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Detroit is the Most Dangerous City

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posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 10:44 PM
[continued from previous post]

Murder, rape, manslaughter, assault, burglary, robbery, breaking and entering, these are all types of crimes that are unpredictable. Definitely need law enforcement to curtail and possibly prevent these types of crimes. Drug trafficking, drug dealing, firearms trafficking, illegal sales of firearms, are all crimes that are more predictable than the previous mentioned types of crimes. They are more predictable because they are associated with economies and industries. Drugs and guns are not grown, harvested and manufactured by the people that you see on the 10 o'clock news. The people that are responsible for their import into America's inner-cities are rarely if ever featured on the 10 o'clock news. Remember the "War on Drugs" back during the Reagan era? Every now and then for show a report in the newspaper would show up of a "major" drug bust. Cops smiling over the take, awards and promotions handed out, elections won and lost. When was the last time you saw on the 10 o'clock news a sixteen wheeler getting busted hauling unknown quantities of coc aine up the Interstate? Never mind firearms.

Anyway, the FBI are right. The factors are numerous as to the causes and conditions that make crime possible. I would like to add that the factors are numerous as to the causes of the condition of Black Americans of Detroit, Michigan and elsewhere.

[edit on 20-11-2007 by Areal51]

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 11:47 PM
I am disturbed by some of the posters here with their underlying racial prejudices seeping through. It's not a Black thing as they seem to imply, it's a poverty thing. No jobs leads to people finding illegal ways to make $$$ and all the other societal ill's that brings. If Detroit had a booming job market, it would be a whole different story you would be hearing.

With the export of jobs rather than goods to the rest of the world, it's only a matter of time before other parts of the U.S. feels the same way as the "Rustbelt" of the Midwest does. It's sad to see literally hundreds if not thousands of small and large factories just sitting vacant, knowing that they once produced and provided a livelihood for many people. Heck my Cell phone and land line phone as well as the computer, monitor, keyboard and mouse, speakers digital camera, camera dock and printer on my desk are all made in other countries. At least my desk was made in America. Even the pens and markers and the batteries sitting on my desk and the Sweater I have on are made in China. Things like that used to provide jobs for many Americans.

Sure Detroit is in rough shape, the PTB in Detroit have decided to develop the downtown area at the expense of the rest of the city with very mixed results. Downtown Detroit in areas is actually a very nice place to go, my old neighborhood on the Eastside of Detroit is another matter. It's a relative ghost of it's former self, which wasn't anything to brag about even back then. There has been a steady decline of jobs in the city and it shows, even fast food places have closed up shop in my old neighborhood. There are hardly any good paying jobs to be had in the city anymore. My brothers used to be be able to work Summers during high school at the Car factories back in the 70's now there is a real lack on business infrastructure in the city.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by pavil
I am disturbed by some of the posters here with their underlying racial prejudices seeping through. It's not a Black thing as they seem to imply, it's a poverty thing. No jobs leads to people finding illegal ways to make $$$ and all the other societal ill's that brings. If Detroit had a booming job market, it would be a whole different story you would be hearing.

Your argument is flawed. How do you account for the booming times of Detroit before white flight? How do you account for all the boarded up business in Detroit today?

The blacks rape, rob, steal and murder and then people like you blame it on poverty? It's not poverty. It's a culture of violence that does them in.

Throughout most of the 50's and 60's and then again the 80's & 90's American had great economic growth and Detroit squandered that through their corruption and crime. They could have enlisted small and big business to move back downtown. They said no through their crime and racism.

They can't even get a supermarket to move downtown so the hords have to go north of 8 mile to buy food. They rob and steal at these places and they are forced to close. When they do the blacks cry and use your argument of economic oppression instead of looking at the real problem.

Black America only cares about two things... who is the pulpit pimp today and where is the symbolic hate the white man march? They are more concerned about a noose hanging in a tree 1000 miles away than two of their own children being murdered in their sleep. We had a group of blacks take a bus to Jena for their pulpit pit march and then a few days later some small children were murdered in their sleep by a drug dealer here in Detroit. It wasn't a drive by shooting. It was cold blooded put the gun to the kids head while they sleep murder. Can you imagine doing that? These kids were about 10 years old. That is inhuman.

