posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 09:13 PM
Sorry if I hijack the thread, lord knows Bill Mahyer is very important. But I can't stand all the people here wearing blinders.
I can't believe with all the video evidence people STILL can't come to grips that this was a False Flag Terror operation.a little LIHOP.Yes your
Goverment LET THIS HAPPEN, to fuel it's war machine, for monetary gain, and power. Not to mention they're lieing in bed with the Bin'Ladens.
But it was more than just look the other way, they also Helped it along (the demolition of WTC1,2,7) with the weeks of unprecedented power downs
before 9/11, giving workers with no company logo access to strategig building points to plant shape charges(I mean they couldn't really leave
something so crucial in the hands of 19 guys with hangovers, this had to be complete and total demolition) Bomb sniffing dogs pulled off duty, by whom
do you ask? oh a Memeber of the Busch Family was in charge of WTC security, now that is pretty coicidental wouldn't ya say?...hmmm I wonder why.
C'mon is the Average American this dense? Can you really believe no explosives were used?
-Thermite pouring out of the building exactly where it begins to collapse (I believe it was WTC2, i might be wrong).
-Shape charges. pictures takens before Gulliani and crew could clear the "crime scene" of huge support colums cute at a 45 degree angle close to
ground level.
-Small charges (only recently were these videos leaked, good job who ever got out the real copies before they were doctored, like most of the
"official" tapes we see now) you know the small flash bangs that sound like fire crackers and gunfire, and look like brife sparks all of the
building as its coming down.
-Squibs (I won't even get into it, cause people who can't handle it ill go with the PM theory of AIR, lol Air escaping 20 floors below collapse),
during the "pancaking". I love that "pancake collapse, AT FREE FALL SPEED. Yea, go on and believe it.
-Explosions in the basement, caught on film, smoke rising from the ground of the WTC complex 30 seconds before the towers fell. (This was backed up by
multiple witnesses who were in the basement.)
-Buildings damage on on side mostly my a plane, should fall over to that side. TIMBEEER! anyone? Nope, straight down collapse, free fall speed in its
own footprint.
-Smaller buildings closer to WTC1 and 2, still stand, while 7, a 40+ floor skyscraper comes down due to two small fires. A worlds first!!!!!
-The BBC(basically the Illuminati media) BBC,CNN,ABC,CBS,NBC,FOX,WB11 ALL IN on it. But back to my point the BBC reorts the collapse of 7 , 20
somewhat minutes before it actually collapses.
-Lies about 93. Lets Roll?, Sorry never happened. Plane was shot down. But Lets Roll is a better story, and gets more people angry and ready to shoot
some brown people. Rumsfeild "Shot down 93", Yep he said it. Debunk that one.
-Pentagon , supposedly one of the most secure, if not THE MOST secure building in the Free World, and there is not any clear secerity video of a
Boeing hitting the Building. I mean c'mon, how dumb do they think we ARE? I'm glad I ain't that dumb because I cannot look past this mountain of
lies and evidence. But it seems some of you Mahyer Fanbois can? I just, can't grasp it.
-Wargames going on at this exact time, putting all of our air defense on the other side of the Country, in a sililiar circumstance to confuse things
even further.
I could go on for an hour or two with points just as strong as these,but I'll stop with, one of the more damning...
-Larry Silverstein. MADE a HUGE amount of money off the death of Americans, as did MANY people who had prior knowledge, with their put options, and
god knows how many other ways there were to make money if you knew this was gonna happen on 9/04.
Those infamous two words, you can spin em all you want, he said "PULL IT". Now it does not and never has refered to people. If he meant get the
firemen out. Why didn't he say Pull "them" out.? I'm sorry but IT refers to an object/thing, like a Building for instance. Do not try to tell me
with a straight face that you honestly belive when he said "Pull it", he meant anything OTHER than Pulling down Building 7.
Your Government has Lied to you, and has killed your friends and familiy.More and more are dieing daily in Iraq. You have been manipulated, and played
by the goverment you pledged allegiance to every day in school for 12 or 13 years, it's a hard pill to swallow I know, but please, Come to grips with
it, and help us do something about it. For the love of all that is good and right in this country. Your freedoms are at stake here.
You can start by Voting for Ron Paul this coming election. Do the right thing. Get these criminals out of office and power.
*apologies for any and all spelling errors.
[edit on 22-10-2007 by Nola213]