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Debunkers, What about the E4B Doomsday Plane

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posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
That is a rather odd question ULTIMA1. Northern Vigilance is an exercise that is ran to counter Russian bomber activities in the Arctic region. This exercise is ran in case it is a surprise attack! You really should do some research.

You should know by now i usually do more research then most poeple on here.

September 9-11, 2001: NORAD Begins Northern Vigilance Military Operation NORAD begins Operation Northern Vigilance. For this military operation, it deploys fighters to Alaska and Northern Canada to monitor a Russian air force exercise in the Russian Arctic and North Pacific Ocean, scheduled for September 10 to September 14.

The NORAD fighters are due to stay in Alaska and Canada until the end of the Russian exercise. At some time between 10:32 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. on 9/11, Russian President Vladimir Putin will call the White House to say the Russians are voluntarily halting their exercise.

So we were their more to monior then to participate.

[edit on 21-10-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 06:18 PM

You should know by now i usually do more research then most poeple on here.

I know you do.

So we were their more to monior then to participate.

Whether they were there to monitor or participate doesn't really matter if they were still there.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 07:10 PM
I think this is evidence of our military doing their job, nothing more. In fact there was plenty of time between the strikes in New York and the one on the Pentagon for a military plane to arrive in this airspace. Nothing strange about getting an aircraft over the most protected building in the area. Please explain how this would be odd. The links you provided even said it was there after the strike on the Pentagon. Keep throwing guys, maybe through dumb luck you will get something to stick.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Boone 870
Whether they were there to monitor or participate doesn't really matter if they were still there.

Yes, and the planes that were their were out of their normal areas, so they could not be called upon during the attacks.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 02:16 AM
The E4B was called in to provide a cover story for the white plane that flew tree-top level over Arlington, north of the citgo and over the Pentagon timed perfectly with the explosion and fireball.

"Flight 77" The White Plane

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT
The E4B was called in to provide a cover story for the white plane that flew tree-top level over Arlington, north of the citgo and over the Pentagon timed perfectly with the explosion and fireball.

Oh, neato, a cover-up for the cover-up !!!

Wait a minute, didn't you tell me in the other thread that the E4B was not reported in the area??? Hmm, something here is amiss.

I guess this must mean that even though they went through all this trouble of attempting to fool people by doing a flyover timed perfectly with a precision explosion designed to look like an airplane, planting fallen lightpoles along the way, that they forgot one important detail - the color of the plane.

Oh, oh, oh ... I know!!! It's simple, they were all out of silver planes that day. That must be it !!!

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by Boone 870

My apologies Boone, it was sarcasm....I referred my questions to debunkers not because they are any more privy to anything but because there is no question that there was one of our E4B's doing low banking turns(Im sure to fully capture the pentagon explosion) at the exact moment or as at least one witness put it "The plane(E4B) was seen right before the smoke even began to rise". So in other words it is undebunkable. Theres several pictures, video, and eye witnesses...yet for some odd reason no one will officially admit to it. The 911 commission didnt even mention it. Yet it (I would contend) most likely witnessed the whole pentagon incident.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by wsamplet

If its role was standard operation then why hide it at all? Also, a E4B is able to make it to the capital but yet not a single fighter jet that have much higher top speeds than a E4B(747) jet are not able to make it to our capital? I agree to a certain extent that this could possibly be nothing more than one of the E4B's that was involved in the war games that were be conducted that morning. For something like one of our "Doomsday" planes that are referred to as flying pentagons and controlled by the JCOS to be up and apparently over DC before or as the attack was happening warrants some questions. Especially, when they deny it.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by Niall197

Yes they did disclose they were over the north east corridor that day...Apparently they are denying that there was a E4B over restricted airspace P56 at the time of the pentagon attacks or lets just say from 9:35 to 9:47. They say that there were no military aircraft over DC before the combat patrol was established well after the pentagon attack was over and the E4B is gone.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 09:58 AM

The 24 hour alert status at Andrews AFB ended when President Clinton ordered the aircraft to remain at Offutt unless needed, though relief crews remain based at Andrews, and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

I posted references to E-4B's leaving from a base outside of Washington, DC and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base on the morning of September 11 and it seems that the above statement might help explain why there was one over the Pentagon that morning.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Niall197
US Strategic Command at Omaha were conducting an exercise that morning involving US nuclear forces, an exercise abandoned when news of the attacks came in. The video links, especially part 2, give a little bit more info.

If these excercises that were so conviently taking place at the time of the attacks were called off at the time of the attacks, why were no intercepters able to intervien? We've all heard how there were 22 different blimps on the fighter's screens making it impossible to discern real-world from exercise hijacked aircraft.

I don't believe the exercises were called off, or the fighters on exercise would have been able to intercept when the false blips came off their radar.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
Yes, and the planes that were their were out of their normal areas, so they could not be called upon during the attacks.