Did this same group protest? Did Jessee or Al show up? No on all counts. Symbolism over substance is what rules the day here. This has nothing to do with economics or poverty. It's called intellectual laziness, complacency and animalistic tendencies toward their fellow man.

I am of the mindset that we need FEMA camps for these people. They are truly African first and American a distant second....

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 05:31 AM
dammit... st. louis, you slackers, we're only #2 now...
at least we lead the country in STD infections
number 1! number 1! number 1!

...ok, i'm done now.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 06:43 AM
I think we should just send a few National Guard MP battalions into the city and do a mass crackdown.

We have this neat little program up in Rochester, NY (another "Rust Belt" city) where the Rochester Police team up with the Monroe County Sheriff's Office and the New York State Police and the basically flood the city with deputies and troopers from the state and county ... they litterly send in hundreds of state troopers. They do it once a year and its called Operation Impact.

Deny it all you want but its been proven that time and again that enforcement is the key.

[edit on 21-11-2007 by ChrisF231]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by pavil
I am disturbed by some of the posters here with their underlying racial prejudices seeping through. It's not a Black thing as they seem to imply, it's a poverty thing. No jobs leads to people finding illegal ways to make $$$ and all the other societal ill's that brings. If Detroit had a booming job market, it would be a whole different story you would be hearing.

Don't be disturbed it's a simlpe fact and if you can't see it then your the racist. Facts are facts the blacks have destroyed the city and many others and if thats not enough to convince ya look at what they have been doing to Africa. I grew up in Flint and worked for many years in Detroit. Flint has a white mayor but can't get anything done because of the infighting in the city council.You really need to read up.


mod edit, fix quote tags

[edit on 22-11-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 08:22 AM

Sure people want to change.... *off*...

Just go downtown Detroit to one of the 3 Casinos, within the first 10 days of the month and tell me what you see.

I've been there and witnessed it. It isn't pretty... I've even commented to my wife, " I wonder how many children are doing without, because their parents are here wasting money"....

It's really sad.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Perplexed

You have no idea of what you speak. The economy of Detroit depends primarily on five things: 1) Banks, 2) People, 3) People to demand credit from banks, 4) Money to be created from credit issued to people from the banks, 5) Manufacturing, goods, services, and jobs created out of the money that was created by the banks through the demand of credit from the people. That's the equation. That's the cycle. It's math. Revisit your high school algebra and trigonometry texts!

If you remove banks from that list of factors, you get nothing. If you remove people from that list of factors, you get nothing. You can have all of the resources in the world but if either banks or people to borrow from banks aren't available, you get nothing. That is, you do not get an economy. You will not see economic growth, never mind exponential growth. Money will only be created out of contractual agreements between banks and people.

Now you can blame Blacks all you want to, but that is your opinion it is NOT an argument free of fallacy. That Blacks murder, rob, rape, and steal bears no difference on the equation any more than Whites who murder, rob, rape, and steal. Poverty is not created out of crime. Crime often is a result of poverty. However, crime is often a result of privilege, too! You seem to have been blinded by sheer large numbers of crimes committed by many of the numerous poor, rather than also noticing the few greatly significant crimes committed by the relatively few rich. You tell us all here at ATS how is it possible for people to maintain a CITY, a MAJOR CITY, with no money? If there are no banks willing to create the money necessary to run a city, then you get a situation like Detroit, and it doesn't matter whether the occupants are white or black, or both. Take a good, long, and hard look at Britain, UK. Upon close inspection you will find pockets of violence and crime that is created by WHITE people that are on par with the violence and crime created in Detroit by Black people. Take a look at ANY European city and you will find the same examples in full! People lacking specific skill sets, applicable to today's global market, that prevent them from finding jobs, creating wealth for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Another thing you've got backwards: People do not enlist small and big business. What would be the incentive for a business, big or small, to move back into Detroit to help people? Despite the Salvation Army and Rescue Mission there isn't an incentive large enough to tempt businesses back into Detroit to help people. What you mean is, what would be the incentive for businesses to return to operations in Detroit? The simple answer is money. Exactly where is the money going to come from? The simple answer is banks willing to lend and people willing to borrow so that banks will create NEW money. Other more complex answers to this proposition of businesses moving back into Detroit would be, new and emerging technologies, a present, skilled, willing and able labor force to develop, design, manufacture, market, distribute, and sell the resulting products of those technologies. Do you suppose the current population of Detroit is able to create this out of thin air?

