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The "Overlord's" Take On The Revolution

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posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Thanks for explaining it better to those of us who are marketing challenged.

I'm just glad that the contributions we make are being kept as the main purpose of the site. On other sites, forums are usually a side luxury, but here it is the main event.

reply to post by Springer

Thanks to all, and keep up the good work.


posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 04:11 PM
I just wanted to express my congratulations to the management for the video, and to the members of ATS who have made it possible.

As for the debate of whether or not it is a revolution, thats just the nature of ATS......everyone has an opinion which we are free to give.

Personaly i was impressed. Why? This is a conspiracy site, and who would have thought the day would come when major companies and mainstream media would be interested in what a bunch of conspiracy theorists have to say?

Thats a major achievement in itself. People will have thier own interpretation of the word "revloution", and it seems that some are a little dissapointed.

However, when so many members provide content, then react and go forth and act on that info, often causing great ripples in society, how can you not call it a revoloution of a sort?

I just think that all ATS members, no matter how long they've been here, should just sit back once in a while and take a look at this site in it's entirety. What other site gives you all the extras that this place provides?

What other site has grabbed it's potential and acted on it like ATS has?

It's quite scary thinking about how big ATS could get, and fascinating that this could happen whilst continueing to keep the members new and old at the centre of any venture that ATS may undertake.

So once again, a big thumbs up from me, it's a pleasure being part of history in the making.


posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Well it seems that the owners of ATS didn't like my posts put up about my opinion about the 'Revolution'.... I had an account under the name '___'J311 and it was completely taken off the site sayng they had no emails or did not recognise the username.... and all becuase I said the revolution was all hype..... So much for a place with free speech with civilised people....
Lets see how long this one lasts for

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by pom311


Here is your profile for '___'J311

Looks perfectly fine to me..



posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

There's always a few semper that just have to bash the site. Some I wonder if they're motivated from other boards.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by SimonGray

We were presenting our UGC ecosystem model to the media. This was a revelation to the mainstream public who have not heard of ATS before. The model IS revolutionary, maybe not to ATS visitors who accept this as normal nowadays, but to the media, they were really excited about it!

I think we all understand this. But I believe the question to ask is? why didn't you just tell us that? Why all the internal hype? Most ATS members have heard of ATS before. I understand wanting to get the message out, but the anti-climax was a let down for some. Let me just say that I'm glad the media were excited.

As you say yourself, this UGC ecosystem, for existing members, is not revolutionary.


posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Conspiracy Theorist

Most members didnt participate in the hype. I could name at least 10 000 members by screenname who didnt post to the 5th of November thread. But please dont ask me to list their names just now.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Conspiracy Theorist

I don't mean to be rude in the least CT but what were you expecting? I mean that, I'd like to know.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I wont ask for the list immediately. Whenever is convenient is fine.


[edit on 8/11/2007 by Conspiracy Theorist]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Ill answer this in the hope that I dont get flamed with a "if you dont like it dont contribute" response.

I was expecting something more than a marketing pitch. I was expecting something tangible. In short, I was expecting a revolution.

Now, I know this site is run and operated as a business, and I understand that businesses need to make a profit. More members = more advertising sales = more profits. Hyping a marketing pitch to existing members as a "revolution" is something that I never expected to see from ATS. Usually when something is hyped, it is worth it. My opinion is that this time is wasn't.

Please let me also state the following:

I love ATS. It is the only forum I contribute to on a regular basis, and I hope it will continue to remain so. I am extremely grateful that the 3 amigos have given us something like this, something that I agree doesnt exist anywhere else, and wish nothing but success and prosperity for them.



posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:52 PM
im going to agree with CT here on this one.

back in the "5th of november" thread, i made this statment (pg 34 3rd post down)

i really hope there is more to this than a revolution dinner, and a webcast of drunken amigos.

i was refering to the hype. i hope it was a major addition to the site, or somthing like that. after all the teases and puzzels, i expected something for the site, as well as a revolution dinner.

i was replyed to by SO

Originally posted by JSR
i really hope there is more to this than a revolution dinner

It will be.

but, what the members got was just that. a drunken webcast.

like ive said in this thread before, i understand the need to hold these funtions. i just think it could have been handled, or announced after it took place. you would have gotten more "pop" form the members.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist
Ill answer this in the hope that I dont get flamed with a "if you dont like it dont contribute" response.

