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My dobermann and water problem.

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posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 10:15 AM
what you all are saying about dogs is so true we have an old english mastiff, sometimes in the early evenings he steps outside smells the air and turns right back around to go back indoors. He wil not drink water out of the tap 3/4 of the time, I have learned to watch his actions. One night I had him out walking we were a block from our house, he turned and ran back to the house, needless to say i had to run to, as soon as we got home police cars surrounded a house close to were we were. he sensed something. We have to learn to trust our animals

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 10:43 AM
Here is a possible answer: Years ago living in Miami, I was selling water treatment systems. We went into homes and did a demo and tested the water for dissolved solids and chlorine, etc, to show how much crap is in the water.

When I saw a potential client with a swimming pool and a dog, I KNEW that I was going to make a sale, and here's why:

All I had to do was ask the homeowners if their dog preferred to drink from the pool rather than the tap water in their bowls,,,and if they said YES I had them right where I wanted them: All I had to do was run a chlorine test on the tap water, and it was ALWAYS far hiugher than in the pool!!! The dog's sense of smell is so scute that they can smell the chlorine and will refuse the higher content!!

Municipal water is bleached to make it clear, so we will drink it ( not me, I have a deep well ), but the mixture of chlorine and the dissolved solids makes a poison, trihalomethanes, from the ammoniates and crap they pump in the system. City water is POISON and the dogs can simply smell it far better than we can, simple.

Switch all dogs to either store bought water with NO chlorine at all, or get distilled water or the best bet, which is water that has been thru a filter that removes chlorine and all other additives as well, the most effective of all being the REVERSE OSMOSIS method. You can buy a small RO filter for under the sink for all your drinking water for less than 200 dollars, and it will make ALL the difference in your life, believe me.

The taste is totally different, the action on the skin is remarkable, and the benefits of drinking pure unadulterated water are legion. Used just for drinking water, an RO filter is the best bet for all city dwellers who have no wells. Also a water ' softener ' which is just a filter to remove the tiny particles of grit and dirt, called dissolved solids in the trade, and crap to all else, from the water. A water softener will NOT remove chlorine, that takes special fliters, but it will make your water work for YOU and not the reverse. Wtare that has the grrit removed feels totally differently: It allows the natural oils to come out of the skin and nourish the cells: WQith untreated water, the tiny particles actually fill the pores of the skin and stop the oils from being released, hence skin illnesses and backed up oils causing all sorts of skin issues.

It takes FAR less soaps and conditioners with treated water: Look at a box of laundry detergent: It has chemicals in it that clean the water before it cleans the clothes!! Detergent cannot clean clothes until the water is clean, and so knowing that virtually all municipal water is filthy, they manufacturers include agents to soften ( clean ) the water before the rest of the elemsnts can do their job. If you knew the extent that water companies go to to keep a lid on what really goes on in their treatment plants, you would be shocked.

Go to a canal or lake or puddle that is really gross and take a glas of that water home. Take a bottle of Clorox of bleach and pour a little in and stir it until the water is perfectly clear. That is what the water plants are doing, exactly. But then they add much more to try and counter the effects of the natural reactions of the elements and it only makes it all worse. You end up with a witches brew of chemicals that are bad for the body and the environment as well. ONLY with effective filtration and treatment can water be restored to its original condition: H2O, pure water, clean and healthy and a natural emulsifier. A little clean water and a bar of Dove soap can clean a dirty over; try it is you don't believe me.

Clean water is an amazing substance that has a myriad of beneficial uses, but dirty water full of chemicals, harsh chemicals at that, is poison and no doubt a cause of much illness and grief for mankind every year. Man needs clean water to live and be healthy, and in this day and age we must do all we can to insure that the industrial lords do not kill us by trying to fulfill our most desperate needs: Clean water is at the very top, of that list!!

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 01:03 PM
Your dog is a victim of false advertising. Most bottled water is tap water.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

Incredible. Thanks for that most informative post. I know a guy that used to run a water treatment plant, that quit because he wouldn't put the chemicals in the water they were asking him to.

