posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 04:08 PM
Thoroughly enjoying this post, but for ALL the wrong reasons, as usual with me...
The OP had some extremelly constructive comments in the original post, but i would have to summasie that it was to hypothetically based from a human
beings point of view for me, regardless of the OPs genetic background.
And i will personally appologise to the OP for trying to extract a personal opinion from them, but the ability to give an opinion of ones beliefs and
understandings will help me to gauge the depth of an argument being proposed.
And i cannot emphasise enough, the OPs info has been taken on board, well by me anyway. But nevertheless i have always believed in accountability, and
transparrency, all the way up, and all the way down...
And while it might be hard for a Religious person to hold their own beliefs to account as honestly as they can, the same can also be said for the more
Spiritual side of a persons belief. I should know!...
I realise now that my life is no more or no less valuable than ANY other human being on this planet and so would have to hold any other subsequent
belief to that. I only wish i were able to meet my own expectations of myself, maybe one day eh!...
And in that context, there really is only 1 method of disclosure i would trust and whole-heartedly back. Mass visitation and immediate and open FULL
disclosure, from ALL sides. Anything else is pure manipulation, and is open to abuse. And is no different from what we allready have...
And my deepest apollogies, but i do tire from the argument that we arent ready. how dare that decision be taken out our hands. i can catagorically
argue that i am probably more trustworthy than some currently in the know. But that doesnt mean that i should be trusted. No. That just misses the
point!!! And something tells me that if applicable, and all the way up, it is this penny that has dropped...
To me anyway, its quite simple. As long as i am privey to info that 1 single human being on this planet is not at that instant, then it is not fair,
and if i were allowed under the relevant circumstances, would choose not to play a part, regardless of timelines, treaties, agendas, and outcomes. But
hey, who am I? What do I know? Im currently not in the Know...
And as much as i WANT to believe, regardless of this current topic, my moral compass hasnt budget again, and so i know, i am roughly on the right road
regarding my beliefs and objectives...
And for the Record! I am in total support of the OP, totally! But i will make my own mind up, and i will expect answers to my questions when i am
deemed to be part of the Disclosure process, all the way up, as all the way down!!! my appologies to the messenger...
phew!!! - beets therapy anyday...
Keep it coming all...