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The "Overlord's" Take On The Revolution

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posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by intrepid

You missed the BLECH!!!

GO Jimmie!!!!

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied

GO Jimmie!!!!

Johnson? Still football related.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 06:00 PM
YUMMMMMMM, This old MAMA might just have to start up the Flintstone mobile and tip toe to Geno's for the Philly cheesesteak with the WHEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Oh don't go there....

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
I've added our "Big ATS" video, which is the video that was playing on the big plasma screen after our presentation, to our remember page:

That was a good presentation.
But it could have been better if there was some commentary or music in the background. Or is my sound card Kaput?


posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:23 AM
Great job, congratulations, and I hope your plan brings the issues and "men behind the curtain" to a wider audience. My only "beef" with the whole lead-up and promotion of the event was your use of the word Revolution. (even the word "beef" is probably too strong for how I feel about it.)

My husband and I recognized from watching the teaser videos that the whole thing was just going to be some giant ATS commercial. Which is great, more people SHOULD know about a site where a lot of people talk about things that you could get institutionalized for in the real world.

I'm sure a lot of people on the site, like the majority of people I try to advertise to in my job, saw the avatars of some of the mods, and watched a few seconds of a teaser here and there and thought to themselves: "SWEET! Someone is actually going to plan something concrete to strike back at the man!"

Westerners are so over-loaded with advertising and information you literally have to punch them in the face with your message otherwise they just don't get it. However, it's not your fault that some people didn't take the time to really investigate what you were doing.

Yet, as far as our "beef" goes with your use of the word revolution: in our opinion the people on this rock we call earth are really, really suffering right now and I don't know if there has ever been a time where a real revolution was more sorely needed. The way corporations are throwing the word around in their advertising seriously cheapens it.

Stephen Colbert implied during "The Word" in the episode after that student was tasered at a John Kerry speech that Americans have no stomach for confrontation and he's totally correct. If the things that were happening now were happening during the time of our founding fathers you can be sure there would be mobs in the street with pitch forks & torches rooting out the corruption.

Now, when something upsets us we run to the Internet and blog about it or post notes on a message board. Sharing ideas & talking about things is good...but it is NOT a revolution.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
That was a good presentation.
But it could have been better if there was some commentary or music in the background. Or is my sound card Kaput?

We were playing specially selected music before and after the presentation however the amount of chatter going on during the reception possibly drowned out the ability for the webcast to pick it up.

All music was paused during the presentation itself.

Originally posted by Malynn
Now, when something upsets us we run to the Internet and blog about it or post notes on a message board. Sharing ideas & talking about things is good...but it is NOT a revolution.

Malynn, I don't think you've understood the User-Generated Content Ecosystem model, which is a revolutionary means allowing users to define and shape their own media.

ATS is not a small website with a message board bolted on to the side allowing a few random users to post one-liners now and again on a news story they found disturbing, we are the LARGEST collaborative community of our kind with minds from every corner of the globe. We have a huge sphere of influence, and the November 5th event has enabled us to present our already proven concept model the mainstream media.

Imagine that person coming to ATS, posting an informed and researched opinion on such a news item and then having the sphere of influence to enable their own personal contribution to BECOME THE NEWS STORY through a television or radio ATS outlet.

Online content generation is the way of the future, people are beginning to realise this, and ATS is a frontrunner.

[edit on 8-11-2007 by SimonGray]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Malynn

i'm with you dude they should have celled it an awaykenkeing or something to that effect there was no real revolution started other than maybe some people throwing up from drinking too much.

Simon dont use jet lag as an excuse, it was your party it was your responsability and you know that.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by razor1000
reply to post by Malynn

i'm with you dude they should have celled it an awaykenkeing or something to that effect there was no real revolution started other than maybe some people throwing up from drinking too much.

Simon dont use jet lag as an excuse, it was your party it was your responsability and you know that.

Excuse me? I'd kindly ask you to re-read myself and SkepticOverlord's comments in this thread.

It was our event, our responsibility, we know that, I know that. What is your point?

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:58 AM
Simon i dont have anything against you guys but i was expecting a lot more than what i saw, also you should have got some rest is all i'm saying.

and it was more of an awaykening thing because as you said you were bringing this content to pleople who have not heard of it. thats called opening eyes and minds a revolution brings about change so i dont belive this was the case thus far.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by razor1000
Simon i dont have anything against you guys but i was expecting a lot more than what i saw...

That's fine. People have obviously built up their own expectations and if it didn't meet what you expected than hopefully we can change that viewpoint as our ideas come to fruition.

Originally posted by razor1000
...also you should have got some rest is all i'm saying.

As for getting rest... I don't see what that has to do with anything but feel free to enlighten me in a U2U as it has nothing to do with our event. After a non-stop 24 hour day, 8 hours on a plane and a 5+ timezone shift, I was excited to get online once back in the UK and put some keyboard time in before hitting the mattress.

Originally posted by razor1000
and it was more of an awaykening thing because as you said you were bringing this content to pleople who have not heard of it. thats called opening eyes and minds a revolution brings about change so i dont belive this was the case thus far.

