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Malibu wildfires man-made?

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posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 04:40 AM
I was just watching CNN with the breaking news regarding the huge wildfires near Malibu. I found myself wondering, is there any possibility that these fires, and ones like them, are actually acts of sabotage? Perhaps even terrorist attacks?

I recall watching a show on the Military channel the other day regarding past attempts at bombing the American mainland during WWII. Both the Germans and the Japanese were exploring the possibility of using balloons calibrated to drop firebombs over the American west coast to cause massive wildfires. Only the Japanese plan came to fruition, but the bombings were largely unsuccessful due to the dampness of the season. Wiki link:

So, do you think there’s any possibility? I wonder if the American authorities are exploring these possibilities. There’s obviously a history of these kinds of attacks, although they’ve rarely caused any real damage.


posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 05:16 AM
Alway's the possibility but the USA have been having some of the worst droughts since 2001 in 500 years with heat rising one just has to look at say countries like Australia that are plagued by bush fires to understand it's more common to happen naturally than people think.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by SR
Alway's the possibility but the USA have been having some of the worst droughts since 2001 in 500 years with heat rising one just has to look at say countries like Australia that are plagued by bush fires to understand it's more common to happen naturally than people think.

What better time to deliberately start wildfires? This most current one in Malibu in particular is quite devastating. It's destroyed a number of 20+ million dollar homes, including an honest to goodness castle.


posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 05:50 AM
Hmmm the problem is with the recent droughts over the years and lack of correct preciptation means the problem was slowly being 'enflamed' excuse the pun but like a volcano one more bad dry season was all it took to make it erupt.

In a sense the problem is man-made, But nature defintely has it's input we have caused the damage to the surrounding eco-systems and have fuels sitting their ready to blow with building our cities in these areas prone to heavy geographical changes. The deserts of gobi were floushring once along time ago to you know so it's like teething problems, more fires and flash floods will occur across the world as the climate and geography starts to change and nature adapts in a sense to a regular system again. Instead of odd patches or preciption here and there.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 06:12 AM
I thought I read somewhere that the Los Angeles County Fire Department believes the current fire is due to a downed power line that then set the nearby brush on fire and then spirals out of control.

NONE of the fire has been contained yet. This is looking pretty bad. There are about a dozen different wildfires (I can see the sabotage theory reasoning now) and its now getting closer and closer to San Diego.

[edit on 22-10-2007 by ChrisF231]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 06:18 AM
I think it's worth noting that Japan and Germany designed these attacks to distract resources and manpower from the war machine. More men and machines fighting fires means less men and machines to go to war.


posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Monger
I think it's worth noting that Japan and Germany designed these attacks to distract resources and manpower from the war machine. More men and machines fighting fires means less men and machines to go to war.

True but scorched earth tactics have also existed during and before biblical times, It's a national disaster to be honest the US gov won't even fork out 6million dollars for proper pest control in these wooded areas never mind, fire prevention schemes.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:31 AM
If these fires, or some of them are deliberately lit...Its a lot different to people launching incendiary balloons or what not...

That is a scenario that is highly unlikely IMO....

From past experience here in Aus, the last few yrs...Deliberately lit bushfires are done by pyromaniacs who can't help themselves...

Or kids/others who thought they'd have a bit of fun cos they felt like it...

Sad I know, in either case...But that is the experience here in Aus...

Hope this clarifies some things for some folks thru tough times...

As I said in another thread...As someone who has had to flee bushfire twice, whatever you do..

Make the safety of you and yours the biggest priority and if you can save some important belongings along the way, do so if you can safely...

Most of all, hold your belief close to your heart....You hear so many stories about where bushfires were supposed to hit but they missed this place by a qtr mile and so on...

Tho its hard stay positive and strong folks...

My thoughts and prayers are with you all facing this thing


posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 01:43 PM
Its been confirmed that at least 2 of the 12 fires were the result of ARSON.

