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The Coming Revolution

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by GeeGee

I am slightly afraid of that 'QUOTE' button, now. But I heartily commend you on your sound wisdom. I, too have experienced NDE's and a spiritual transformation. I can assure you that the spiritual realm and the after-life is very real.
I have many reasons for my interest and study of the ufo and alien topics. I agree with a great majority of what I read and hear. Yes, there are some who fabricate and spin tales. But the way I see it, they must have an emotional disturbance of some kind.
Personally, I find that abuse is unnecessary. It's like if you do not like the TV station that you are watching, then change the channel. I believe that we as a nation, need more kindness in our society. Peace, my friends!
EDIT: I was so proud of us as a nation, when we gathered our support and love for the victims and sufferers of 9/11. Such patriotism, I have never seen. Now, look what we are doing to one another. Please forgive if I have offended anyone. That is not my intention.

[edit on 11/4/2007 by Truespiritstar]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:49 AM
Thank you for sharing with us here, flashstorminc.

Rest well, and be at peace.

I'm thankful, and proud, and not a little humbled, we can participate in an enlightened community such as we find here at ATS, and examine spiritual matters such as what you propose, without being shouted down by petulant, demanding children.

I feel, very much so, that our presence, both individually and as a group, will be an important part of that which is yet to unfold and become manifest.

I look forward to your return.

Flagged and starred.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Truespiritstar

Hello friend. Yes, feel free to u2u me. Thank you for the kind words and understanding. It is much appriciated.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by ZeroGhost

My heart sings with your connectedness. I'm happy that you can feel/understand the experience with me. Awareness is a beautiful thing.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:27 AM
Sorry my friend. I just received some very helpful suggestions from one of the staff, "Duzey.'
I am unable to communicate for now, except to staff. This post should merit me 18 posts. I hope that this reply is not out of guidelines for ATS. I am still learning. Is painful being a newbie! LOL!

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:37 AM
lol, without mistakes how shall one learn? It is a process that we all go through and you are doing fine. Be at peace, I did the same thing when I was new. I look forward to your u2u's in the future.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:52 AM
i am a barely apparent errant arrow
i know not my destination; each participle arrives according to its own principle
if i were to become one of the hungry
let me count fingers on the hands of mans disbanded apathy
trample me
stampede freedom
my quest is at the behest of the keeper of kings
the secret seeker of means
the broken reaper who sings like a phoenix

and when the first forgotten descendant
returns resplendent returns independence
all men will know truth and light
proof of lifes greatest creator

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by annestacey

Originally posted by scarrr
Strange how people are making such a big fuss, especially how it's now in skunkworks.

Yes they are making a BIG fuss... almost like they know that what the OP says is true and they are trying desperately to stop the rest of us from learning the truth.

The whiners successfully demanded proof until this thread got moved to skunk works... why cant some people just live and let live? Science is not a god, yet its very much treated like it.

Science is just looking at something and then trying to explain it with some theory that fits. Only problem with that is that science is only concerned with the material world, so it ignores everything else. Hence its not mainstream to discuss anything except the material world.

Science says we are meat bags with no purpose other than to reproduce. So why do a lot of people instinctively feel this is not true? We are all crazy I guess?


[edit on 4-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by Disgustipated

(worth a warn)

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[edit on 3-11-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

I applaud and thank you for taking a warn for those like me who can see the two-facedness that ATS is becoming. We can bash Christians and other religions all day long but as soon as someone points out issues in a large successful thread they are warned and looked down upon.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 06:56 AM
Hi Flashstorminc,

A couple of pages ago you mentioned feeling 'uncomfortable' existing in 'lower dimensions' -- I'm not trying to make anyone 'upset' by the use of this word - the word 'foreclosure' or 'war' or 'poverty' or 'pain' are words that SHOULD upset people, not 'shapeshifter'.

I was wondering if what you describe is akin to something to that. Like, you can exist as a spiritsoul and be at other places in the universe in that form, then on Earth as a 'human' among unaware humans?

Also, you mentioned live on Venus and other planets, and a little about the occupants of, do these 'people' exist like us here and our history/science books are lies or are they like how I described spiritsouls elsewhere?

Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!

[edit on 4-11-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by flashstorminc

I have read what you have written and for the most part believe you and agree with you, however, one can be skeptical even of one's self.

I have been researching sound waves, electrical current, magnets, physics, lightening, and I am finding connections. Also, sending positive energy is real. Communication does occur and thought could be sent via waves as we are in ourselves antennas. There is magnetism of the like minded and a coming together. A matrix is seen. Signs are seen and visions created. The opening up at first seems like madness. To have to question sanity to see that this is not what really is, to feel a change in the air on a mass scale, and to star gaze for no apparent reason is peculiar for me. However, the night before last, a friend and I viewed a star that changed color and flashed. At first we thought it was a plane, but it wasn't. I am not saying that it was a UFO, but I will go so far as to say that I have not seen a star act as such.

On the night before the end of the full moon, clouds rushed past in an easterly direction, yet the moon was not hidden by the clouds. Instead, it was haloed by a rainbow which changed to a yellow haze that was surrounded by purple. The colors then changed to yellow and orange.

Also, I had a vision of a planet without land. Purple skies with sea foam green seas that did not wave in the same direction but clashed into itself creating a lovely display. A giant snail whose interior was like that of abalone glistened with rainbow like colors and was a city of sorts. However, the city did not have separate dwellings. It was as if no one needed for anything and that sleep or food was not necessary. The bird like creatures were gliders and not flyers. In addition, a tower of sorts stood from the sea and was ghost like in appearance. Is it crazy that I asked to see more like a child? Perhaps. I was not sleeping nor was I on any drug.