Good lord why would anyone say that? It's the members contributions that are the meat of the site AND the Revolution.

Now, I know this site is run and operated as a business, and I understand that businesses need to make a profit. More members = more advertising sales = more profits. Hyping a marketing pitch to existing members as a "revolution" is something that I never expected to see from ATS. Usually when something is hyped, it is worth it. My opinion is that this time is wasn't.

Yes ATS is a business but it isn't about money. The Amigos could have sold ATS for a HUGE profit but didn't. I hope I don't get in trouble for that sentence but it needed to be said. It takes money for an endeavor to grow, reach more people, gain more content. It's also about having more people reading your ideas and thoughts. Sharing theirs with you.

OK, I took this out of turn for the sake of clarity:

I was expecting something more than a marketing pitch. I was expecting something tangible. In short, I was expecting a revolution.

OK, but what?

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by intrepid

OK, but what?

I think this question is missing the point, but I'll attempt it anyway.

Maybe some kind of mass gathering world wide. Initiating change on a global scale.

It vague, I know. I personally cant come up with a specific revolution, but then again, I havent hyped one up intensely.


posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist

OK, but what?

I think this question is missing the point, but I'll attempt it anyway.

Maybe some kind of mass gathering world wide. Initiating change on a global scale.


From my understanding this is EXACTLY what is being done. I think you got the point but it will take time to develope. This was just a launch. Let's see what happens in the future.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Theorist
Maybe some kind of mass gathering world wide. Initiating change on a global scale.

Is having the ability to directly influence what people see in books, on film, in newspapers, on the news, on websites, on the radio, on podcasts, on DVDs not change on a global scale?

We have also mentioned we intend to push regular ATS conventions, as well as regional gatherings for ATS members across the USA as well as internationally.

I hope you can see where I'm leading with this... we are trying to do what you have asked!

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:35 PM
What I appreciate, is the fact you do not charge us to come to your site. Many of us don't have the funds.

ATS as with everything else in life is slowly evolving.

Simon as an old Mama I say to you, good job sonny boy.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by JSR
...i was refering to the hype. i hope it was a major addition to the site, or somthing like that. after all the teases and puzzels, i expected something for the site, as well as a revolution dinner.

On the night, we announced that we have the rights to distribute the world's largest archive of declassified government documents through ATS.

This was a major winner for us, and we IMMEDIATELY received a request from a major television network to get us on air to make the announcement when it goes live!

Originally posted by JSR
i just think it could have been handled, or announced after it took place. you would have gotten more "pop" form the members.

The day after, and at the earliest convenience of the staff who attended the event, posts were made in the numerous "November 5th" threads about the evening and in response to questions/comments, SkepticOverlord created this very thread, we put the footage of the presentation on the official "Remember The 5th of November" ATS site as a streaming video...

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by observe50
ATS as with everything else in life is slowly evolving.

Really? You and I have been here roughly the same length of time and slow isn't what I'd call it. Not to be confrontational but I find it hard to keep up at times.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 06:57 PM
Well, at the risk of appearing old fashioned, I will state that this is a revolution as surely as TV was one itself.

You see, I grew up in an era when Cronkite was becoming a household name. He went on to be trusted the way a dear family friend would be. By extension, those that followed in his footsteps were given the same "faith".

But as I saw the world change, the news did not. The voice of at least American news became the talking heads, and the real voice of America went unheard. Oh, there were polls, to ask what we thought, but polls have long been a source of amusement to people that realize that you can get the answers you want by asking the right questions.

The question is often asked, "Why are Americans so uninvolved in trying to change this nation?" The answer is simple; because we cannot be heard. News, of every flavor is run through a filter system. This filtering is based on money, friendships, agendas, and the other structures of power. Nothing gets on the nightly news without being run through a sanitation process to insure that the "right" presentation is made. It comes out as baby food for the mind.

