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The Truth, The Story, The Future.

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posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by dodgygeeza
So how does one raise his/her consciousness?

[SNIP] removed drug reference.

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[edit on 26-11-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Uhmari


New here and its good to find an interesting sight.

I have been following this subject for some 15 yrs now and see Uhmari has been following too. What I find interesting is the talk in the bible of judgement day.
This is how i see it;

many years ago prime creators had the idea to create this universe which eventually created us so they can learn from what our actions take. When the last contact happened (somewhere between 11,000-8,000 yrs ago) was when there was major climatic events that happen on an 10,000 yr cycle which we are currently going through the next climatic event which will produce major volcanic and earthquake activity in the next 5 yrs.
Our alien life knows of this and uses it to there advantage for the remaining planet life of their choice to be informed and re-educated for the next stage of evolution.
This stage looks a special one as this will be so called judgement day.
Basically our Pleaidian ancesters sent down their dna into our bodies.
The reason, so over the next however many thousand years we will filter out the good and evil side of our Pleaidian dna.
Obviously they are wanting to rid of destruction and chaos in there world.
The date of 2012 is the next peak of climatic events especially with a solar flare projected towards Earth and with our magnetic field almost gone this is going to have some strange effect. The people who understand may go underground. This event happens every 10,000 yrs.

The good wil be taken back to their world the bad will stay.

I may sound crazy, maybe I am.
Maybe over the yrs i have got to caught up in this but there has been to many coincidences for me to ignore.
Everything that i have learned links together from Egyptian philosophy - Atlantis - Qauntum Physics - geometry - astronomy - religions.

I am currently writing about my findings over the past 15 years which will show how it all links together, when I finish It will be available in a free e-book.

We Will Be As One Again.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by GeeGee


Sleeper does not claim to be saving the world with some secret knowledge. He doesn't claim to be better than anybody else. He's just a regular guy who claims he's in contact with a blue alien. There's a difference. He's wonderful about answering peoples questions with witt and a style only unto him. He can't prove anything he says either, and it doesn't matter to him if people believe him or not. I really enjoy Sleepers thread and have always said so.

Here is another difference, Sleeper actually has the INTEGRITY, he preaches about and sticks to his story.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan

Sleeper does not claim to be saving the world with some secret knowledge. He doesn't claim to be better than anybody else. He's just a regular guy who claims he's in contact with a blue alien. There's a difference. He's wonderful about answering peoples questions with witt and a style only unto him. He can't prove anything he says either, and it doesn't matter to him if people believe him or not. I really enjoy Sleepers thread and have always said so.

Here is another difference, Sleeper actually has the INTEGRITY, he preaches about and sticks to his story.

I don't think Uhmari is trying to save the world either, he's just telling us what he knows based on his own experiences. If you do a search for 12 strand DNA, I'm sure you'll come up with what you're looking for. Uhmari is not the only person having these experiences and telling the same story, there are many.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:26 PM
I'll give ALL my meager 90 some odd ATS points to someone who can tell me, with 100% certainty, what this cook OP smokes... Thanks

Seriously though, 21-12-2012 is an old subject. Been discussed, extrapolated on, dissected, turned upside down, inside out, laughed at, frowned at billions of times over... I certainly hope something BIG, no wait, FREAKIN' HUGE happens that day. Besides, 21-12 is my B-Day. Totally lost faith in the human race a LONG time ago, so we need a world changing event to get back on track as a civilisation, uhm well, whoever is left at that point, looking at all the morons in charge around the world today...

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by GeeGee


I don't think it should be up to me to have to research that, it's up to the OP to put it here for us all to see. I will have a looksee, though for myself, as the OP seems to have a hard time supplying anything. Especially when asked for anything specific.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by whatsthatthingy
I'll give ALL my meager 90 some odd ATS points to someone who can tell me, with 100% certainty, what this cook OP smokes... Thanks

Seriously though, 21-12-2012 is an old subject. Been discussed, extrapolated on, dissected, turned upside down, inside out, laughed at, frowned at billions of times over... I certainly hope something BIG, no wait, FREAKIN' HUGE happens that day. Besides, 21-12 is my B-Day. Totally lost faith in the human race a LONG time ago, so we need a world changing event to get back on track as a civilisation, uhm well, whoever is left at that point, looking at all the morons in charge around the world today...

do you even know what happens on that date, or do you think it is just some type of fad like 2000 y2k. 2012 is not only special because of all the doom factor, it is the end of our age...we will be entering the age of Aquarious. And you know what 2000 years ago Jesus ushered in the age of Pisces, and he damm sure as hell will be here to usher it out along with a Mass Landing event that will make the airforce jealous to the bone. The same thing is seen and foretold in every major religion and prophecy. And that will be the world changing event, i honestly know that if the world keeps going the way that it is going everything will be lost.