We were presenting our UGC ecosystem model to the media. This was a revelation to the mainstream public who have not heard of ATS before. The model IS revolutionary, maybe not to ATS visitors who accept this as normal nowadays, but to the media, they were really excited about it!

See here

[edit on 8-11-2007 by SimonGray]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:24 AM
Somwhere I read or heard that you three amigos had never met in person before...hard for me to imagine though. Is that true?

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

It's true! It was a really great experience to meet up with Bill and Mark for the first time. This goes to show how powerful the web can be. We can run a great website from all over the world having never met.

It was also the first time I've met some of the other staff as well, including William One Sac who I've been friends with since at least 2000!

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 12:25 PM
I've just watched the stream from the event - the one that is kind of an overview of ATS - and I just wanted to say that I loved the final section, which summed up the whole sphere diagram.

The diagram did make sense on it's own, but the way it was demonstrated using new members, ATS MIX, radio, and eventually research for publication, in a continuous loop - evolving - really hit the nail on the head and, in my view, set out the future of online communities.

It's not simply a case of posting on a message board anymore. The media is becoming more and more fluid, and ATS, by having the vision to see this and act early upon it, are really leading the way for the future.

This community is really going places, and I just wish I had more time to devote to it.

Good work folks...

And to all those who think 'the revolution' was an excuse for a party. So what? Doesn't everyone deserve a good time once in a while? If it's promoting something we all love and want to see expand, develop and trailblaze - all the better.


[edit on 8-11-2007 by more_serotonin_pls]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 12:46 PM
From what I gathered from the presentation that SO gave, the word "revolution" represented all the other aspects of ATS "revolving" around the user content and that the combination of everything is what makes ATS what it is.

I think that shows that the three Amigos understand that all the bells and whistles that come along with ATS mean nothing without our contributions and that is great insight.

At least that is what the diagram looked like.

Question for Springer.

Is Richard Belzer the actor you talked about in the old ATS TV thread where we were trying to guess who it was? I can't seem to find it. I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Hal9000

Our, and I mean all of us here, revolution is that we are going to change the face of media. As it stands now, someone reports on something, be it a news item, or a book or a tv show or radio etc. People listen/read/watch and move on. What we think the folks at the event saw, and understood, was that a story evolves and takes shape after it is reported on. With a continuing, open dialogue, more facts are uncovered, more stories emerge and the crowd can control the flow of reporting to provide, hopefully, more accurate media for the end user.

Do we think the folks at the event understood it? We've already had some follow up interest from some heavy hitters so, yeah, I think they got it.

In our first meeting with Belzer he was talking about how cool it would be if he did a show, say on the Kennedy murder and then, a few days later, someone contacts him and says "hey, I've had this footage locked away for years and nobody's seen it and I think it might be nice to let the world see the shots from another angle."

Of course Kennedy is a wild example as the truth is, anyone who had footage that was still unseen would be out there making a fortune on selling the rights but his "idea" is exactly what we do here and it is exactly what we plan to do with all off line ventures.

Belzer understood, from day one, what we are hoping to put out there with our members. He's got like minded friends that also seem to "get it" as Springer is so fond of saying. It's surprising how many like minded folks there are out there. It's just a matter of showing them the path and our revolution, as it were, is the opening up of the door to that path.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 01:35 PM
There's an 'I' in exploitation ya know, it may sound rhetorical, but at the risk of sounding facetious, what's in this revolution for us? If I'm bringing the eggs, I'm gonna want a piece of cake.
When do I get my press kit?

One concern I have for you guys is the inevitable loss of control. An example I ran into a few years ago...
We were in pre-production on a film a couple years ago, and the producer met with us wanting to share some concerns about something in the script. Having written the script, I was a little defensive obviously, but we weren't in a position to dismiss his concerns and a change was made that we felt was for the worse. It came down to 'No Changes, No Checks'. Another difference of opinion came up and the script and all the pre-production work we put into it now sits collecting dust years later.
To make a long story short, when you expand and begin to take on outside interests and become dependent on those sources, it will inevitably have an impact on your material. It's completely unavoidable. In the entertainment/media industry particularly, those changes could be ruinous to a conspiracy related web site.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by twitchy

This aspect was discussed back when the funding came thru. The investors want nothing to do with controlling The Above Network. That was something that was made clear from day one and was something that both sides understood. The amigos had been discussing deals prior to the funding and all of them were basically buy outs that would have ended the amigo control of the site and the business.

The deal we put in place was one that left the amigos with full control of the business. The investors are interested in the topics and the site and, more important, they are interested in protecting their investment. What better way to do that than to let the amigos continue doing what they have been doing? And doing it well I might add.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Hal9000

No RB was not the guy we were supposed to get for the old show.


posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by SimonGray

Malynn, I don't think you've understood the User-Generated Content Ecosystem model, which is a revolutionary means allowing users to define and shape their own media.

True that. I'm not exactly sure how that's going to work, although I get the general idea, I think. I certainly hope everything goes according to your design, and as someone else pointed out in an above post that it helps facilitate change.

Hopefully the ATS uninitiated who first come to us via the new medias don't just consider us cool, off-beat, alternative entertainment to fill time on the way to American Idol.

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