reply to post by CyberTruth
Yes you are correct that the sun does revolve around earth. In fact just for mere purposes, lets use an example.
If a person is in the ocean lets say under 40 feet, and you can see the surface, but you are still, swimmming stationary according to your sense of
sight and balance, then another person swims by you. Would you conclude that you were moving past this person, and they were standing still? No way,
you can feel yourself in motion when you move, and you were not in motion, and therefore you would conclude that the other person was moving.
Now lets take this further. If us people on the planet, laying down or sitting feeling motionless as we lie there, then look into the heavens and see
the sun, moon, and stars 'moving' around us, wouldnt we conclude that we are stationary, and that the other bodies in space are moving? This would
be a logical conclusion, and to say that, "No your senses are screwed up and your eyes, balance and everything in your body is wrong" is pure
It would make no sense to tell someone that the sun is still and the earth moves around it and that you were feeling no movement but really you are,
sounds like someone is trying to trick you. Just listen to how people talk, it shows that they really dont believe the earth is in motion.
"Hey guys its getting late, the sun is 'going' down soon and its gonna be dark"
"Wow look at the sun 'rise' on the horizon"
"Well im not moving until the sun 'comes up' then ill go to school"
"Hey guys look a falling star" - Would you conclude the 'falling star' or meteorite is motionless but we moved instead? No....that would be
completely stupid from what you saw.
And other examples show the words we even speak prove that the sun MOVES and the earth doesnt.
And to think NASA is telling us the truth and these so called scientists, is like believing Obama is pulling troops out and that killing people in the
middle east are terrorists. Its just as stupid.
And how come NASA is the only organization that people trust in our space exploration. Its a MONOPOLY, they can tell us anything and nobody can
refute it. They could tell us that mars is the center of our solar system , and that we have books, mathematics, photos all these diagrams with
photoshop and maya and anything else, and no one can disprove it.
When you in a car, or a train, plane etc, you can feel that its moving. Even though the plane is moving at a constant speed with no acceleration or
deceleration, you can still sense it. Think about it folks, does it feel like your moving right now reading this on earth? Nope. But yet you try to
deceieve yourself into thinking, yes we are moving even though everything I can see and feel tells me otherwise because the scientist told me so!
Stop lying to yourselves, there is no proof that the earth revolves around the sun. Where is the gyrometers, motion detectors, gravimetric readers
etc and all the crap to show that we are moving on earth without looking up to the sky. But somehow we look into space, at other moving objects with
no point of reference, then to say we are moving around the sun? Comon its rediculous.
We should stop getting sucked into listening to everything we hear, and start deciding ourselves and teaching ourselves how to see things the way they
are, not what we have been told.
Heres a couple sites to consider. I dont agree with everything on there, and dont totally understand it, but its enough for me to know that we have
been lied to AGAIN by our government run space program NASA and its affiliates, and its time to put an end to this garbage information. Most
information here is presented by Neville T. Jones, PhD.
Academic qualifications of Neville T. Jones, PhD:
* Ph.D. - Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
* D.I.C. - Diploma of the Imperial College
* M. Sc. (Phys) - Master of Science in Physics
* M. Sc. (Comp) - Master of Science in Computing Science
* B. Sc. (Hons) - Bachelor of Science, Honours in Physics and Computer Science
* Formerly of the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University, England