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Why are so many people against catholics???

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posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:02 AM
catholics are simply the biggest target. the single largest organized sect of the largest religious group on the planet

they make up about half of the christians in the world, of course you'll see more people against them

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 11:09 AM
Thanks for all the replies. I guess not as many people don't like catholics as I thought. In the thread "What are your beefs about Catholics" people talked about what they thought was wrong with Catholics. People shouldn't say anything bad unless they have research to back them up. I'm glad a lot of you guys don't think Catholics are wrong, or at least won't admit it. I guess I should remember that someone always has something wrong to say about someone else.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by MyCountryTisOfMe

wow what a comprehensive list you have assembled here lets look at it oh wait I don't have a KJV of the bible here gues my Catholic one will have to do, just for reference KJV = Catholic version with books removed.

1.) Father is a title meaning little more than one who is wiser than ones self in this case spiritual matters, not a replacement for God but a source of spiritual guidance nonetheless.

2.) The term "Vicar" means one who serves as a substitute, seeing as how Christ doesn't walk this earth any longer, it is a perfectly valid postion to believe as Catholics do that Peter was left as head of the Church, and for all intents and purposes served as substitute for him in the leader of the church. Most Protestants do not realize that their pastor does pretty much the same things albeit on a smaller scale.

3.) praying to a Patron saint is little more than asking for their intercession on your behalf, no different than asking a friend to do the same.

4.) Please provide some verse pertaining to this having a hard time finding it.

5.) In catholic tradition it is someone who lived an extraordinary life of devotion to christ.

6.) Indulgences haven't been sold in like centuries please lets keep the list of complaints to current practices please.

7.)Does the day even really matter so long as you set one day a side, to me this seems more nitpicking than anything else.

8.) this is debateable do you really think that in the growing church that the parents getting baptized would not have their children baptized as well? it would be wrong to assume they didn't. Not to mention what would happen with new arrivals to the families, would these parents not want for their own children what they themselves had as soon as possible? of course they would.

9.) All seven of them are covered one way or another scripturally.

10.) Have you read a Catholic bible, unlikely or this wouldn't even be a source of contention.

11.) and what exactly do you think they are hiding? E.T.'s corpse please.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 01:42 PM
As Denis Leary said “how can you follow a religion based on hats? Priests have no hats, cardinals have the little beanies, bishops have the big hats and the pope wears the huge thing. At this rate God has a giant frigging sombrero”

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Jovi1
My view on the whole Sabbath thing is simple- does it really matter what day I choose to rest and worship on so long as I choose a day to set aside.

Sighs...knew I would see that phrase "Does it really matter?" :shk:

Yes it does- because God blessed the 7th day which is Saturday as the Holy Day. Keep the Sabbath and keep it Holy is God's commandment not a suggestion.

(I'm guilty of it too I went to church on Sunday's- went to church on Saturday and Sunday now today feels like Monday. See what happens when I disobeyed God's commandment? I forgot what day it is. lol)

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Ok so according to your logic if you were stranded on a desert island were on your own and spent two days knocked out cold had absolutly no clue as to which day was when you woke up does it matter which day it is you choose to take out of the week to worship God?

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Jovi1
Ok so according to your logic if you were stranded on a desert island were on your own and spent two days knocked out cold had absolutly no clue as to which day was when you woke up does it matter which day it is you choose to take out of the week to worship God?

Well if I missed the Sabbath and I was out cold then technically I observed the Sabbath since I rested on that day. Heh

That is a one in a million chance of that happening to me.

No one has the power or authority to change God's law. To my horror I had the impression that this power didn't rise fully- but it has. This power is trying to change Gods laws. Thats why so many people think Sunday is the Sabbath. This power changed that and named it the Lord's Day. There was a attempt to uproot this power in 1796. The mission failed. Two years later another attempt was made and this time it succeded- the leader was captured and the power of the small government dissolved.

