reply to post by Perplexed
You have no idea of what you speak. The economy of Detroit depends primarily on five things: 1) Banks, 2) People, 3) People to demand credit from
banks, 4) Money to be created from credit issued to people from the banks, 5) Manufacturing, goods, services, and jobs created out of the money that
was created by the banks through the demand of credit from the people. That's the equation. That's the cycle. It's math. Revisit your high
school algebra and trigonometry texts!
If you remove banks from that list of factors, you get nothing. If you remove people from that list of factors, you get nothing. You can have all of
the resources in the world but if either banks or people to borrow from banks aren't available, you get nothing. That is, you do not get an
economy. You will not see economic growth, never mind exponential growth. Money will only be created out of contractual agreements between banks and
Now you can blame Blacks all you want to, but that is your opinion it is NOT an argument free of fallacy. That Blacks murder, rob, rape, and steal
bears no difference on the equation any more than Whites who murder, rob, rape, and steal. Poverty is not created out of crime. Crime often is a
result of poverty. However, crime is often a result of privilege, too! You seem to have been blinded by sheer large numbers of crimes committed by
many of the numerous poor, rather than also noticing the few greatly significant crimes committed by the relatively few rich. You tell us all here at
ATS how is it possible for people to maintain a CITY, a MAJOR CITY, with no money? If there are no banks willing to create the money necessary to run
a city, then you get a situation like Detroit, and it doesn't matter whether the occupants are white or black, or both. Take a good, long, and hard
look at Britain, UK. Upon close inspection you will find pockets of violence and crime that is created by WHITE people that are on par with the
violence and crime created in Detroit by Black people. Take a look at ANY European city and you will find the same examples in full! People lacking
specific skill sets, applicable to today's global market, that prevent them from finding jobs, creating wealth for themselves, their families, and
their communities.
Another thing you've got backwards: People do not enlist small and big business. What would be the incentive for a business, big or small, to move
back into Detroit to help people? Despite the Salvation Army and Rescue Mission there isn't an incentive large enough to tempt businesses back into
Detroit to help people. What you mean is, what would be the incentive for businesses to return to operations in Detroit? The simple answer is money.
Exactly where is the money going to come from? The simple answer is banks willing to lend and people willing to borrow so that banks will create NEW
money. Other more complex answers to this proposition of businesses moving back into Detroit would be, new and emerging technologies, a present,
skilled, willing and able labor force to develop, design, manufacture, market, distribute, and sell the resulting products of those technologies. Do
you suppose the current population of Detroit is able to create this out of thin air?
Finally, as demonstrated by your comments, whatever you disposition is regarding black people, it is obviously born of ignorance. You speak of
looking at the real problems, yet you do not dig deep enough to uncover the causes. Even Whites are duped by their own elite representatives. Many
White Americans do not even begin to suspect that they are beholden to a few powerful people. They go through daily life deluded that they are in
charge. They look at the most egregious examples that the elite's carefully calculated equations express and say, "Thank God I'm not Black." And
as long as many of these seemingly decent White Americans have kept looking the other way, the elite's have robbed them blind. LITERALLY robbed them
blind. "Made in the USA", can you find it? So where are all the jobs now? Overseas, South Asia, East Asia, China, Mexico, South America. I
suppose by your math that the blacks are the cause of that as well? You can answer that one with many of the popular answers if you like, greed,
power, corruption, the fact of the matter is that you are referring to white people with money and the power to create money. Blacks offer the same
explanation with regards to the American cities, towns and regions where they live.
The United States of America is slowly becoming one big Detroit! Do you not understand the common concept that whatever is dictated from the top is
first expressed on the bottom? That the people in the middle are constantly distracted by keeping track of their position relative to the bottom,
rather than questioning the dictates of the top? That the people on the bottom are constantly keeping track of their position relative to those in
the middle and those on the top? If were ask four black people in Detroit, what is the root cause of their problems, I would bet that each one of
them would answer, no money. I would bet that that most of the people who live in Detroit love Detroit. They see the wealth, they recognize it all
around them, but they understand simple economics, that without money one might as well not even entertain the dream, because only with the
availability of a lot of new money can the city be resurrected.
Finally, instead of citing crimes and protest you should be looking into the root causes of those crimes and protests. If illegal drugs do not make
it into neighborhoods, would drug related crimes be committed? What is the purpose of hanging nooses if not to stoke racial tensions and provoke
racial conflict? Why would would White individuals at a school that is more than 80% White feel threatened by Blacks who make up no more than 15% of
the student population? Clearly hanging nooses is a symbol of American White superiority and hatred of Blacks. I suppose, by the way you reckon,
that Blacks are the cause of those problems simply by being there? Who allows drugs into the country? Who teaches White children to hate? Really,
let's be honest, who is responsible for creating laziness, complacency, and animalistic tendencies towards their fellow man? Tell us, who would that