posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:17 PM
Kind of funny. I've been lurking on ATS for about a month now and today decided to register. I can relate to the OP's post. I am 43 and have
reached a point where I simply ask "what's next". The '80's were great. Graduation, good jobs, marriage, bought my first house, body shop to
supplement income. 90's were a turning point for me. It almost seemed as if any good thing that happened was immediately tempered. My son was born
in '92, diagnosed 3 months later with Rubenstein Taybi Syndrome. Divorced first wife in '95 (she was cheating, after 11 years of marriage).
Remarried in '97, a woman that worked in the same (large) company as I. After working with the same company for 14 years, lost my job in
'00....started as a quality inspector and worked my way up through the company (production supervisor, HR...implemented various team and suggestion
programs, quality systems...QS-9000, QC Asst. Mgr...80 suppliers and 70 associates) before I took a stand. Was tired of hiring people that started
out at 5K more a year than I was making (and yes, I did not have a degree....was too busy raising my disabled son to think about college). Less than
8 months later, split with my second wife....she was unfaithful during the time I spent in my garage trying to make ends meet. A month before the
split, I had found a job (Plant Manager at a small injection molding company) and yet it wasn't enough to make a difference with my spouse at that
time. Upon splitting (giving up half of the equity in the house, and half of my 401K from my previous job) I moved into an apartment closer to my
job. I lost my father in '02 (cancer)....spent the last 2 weeks at his bedside or sleeping in the hospital waiting room. Was at his side, holding
his hand at the end....breathing was shallow and labored. I told him that I've seen him fight more than anyone should and promised him I'd take
care of mom....he died within 5 minutes of hearing that. Less than 6 months after his death, my mom was diagnosed with AIDS. She had been to various
drs. compaining of different symptoms (including mouth sores) and nobody tested for HIV (since there had been no sexual activity for's
high blood pressure and meds, etc.). Within a month or so of mom's diagnosis, I met a wonderful lady who I truly adore. At that time she had some
serious issues with her eyes (diabetes related cataracts and surgeries)....have oftened joked that I approached her since she couldn't see what I
looked like (you know, going after the weakest in the herd lol). I've stayed with her through thick and thin (including two eye surgeries) and was
there for her on her birthday when I came home from a brief visit to work (machine problems) to find her in our recliner in a full-blown diabetic
seizure (her blood sugar was so low that the EMT could not get it to read at all on their meter). She had fought the idea of an insulin pump for
years....once she was back home from the ER, I told her that was her time I'd kick her tail. 2 months later, she was fitted with the
insulin pump and it has been great since then (sugar levels completely under control and her eyes have not degraded since). She works with a large
insurance provider and was approached with an advancement opportunity at the end (December) of '06. Though I had a decent job (Plant Manager) I
could tell it was leading nowhere. We decided (within 24 hrs.) to approach it as a done deal....I've had many opportunities in my career, this was
her first. 12/06 decide to go for it....2/28/07 move into new house (I bought without having a job in that location). Have had one interview since
moving here (overqualified, undereducated) and am desperately ready to work again. My son (now 15) has continued to have issues due to his syndrome
(now Drs. are saying maybe we should consider that he'll never walk again). "God never puts more on you than you can handle" I truly believe in
God. I simply wonder, what's next