And if that stuff doesn't happen in 2012 ( which will happen) than we are truly lost because just imagine what the world is like today...ok know multiply the pain, anger,hate and greed 100X

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 09:51 PM
My own take on all this is that before man ruled the Earth, a reptillian species lived here. They were perverted and enticed by those who rebelled against the highest being we call God. We refer to them as Angels, but they were called son of God. This war still rages on in the heavens today. On this planet, the highest being called God made a unique creature called man. But before that, He destroyed the reptillian world by an asteroid some 65 mil yrs ago. However, some escaped to the stars only to come back and influence a rebellion in man against the Creator. After the fall, man became the slave of the Dragon called the devil. Eventually, the Creator imparted Himself into human flesh, an incarnation of man and God fused into one. He is Jesus. The devil also called the Dragon had him killed but the Creator raised Him up again to live. He ascended. He will return, but the reptillians will come first along with the sons of God, called fallen Angels, or "fallen ones". Eventually the war comes to Earth at Armegeddon where man and the fallen ones will fight against the Creator and His Son Jesus. All of the other sons of God called "the holy ones" will also come to fight. The Creator will win. This Earth on an obscure galaxy, in the backwoods of the universe, will be the last place in the entire universe where the war is fought. It's going to get nasty for awhile.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 03:29 AM
Ok, I was going to delete this threat, due to the skeptic's. The purpose i am here to help people understand, not to argue. Hence yet again, Your choice to choose to believe or not.

I am going to try to resolve the posted issues.

The lyrians did infact come here, around 800,000 years ago.
Around 200,000 years after, a war began. At this point, There was about 27 or 28 species on the planet, plus lyrians ( total of 29 )

Around the time the conflict started the draconin's were discoverd in their plans to take the planet and launch an invasion on the lyrian people. The lyrians reacted by launching a weapon into the atmosphere of the planet, that would kill the draconins. This is why you do not see them, but hear rumors of them deep with in underground bases. The air there is stale, And free of this agent. Technology there will allow them to recycle it, and live there, with in large bases. This is why they do not serface, its toxic to them, though they claim " they let humans stay up here ".

Shortly after this, Conflict in space broke out, battles in this system, and other sorts of thing occured. Earths moon, Probeus and titan are all artificial moons. they were brought here, with very advanced technology by the lyrian people. A base was constructed on mars also, The cynonia plutopia ( the face on mars ). Its very large. The draconin recently took this, in an agressive move to push up their time table, in the invasion of earth. Back to the story though.

shortly after the conflicts started, a very large engagement was fought here, many many ships, however though, The lyrian people had to few ships to spare, even risking their space, to retact this area, and protect earth and the vision they had for it ( a homeworld for all races, in the universe ) they lost the engagement, The draconin leaders were granted control of the area, and the planet. The draconin Then went through a long phase of mutating the human race. They removed 10 helix's from the human genome, leaving terrans with the double helix they now posses, though, they dident remove it, they simply broke it up, leaving the key things they needed to control the terrans easily. A human, an indvidual can reconnect them, throught telepathic and physical control, enable all of their prior telepathic, telekenetic, and procognant abilities. This is why some of the planets population has these abilities and others do not. it seems, nature has corrected this change with in the species, and the helix's are constructing themselves.


Around 350,000 to 400,00 years ago, Another race settles here ( The lu / Lumari), And found a city that will forever be known to the humans as atlantis. A war with them and another breaks out, a weapon is detonated, causing a geological crust shift, destroying the island, the planet resided on, some where in the atlantic ( however, i do believe it has some how managed to migrate north do to planetary activity ( rusty on this part so forgive me if some of it is wrong ).

