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Why are so many people against catholics???

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:43 AM

Catholics had it wrong from when they first started, they mutilated the Bible and Protestants tried to fix it but still have everything wrong due to the Vatican’s meddling.

There is no hell. In the Jewish religion they believe that evil souls are simply destroyed, known as annihilationism, and the Jewish definition of evil is not being not a Jew it’s simply being evil in any moral person’s sense regardless of religion.

Jehovah’s Witnesses also believe in annihilationism, but they believe it for non-Jehovah’s Witnesses also (like what the average Christian believes regarding hell.).

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Kacen

Please provide proof of this statement, “Catholics had it wrong from when they first started, they mutilated the Bible and Protestants tried to fix it but still have everything wrong due to the Vatican’s meddling.” And no the Da Vinci Code is not a legitimate source, it is a work of Fiction and sold as such. Also it should be noted that the KJV and the Catholic versions of the bible contain exactly the same NT texts, the difference in book count is in the OT. The first council of Nicea dealt with many issues none of which were determining which books constituted the Bible. The largest issue of which was the nature of Christ in which out of between 250-318 in attendance 2 voted against the divinity of Christ. A history of how and what was deemed canonical can be located here: Canon of the New Testament

It is certainly clear that Jesus did teach about hell as can be evidenced from the following verses: Matthew 5:22 5:29-30, 16:18, 10:28, 11:23, 18:9, 23:15, 23:33. Mark 9:42-48 Luke 10:15, 12:5, 16:23-24. Clearly these passages describe a place of punishment and torture. As to be a Christian is to follow the teachings of Jesus this would obviously lead one to believe in a hell. And that while Judaism has no hell in the sense a Christian views it, they do have a type of purgatory in which one is punished for a period of time before being allowed into Paradise. Which would clearly be the derivative of the Christian concept of hell, and also being the basis for the Catholic view of purgatory. For the utterly wicked they are just destroyed. One thing you also fail to realize that if a Jew of Jesus’ time were to live today he would not in fact recognize it as such.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:57 PM
You are wrong Kacen.

Listen Christ created one church, not divided.

On one hand you have 30,000 different churches of protestant origin (all) most all divided in their beliefs about interpretations.

which all started in the 1500s, 1500 years after the catholic church existed first.

On the other you have the Catholic church that is and still is one not divided in doctrine.

God gave the apostles to (loose) and bind on earth, he gave the hierarchy the holy ghost to interpret scripture.

Those 30,000 churches which revolted are talked about in Timothy.

" Unless the falling away (revolt) come first, and the man of sin be revealed, the end shall not come. "

The catholic church decided what books were to go into the bible.

Go read about the 1611 KJV bible, it has pagan images within the pictures and 100s I believe of errors, because Satan created this predicted revolt.

The is only one church of God, and its catholic, and it was first and it means universal church.

Also Hell is mentioned over 30 times in the Nt and a ton of times in the OT. so it does exist.

Also scripture in Daniel plainly talks about the continual sacrafice being taking away in the end times.

This is the eucharist of the new law, which will be stopped at antichrist wretched arrival. That peice of scum will only have 3 years to do his buisness and then he will be wipped out.


posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by JesusisTruth

sorry, JiT, hell isn't mentioned in the OT at all. if you'd bother to read your own holy book you might realize that.

the concept of hell came about with christianity.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 04:45 AM
It looks like the Catholics posting here are forgetting about the Great Schism between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. That occurred long before the Protestant Reformation.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:05 AM
Nope didn't forget about it just didn't bring it up as it is more of a political seperation and not an idealogical one.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Jovi1

no, there was an idealogical issue over the use and nature of icons.
that was actually considered quite the theological hot-button issue back then

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Didn't say that there weren't ideological issues involved there always are in these types of situations but obviously these ideological issues aren't enough to keep Catholics from either side from being able to use one anothers Mass. And it is rather well known that was more about who should be the head of the church which in my view is in fact a political issue.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 10:42 PM
Madness, hell was mentioned about the rich man in hell. Ill get the passage later.