The revolution is in letting the voices of the people decide what is important. And this revolution can become huge by showing the world outside of ATS not only how it's done, but how it's profitable to do it that way. Money talks, and bull walks, at least for any media.

So yes, this is a revolution. Not just where ATS voices are heard, but the voices of all the copycats that will follow. It was this way with mainstream media in the early days, and goes on today. (Look at the way "reality TV" has gone from the old show 'Cops" to a wave of them focusing on everything under the sun. Copies of copies.)

Some of these copycats will fail, some will rise to great heights. But the real winner will be the greater influence we the people have on how the world reacts to what interests an ever increasing number of keyboard revolutionaries. OUR voice, unfiltered by the suits, will gain wider and wider currency in a snowball effect that will sweep aside the old way where some small number of people get to decide what is news and what is not. What is important and what is not.

We win the revolution when what is reported on MSM is what they see people like us being interested in. When we start leading where the news will go, and no longer being forced to follow like sheep where some few tell us to go.

The revolution began, the shot heard 'round the world, 10 years ago. But just like American Independence itself, it took this long to be recognized by the established powers. And in their recognition is surrender to the inevitable. They are waking up to the possibility of being left in the dust.

Yes, I got what the party was all about. I toasted ATS and the future.

Sorry, I didn't want a one liner penalty.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 07:47 PM
I, personally give the Amigos and their staff a great deal of credit for "Getting It!"

Where the rest of this post travels may not be palitable for many, I wholeheartedly believe it to be the truth.

This played well to the masses. By this I mean the core of ATSers which would share similar demographics to any other group of equal size. We must not be fooled as fellow members that we are better or different than any other group of similar size. We have males, females, young, old, wealthy, lawyers, cooks, and so on. We are like all other groups of people.

My belief is the Amigos are sharp enough to know what makes the majority of this group tick.

Clear evidence abounds on ATS of the vulnerability and general receptivness of the majority. Most people want to be led. Now, take it easy and read on. This statement may not pertain to you the reader but remove yourself from the equation and I think you'll see the point.

Take a look at some of the posts made during the event. So many were enthralled with "B" actors and their dogs! No offense to Belzer, Ice T, and Gottfried but you must agree these are not the endorsers who will lead you to the promise land. They lack punch of any kind.

If the "revolution" is to take hold it must be done with a true leader. Someone the entire community will embrace. I hear the question coming so I'll throw a couple of names at you. How about Bill Richardson or perhaps Tony Blair, or even Rupert Murdoch. You get one of these folks to endorse the "revolution" and we'll all see some real action.

I'm afraid this is all for naught however, You see this minor "revolution" will succeed because the majority will follow it. They will heap praise and massage the egos of this site in their infantile attempts to be known as a supporter and yes sadly a follower. Thus the "revolution" will stall with the members.

If Simon, Springer and SO are true to the core they will individually or collectively initiate a true "revolution". I have faith in all mankind that their intentions are inherently good.

I feel I am in a position to put forth some final advice. I prefice this by coming forward with some personal information for the sake of clarity. I am a senior consultant to one of the worlds largest websites. It is the site one would use if they were searching for an automobile. We receive 14 million unique hits per month.

Gentlemen, if the event we witnessed is the precursor to your/our "revolution" I feel you/we are destined to fail. Firing up the troops for battle only to send them naked to the battlefield has only one ending. If you want to lead a "revolution" you must choose your leader wisely. Your respective appearances and speeches indicate a wide variety of talents and ingenuity, however you are in need of a front man or spokesperson. This will allow your/our "revolution" to begin.

The concept is solid but now you need an identity. It's branding in a sense. A quick and recognizable assimilation of the "revolution". You need the Nike Swoosh or the Golden Arch if you really want this to work.

The leader(s) of this revolution will not be we the members. The obstacles of that thought process may work to further the "revolution" by a small step or two, but in no way can it achieve your vision without a "brand" or recognizable face.

You will need a positive image associated with your goal. It must be true to the core, believable and most impotantly genuine. This will be a true "revolution"

I wish you all the best,


[edit on 8-11-2007 by Becker44]

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