Some time passes, the mezo empire is formed, zeta's and draconin have encounters with them, as well as many other races though history, Exploiting them for what ever they need or wanted. Mayan's had a very close relationship with the draconin, infact, The demon the mayan prophecy speaks of, is draconin. During that age, there was many pictures of draconins place on the mayan temples, as well as other places in the world. Dragons and the myth of dragon people are part of almost, if not all cultures on this world.. Where do you think that came from? did they just imagine that all up? I think not.

during 1981 and 1982 a mass of spirits is released for reincarnation into this world, as terran people. ( human spirits are all compatable, however, the lyrian people i think are unable to reincarnate, not that they need to now that they are beings of energy, point being they are call reincarnate here) the first wave was sent. The fleet arrives, And now.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 03:31 AM
And now, you have this battle that is going to transpire, that will decide the fate of many. The question again, is not if you believe all of this, but if you are open minded anuff, to accept the truth as the truth, and to grow from it, In the end, all that matters is you are loved by many, And many many species have come from all over the universe, To see what is going to transpire with the offspring of the lyrian royal family.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 05:07 AM
Wait, how can you delete the thread? I thought nobody could delete their own?

[edit on 26-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 07:03 AM

I and many others believe in what you are saying, not because we think that you are a supreme being teaching us about the future to us lesser individuals, but because we are feeling what is taking place at this time. We know that this is happening because we are seeing it for ourselves.

Now we are able to join the dots to the puzzle of life. Or shall I say, more importantly, now we are being shown the dots to join up. But by whom? Who are the ones shifting conciousness on this planet?

For many years our intuitive sides have laid dormant but now we are starting to realise what it all means, hence the reason why we collect our ideas and share them with each other. (on this site for example) We are a collective gathering growing in spiritual awareness everyday and thats got to be something to cheer ourselves up about

Many people are skeptical, you can't blame them its very hard to convince people whos beliefs are built on physical proof. Why should we try anyway they are our own entity nobody has the right to force anything upon anyone - Only to open the mind and raise awareness to their higher conciousness

I have no dout that everyone will get their own wake up call in their own time.

[edit on 26-11-2007 by ruhnlo]

[edit on 26-11-2007 by ruhnlo]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by Uhmari
Ok, I was going to delete this threat[sic]

Around 350,000 to 400,00 years ago, Another race settles here ( The lu / Lumari), And found a city that will forever be known to the humans as atlantis. A war with them and another breaks out, a weapon is detonated, causing a geological crust shift, destroying the island, the planet resided on, some where in the atlantic ( however, i do believe it has some how managed to migrate north do to planetary activity ( rusty on this part so forgive me if some of it is wrong ).

Some time passes, the mezo empire is formed, zeta's and draconin have encounters with them, as well as many other races though history, Exploiting them for what ever they need or wanted. Mayan's had a very close relationship with the draconin, infact, The demon the mayan prophecy speaks of, is draconin. During that age, there was many pictures of draconins place on the mayan temples, as well as other places in the world.

Wow. So let me get this straight. The earth is ~5 billion years old, give or take. Dinosaurs roamed for....say 200 million years, give or take.

Roughly 96% of the earth's history has been without mankind.

So, I can go out and dig up fossils of various creatures dead eons ago, but can't find a single shred of evidence of lifeforms you refer to?

It sounds from your claims that there was quite an array of varying creatures...Where are they?

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Uhmari


Thank You for finally taking the time to put some more information here for us to read. What you added was probably needed at the beginning of the thread, not 10 pages or so later.

Now, whether or not a person chooses to believe or not, I have just one question. WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION? How exactly, does it matter whether a person believes or not? From what you describe there is no way anyone is going to escape this event you describe.

What is going to happen to the people who believe you versus the people that don't? Are you implying that people who believe will be treated differently than the ones that don't? Mind you, in any conflict or war, innocent people loose thier lives, too. So what about people that never even hear of your warning, or truth? What happens to them? What about old people, sick people, babies?

I guess I just don't understand where you are going with this other than to instill fear in people. As if, the world doesn't have enough real crap going on right now that is in our gotta add to it?

Please explain further.

Thank You

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 10:13 AM
Uhmari, Is this information you have personaly seen and worked with?

Or, is this information you have collected on the internet?

The information I use as gospel has been given to me during a meeting (well several meetings through the course of my life) in outer space and continues to flow via telepathic communication. This information is from what I believe to be the Creator. Now, I also believe the creator to be a collective group, with one mind.

Have you lived the information you are putting down?