Finally, as demonstrated by your comments, whatever you disposition is regarding black people, it is obviously born of ignorance. You speak of looking at the real problems, yet you do not dig deep enough to uncover the causes. Even Whites are duped by their own elite representatives. Many White Americans do not even begin to suspect that they are beholden to a few powerful people. They go through daily life deluded that they are in charge. They look at the most egregious examples that the elite's carefully calculated equations express and say, "Thank God I'm not Black." And as long as many of these seemingly decent White Americans have kept looking the other way, the elite's have robbed them blind. LITERALLY robbed them blind. "Made in the USA", can you find it? So where are all the jobs now? Overseas, South Asia, East Asia, China, Mexico, South America. I suppose by your math that the blacks are the cause of that as well? You can answer that one with many of the popular answers if you like, greed, power, corruption, the fact of the matter is that you are referring to white people with money and the power to create money. Blacks offer the same explanation with regards to the American cities, towns and regions where they live.

The United States of America is slowly becoming one big Detroit! Do you not understand the common concept that whatever is dictated from the top is first expressed on the bottom? That the people in the middle are constantly distracted by keeping track of their position relative to the bottom, rather than questioning the dictates of the top? That the people on the bottom are constantly keeping track of their position relative to those in the middle and those on the top? If were ask four black people in Detroit, what is the root cause of their problems, I would bet that each one of them would answer, no money. I would bet that that most of the people who live in Detroit love Detroit. They see the wealth, they recognize it all around them, but they understand simple economics, that without money one might as well not even entertain the dream, because only with the availability of a lot of new money can the city be resurrected.

Finally, instead of citing crimes and protest you should be looking into the root causes of those crimes and protests. If illegal drugs do not make it into neighborhoods, would drug related crimes be committed? What is the purpose of hanging nooses if not to stoke racial tensions and provoke racial conflict? Why would would White individuals at a school that is more than 80% White feel threatened by Blacks who make up no more than 15% of the student population? Clearly hanging nooses is a symbol of American White superiority and hatred of Blacks. I suppose, by the way you reckon, that Blacks are the cause of those problems simply by being there? Who allows drugs into the country? Who teaches White children to hate? Really, let's be honest, who is responsible for creating laziness, complacency, and animalistic tendencies towards their fellow man? Tell us, who would that be?

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by elevatedone

So every Black person in Detroit is wasting money in the casinos? There aren't any Black families teaching and promoting a better way of life for their children and communities? Everyone has turned a deaf ear?

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Perplexed
Your argument is flawed. How do you account for the booming times of Detroit before white flight? How do you account for all the boarded up business in Detroit today?

Well first off there were real nice paying jobs to be had, remember my comment about my high school brothers being able to work on a assembly line during the summer vacation? There was far less violent crimes when the economy was much better, even with a million more people in the city. The boarded up business of today were already being shuttered in the 60's and 70's, I lived there and saw it. When jobs go, bad things happen to the community as a whole.

The blacks rape, rob, steal and murder and then people like you blame it on poverty? It's not poverty. It's a culture of violence that does them in.

Define: Stereotype: a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude.

By that same token, why have "the Blacks" in other parts of the country not done the same to their communities? What came first: the lack of decent paying jobs and poverty or the culture of violence?

Throughout most of the 50's and 60's and then again the 80's & 90's American had great economic growth and Detroit squandered that through their corruption and crime.

I lived in Detroit from the mid 60's to the late 80's, the amount of really good paying factory jobs had already peaked by then. Part of the "white flight" was due to those families just looking for much greener pastures and having the nestegg from those jobs to do it. The riots didn't help matters but the trend was already started by then.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the choices that the Government of Detroit has made, they are as corrupt as any other big city Mayors are. Chicago had just as much corruption, probably more and they managed to due far better, was it because they had a white mayor? No, they diversified their job base and planned properly.

