posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:56 PM
Originally posted by RRconservative
Ron Paul IS a fraud.
Anatomy of a fraud....
In 1988 Ron Paul ran as an Libertarian and received 0.47% of the popular vote. Is he a Republican or a Libertarian? I guess he is whatever is
convienent at the time?
Spammed Internet polls leads to thoughts of a candidate being suppressed, this draws interest from the conspriacy crowd.
Being an anti-war candidate, in a field of pro-American candidates makes you stand out. This draws in people from the democrat camp who has no
intentions, and may not even be able to vote for a Republican in the primaries.
The Ron Paul fantasy is almost over!
Ron Paul is a 10th term Republican congressman and has always been a republican, even when he was running on the (L) ticket. Had you of done your
homework you would have known this. I noticed you seem to enjoy disrespecting Ron Paul, often times with blatent misrepresentations of his
positions... Did you know that he was the leader of the texas delegation to get Ron Reagan elected? He along with 3 others were the only congressmen
to endorse reagan when he went up against Ford in the primaries in 76, a time when everyone called Reagan a kook. You're also disrespecting a
veteran who served his country during crisis.
spamming internet polls? if this is so easily done then why don't the other candidates supporters do so? Don't tell me it's because of ethics, they
don't have the numbers. I guess all us supporters spammed that 4.3 mil on the 5th aswell? DARN spammers set a republican record.
also, I guess you're a big U.N. lover because obviously you support invading and occupying just to enforce U.N. resolutions. Doing otherwise is
anti-american right? Ron Paul is pro-american, everything about him is pro-american. I think you're out of touch with our partys core beliefs. If u
wanna stand by trash the only traditional conservative in this race by all means do so, it's your right even though it's very unusual. The Iraq war
is not the only issue this country faces.
[edit on 12-11-2007 by ape]