ascend, you will quickly learn, that once you start to enter this state, it is never a feeling you will forget.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Uhmari]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Throughout history, great leaders with a message of love, peace and living in harmony
with one another were more often than not, "silenced" before their plan could be
realized. JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luthor King, to name a few. Uncomfortable truth.
Might this have any relation to your claims of an "underground war" going on between
the dark and the enlightened side?


posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by MadSigntist

Throughout history, great leaders with a message of love, peace and living in harmony
with one another were more often than not, "silenced" before their plan could be
realized. JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luthor King, to name a few. Uncomfortable truth.
Might this have any relation to your claims of an "underground war" going on between
the dark and the enlightened side?


Everything has to do with this battle.
The fate of the terran people is dependent on it. If earth, does not ascend, it will decend, Likely with the draconin people, As alex stated. If you do research, You will find many more, like myself, say the same thing. A band-wagon? i don't think so, as some of them are unaware of alex, which offers some logical proof what we claim, is real.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 03:02 PM
Uhmari, is your information channeled or have you had physical contact with these beings?

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Uhmari

YEs YES you have it right on the ball uhmari, how did you come up with this did you receive this message or was it from your won research because this is almost exactly what is going to happen...we will be getting allot of help but it will also be a great deal on our part

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 03:31 PM

Do you consider yourself part of the ground fleet for the Galactic Federation? Your story sounds a lot like somebody I know who is part of the Ashtar Command, or so claims to be.

How did you suddenly become enlightened? Was this overnight, that you got an overwhelming urge to save humanity, or was it from something like a near death experience?

Does the source you get your information from have a name?

How do you know that you are receiving information from a souce of good versus evil?

Sometimes opening yourself up to a situation like you described for an OBE can put you in touch with evil, especially the ones that tell you that you are something "special, and have a "mission."

It's not a good idea to tell people to just go ahead and do something like you described out of the blue. Yes, things can happen to you, unless you know what you are doing.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

The only messages you recieve in an OOBE are the ones you already know. Regardless of what you get in touch with, OOBE's and NDE's only get you in touch with translators for information you already possess.

At least, thats the way it has been for me.

As for the OP, we get posts like these probably once a month on average. Most are worded the same with small differences, usually mentioning a new race of aliens or taking one away. You know what ends up happenning to all these threads, they fade, as no new information is given and when asked for clarification, the OP can offer little. I hope you are different and can withstand the scrutiny of ATS, we are a tough bunch.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 05:40 PM
I would have some comment about this I am sure if I hadn't
just raised my consciousness to a new level, therefore eliminating the need.

that being said you guys and gals sit around and believe what you want
I am going to the woods to hide if anything happens.

The only thing I want to heighten in the event of disaster is my physical fitness and my instinct so I can get away while the rest of you are getting maimed while Idealizing (yes I got this from the IBM commercial)

thanks though this made me smile.


posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 05:46 PM
just some thoughts regarding Uhmari's post. well where to begin, some of what I read I am very familiar with, not the specific lingo of the "in" group on this subject, but only some things ring true. Just letting it flow, this is certainly a crucial time on earth we read and hear about escalating violence, chaos and all, don't need to go on with it all, so the crucial time, there is a Hopi prophecy I believe, about the fifth hoop of peace, or thousand years of peace. this prophecy seems to align with many others, one important thing is how are we going to get to this fifth hoop/thousand yrs. of peace? "enlightenment" why? and how? well, it is being prophesied that in order to gain peace and move through the coming earth changes (they are happening are they not?) humanity needs to do something! what could that be? maybe make some changes? what could these changes consist of that might make a difference? that might allow humanity or those who chose to anyway to want to move into the fifth hoop/world of peace? the words "enlightenment" come to mind, but what does that mean? perhaps raising one's consciousness? by living differently, thinking differently? IDEAS: compassionate, forgiving, loving, tolerance, prayer, smiling more? laughing more? caring for the earth, recognizing ourselves as co-creators; someone who takes responsibility for their actions, words and thoughts, each of these being something powerful having a powerful affect upon all things. as co-creators we are not powerless after all, but more powerful than we realize. What we believe and focus on and speak of is a way of powerful creation. The extraterrestrials? I can only say, that my own experiences beginning in childhood, I grew up in Whitley Striber country during the 40's and 50's, so I myself have had some very interesting experiences, so personally I can not hold doubt, or I would have to say that I am crazy. It is easy to say someone is crazy when they speak of their experiences, but one should consider what it would be like to be in that person's shoes before jumping to conclusions. Fear is a big factor here, and often due to this, people easily claim someone to be crazy rather than explore all possibilities. I myself received early on as a young child, information that I as well as others on earth had come originally from places above, for me it is the Pleiadians, I did have not heard of the word Plejaren, so this is new to me. But over time, I have met many people who have had similar experiences as myself, Indigenous Elders for instance. Speaking of Steven Spielberg, well I did hear from one native elder that he did speak with some native people before making his movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, one of my favorite movies actually, I can identify with some of those people, out searching the skies at night, especially after that encounter while walking beneath the UFO, which happened to be a thursday night, it seems that in the Hudson Valley during the 80's a lot of sightings happened on Thursdays. to continue, so the indigenous elders spoke of sightings at Bear Butte, the famous mountain in Speilbergs movie, I myself was told by a Lakota man of his experiences being taken in ships. Extraterrestrials are not new to Indigenous people throughout the world. So, anyway, having an open mind we can gain so much more knowledge, realizing that there is something far greater going on than we have been "brainwashed" to believe by government. I think the main point is, with all signs showing us that big things are happening and scary things really, ice caps melting, floods and hurricains and Tsunami's and on and on, fear, hatred all this, well what are we going to do about it? argue amongst ourselves? I think this is a ploy, to keep everyone in fear, anger and hopelessness and pointing fingers. It is not them, and us, we are all part of what is being created. some thoughts

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Unani]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Hey, thanks for letting me know what your experiences are with OOBE's. I have never heard anyone explain thiers in quite that way.

You are correct about how common threads like this have become here, and that when questioned, all that seems to be offered is that unless you are "enlightened," like this OP here, you just won't ever understand.

So, what's the point? To spread fear? Other than that, I see no benefit to even sharing information like this. The thougt to wake people up, is a good idea, but then what? And exactly, what are they supposed to wake up to?

Why not just lay all the information out there for people to see. Why so secretive in just letting enough slip to encite panic? Only a truelly "enlightened" person would put something like this out to help people, but with more details.

If what you say about OOBE experience is true, then this person who put this out here hasn't gotten the full translation from themselves yet, or isn't willing to share.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

No problem, that is just my personal experiance with tripping the void.

To be honest, I've never gotten any solid answers or full translations either. Whatever message I come back with I often end up with more questions.

As you highlighted in your post, if such information is imperitive to humans, earths future, and the universe, why dont such races just come out and say it themselves? Instead we get cryptic messages and tip toed answers. In all this channelled information about vibrational frequencies thats been thrown around on this site, no one can tell me what frequency we vibrate in now, or what frequency we need to be in, or how you measure such things, etc etc etc.

Why is it that all these people that claim channelled material (or claim to be an incarnate being), have no new information to give us?

Im all for change on a global scale, but im sick of this cryptic BS.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 06:17 PM
excuse me, maybe I should have introduced myself, I am really new at this whole thing, so I apologize for jumping in to the conversation going on here. And just realized yes, I am new entirely new, but reading everyone's communications I "jumped in" sorry, UNANI oh, yes, I was completely suprized when I pulled this post up and saw the name Uhmari, and my user name.. hmm..

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 06:23 PM
I want to apologixze, I am very new at this..and realize that i jumped in on this post and conversation without introducing myself, I am new as I said UNANI is my user name. and I was surprized when finding this post to see the name, Uhmari.. hmmm again I apologize.

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Unani

Dont worry about it. Most of us ATS'ers can carry multipul conversations at any one time.

Your opinions and stories are always welcome regardless of current conversations (that is, so long as they are on topic.)

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