First of all zorgon, thank you for the invite.
As you may have noticed I've been a member for awhile since I got back on my feet. I don't want to get too off-topic here but when you invited the
folks from Mr. Bara's blog here you mentioned your real name and I used to work with another fine gentleman with same name at a local college, I am
Robert H. Williams. If so, I would be very much interested in exchanging voice conversations, I'm in the book in Mooers NY. However, unless I (or my
wife in wheelchair) know the number and the caller ID comes up with a name I know...I (and my wife) let the answering machine answer it...after
all...that's why I bought the infernal thing
Please leave a message with number and I'll call you if yuo're still here locally. LOL
tezzajw you are right that Mr. Oberg's posts here have been CONCENTRATED on Mr. Johnton's "credentials"...and copies of those have been supplied
and posted at the blog site:
His comments WITHIN the email to Ms Ferrari, as you can see since I posted it are of the same vein, imho. The email does not a
"PURELY journalsitic" neutral inquiry into Mr. Johnston's credentials. I mean, using a Swedish Ufo site as a 'source', and not even the FIRST
page of the article...but the ONE page where we get a "Swedish twist" in by Mr. Oberg without Mr. Oberg actually having to say it
"In the Art Bell interview Mitchells coments of Hoagland finally drops down to such a level they had to be censured. Or what do you say about
- Hoagland must have been masturbating too much and whakened his brain cells out of his little pecker." BRUTAL TRUTH reality is from a page filled with comments about Mr. Hoagland...supposedly from an ancient Art Bell Inerview with Edgar
Mitchell who firmly believes in a Flying Saucer presence (something Mr. Oberg does WHY choose THIS site...THIS part of the
Article?...only because Mr. Johnston's name is at the top? but really no "comments" about Mr. Jhonston ! ) and actually says in that
interview...presuming THIS Swedish Article is an ACCURATE translation (something I, nor do I think Mr. Oberg has verified before he used it).
To whit Mitchell states:
"And in a interview with the UFOlogist Linda Howe (mutilation-researcher) Mitchell once again says that Hoaglands claims are just not there. But at
the same time he reveals that he has been in contact with people who claims that the Belgium, (ex.) Soviet and American governments have had direct
contact and exchange with aliens. As a source for this remarkable claims Mitchell says he has friends within the US agencys a.o.
On the question if he has been confronted by any government people for this knowledge he says:
- No, but I'm expecting it. (chuckles).
If you're expecting it, what's your response gonna be?
- Go to Hell...
And you feel this strongly now, because why?
- The evidence is mounting..."
Again...all this is PRESUMING the article is an accurate translation of that ancient interview that Mr. Oberg used as a "source"...supposedlly
"reputable" in his email to Ms. Ferrari at JPL.
Not a very professional neutral journalstic inquiry imho....but let's get BACK ON TOPIC with something more from that 2nd part ONLY from a Swedish
UFO Site Mr. Oberg used as a "source" ( again suppopsedly reputable since NOW he IS claiming 'someone' at NBC did indeed authorize and is likely
paying him for this 'inquiry')...from that same part 2 of the article:
"Wheathering away
The person behind the public letter to Hoagland adds that the only true originals is located at Johnson Space Flight Center in Houston, USA. The
magnetic-tapes with the raw-data is wheathering away, and NASA knows this, but says their budget don't allowe them to restore the tapes (!!!) NASA
has been accused by Hoagland to have misplaced a number of frames, one of them are 4822. Hoagland also accuses NASA to have delayed his orders of
frames in order to prevent him to make an comparison to Johnstons copies before the press-meeting. And the frame-numbers on Johnstons private
"firsthand"-negatives has different framenumbers than those that are available for the public use, according to Hoagland. "
Can anyone tell me where NASA has put over 690 of the more than 700 boxes of RAW TELEVISION FOOTAGE from ALL the APOLLO missions? Gee...NASA
wouldn't be so 'careless' or "paranoid" to INTENTIONALLY loose those tapes would they about such a prime and HISTORICAL RECORD paid for
guessed it...YOU the American Taxpayers.
Yet...that is EXACTLY what NASA has done...Contact the National Space Science Data Center and ask them where THAT data is:
Next...let's review some ancient history about NASA 'numbering of images'...we have to switch from the Moon to Mars to discover this MISFILLING and
MISSING context data. The beginning of this Odyssey starts with Tobias Owen and gets corrupted from there. A short essay can be found here if you
wish to pursue the REAL story of the VIKING "HEAD" image:
You need not go if you've heard the story and we can get BACK TO THE MOON stuff.
For YEARS AND YEARS a small group of us led by Mr. keith Laney have been on an email and mail and BBS endeavor to have NASA scan and archive ALL of
the Apollo Moon images....both manned and unmanned...see:
It is only within the last 6 months that NASA and AU began doing this process...why now???!!!
Is it because they KNEW Dark Mission was comming out soon on bookshelves and libraries across the USA and the world? Now that it is out...I believe
"some interests" are doing everything and anything to discredit the book...and the ONLY target they are targeting is Mr. Ken Johnston.
Now one wonders...why is that? Why attack ONLY Mr. Ken Johnston's creditionals?
Maybe because the ORDER to DESTROY these pricless HISTORICAL RECORDS was in fact BRUTAL TRUTH.
Same way the CIA TAPES of the interogations of CIA detainees were also REAL BRUTAL TRUTH DESTROYED...and now there may be some LEGAL LIABILITIES
should Congress or the FBI get enough cajhones or ovaries to actually DO ANYTHING about that and CHARGE someone with a coverup and press criminal
Ahhhh...but what good would it do if we found out who destroyed the tapes, either the CIA tapes or those precious and MORE interesting and IMPORTANT
690 some-odd Apollo RAW TELEVISION TAPES...or...4 Sets of Apollo first generation copies of the original negatives...when in all
Scooter Libby...anyone who coverd-up this stuff will be pardoned completely by THIS administration with uncarring impunity.
But as of this moment the 690 plus Apollo Raw Television Tapes remain...GONE...Where is Mr. Oberg in the HUNT FOR THE BRUTAL TRUTH ABOUT THIS the tapes themselves...mia.
Think about it. REALLY think about it IS all connected if you have an open mind and search out the BRUTAL TRUTH FACTS and use COMMON SENSE
reasoning...imho anyhooo
So...what and who are we left with concerning the Dark Mission book and the current 'web-war' STARTED by Mr. Oberg with his "neutral journalistic
inguiry" at the behest of "someone" at NBC News?
PLease re-read his FIRST email to Ms. Ferrari on page 46 of this thread and decide for yourself.
Is it really "Mainstream Media" when it turns into a personalized "MEANSTREAM MEDIA" ???
I'd like an answer to that one.
ps...zorgon if it really is you...HAPPY HOLIDAYS and I hope you're enjoying retirement from the college computer room.