reply to post by runetang
Wrong, this is a case that can be made up until the Reformation and that is by default seeing as every Christian was Catholic until that point, from
that point Protestants have done no better, modern day Iraq as a good example because if memory serves the Vatican did not want us going there
True we did create the crusades, Yet again wrong this is not the reason the Islamic Terrorists hate us, That has more to do with many other factors
such as turning a blind eye to all that Isreal does while they demean and dehumanize them.
The Bible didn't exist until the council of Nicea so how could anything be removed from it? The funny thing is everyone going around there is this
huge conspiracy going on, how hard is it for you to understand all they decided is which texts rolling around in the day were right and which were
wrong? Hell all of you do this to one another on a daily basis.
And what makes the dates of the Jewish holidays any better? You are not Jewish so what does it matter? Christ left you teachings not holidays, the
first Christians simply apopted the Jewish holiday's because they were Jewish to begin with. It only makes logical sense that the holidays would
change as you moved into a different region as the Pagans would bring their own holidays and traditions with them.
Additional rules teachings and customs come under the heading of Matthew 16:18-19 in which to a Catholic, means Peter is the first head of the church
and that whatever the church holds true on earth God holds true in heaven, clearly a provision for the religon that would form to be able to adapt in
the future. Again we are not Jewish and if we were meant to follow the Jewish faith, Paul would not have been able to successfully argue that the new
converts did not have to be circumsized. Nor would we be allowed to eat whatever we wished. Obviously never been to an actual Mass enough said there,
after you go you may attempt to make an arguement about who we do and do not pray to, please stop using Jack Chick Tracts, it is insulting to my
intelligence and yours. Yeah just as odd as the Stigmatics are the Pentecostals and the gibberish they go around speaking calling it tounges which
according to the Bible they do improperly to by the way.
As to the invasion of foreign lands yes the Church did this right along with the Jews, Islam, and the Pagans throughout history. So please get off
your high horse you have no more right to Blame Catholics for the wars we have waged in comparision to anyone else. If you really wanted to get
technical about it there is a war that has been going on in Isreal since it was put back on the map and im sure in your eyes that is the Catholic
Churches fault to, even all the while knowing it is between Judiasm and Islam.
And in addition for you Pagans who have these romantic images in your head of the noble Pagan being cut down, by the brutal Catholics, come back to
earth please because in all likelihood this was more often than not, not the case. Religous movements can hardly succeed at sword point if you study
history or everyday life you would realize this. It didn't work against the Jews or what would become Christianity in ancient times, It didn't work
for the Communists in modern times, and it isn't working in the Middle East now.
And no Catholicism isn't solely to blame for the bad name Christianity in the world, has it had its hand in it yes just like every other denomination
has. If anything Christianity's bad name comes from the people who claim to be yet practice absolutly none of it, you know those traits that have
long been forgotten; forgivness, tolerence, and charity, and instead practice legalism, bigotry, and greed, which by the way if you look at this
country and its large Protestant demographic appears to be the norm.
P.S. Good to see your so christian you practice the art of forgivness which is the first and formost of what Jesus taught.
[edit on 10/23/2007 by Jovi1]