Did this same group protest? Did Jessee or Al show up? No on all counts. Symbolism over substance is what rules the day here. This has nothing to do with economics or poverty. It's called intellectual laziness, complacency and animalistic tendencies toward their fellow man.

I am of the mindset that we need FEMA camps for these people. They are truly African first and American a distant second....

Wow, nothing to do with economics or poverty? Really? So if most of the working age adults in Detroit had $44,000 salary jobs we would still be seeing the same results? Hopefully you have read this far, Take a read at this:

America's wealthiest Black Country

With the distinction of being the richest majority African-American county in the country, Prince George's County is more than a place to live. For the 500,000 or so Black county residents--many of whom are in occupations that range from doctors and lawyers to hotel owners and restaurateurs--it is home to a social, economic and political movement that has turned the typical American hierarchy on its ear, and, if handled correctly, could reverberate for generations to come.
Explain that for me ok?

Rounding "Those" people up to FEMA camps? I can't believe you are the one claiming others of intellectual laziness. First "the Blacks", then "the Mexicans" then "the ________" Right? You do know that once upon a time it was "those Irish", "those Italians", "those Catholics" who were the ones spit upon.

I agree more people should have stood up and protested over the senseless deaths of our youth, were you there? I also agree with the other poster , the three new Casinos are just sucking out money that normally would have been put to far better use.

BTW, before you assume, I am as white as a sheet of copy paper.

[edit on 21-11-2007 by pavil]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Chyort

Detroit the worse city ever? well no duh.

My words of the city can be put into visual context via this:

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Gorman91

Lol, that was good. I forgot about that part in the movie.

I heard someone say that they should make Detroit into a national park, and call it "The Ruins of Detroit."

[edit on 22-11-2007 by Chyort]

posted on Nov, 22 2007 @ 07:21 PM
Youchers elevatone, that is really harsh, but most likely very likely. I had some business to do in S. Green. 3 occasions. A nice chunk out of my paint near pass. door was evident. Someone tried to jake my G20. That's ok tho, it's old and dead now, motor city, detroit, had to put a bullet in its head at 88k. Drive a lexus now 110k, please God let her be alright for awhile till I get a handle on things. Please! Side note, if you don't drive at least 75 prepare for a smaller trunk. They don't call it motor city for nothing.

[edit on 22-11-2007 by jpm1602]

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Ok, so some here blame it on some socio economic physcobabel. That's fine but here are the real questions.

What happened to the once great city of Detroit after the riots? What caused the riots? Some will say the riots were caused by the oppression of the black race through police units like STRESS who went out and kept the peace.

The blacks had enough of this and decided it was time to put a stop to the "abuse." Their answer was to burn everything down and kill people to express their views on the situation.

After this the people that feared for their lives decided to move out of the city. The businesses that were established down there decided they could not make a profit because of the flight to the suburbs so they decided to move out of the city for one of two reasons. One being unable to make a profit and two their customers and employees were robbed raped or killed trying to do commerce.

Now getting back to STRESS and the abuse of police power... Was it right for the police and the city to use these tactics to keep the animals in line? Let's take a look at that for a moment.

Before the riots we had a fairly nice city that was diverse and had a real economic impact on the region. After the riots we have had a steady decline of civilization in the city of Detroit. More and more people leave every day either by their own will or they are murdered.

The riot have never stopped. It has just been a slower burn and the killing is only about one or two a day but the animals are still running the zoo.

Every inner city is like this. The blacks run the cities and we are to blame for the economic injustice they endure. I think it's absolutely absurd to think it's anyone’s fault but the blacks in this country. They own these little third world communities and we are to blame?

What happened have the Super Bowl and the All Star game we had here? All that PR was wasted because the blacks can't get their crap together. Now here we are again and the reason we are here is because of some noose hanging some 1000 miles away in some tree?

Until we deal with the problem directly it will stay this way. Until we blame the blacks for the destruction they cause it will never change.