It regained its power by a treaty in Feburay 11, 1929 and the whole world marveled. Who has that power today? Points at title. I'm sorry the people who are Catholics who didn't know these facts are innocent. Its the system thats corrupt.

Look up The History of the Roman Catholic Church and the restoration in 1929.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:20 PM
It doesn't matter if there is a million to one chance against it happening to you, the point isn't the liklihood of it happening, it is what if it happened, according to your logic you will be unwittingly dumped into hell for commiting a sin you had no control over is this the God you know?

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 03:39 AM
Because the Catholic Church is responsible for all killing in the name of God by Christians.

The Catholic Church ruled Medieval Europe Dictatorially, having people rounded up and burned alive over IDEAS on Christ, sheesh.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the Crusades, which to this very day are one of the main reasons Islamic Terrorists attack us.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the re-writing of the Bible, the removal of many texts, agreed to at the Councils of Nicaea.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the placement of Christian holidays over top Pagan holidays, the exact same days, just to make conversion easier in their Pagan colonies. Truly deplorable, and comparable to the Northern Tribes of Israel practicing Idolatry before their exile.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the addition of many rules, teachings, and customs that were not around in the Early Church, the real Church of Jesus' authentic, unadulterated teachings. In this they are performing rites and ceremonies not directly sanctified by God, such as the Jewish rites and ceremonies which ARE, and are described in the Old Testament.

The Catholic Church is responsible for the Idolatry of Jesus' dead or dying flesh body on the Crucifix, at the front of every congregation. All prayers are directed to Jesus, not the Father. This is a Jesus cult, not Christianity. And you wonder why only Catholics break out in Stigmata; its psycho-sematic responses from staring and sympathizing with a dead or dying, bleeding and wounded Jesus on a stick at the front of the Church.

So lets see; Paganism, Idolatry of Jesus(!), False Teachings, False Rites and Ceremonies not explicitly sanctified by God in the Bible, Persecution and Barbaric Murders of all fellow Christian opponents in Medieval times, and Invasion of Foreign lands where the butchering of thousands of innocents took place, both Jew and Muslim. And they are the sole reason Christianity has a bad name in the world, and has a bad history.

I think thats reason enough to not approve of Catholic teaching?

Some say that the Catholic Church is the Beast of Revelation. It is written that one of its' heads will look like Jesus but speak like Satan. It says the whore who rides it will be drunk on the blood of the martyrs. Who are the martyrs? The 6 million dead jews from WW2? All those who've died for the testimony of Jesus?

Like Peter and Paul, martyrs, crucified in Rome? Ah! No wonder its called ST PETERS SQUARE, or Saint Paul's Cathedral, because they are drunk off the blood of these martyrs whom died on those very same streets and locations. So much so, that they claim authority through those they killed!

So let me get this right. Rome kills the martyrs. Then converts, and claims divine right as the 1 Church of Jesus through the killing and blood spilling of Peter and Paul, with whom to this say they hold authority with. Saint Peter and Saint Paul are the 2 most popular saints. Catholicism throws their names around like its going out of style.

P.S. = Members of your Church poisoned and murdered my Patron Saint, after he was exonerated of all charges of heresy by Constantine.

[edit on 10/22/2007 by runetang]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Leyla
No one has the power or authority to change God's law. To my horror I had the impression that this power didn't rise fully- but it has. This power is trying to change Gods laws. Thats why so many people think Sunday is the Sabbath. This power changed that and named it the Lord's Day. There was a attempt to uproot this power in 1796. The mission failed. Two years later another attempt was made and this time it succeded- the leader was captured and the power of the small government dissolved.

Wow, Leyla I am very impressed.

Yes, this is true, the true Sabbath as instructed by God in the Bible falls on Friday at Sun down, through Saturday night. Then Sunday its done!

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 09:14 AM
Runetang, you've pretty much outlined and said everything that is wrong with Catholicism. Truly one of the most enlightening posts I've seen all month.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by runetang

Heh thanks- I have been studing very hard. Last night I was so torn up over thinking that the Sabbath was on Sunday. I always went to church on Sundays. On Saturdays while growing up we didn't observe it because we had to work in the garden. Do you know how many times I broke the Sabbath?!!?

