I know how you feel. I too can 'sense' when somebody is going to die
I hate the fact that I know, would love to warn people, but don't want to
in fear of seeming like a complete nasty person?
I don't dream, I just get a feeling and when I next see that person I get confirmation of 'The Death Look' as I have now called it. It is just a
look, like we both know what the other one knows, only the person does not know, at least I don't think they do??
When I was younger I always regretting not saying little things that popped in my head to family. Say I saw a relative, that night I would start
thinking to myself, I should have told them how much I loved them...but thought I can do it next time. Only there never was a next time.
Like others, it is family or close friends family, there has only been eight people I have known this would happen to. The last was a few years ago, I
saw my friend with her Mum, (who I had grew up with) and I wanted to tell her to get her head seen, but thought this sounded rather rude. That was
what I wanted to say, but never did. Within six weeks my friends Mum was told she had lung cancer that had gone to her brain, she lasted another two
weeks. I felt so guilty, thinking that I could have saved her if I had said??
On a lighter note, I can also tell when someone is pregnant, before they do. I get 'The Baby Feeling'. This is something I do share with people, in
fact when I tell people now, they say, Oh no, not you and your feelings! The most crazy one was a friend of my Mum's who had 2 grown up children,
aged 45. I just could not shake the feeling off. I told my Mum she would be getting told of this pregnancy and she just said I was tapped. Two days
later, her friend rang up and said to meet her in a pub that we never drank in. My Mum and Auntie questioned why she wanted to meet in that pub....I
reminded her why, was again told I was tapped...by the two of them! Only a few hours later they were white when her friend confirmed it!
If I get a feeling but doubt it, the pregnancy will not go full term.
This is something that I have had since I was about 8, I don't know how to make it go away. Things just pop into my head, then I know them. In a way,
I know that I should see them as a positive thing, but sometimes things are better left unsaid.