posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 05:46 PM
just some thoughts regarding Uhmari's post. well where to begin, some of what I read I am very familiar with, not the specific lingo of the "in"
group on this subject, but only some things ring true. Just letting it flow, this is certainly a crucial time on earth we read and hear about
escalating violence, chaos and all, don't need to go on with it all, so the crucial time, there is a Hopi prophecy I believe, about the fifth hoop of
peace, or thousand years of peace. this prophecy seems to align with many others, one important thing is how are we going to get to this fifth
hoop/thousand yrs. of peace? "enlightenment" why? and how? well, it is being prophesied that in order to gain peace and move through the coming
earth changes (they are happening are they not?) humanity needs to do something! what could that be? maybe make some changes? what could these changes
consist of that might make a difference? that might allow humanity or those who chose to anyway to want to move into the fifth hoop/world of peace?
the words "enlightenment" come to mind, but what does that mean? perhaps raising one's consciousness? by living differently, thinking differently?
IDEAS: compassionate, forgiving, loving, tolerance, prayer, smiling more? laughing more? caring for the earth, recognizing ourselves as co-creators;
someone who takes responsibility for their actions, words and thoughts, each of these being something powerful having a powerful affect upon all
things. as co-creators we are not powerless after all, but more powerful than we realize. What we believe and focus on and speak of is a way of
powerful creation. The extraterrestrials? I can only say, that my own experiences beginning in childhood, I grew up in Whitley Striber country during
the 40's and 50's, so I myself have had some very interesting experiences, so personally I can not hold doubt, or I would have to say that I am
crazy. It is easy to say someone is crazy when they speak of their experiences, but one should consider what it would be like to be in that person's
shoes before jumping to conclusions. Fear is a big factor here, and often due to this, people easily claim someone to be crazy rather than explore all
possibilities. I myself received early on as a young child, information that I as well as others on earth had come originally from places above, for
me it is the Pleiadians, I did have not heard of the word Plejaren, so this is new to me. But over time, I have met many people who have had similar
experiences as myself, Indigenous Elders for instance. Speaking of Steven Spielberg, well I did hear from one native elder that he did speak with some
native people before making his movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, one of my favorite movies actually, I can identify with some of those
people, out searching the skies at night, especially after that encounter while walking beneath the UFO, which happened to be a thursday night, it
seems that in the Hudson Valley during the 80's a lot of sightings happened on Thursdays. to continue, so the indigenous elders spoke of sightings
at Bear Butte, the famous mountain in Speilbergs movie, I myself was told by a Lakota man of his experiences being taken in ships. Extraterrestrials
are not new to Indigenous people throughout the world. So, anyway, having an open mind we can gain so much more knowledge, realizing that there is
something far greater going on than we have been "brainwashed" to believe by government. I think the main point is, with all signs showing us that
big things are happening and scary things really, ice caps melting, floods and hurricains and Tsunami's and on and on, fear, hatred all this, well
what are we going to do about it? argue amongst ourselves? I think this is a ploy, to keep everyone in fear, anger and hopelessness and pointing
fingers. It is not them, and us, we are all part of what is being created. some thoughts
[edit on 22-11-2007 by Unani]