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Now Schuyler, you know full well When the goaul "Korel" took over Skara's body in episode 82 of star gate, Skara could see and hear everything but couldnt make it stop. SG1 had to win back his body in a stellar court proceeding. Man wasnt Apophis mad about that!!!

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Sorry, just don't buy it.
What would be the point of hiding, practically forever, from humans?
We don't hide from our cattle or our pets.
As for the Mayan calendar date, hey, my calendar ends dec 31 of every year, and it seems to me, the end of everything was supposed to be dec 31 1999 @ midnight. I seem to recall that on that date, worldwide power systems were going to be irrepairably destroyed, all cars would quit running, and even our toasters would be inoperable.
As a techno, I was amazed at the level of the fear based economy of that time, as disproving it was exceddingly simple to anyone with even a small amount of technical knowlege. But the vast majority of the planets population was snookered into believing it anyway.
The winter solstice of 2012 will be the same, as anyone who has a minor amount of knowlege can determine for themselves.
I forsee a similar fear based economy starting around 2010, for crystals, teachings, devices, devotions, tourism to "sacred places for healing and enlightenment", and various other end of the world as we know it technologies.
It is my humble opinion that the Earth as the center of some great war in the heavens is in no significant way different than the teachings of the early churches, or even scientific understanding of the middle ages.

It's called "Hubris".

Though I have no problem envisioning many alien races possibly visiting or studying humanity, even harvesting and experimenting on us and other earth lifeforms, in the grand scale of the universe, we are but a speck of sand on an eternal beach.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by Uhmari


Thank You for finally taking the time to put some more information here for us to read. What you added was probably needed at the beginning of the thread, not 10 pages or so later.

Now, whether or not a person chooses to believe or not, I have just one question. WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION? How exactly, does it matter whether a person believes or not? From what you describe there is no way anyone is going to escape this event you describe.

What is going to happen to the people who believe you versus the people that don't? Are you implying that people who believe will be treated differently than the ones that don't? Mind you, in any conflict or war, innocent people loose thier lives, too. So what about people that never even hear of your warning, or truth? What happens to them? What about old people, sick people, babies?

I guess I just don't understand where you are going with this other than to instill fear in people. As if, the world doesn't have enough real crap going on right now that is in our gotta add to it?

Please explain further.

Thank You

You can help simply by raising your own conciousness. Your light will then shine to another, and another to anothers. Collectively, gradually, raising the planets concious level.

As for those that you claim will not believe; They have always exsisted, They said the world was flat, and yet it was round, the said that earth was the center of the universe, it was not, there for, with facts like this, it is logical to conclude there will be skeptics for a long time, but let me ask you, what happend afterwards? does not the entire planet know that this world rotates around the star, which is in a galaxy, in a universe?
So like-wise, the world will doubt it, for this time, but proof will come, just as it did, then it will be accepted by all.

(quote from -win32- another post after this one)
Uhmari, Is this information you have personaly seen and worked with?
Or, is this information you have collected on the internet?

You have possibly experience one of the higher realms, But i assure you, what you did, if you did experience, Is not God, or the grandcreator. the reason why i say this is because, All of the higher beings, attuned and closer to the light, cannot even recall what they have seen, when they request the cosmos to meet him, Simply stated, we see God, the creator but do not remember it, only are filled with love light and peace for a limited time after.

It is possible you are seeing many times, another being that is higher in vibration, a creator god ( a lesser being given power by God to create ) or even a melevolent being lying to you. remember, telepathic ability is the relay of thought AND emotion, thus, if a grey wanted to share love with you, so you would fill an overwhelming sensation of love.

As for me, I simply can only say, I know my words to be truth, because they come from within me, from my point of creation, That point in which all things share collective conciousness, Rather, where we all are.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Uhmari

All I can say is that the past few yrs have been some crazy journey.

I first came across every6thing that is now being talked about some 15 yrs ago which i have always been very skeptical about.
But the past couple of yrs the amount of sychronicity that has been going on is beyond words.
this has taken me on a journey starting from some egyptian philosophy I read 15 yrs ago through to just recently qauntum physics.
All I know now is that people are getting re- programmed if you like and this re-programming is coming to us at diffrent times for a reason. For some it simply won't, you will basically know if you know, it will all become clear.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by MrUniverse

What synchonisities have you been experiancing?

reply to post by Uhmari

How do you raise your conciousness? What vibrational frequency should I sync into?

[edit on 26-11-2007 by InSpiteOf]

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