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ron paul?!?

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posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 08:43 PM
ive been thinking about one thing, if ron paul would be for real , would you not think that many powers from the usa and foreign countries would want to put him down , because of he being a risk to their actions? i think ron paul is not the real one , probably is just another pupet to buy time for who is really in charge, and to give false faith to the public
i dont think they would ever permit a revolutionary to get to power , i dont believe that votes count in any countrie of the world , elections are just a show , because the elections already have a script that must be folowed its predefined who is going to be the winner. democracy is just fascim mask

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:56 PM
He's not a threat until he wins some elections, in particular the republican primaries. They will not let that happen. No doubt with the electronic voting machines they can totally control the outcome of any election these days.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:54 PM
In my opinion Ron Paul is a fraud and in the coming months the real information will come out on him and if I were to guess I'd assume we'd find out that he is a freemason and is related to royality just as they all are. Some of these people giving their last dime to Paul's campaign probably pass a dozen homeless war veterans begging for food which are everywhere in this damned country. Also many of these people have voted in 5 or more elections and still don't get it I believe if the thinking individuals in this country stopped voting and giving credance to this farce then perhaps many of the people we are trying to wake up would take us seriously. How can we simultanaously say the government is totally currupt and yet vote with our party hats on like everything is brand new to us. We are experiencing a type of mass insanity that has not spared the truth community at all. If we stopped voting they would make voting mandatory just as they have in Russia and Australia and then we would really see their true face.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by preid2

You'd better have some good evidence to support this. As far as I know he does not belong to any of the telltale secret societies, CFR, Builderberger, Club of Rome, Trilateral commission etc. I have spoken with one person who had him as their OB/GYN and they had nothing but praise for his integrity.

I think he is the real deal, but it is doubtful he will get elected, not when the powers that be control the media and the election process.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:42 PM
its called "WRITE_IN" people..USE IT! Also Ron Paul is the only experienced congressman whos spoken down to the federal reserve board and other power entities telling them they were wrong, did they care?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by dracodie
ive been thinking about one thing, if ron paul would be for real , would you not think that many powers from the usa and foreign countries would want to put him down , because of he being a risk to their actions? i think ron paul is not the real one , probably is just another pupet to buy time for who is really in charge, and to give false faith to the public
i dont think they would ever permit a revolutionary to get to power , i dont believe that votes count in any countrie of the world , elections are just a show , because the elections already have a script that must be folowed its predefined who is going to be the winner. democracy is just fascim mask

This does make sense, and this is what I thought was going on when I first heard about Ron Paul. But once you start investigating his background you will find that his whole life has been dedicated to honorable and honest pursuits. He is the real deal folks, do your own research on this, go to youtube and check out his voting record and congressional hearing videos where he is actually dressing down the Federal Reserve board. This man has slipped through the cracks of tptb control matrix.
Please vote for him if you love what America is SUPPOSED to stand for, he is likely our last chance.
Besides, who else is there to vote for? Other than Kucinich every single other candidate openly belongs to and associates with the globalist CFR.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:03 PM
I think there are certainly those who have an evil eye on him, wishing to do him harm. The problem today, as opposed to say.... 1963, is that the public is much more aware of what is going on, and a great many millions of people also have their eyes on the government.

If something happens to him, I suspect there will be those for whom that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:12 PM
Yup! I think the international bankers that run our federal reserve would have a hit put on him! Or maybe the CIA! Seeing that he would like to do away with both criminal organizations!

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:28 AM
Yeah even here at good ole ats you cant discuss Ron Paul. His campaign has raised over $7 mil today and no news about it will stay posted here. They throw it in the politics forum as if it is not "alt news". If the mainstream media wont cover it isnt it alt news?

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:36 AM
I definitely get your point, dracodie.

Well, to be honest - if Ron Paul wasn't "for real", the mainstream media would not be blocking him and stuff, right? And other something that wouldn't be blocking him from something, too lol.


[edit on 6-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by shooterbrody
Yeah even here at good ole ats you cant discuss Ron Paul. His campaign has raised over $7 mil today and no news about it will stay posted here. They throw it in the politics forum as if it is not "alt news". If the mainstream media wont cover it isnt it alt news?

ATS censors Ron Paul?

Oh, that's news to me.

Why wasn't he assassinated though, if other politicans hate him?

[edit on 6-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:39 AM
if hes the real deal , and the elite doesnt want him screwing their plans , i think he will die in a "accident" or his going to have a "heart attack" etc , or they will have to find a way to control him
lol ,ats his fan of censorship , never tougth that of a conspiracie website(yeah right)

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:53 PM
Go Ron Paul!! I am glad to be a part of what this man is trying to do .

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by shooterbrody

Actually I think most of them got moved to AbovePolitics, thats all. And me and others have some threads in Political Conspiracies about him.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 08:24 PM
His Constitutional record, proves he is the real deal, could there be some big life long conspiracy?
Sure, but we could play that game with anything.. the variables are unimaginable..