[edit on 23-11-2007 by Perplexed]

2) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive, hateful and/or racist manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

[edit on 23-11-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Perplexed

So what are you waiting for?

posted on Nov, 23 2007 @ 03:41 PM
detroit is the most dangerous city

Mod Note: One Line and Short Posts – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 23-11-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Chyort

Yea I live about 25 min north of Detroit and I or anybody i know hardly goes down there. It's actually really nice in the summer going to tigers games during the day and even at night sometimes. The fox theatere is nice ....saw chappelle there last year.....It's a great sports town but 90% of the teams fans live outside of detroit in the suburbs because thats where all the opportunity is at?
The people of detroit need to man up and fix it no matter what race they are.

posted on Nov, 25 2007 @ 06:03 PM
I am sorry to say I don't go there unless I have my gun and I am getting paid to be there.

Detroit has no people, It will never come back without people Detroit has almost nothing. Half of The Detroit (incert here) is not even in Detroit. Not the Zoo, not the Pistons, not the Lions for a long time.

It's really quite sad.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 02:22 AM
Everyone talking about Detroit who does not actually reside in Detroit needs to stop acting like they know what they are talking about. I live in Detroit. I love this city. Detroit isn't for everone, but somehow I manage to not live in fear of things beyond my control.

Every time I visit somewhere and tell people I'm from Detroit they immediately ask me stupid [SNIP] questions like: "What is 8 Mile like?" and if Detroit is as scary as they've been misinformed. Detroit is a city that needs rebuilding but lacks the funds to rebuild . Reinforcing negative stereotypes like it being excessively dangerous is only going to hurt the city more by preventing new people moving to Detroit to build a new economic and social base.

You are statistically as safe in downtown Detroit as you are in any other major American city. PERIOD. The violent crime in Detroit is connected to drug dealing. So unless you are selling drugs and pissing off some dangerous people it's safe to assume you wont be getting shot on your way to the laundromat. Detroit is a city like any other city with good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods. If Detroit was literally as dangerous as people think it is, why would so many people continue living here?

The 1967 Riots were induced because of racial inequality, afterward most of the whites in Detroit moved to the suburbs where everyone is white and 'safe' and away from the big bad scary city. (Even though car accidents happen as if not more frequently than homicide, especially in the suburbs where you have to DRIVE everywhere, so I have no idea what the definition of 'safe' is.)

If you know anything about race relations in the 20th century; it's no doubt that blacks have been kept down by racist white people in power. Blacks were earning a fraction of the wages that whites made for the same labor. Detroit being the auto producer of the world this century (before half the plants were closed and re-stationed in places like Mexico; laying off most of Detroit's labor force.) industrial jobs were jobs anyone could get without any form of education. When the HIGHER PAID WHITES moved to the suburbs in the late 1960's they took their MONEY with them. This robbed the city of tax revenues. The city lacks funds for better police, schools, transportation. and other civil interests.

The suburbs represent a fear of urban living (and at times racism) in America. The six-o-clock news reports a black man aged 20 to 23 who robbed a gas station at the corner of Main and Seventh; but did not report the white female 16 year old who crashed her parents SUV 20 miles away into a Dodge neon killing all the passengers inside.

What the [SNIP] does 'safe' mean to you?


edited out profanities

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[edit on 2/1/08 by masqua]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Badfish_and_burritos

What are your views on the Detroit mayor, do you see that he has done anything wrong?

It appears that this man has been taking advantage of his position for his own personal gain, what has this mayor done for the citizens of Detroit?

I know it must be difficult for the city especially with the factory jobs leaving town, I am sure if the city wanted to put forth an effort to clean up the city, start clamping down on the criminal element, start rebuilding the city, things could be better, especially for your children.

I used to live in Norfolk, Virginia and while it is much smaller it had alot of the problems that you have in Detroit.

Norfolk & it's sister city across the river Portsmouth went through a complete rejuvenation and rebuilding of the downtown area which has really done a wonderful job creating new places of business, tourism, outdoor festivals etc, which has also brought thousands of jobs to the 2 cities while reducing crime and drawing more residents to return.

It wasn't an overnight solution, it took time, money, and hard work. It isn't perfect but compared to the same area in the early 80's it is once again a decent place to live, work, and visit.

Detroit could once again flourish, but it is up to those in Detroit to want it to happen, to demand that it happen. Elect leaders who will get it done.

What has the mayor done? What has your representative in Congress done? What has your Senator done to help your city turn things around?

The residents of Detroit have to organize and demand change from their leaders.

If you don't want change, just continue the blame game and keep watching the city deteriorate.

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