The visions of months ago came in numbers and started with a 22.5 degree angle. Then came the zeros, circles, and eights = continuum. Also noted were constants: Year always 9. Months only 9. Levels by 11 are 3 through 2 (ex: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, restart = 3). The formula also showed times being Prime and Indivisible and Even and Divisible. PIED or Pi being 3.1415926535897932 which is really 1. Meaning all is one and one is all.

According to the formula that came to me, a touching occurred on level one (the ability to reason) and level two occurred on 9/11 as it was even and divisible in the 11 table. The next step is restart on 3 which comes to 110 (666 in boolean algebra) in the 11 tables. NOTE: double digits really don't exist and zero is a place holder which also does not exist. Mind you, math is my worst subject and I still count on my fingers and toes.

From what I can gather and this is only from what I have been given, something will occur on November 18, 2007.

If you want to deem me nuts, be my guest as it is driving me nuts, but at the same time, it is creating creation and a tranquil and beautiful feeling of everlasting. What I am trying to say is that death is not real as we morph.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Aracjme]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Aracjme

Amazing post, totally well thought-out and a plethora of relating info. Starred.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:46 AM
I didnt read the other posts (I will when i get time) just the OP.

Just wanted to let some of you know that:

a) I agree wholeheartedly.

b) I'm in wholeheartedly.

c) I'm not the only one.

Have a Nice Day

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Aracjme
From what I can gather and this is only from what I have been given, something will occur on November 18, 2007.

The Mayan 5th night begins November 18, 2007.

At this point I feel it may be in its place to make a jump forward to discuss what is likely to occur after the two pulses of LIGHT in DAY 4 and DAY 5. In the Fifth NIGHT, (November 18 2007 – November 12, 2008, ruled by the energy of Tezcatlipoca, the god of darkness), we will see the last desperate attempts of the West, and power hierarchies based on materialism everywhere, to remain in control and strengthen their power in some new very oppressive way.

If the international monetary system collapses in DAY 5 we may for instance come to see this replaced by a centralized electronic control over everyone’s economic interactions (Not to mention control of whereabouts and other things). Except that I simply look upon it as a phase in a cosmic plan, this is the time period when many of the scenarios described by conspiracy theoreticians may come true.

Regardless of the concrete forms it may take, this is when everything will be made to keep people in the fold. In the same way as we, during the Fifth NIGHT of the Planetary Underworld (1932-52), saw an alliance between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union of Stalin we may well in the upcoming Fifth NIGHT come to see an alliance between the rulers of China and the United States – all in the interest of maintaining a hierarchically ruled world with a focus on material gains. And in the same way as the mentioned dictatorships of the Planetary Underworld enjoyed the overwhelming support of their subjects, we may well come to see a strong support by the subjects of the “democracy” of the US and the “popular” regime of China as the Fifth NIGHT begins to rule in the Galactic Underworld.

Especially in the United States people are already on a massive scale deluded into thinking that they are free. Those with knowledge of the changing energies of the Mayan calendar will not be as easy to manipulate by fear, since they are aware of the wave movement of history.


Change is coming.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Copernicus

Not sure how accurate this is but i have faith =] its a PDF version of the Mayan calendar
Also see here:-

And sorry for the one liner =/

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by rapturas

Thanks! Yes, it seems to back the date up. Its also interesting that the events taking place seems to be less and less severe through out history:

5N – 4.5-5 BYA – 250 million years of meteor bombardment leaving water in our solar system
5N – Jurassic extinction period. 97% of life eradicated.
5N – Ice age.
5N – 32,000 YA – Neanderthal went extinct. (Archaeologists’ reason: in 100,000 years, Neanderthals never changed – used same tools, lived in the same areas, hunted the same place)
5N – Rome falls, causing 30 years of unrest.
5N – 1932 – The Great Depression. WW2. Atomic bomb detonated. Social Security system created. Hemp outlawed.
5N – November 18th, 2007 – Prepare yourselves!

My guess is that the economy crashes and we get something like 1932 and possibly a limited nuclear war, but I dont expect it to kill humanity. And afterwards, positive changes will be made.

Can you see the trends? Right now we are close to the 60's, where there was lots of hippies (I guess we are the current hippies with our message of understanding and peace instead of war), and Kennedy tried to change society but got murdered. Is Ron Paul next?

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:31 AM
Thanks for all this info Flash!

It is really encouraging and gives us hope and will to move on, seek deeper and become saved.

It is good to know that there are beings like you out there!


posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Copernicus

How did Kennedy tried to change society? What are you reffering to he wasnt the most peaceful man.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:46 AM
We will be saved when we save ourselves.
In my opinion the belief in any other worldly entity, whether some sort of "God" or "alien" saving us from ourselves is merely a crutch rather than the change coming from within and spreading outwards.
This belief always manifests itself when things get tough and in this day and age it is indeed "tough" times throughout the world.

If we, as a people, want to reach a higher level we need to do it from within rather than wait and hope for some sort of superior entity to do it for us. Would it not be better to raise ourselves up than have someone hand it to us. We would earn it and be entitled to it if we earn it ourselves.

I do not know, nor have seen any concrete evidence, that there is a "God" or "alien" manipulating us. If there is he/she/it has done a pretty poor job so far considering the state of affairs in this world. I do know change is within us and is up to us.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Prove_it

You dont have to be violent to change a society. Martin Luther King? Gandhi?

As for finding out why JFK was murdered, all you have to do is google it... its even more mysterious than 9/11. Oswald getting arrested in a movie theater, saying he did not do it, and then he gets murdered too so there is no trial? Golf clap for the CIA.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Copernicus]

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