He was later blackballed, and his son recently committed suicide.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:31 PM
a dogs sense for odour is about a 100 times better that a human's,so i definitly would trust your dobermann,since he's probably not fooling around about this.and if you say your neigbour's dog shows the same behaviour,something's definitly wrong...have u tried talking to other dog and cat owners round the area where you live?if others come up with the same result,it sure is worth further's may show the same response as may other pet animals.they simply just sense more and verry diffrent thengs than we do,with just about any of their senses...

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:41 PM
There is some really good information in this thread. I have always been discusted with what they put in the tap water. I would be listening to your doggy, maybe you should test the water in your tap. I am curious as to what you would find. You should test it and let us know.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

But then they add much more to try and counter the effects of the natural reactions of the elements and it only makes it all worse. You end up with a witches brew of chemicals that are bad for the body and the environment as well.

Well said.

City water is a filth that requires a Bachelors of Science to describe and a Doctorate to understand.

As a society we must remember that it our individual responsiblity to filter our water before we serve it; as it is our individual responsibility to cook our meat before we serve it.

We should point source collect our water as well. Every family should have 300 gallon capacity, I suggest stainless for a city man, but a small clay pond would do if treated correctly in the country.

For in home filtration, a corny keg (soda keg) can be filled with coconut husk activated carbon and hooked up to you kitchen sink... If you are doing nothing at all to filter your water; you'd be surprised what a difference that would make.

Water comes in all shades of clean.

For some things... like watering the lawn... grey water will do.

For other things... like doing the dishes.... city water will do.

For important things like cooking, drinking, serving guests and pets... only loved water will do.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by paigcal
I have always been discusted with what they put in the tap water.

Cut off your grid tie. It rains.

Sri Oracle

[edit on 13-11-2007 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
Cut off your grid tie. It rains.

Sri Oracle

Not here in Georgia.

Anyway, about that water ban in California, I think it was San Fransico in particular, and I believe it was only put into effect at city government work places. From what I remember, they stopped using bottled water because of how many plastic bottles are wasted, which is a valid concern.

My grandfather fought in the Philippines in WWII, and he told me that they were trained that if they were ever stranded in the jungle, they could eat anything the monkeys ate, and only drink what the monkeys drank. Basically, the monkeys knew what was safe to consume. I would imagine that this could probably be somwhat applied to dogs. However, I would also think that domesticated animals' sesitivity to such things are not as keen as a wild animal's who relies on those senses every day to survive.

Still, it's an odd situation and definitely worth checking into.

[edit on 2007/11/13 by evilod]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

Great post! Thanks for the information. It is so hard to convince people that city water is bad. Because they've been drinking it for so long they thinks it's okay. Amazing how hard it is to convince people that the water they are drinking is crap. They think that since they are still alive that means the water they drink is okay. One can place the Bible of Bad Water on the kitchen table for all to see and read, and folks will still drink that crappy tap water. Not until an "official" shows up, someone with a patch on their sleeve, who says in his or her official capacity that the water is bad will folks listen. Now, how often does that happen? Especially when you know that the official's criteria for normal water is different from the criteria that designates pure water. Anyway, again, thanks for the post!

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:03 PM
mod edit... drug reference removed

[edit on 6/12/07 by masqua]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:21 PM
Try a water purifying system for the dogs water source. As some of the bottled stuff is now proven to be just tap water. If the dog still dislikes it, he may be getting water from another source.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by DDay
Always go with what the animal is doing.

If only I could reach!

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by SmokeyJo

Originally posted by DDay
Always go with what the animal is doing.

If only I could reach!


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 09:04 PM
I have noticed my new kitten will not drink any of the tap water I filter with a regular water filter (Brita) and was curious as to why and now I know. The first day I got her I put her some distilled water because it wasnt chilled and she drank constantly. After that day I was leaving the tap water out so it was room temp and she never touched it.

After reading this I put her some of the bottled water and she lapped it all up.

We live in Japan on the Navy base here and am now curious as to where the water we are supplied with comes from as I have no idea and see now that I should!

thank you for all the advice on here... I am going to get a RO filter this week


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 10:26 PM
This is my first post as I finally have something to contribute. I purchased a reverse osmosis filter that sits on the counter (great for apartments) and my dogs are happy to drink this filtered water. It is so wonderful not to haul to gallons of water up the stairs.

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