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If a lot of countries hate America much, why don't they...?

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:37 AM
(Inspired by this thread

I decided to ask my question, which I'd like to see the attention to this.

If a lot of countries hate America a lot for few reasons, such as wealth, freedom, power, etc. -- why don't they just set up their own freedom and wealth? Am I right? If they can't, what's the reason that's holding them back?

I'd like to see some light in this, thanks.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

I think you`ve missed the point. By quite a fair margin. I`ve got plenty of freedom and wealth over here. More of it in my home country, if I ever decide to go back. Or I can go hang out in Australia and have more of the same. And so on.

Just out of curiosity, what freedoms do you think you have that the rest of us don`t enjoy?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:08 AM
I don't know, never been to Japan.

I guess I'm talking about those countries who are struggling through economically, socially, quality of life, and so on, you know? Yet focused so much on military power, wars, military stuff, military reputation, etc.?

Maybe it's just me, don't know.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:41 AM
[edit on 4-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:43 AM
Nah, what are you drinking? Lol

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

Sorry, I read your post too quickly. Apparently you dont believe the media lies, so thats good...

Here is what Ron Paul is saying about the real reasons for the hate against America, and he is very, very right in my opinion.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:59 AM
Well I mean, do you expect me to believe one ten percent of everything what media tells me? That's a bit too far
You know you're not the only one who doesn't believe in everything what media tells you, dude.

Thanks for the video, I'll watch it later, I'll brb.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 06:23 AM
In case you hadn’t noticed, there are quite a few “countries that hate America” that already have their own freedom and wealth.

But I know how this works. You started off by answering a fallacious question. Now that I’ve had the audacity to answer, you’ll hit me with some fallacious rebuttals, like the “they have America to thank for that” bombshell.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by NRen2k5]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 06:46 AM
No youre not right, not one country hates the US for any of those reasons, you totally missed the point.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by TheoOne
If a lot of countries hate America a lot for few reasons, such as wealth, freedom, power, etc. -- why don't they just set up their own freedom and wealth? Am I right? If they can't, what's the reason that's holding them back?

Now I really wonder. I read this again and again that people in america somehow has adapted the idea other countries hates them because their wealth or freedom. !?

Who spreads such wrong ideas!?

A lot countries hates america because their actions not wealth and freedom. Most countries already have their way of wealth and freedom with they are sattisfied with. Where this is not the case they do not hate a country that has such but try to get there. In some countries even in most countires the 'standards' in wealth and freedom are higher than those of the usa. The wealth and freedom in the USA is on a fragile ground. Your freedom becomes limited every more by your own leaders and becomes replaced with control and fear more and more and economical you are dancing on the border of the abyss and your point of gravity already left safe ground.
If you are in america you should start to wonder: Do you really still life in the land of freedom and wealth and infinit possibilities as once america was the shiny star in the world or did it more and more decay and you are still holding it up in your imagination unwilling to see and face the changes? It's probabily too soon to see for the most. But outside the USA a lot are seeing it. And they not hate you but worry about you and wonder how you don't do anything to stop your decay.
America will lead the world next to the wars into an economical collapse since everything is 'still' connected to america. But this connection are changeing. I bet a lot countries will recover fast from such a collapse especially that ones that already prepare for this. However so far I don't see how america will be able to recover fromsuch a collapse once it happens.
This is my opinion.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by g210b

Originally posted by TheoOne
If a lot of countries hate America a lot for few reasons, such as wealth, freedom, power, etc. -- why don't they just set up their own freedom and wealth? Am I right? If they can't, what's the reason that's holding them back?

Now I really wonder. I read this again and again that people in america somehow has adapted the idea other countries hates them because their wealth or freedom. !?

Who spreads such wrong ideas!?

Bush did, after 9/11. His words – and they’re repeated in a Ron Paul campaign video now circulating on YouTube – were that Al Qaeda hates Americans because of their freedom.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by TheoOne

It's not that you have something we don't
Denmark has pretty much all that and I think the general population don't understand how we can watch and hear American citizens complain about the state their country is in when they keep electing socially incompetent people as their leaders.

Also, it's not that you have freedom at your place... it's that we get the impression that you're trying to take freedom away from the rest of the world.
America hasn't done anything since WWii that they didn't benefit from in one way or other. Jees, we all know that even Pearl Habour could have been foiled had they not seen the light that an attack like that would put some serious power into the engine of the war machine and a boost in the publics lacking patriotism.