Im still looking for the source, I think it was CNN but I am sure I read it.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 01:47 PM
I'm not trying to suggest that these fires are the result of airborne attacks, actually I imagine that it's more likely that they're set by individuals on the ground. Maybe hike/ATV to a wooded area, throw a Molotov cocktail and high-tail it out of there.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Monger
I was just watching CNN with the breaking news regarding the huge wildfires near Malibu. I found myself wondering, is there any possibility that these fires, and ones like them, are actually acts of sabotage? Perhaps even terrorist attacks?

From talking to local firefighters, I understand that around 99 percent of the fires you see in Southern California are arson fires, caused by some firebug. They're easy to spot, as they'll usually just drive along a country road and toss flares out into the brush. They do it for a thrill.

It doesn't have anything to do with terrorists. Just good old fashioned lunatics.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 01:52 PM
It's not just malibu thats under fire right now, theres a small community, where i'm currently at, about 45 minutes north of LA called santa clarita valley or valencia..

theres at least 3 different fires in the area all out of control and all spreading like crazy

houses have been burned, people have been evacuated, etc..

heres a post i made related to the subject

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 01:54 PM
I heard a rumor years and years ago while living in Corona Ca. that the fires are being set by someone every time the Santa Ana winds come in the fall and that this person is in some way affiliated with a fire dept.

... in other words... job security for So. Cal. Firefighters and protection from budget cuts...

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Creedo
I heard a rumor years and years ago while living in Corona Ca. that the fires are being set by someone every time the Santa Ana winds come in the fall and that this person is in some way affiliated with a fire dept.

Absolutely true. Some of the worst firebugs are firefighters. That's why they get into the business. To be close to fires and get a thrill.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 02:06 PM

It doesn't have anything to do with terrorists. Just good old fashioned lunatics.

Wrong, this IS a terrorist attack.


1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.

Therefore this is a terrorist attack. Just because it wasent Al Qaeda does not mean it wasent a terrorist attack. There are hundreds of other terrorist groups out there ranging from those anti government/Neo Nazi militias to groups like the KKK, the Black Panthers, and MEChA.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
Therefore this is a terrorist attack. Just because it wasent Al Qaeda does not mean it wasent a terrorist attack. There are hundreds of other terrorist groups out there ranging from those anti government/Neo Nazi militias to groups like the KKK, the Black Panthers, and MEChA.

I'm pretty sure that these fires are not the work of organized terrorist groups, and that terrorizing people is only a by-product of these guys sexually getting off by setting fires.

There are much better targets around Southern California that a real terrorist organization could pick if they wanted to make some noise. Freeway interchanges, for one. Mess up a few of those all at the same time and you could bring a good chunk of the city to a crawl for days. Simple, cheap and effective.

Not that I'm advocating something like that, but the fact that it hasn't happened says a lot about the power and effectiveness of the organizations. Which is that they're not very powerful or effective.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 03:00 PM
There are fires literally everywhere in so cal right now.. it's crazy

malibu, irivine, lake arrowhead, castaic, canyon country, saugus and probably some other fires i don't know about

man thats a lot of fire in one area! i dont think i've ever seen anything like this

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 03:04 PM
now the news is reporting fires in san diego..

wtf is going on?

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 08:46 PM
Here is a map of all the fires


I am a student at SDSU(san diego state), so i am right in the middle of the safe zone, but i am feeling a bit surrounded. If i look to the south i can see the harris fire in the distance (now that it is night)

[edit on 22-10-2007 by pineappleupsidedown]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 09:14 PM
I live in Southern California and there is about 5 fires going on i believe and one
near where I live and heading in my direction. I hope they contain it

Anyways, I have heard somethings before these fires about firemen around our area starting their own fires for overtime and such. I hope this isn't real, but I wouldn't be surprised since many of the firemen that live near me and I have met seem like people who would do offense to any firemen.

Fire Arson

It talks about an arson in Malibu but I believe there is others.


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