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Detroit is the Most Dangerous City

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posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 08:25 AM
Live south of Deathtroit, never go there, NEVER! Went once for a football game(Go Packers!) and well, my truck was never the same after being broken into and everything stolen out of it. Real nice driving home with a smashed driver side window.

Detroit is a hell, Toledo is a hell, Ann Arbor is so so. Also, in Toledo who was it that riots, shoots the police, does the most crime? The blacks. Same in Detroit, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Lexington, Cinnci, Cleveland, anywhere. Look at jails, more blacks then all others combined.

Sorry, once the whites and blacks who didn't want to act like animals left the city went to hell. Notice how I say the ones who didn't want to act like animals, not all blacks act like animals, many don't. Many want to be more then dead at 22 after a drive by or drug deal gone wrong, and they left Detroit. The ones left behind well, watch BET if you want an insight on how they live. They really think living off of welfare is a career and dealing drugs is a job. They think drive bys and rape is normal, women are nothing, killing someone over stepping on their shoe is normal, horrible.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 02:19 PM
Detroit is a dangerous city, because it is allowed to happen. The FBI could send units in to patrol at night to help stop a lot of the crime. But that would be a waste of time to them. Maybe money, men for other things. To many murders there go unsolved.

The crap needs to stop now.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by jca2005
Detroit is a dangerous city, because it is allowed to happen. The FBI could send units in to patrol at night to help stop a lot of the crime. But that would be a waste of time to them. Maybe money, men for other things. To many murders there go unsolved.

The crap needs to stop now.

You'd need the army there, then people would scream it was a government take over. Even then I wouldn't want to be a soldier, sure no suicide bombers but a gang fight with guns is just as bad. And the NAACP and other "Black Right" groups would be there making things even worse. Like when this kid shot and killed a police officer, what do they do? Rush to the shooters defense saying the officer was overstepping his bounds for stopping a drug deal being down on a city sidewalk, middle of the day, out in the open.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 07:52 PM
Um, I couldn't edit my last post, here is the police officer shot and killed

So south of here Toledo is hell, north of here Detroit is hell, and they have one thing in common...

Not saying all are criminals, but look at our prisons and ask me what color is represented more. Not saying whites are pure and clean, look at the GOP and thier child sex rings, bribes, war crimes or the Dems with perjury over a BJ. But just pointing out who commits the most crime even though they are the minority in this country.

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 01:53 AM
Was there for around a year, about two years ago.

Nothing in this thread surprises me. Nothing seems exaggerated at all.

Nothing more scary than being on 6-Mile Road. (day or night)

Glad I am gone,...

...and now I can see why our car companies in America are doing so bad, ...

..because they cant leave Detroit either.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:15 AM
Well then, more crap from Detroit. Two students get in a fight, teacher tries to break them up, has his back broken, and the two get out of school suspension. Not arrested, not expelled, suspended while the teacher fights for his life in a hospital.

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