posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:00 PM
Originally posted by menguard
I would like to know how many have recieved this message?
I would like to know what you think about this internal stimuli?
What do you think it means?
And what will it portray in the future?
I personally recieved this message four or more months ago.
I would like to hear those explanations by people who have also had this Internal Stimuli go off in there (neurological-net transmissions).
It was like a (Group transference) of people sending out this call all into ONE VOICE.
I heard and saw this message over a year ago.
What it basically means, (I can't explain it...) is that we are all going to converge in Jerusalem before/right at 2012.
Once billions of us are all there for all kinds of different reasons/paths-- I was told that "all secrets will be revealed".
Perhaps that means a time-traveler show up, or it means we all go, "why are we all killing eachother by our acts?"...
But a dawning of some kind will happen, on the temple mount on or around Dec. 21st 2012.
It's hard to fathom, even more insane to contemplate. I have no fund-age no "money" to get to Jerusalem. But both my friend and I simultaneously
saw the largest gathering of mankind on that mount on/around that day.
How we all managed to get there-- I do not know.
The Oroborus eats it's own tail, and by doing so continues to grow. A never ending cycle--and we are but mere aspects of it.
We, the awakened are socially networking at a far greater rate than at any other time in human history (which is but a speck on the geological/cosmic
time table).
Why is this?
There is much more to be uncovered--and it will be, very, very soon.