If the US were involved in a defense exersize simulatng a Russian bomber attack aginst the CONUS it is not unreasonable to expect it to be part of the exersize. If bomber were bearing down on the US you would expect the alert E-4B to be up.

When you say it was out of the area and could not be calle dupon during the attack, im puzzled as to what exactly you expect the E-4B which is not armed for a2a to do in that situation?

Exersize or not I woul dexpect the alert E-4B to get airborn as sonn as any sort of extraordinary event takes place in the US. For that matter I would be surprised if the Navy E-6 TACAMO aircraft were not on station as well.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by FredT

Good point FredT.

I'm going to guess that the E-4B that took off from Wright-Patterson was the one on alert. Another one of the planes was flying a general and other people to Nebraska for global Guardian. The one seen over the Pentagon was reported to be part of global Guardian also.

That only leaves one unaccounted for. I'm wondering if there wasn't one in Alaska or Canada as part of the exercises. I'm finding it rather difficult to find any information about where they were deployed on 9/11. Not surprising considering their role and the need for secrecy to protect their capabilities and readiness.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by FredT
When you say it was out of the area and could not be calle dupon during the attack, im puzzled as to what exactly you expect the E-4B which is not armed for a2a to do in that situation?

I was not talking about the E-4 being out the area. I was talking about the fighters that were pulled to forward bases to monitor the Russian exercise, they were out of thier normal areas and could not be called upon to help with the real attack.

I am was wondering they would have the E-4 up flying around if it was just an exercise, the E-4s are normally kept on (ground alert now) for real emergencies.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

They can't always be kept on the ground. Pilots & crew have got to practice their wartime roles & responsibilities, keeping up their flying hours etc. They also seem to be used as an occasional workhorse. One flew spare tyres into Ho Chi Minh City when Air Force One blew 6 on landing during a Presidential visit to Vietnam in November 2006. They've also been seen on very rare occasions at London Heathrow, flying in U.S. dignitaries.

The google vid I quoted earlier in the thread shows an E4B in the skies over Washington DC as the Pentagon burned and as the buildings/streets near the White House were being evacuated. The Pentagon hit was at 09.37 hrs, CNN had a story a few weeks back saying the E4B was seen just before 10.00 hrs so I guess the BBC video & CNN timeline come together. It's difficult really to determine quite exactly what it was doing over D.C. at the time, I can't see it mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report. In the video it doesn't appear to be travelling at any great speed so I'm guessing it was taking a look at the damage at the Pentagon while they were in the vicinity ?

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Niall197

It doesn't sound like they are denying that it was there as much as they are saying "no comment" as to why it was there.

Not surprising, given its mission. You would probably get the same response if you were to ask about why a nuclear submarine was spotted at a port in foreign seas or why a B-2 was seen flying over a foreign country.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 10:37 PM
How many people were involved in this mess? What did they have to be paid, promised?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by Niall197
reply to post by ULTIMA1

The google vid I quoted earlier in the thread shows an E4B in the skies over Washington DC as the Pentagon burned and as the buildings/streets near the White House were being evacuated. The Pentagon hit was at 09.37 hrs, CNN had a story a few weeks back saying the E4B was seen just before 10.00 hrs so I guess the BBC video & CNN timeline come together.

Again, I contend that the E4B was there as the pentagon explosion took place. Two reasons mainly, first Telemundo the spanish speaking TV channel has a time stamped video it says its 9:43am. Second, Linda Brookhart took a picture of the E4B and she states that she took the pictures before she was able to see the smoke rise from the pentagon(she was located near the White House).

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:53 AM
Well now, a couple of things.

Firstly, the E4B was airborne and in the area theres no doubt about it - you can see it on one of the videos.

Just because its a 747, doesn't mean it can't have some limited A2A capacity. The RAF has routinely equipped Nimrods with heat seeking Sidewinders, and I see no reason why the E4B couldn't have the same.

I also imagine it has some electronic and possibly small laser anti-missile countermeasures on board, although the loadout of the plane is kept secret. It was probably the nearest USAF asset that could be used to see what was going on.

Its this planes business to get into the air as soon as possible when the crap is hitting the fan - otherwise its mission is fairly pointless - it would have been cleared to go before any fighters were allowed off the ramps.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Niall197
The google vid I quoted earlier in the thread shows an E4B in the skies over Washington DC as the Pentagon burned and as the buildings/streets near the White House were being evacuated. The Pentagon hit was at 09.37 hrs, CNN had a story a few weeks back saying the E4B was seen just before 10.00 hrs so I guess the BBC video & CNN timeline come together.

What was the E-4B doing at the Capital when the NORAD exercise was to monitor the Russian exercise?

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