posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 03:05 PM
The taser and it's misuse is a growing problem, but it is really symptomatic of a larger systemic problem in America and surely other countries, as
If a civilian gets hurt in a confrontation with a cop, it doesn't matter if the cop used a pistol, a taser, his baton, his fists, or a 106mm
recoilless rifle, the internet will be abuzz with allegations of police brutality.
Tasers can be misused and some recent cases typify that, but let's look at the case of Rodney King.
Rodney King was high on something and out of control. Police tried talking to him and that didn't work. They tried to subdue him physically and that
didn't work. They pulled out the taser and that didn't work and he continued to lunge at officers.
So, they got serious about the problem and subdued the guy with brute force and some nifty baton work.
One big problem, well actually, two big problems.
Someone was video taping almost the entire incident AND when the media got a hold of the tape, they showed only the beating that resulted from all the
other failed attempts to subdue Rodney King.
I saw the full tape once. I saw the edited tape no fewer than one thousand times.
Cops must use force, but when they do, there is usually trouble and the taser has seemed to satisfy the safety and liability needs of departments.
One problem, however, is that it's just a little too easy to use and the consequences are usually temporary, thus some people get tased when a strong
arm and some backup would do the trick pretty much painlessly.
The best thing to do when something like this happens is for responsible people to overcome the impulse to rush to ATS and other sites to post a
thread with a sensational spin in the hopes of lots of points and some short-lived notoriety.
There's more I could say, but I'll leave it at that.
[edit on 2007/10/31 by GradyPhilpott]