His record shows hes legit, and thats one thing that can be PROVEN, thats all we can go on, we can't not support a candidate because everything could be some big conspiracy.. (not everything is a big conspiracy fyi)

But we can, Not support those who take an oath to PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES (and don't) And those who have a record of lies and contradictions...

Do some research they aren't hard to find.

My hopes in the next election is that people understand everyone is Free, no one has the right to restrict whats someone can Say, Do, or Own, You don't have to like any of such things, but if you want to be free you must understand that by limiting one person or groups freedoms, that you yourself could be subject to loss of freedoms...

Don't vote based on your personal beliefs, vote on the constitution.. You are entitled to your beliefs through freedom, but those beliefs are YOURS and yours alone, you have no right to force them on others through law...

That isn't freedom..

I hope that people start to become independent thinkers, and vote based on there own conclusions, and not because friends or family are voting for someone...

I hope that people stop voting based on party lines, because the only side is the Constitution.

Party lines generally divide the people over PERSONAL beliefs, personal beliefs should have no effect on anyones freedom...

I hope that people stop voting for the lesser evil, Or the guy who will beat the other guy...

Some say voting for "X" candidate is wasting a vote,
Voting for someone who will honor his oath to the People and the Constitution, isn't wasting your vote, Its making it count...

Voting on a candidate who will honor said oath, isn't a spoiler, you can't spoil something thats already rotten to the core...

Democracy isn't a two party system...

If you have two crappy candidates, and one good one, you don't vote on the two crappy ones just because they will win... You vote for the good one..

Voting for the lesser evil. or the one most likely to win, won't fix anything, but it will contribute to the problem.

this coming election, we all have a chance to change the cycle, a cycle which always restricts the rights of those who came up with the short straw..

Lets change this, we've traveled the road many times over and things continue to go south..

If its broke you fix it, you don't duct tape it and hope for the best...
which is what continues to happen election after election, one BS candidate lies his ass into office even though there is tons of proof hes a fraud, yet the people still follow... just because thats the thing to do.. the status quo...

We have a chance to stop the status quo, to end this cycle, History will show one of two things, We either contributed to our fall, or we tried to stop it... Regardless of the ultimate outcome, I'm not going to take part in contributing to this, I may lose, but I'll lose knowing I did what I could to stop it.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by saltfever
Yup! I think the international bankers that run our federal reserve would have a hit put on him! Or maybe the CIA! Seeing that he would like to do away with both criminal organizations!

Well, not to mention he will also do away with IRS!
That is a third organisation that will want to dispose of him.
Or put a hit on him.
I would hire body guards if I were Ron Paul.
I would volunteer to be a body guard free of charge, gladly. He is an antidote to the current idiocy that is big-gov.

If you are curious, here are some mp3's of him speaking in various venues including the Leno Show.
Straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak:

Well worth the time.... He is excellent.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by mastermind77
its called "WRITE_IN" people..USE IT!

I could not agree more.
The pres primaries are critical.
TPTB will NOT put him on the ballot. Pay attention to when the pres primaries occur in YOUR state, and then then WRITE IN RON PAUL.
Check to make sure if you have to registered as a repub in your state 1st.
You may have to register as a repub 1st, in order to write him in.
Check here to see what your state is doing:

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by preid2
In my opinion Ron Paul is a fraud and in the coming months the real information will come out on him and if I were to guess I'd assume we'd find out that he is a freemason and is related to royality just as they all are.

In my opinion you are in the payroll of the neocons.

Of course, I have absolutely no evidence to prove that, but neither do you

[edit on 11-11-2007 by NuclearHead]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 11:39 AM
Ron Paul IS a fraud.

Anatomy of a fraud....

In 1988 Ron Paul ran as an Libertarian and received 0.47% of the popular vote. Is he a Republican or a Libertarian? I guess he is whatever is convienent at the time?

Spammed Internet polls leads to thoughts of a candidate being suppressed, this draws interest from the conspriacy crowd.

Being an anti-war candidate, in a field of pro-American candidates makes you stand out. This draws in people from the democrat camp who has no intentions, and may not even be able to vote for a Republican in the primaries.

The Ron Paul fantasy is almost over!

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 12:18 PM
Is that the best you got?
wow and I thought people here actually dug deep for info, and thats all you bring to the table, a label?

Wow he changed his party affiliation its the end of the world!
Party affiliations don't mean a damn thing, what does mean a damn thing are Record, how he conducts himself in office, and rather or not he upholds his oath, and he does uphold his oath unlike those who are locked into a "party system" who flip flop, lie, and pander their way into office....

Ron Paul has a constitutional voting record unlike the rest who have biased and inconsistent records of flip flops and lies.

You very sig and attitude show your biased towards one side, rather then joining us all and realizing that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and those beliefs should be protected and not limited.. on all sides...

you would rather play the party game and project your party and beliefs on everyone else and silence any other opinions..

I m guessing you've never bothered picking up the constitution and actually reading it but such beliefs aren't the American way, Freedom IS, Limiting freedom is NOT.

[edit on 11-11-2007 by C0le]

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