So, why don't we just cut our ties to you? Well, we kinda depend on you for buying some of our expertise and products (amongst other countries ofcourse), we count on the American Joe public purchasing our windmills, use our ships for transporting the goods you need etc etc.
Ironic isn't it...? We hate your politics, but for the sake of business we'll just let that one slide.

Money, unfortunately, makes the world go around, especially if your client is a country run by a scumbag capitalistic leader

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:07 PM
Hey thanks for the responses.

I have to say, money makes your life go round, too.

It is kind of dumb though to hate on something that you're jealous of, without building up yourself with anything...

I guess I get the point now.

NRen2k5, why would I want to hit you with fallacious rebuttals? An open discussion is always appreciated.

Again, thanks for the responses.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:29 PM
first off ron paul is an idiot. did you listen to what he was saying? they came over here and attacked us because we were occupying their countries. boy hes got a screwed up time line going there.

Anyways let them hate us. im so sick of hearing people whine and cry about what america is doing. "americas doing this, bush is doing that."boo hoo, you sound like a bunch of first grader tattle tellers. so suck it up be adults and learn to deal with the facts of life. nothing in life is fair and it never will be.

we do it because quite frankly we can and no one is gonna stop us. we are the worlds super power and out side of an act of god we will remain such.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by DaleGribble

Yeah, you're right life isn't fair, but that doesn't mean you have to make it more fair for yourself or less fair for others.
That's why we still do business and silently hope that things will change at some point.
Making life better for ones own people starts by cleaning up ones own camp... not by rectifying others'. Regardless of what ones government wants you to believe happend in certain situations.

Edit for deeper expressing myself: And yes I do know that a statement like that would seem wrong when we look at how everything is going in the middle east.
But then I think we should look upon it like this (Very very black and white I'm affraid):
Purely democratic countries = grownups
Dictatorships/some kind of religious or monarch rule = kids

Now what I wanna say with this is that you can apply the talk of life being fair or not fair to countries like Denmark and the US, but in the case of these countries so infected by the religious views of few people who just happen to hold the power or hatred to a neighbouring country we can't go slapping them in their face or bottom for being bad bad boys or girls.
We have to approach them on a level they can actually comprehend.

Basicly what Bush and Co. have been doing lately is trying to take the powerdrill out of the kids hands because the kid can't contain the consequences but the kid is going "No!" with a sly smirk on his face.
And one thing that is certain is that you can never teach anyone anything by brute force other than "that's how we resolve situations like this".
If you slap you kid for being bad the next moment he's slapping a classmate because that's how he learnt to resolve situations at home.
If you slap your dog because it doesn't seem to want to learn not to pee on the carpet you're making things worse... is it because of the carpet? is it because I musn't pee? Why am I being hit?

Information and education on a basic level (positive reinforcement) that could actually enlighten these people or the people who serve under them is the way. Even if basics mean going waaaay back.
No kid is so bad that you can't relate to it in some little way and find a way where suddenly empathy goes both ways...

[edit on 4/11/07 by flice]

[edit on 4/11/07 by flice]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:23 PM

How did my thread inspire this one? I'm confused as to the actual connection.


posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:10 PM
my parents just got back from Norway and Ireland. They had a lot of great stories, but they really stressed how most of the people they spoke with loved americans, but hate the current administration. So I think like americans, the rest of the world is eagerly awaiting the peaceful transition of power Jan '09

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by flice

it would seem to me that things are going alot better over there for our troops and civilians.

if you trust this news source any ways, i read a better article in yahoo news today but cant seem to find it now.

i was a little brash in my earlier post but i am getting sick of hearing the same things over and over. we are adults here most of us anyways. there is what 18 months left in his presidency?

i for one like bush. ive gotten a pay raise every year for the last 7 years because of him.

[edit on 15pmu112007 by DaleGribble]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 04:18 AM
Someone has been watching to much FOX NEWS!!!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by DaleGribble

Your signature Mr Gribble informs us that "the more i learn.. the less i want to know.."

Would you care to divulge what in fact it is you have learnt.

From where I'm standing it looks like you know very little about this topic of discussion, or any other in ATS for that matter.

Congratulations on your Annual pay rise Mr Gribble.

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