posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 04:35 PM
Heh, it seems like an msn convo now, but slightly ominous.
How old are you?
20 years of age.
what race/creed are you?
English, and all parties thereof.
Where in parts do you live, not specific but a generalization.
I don't understand this question, however the best answer i give is that i live in the northern hemisphere.
Are you open minded?
The box is my hidey-hole.
Have you experienced outside interference as far as spirit guidance goes?
I went through a large amount of my spiritual undertaking alone - as in, the majority of what i know i learnt myself. It was only recently (the last
couple of years) that i looked for guidance, in the form of a Buddhist monastary - most of the teachings i undertook upon myself beforehand were
actually shamanistic in nature.
Do you like (feeling things) out first before you act?
I prefer to act by instinct for greater response time, but if the problem is complex, i usually do 'feel things out'.
Do you have (E)xtra (S)ensory (P)erception?
I'm fairly certain that everyone does, but that the majority - myself included - are unaware of it or have no ability to use it; although recently
i've rediscovered a few tricks i had thrown away...
Have you experienced life or death changes?
Menguard, for the benefit of those here who may have heard the voice but are wary of your intentions as of this point, could you provide details along
those lines of your own self?