Originally posted by Flux8
In regards to the OP, this MAY be a sign that the "global elite" are on a decline. Although, it could be that they're doing some of that infamous
shock testing. But in my opinion it's a relatively moot point.
America was hijacked by "corporate pirates" long before any of us were ever born. It's arguable that they were here from the beginning. I'm
doubtful that their kind will ever go away, unless the "pickin's" become slim and the people make it increasingly difficult for them to practice
their businesses the way they do. But I also doubt that we the common people will be able to rally. The vast majority of us are indentured servants
to them already.
Ah yes, the OP. I agree that the biggest issue is one of "world view". The elite see the earth and its population as tools for conquest to build
empires. That is the root cause of all the current problems.
How we got to this point is a matter of how far down the rabbit hole you want to go. The 5 sense reality geo-political version would be to recall,
that what we call America is at least three distinct entities.
America was created by the European elite. First as a corporation called the Virginia Company as a wholly owned subsidiary of the British Royals. Then
as a group of sovereign states or colonies of the British empire. Finally as a centrally administrated federated constitutional republic. The central
government known as The United States of America controls all matters of interstate commerce within the boarders of the United States of America. This
federated government also maintains any authority granted to it by the sovereign states.
The power structure of Virginia Company America is set up and run like a corporation. The Federal government is run like a national socialist
However, there exists real power within the sovereign states. The individual states can reject the federal government, this is what the Civil War was
about. The civil war was the global elite stamping its boot on the face of the real American dream. The "South" was burned for a reason. The Federal
government was not going to tolerate any sovereignty. They tied the knot with the central banks, if all commerce was transacted with federal bank
notes then all commerce would be subject to the federal government. The federal government exist to perpetuate itself as the control paradigm. The
federal government serves the owners of the corporation, not the people.
This is the royal feudal taxation of the land and the labor of its people
The US constitution does not grant anyone right or freedom, conversely it is the very origin of the limitation of your rights
The Declaration of Independence, declares that all men are created with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. Sounds good on the outside, but if you break it down:
Life: well that's an easy one. Liberty: heres where they get you what is liberty, its not freedom, liberty is a form of freedom with specific limits
and boundaries. It is a word derived from a sailors excused leave from his ships duties. Liberty call don't be AWOL
Happiness, this is a two fold zinger you have the right to pursue happiness, but no right to find have or keep it. Happiness is also a recognition
tool, "Are you happy to day?, No? What's the problem?"
You need reconditioning ! American dream classes begin at birth