I barely remember my dad telling me that Sunday was changed to the Lord's day. I was young so I didn't think further on it. Nor did I even know that the Church said they had the power to interpret or even change Divine laws. Major no-no..

Now I'm figuring out how to tell the Baptist Church I go to. All of you should be concerned about this even the atheists. This is a hugh-hugh problem and concerns all the members here. For those who do go to Church speak with your paster or minister as soon as you can.

Should the Pope be allowed power to change Divine laws?

[edit on 10/22/2007 by Leyla]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:06 AM
Be careful though Leyla, I wish you luck and godspeed, but high members of Churches are high members for a reason. They've stuck to that Church, and its' teachings, for decades usually, and sometimes are outright stubbornly hard headed at hearing what should be easily understood truth. And then they may label you bad, or claim what you read is wrong, bad, or evil. Be careful.

One of my more favorite reggae performers, Matisyahu, is Jewish and does not perform on Friday Nights, nor Saturdays. On a talk show he was offered 15 million and he said nope.
A joke, of course.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:18 AM
If we're lucky we can start a huge revolution all over the country, or even North America, maybe even the world...

Well, it'd be hard to fix Mexico...and Catholic majority countries...

Yeah, seriously, theres no way anyone will wipe out Catholicism or any other major religion without genocide. *cough*

Not that I condone such a thing...just saying...

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by runetang

Thanks Rune I will be careful. (Now I'm like oh great what did I get myself into this time?) lol

I'm beginning to get a little hostility or little to no interest in trying to tell people that Saturday is the Sabbath. But I don't go to a big church hopefully they will be open to this but I really don't know.

What I found was something that is called the Sunday Blue Laws. I will do more research on this.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:09 PM
the Catholic church existed 1500 years before protestantism was created.

Its the revolt talked about in scripture which has created 30,000 denominations which are all divided when the Catholic church is still one.

1500 years. In this time many saints were born and catholic, look at the one in my sig and tell me shes not an angel of innocence.

Its the bride of Christ.

If the crusades did not happen, wouldnt the world be muslim? Wasnt it in defense of the church?

Christ also delt with evil souls in the OT by ordering death of towns ect. for tempting the isrealites.

Why would God wait 1500 years, to creat a revolt that would creat 30,000 different divided churches that all believe different things about the bible?

The Catholic church also decided what books went into the bible, and the Luther KJV bible when it came out, had pagan symbols in it and errors because satan created the revolt.

You guys aint using your mind.

The 7th day was changed in the New law.

Christ died on a sunday and it was changed, as st Paul said to not let anybody judge you of the sabboths not one but their are other sabboths.

Thats too long for me to get into this right now.

Leyla. Christ said.

" blessed are the poor in spirit "

True christianity is humility love and poverty in heart.

Go read about the girl in my sig. She had nothing and was poor.

If the Vatican has money, nobody knows what they do with it.

If the people in the hierarchy in their hearts worship money they are not of God.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Jovi1

Jovi, you give good"reasonable" replies, but nowhere do you come up with a counter to anything with scripture. For example, Christ implicitly teached not to call any other man father. It doesn't matter why. Oh,and where is it listed in the BIBLE, which "patron saint" controls what? I misplaced that version of Christ and His Father's teachings

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by MyCountryTisOfMe

On the thing about the title "father" it is little more than offical title no different than "doctor", and "president". Not a hard concept to see really as when you go up the church ranks different titles are used above it Bishop, Cardinal, and Pope, if it were meant ot be the way you suggest it to be father would be on top of the rest not the other way around.

As to the question of the Patron Saints, they are not in charge of a certain thing, rather they are patron to particular subject because they lived through the particular ordeal that they are patron of, and it is not uncommon to find more than one Patron Saint for any one such situation. Who better to be sympathetic with you for your hardship than someone who lived through it before.