also its mentioned clearly that the earth opened up and sucked men under. Ill will compile a huge list of qoutes soon from the OT.

thats why God made the center of the earth fire, the core is hell. its literally in the earth.


posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by JesusisTruth

i'm sorry, which version of the bible are you using? this could be a mistranslation. there is no judaic concept of "hell"
the closest they have is "sheol" the land of the dead... but not a place of punishment

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Leyla
Sighs...knew I would see that phrase "Does it really matter?" :shk:

Yes it does- because God blessed the 7th day which is Saturday as the Holy Day. Keep the Sabbath and keep it Holy is God's commandment not a suggestion.

How do you reconcile that with

Colossians 2:16
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.



posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mxyztplk
As Denis Leary said “how can you follow a religion based on hats? Priests have no hats, cardinals have the little beanies, bishops have the big hats and the pope wears the huge thing. At this rate God has a giant frigging sombrero”

This has GOT to be good for those taking the 'pro' Catholic side. I mean, c'mon. If Mr. Mxyztplk is against it.....


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by runetang
Because the Catholic Church is responsible for all killing in the name of God by Christians.

Wow. Oliver Cromwell was a Catholic?

The Catholic Church ruled Medieval Europe Dictatorially, having people rounded up and burned alive over IDEAS on Christ, sheesh.

Mistakes were certainly made by ecclesiastical authorities. Especially when melded with temporal authorities. What does that prove? That men are fallible. Did you expect perfection outside the Kingdom of God?

The Catholic Church is responsible for the Crusades, which to this very day are one of the main reasons Islamic Terrorists attack us.

Yeah. Those very nice Moslem people were needlessly harassed by those maurading Catholics. Yup. Gotcha.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the re-writing of the Bible, the removal of many texts, agreed to at the Councils of Nicaea.

Can you name a few?

The Catholic Church is responsible for the placement of Christian holidays over top Pagan holidays, the exact same days, just to make conversion easier in their Pagan colonies. Truly deplorable, and comparable to the Northern Tribes of Israel practicing Idolatry before their exile.

So, the Catholic Church obliterates pagan days of worship and brings more people into the Church. That's a bad thing. Maybe for a pagan.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the addition of many rules, teachings, and customs that were not around in the Early Church, the real Church of Jesus' authentic, unadulterated teachings. In this they are performing rites and ceremonies not directly sanctified by God, such as the Jewish rites and ceremonies which ARE, and are described in the Old Testament.

That's called Apostolic Tradition. If you don't agree with it I respect your opinion. If you are implying that it is not theologically sound or that it is not a reasoned approach, then I would have to disagree.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the Idolatry of Jesus' dead or dying flesh body on the Crucifix, at the front of every congregation. All prayers are directed to Jesus, not the Father. This is a Jesus cult, not Christianity. And you wonder why only Catholics break out in Stigmata; its psycho-sematic responses from staring and sympathizing with a dead or dying, bleeding and wounded Jesus on a stick at the front of the Church.

So are you saying that Jesus is not part of the Trinity and does not deserve worship? That it is idolatry to worship Jesus?

Some say that the Catholic Church is the Beast of Revelation.

Some say the moon is made of cheese.

It is written that one of its' heads will look like Jesus but speak like Satan.

From everything you have written it certainly seems that you don't think that the Catholic Church looks like Jesus, so is your contention that the Church is NOT the Beast?

It says the whore who rides it will be drunk on the blood of the martyrs. Who are the martyrs? The 6 million dead jews from WW2?

Now I'm lost. What do the Jews that were killed in WWII have to do with the Church?


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by runetang

One of my more favorite reggae performers, Matisyahu, is Jewish and does not perform on Friday Nights, nor Saturdays. On a talk show he was offered 15 million and he said nope.
A joke, of course.

Matisyahu is great. It's too bad he doesn't get more popular recognition. The mass media seemed to cover him for a short time and then dropped it.


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