posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 04:31 AM
When a police officer tells you to stop, stop. If he asks you for ID, present it. Be polite, do not confront him/her, because in a confrontation,
you are going to lose, period.
If you were wronged, do what I did, go to the proper people, the DA's office, or in the case of larger cities, many police departments have civilian
committees that oversee police, then there is the IA, internal affairs, unit. Or if all else fails, sue the department. Confrontation is foolish,
you're just going to wind up getting hurt, or worse.
I don't know all the details of this particular incident, it sounds to me like a one in a thousand freakish type accident. A wrong move at the wrong
time, and the results are the loss of an eye.
It does seem to me that tasers are being misused, even abused, in far too many cases. Maybe this particular episode could have been avoided by giving
the officer cooperation, instead of attitude. I don't know whether this was the case or not, odds are good that it was.
Discretion is the better part of valor.