Take St. Monica patron saint of mothers and wives, Mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo, whose writings about her are the primary source of our information. A Christian from birth, she was given in marriage to a bad-tempered, adulterous pagan named Patricius. She prayed constantly for the conversion of her husband (who converted on his death bed), and of her son (who converted after a wild life).

The things one would ask her to pray with you through because of the difficulties in her life including, abuse victims; alcoholics; alcoholism; difficult marriages; disappointing children; homemakers; housewives; married women; mothers; victims of adultery; victims of unfaithfulness; victims of verbal abuse; widows; wives.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:48 AM
Speaking as a Protestant, I think we do have very serious theological differences with the Roman Catholic Church, but nothing against Catholics personally. The RCC is so steeped in rituals and history that has come from non-Christian sources, that it's practiced very differently from the original teachings of Jesus in my opinion. Protestants have tried to rectify that, but I doubt we're perfect either.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by runetang

Wrong, this is a case that can be made up until the Reformation and that is by default seeing as every Christian was Catholic until that point, from that point Protestants have done no better, modern day Iraq as a good example because if memory serves the Vatican did not want us going there either.

True we did create the crusades, Yet again wrong this is not the reason the Islamic Terrorists hate us, That has more to do with many other factors such as turning a blind eye to all that Isreal does while they demean and dehumanize them.

The Bible didn't exist until the council of Nicea so how could anything be removed from it? The funny thing is everyone going around there is this huge conspiracy going on, how hard is it for you to understand all they decided is which texts rolling around in the day were right and which were wrong? Hell all of you do this to one another on a daily basis.

And what makes the dates of the Jewish holidays any better? You are not Jewish so what does it matter? Christ left you teachings not holidays, the first Christians simply apopted the Jewish holiday's because they were Jewish to begin with. It only makes logical sense that the holidays would change as you moved into a different region as the Pagans would bring their own holidays and traditions with them.

Additional rules teachings and customs come under the heading of Matthew 16:18-19 in which to a Catholic, means Peter is the first head of the church and that whatever the church holds true on earth God holds true in heaven, clearly a provision for the religon that would form to be able to adapt in the future. Again we are not Jewish and if we were meant to follow the Jewish faith, Paul would not have been able to successfully argue that the new converts did not have to be circumsized. Nor would we be allowed to eat whatever we wished. Obviously never been to an actual Mass enough said there, after you go you may attempt to make an arguement about who we do and do not pray to, please stop using Jack Chick Tracts, it is insulting to my intelligence and yours. Yeah just as odd as the Stigmatics are the Pentecostals and the gibberish they go around speaking calling it tounges which according to the Bible they do improperly to by the way.

As to the invasion of foreign lands yes the Church did this right along with the Jews, Islam, and the Pagans throughout history. So please get off your high horse you have no more right to Blame Catholics for the wars we have waged in comparision to anyone else. If you really wanted to get technical about it there is a war that has been going on in Isreal since it was put back on the map and im sure in your eyes that is the Catholic Churches fault to, even all the while knowing it is between Judiasm and Islam.

And in addition for you Pagans who have these romantic images in your head of the noble Pagan being cut down, by the brutal Catholics, come back to earth please because in all likelihood this was more often than not, not the case. Religous movements can hardly succeed at sword point if you study history or everyday life you would realize this. It didn't work against the Jews or what would become Christianity in ancient times, It didn't work for the Communists in modern times, and it isn't working in the Middle East now.

And no Catholicism isn't solely to blame for the bad name Christianity in the world, has it had its hand in it yes just like every other denomination has. If anything Christianity's bad name comes from the people who claim to be yet practice absolutly none of it, you know those traits that have long been forgotten; forgivness, tolerence, and charity, and instead practice legalism, bigotry, and greed, which by the way if you look at this country and its large Protestant demographic appears to be the norm.

P.S. Good to see your so christian you practice the art of forgivness which is the first and formost of what Jesus taught.

[edit on 10/23/2007 by Jovi1]

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