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Nationwide Revolt Against Dangerous Vaccines Accelerates

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posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:48 AM
And also this:

"However, let me give you an example (and I know I'm comparing apples to oranges, but just to show you what I mean):
We've all heard stories like this. There is a large chemical company in town. Most people in town are employed there. After years of working there, people start getting gravely ill. The rate of this illness is hundreds of times higher in this town than in the general population. People put 2 and 2 together and decide that the chemicals are making people sick. They go to the company and get turned away. They start screaming that the chemical company is killing people and start to sue. The chemical company does studies to show that the chemicals are not the cause. The research they show might very well be legit, however they are trying to prove that the chemicals aren't bad and don't research the evidence to show otherwise. The townspeople have studies to prove that the chemicals are bad, but they are trying to prove their point. And even though their research is correct, it also might not be all-encompassing. In cases like this, most of us are outraged that the government doesn't step in and do objective research to find out for sure if this chemical is harming people.

If so many people are questioning vaccines, why hasn't the general population been screaming for years that thorough studies be done in order to be sure we aren't harming our children. Yes, a handful of studies have been done. But one study only looks at mercury, another doesn't take into account that the rise in autism might be due to better diagnosing, and on and on. I'm just surprised that people will accept a study that either doesn't take into account all the factors, or that was done by someone who has an agenda (from either side). After all, it's our children we are talking about.

Another example:
Vioxx was a miracle drug for people in chronic pain. It was FDA approved, studies had been done. But when it was used by the general population, a small number of people started dying. Even though hundreds or thousands of people were finally able to live more normal lives without terrible pain by taking Vioxx, it was unacceptable that there was a small risk of dying and they took it off the market.

Just like anything, vaccines pose a risk to a percentage of people. Setting aside a possible autism link, you have a certain number of kids who contract the disease even if they have been vaccinated (and I'm not sure but I think there are some who actually get the disease from the vaccine, but I'm not stating this as fact so don't jump on it). You also have a certain number who react to the vaccine and get very sick, have lasting effects, or even die. Is this acceptable? That's something we all have to decide for ourselves. And I'm not advocating that we pull vaccines off the market, just food for thought.

I hope there are studies being done to see why some kids react so that we can know beforehand and it's not just a gamble. Vaccines were an absolute miracle when they were invented. But maybe they can be improved upon. Or maybe we need to “reinvent the wheel” and find an alternative so that those who will be harmed have a different option, or something so much better that we can all benefit. I hope we have not decided that this is good enough, why bother going forward.

As to the autism link, maybe there is something in there that kids are reacting to. Maybe some kids have a genetic predisposition and the vaccine brings it out. Maybe this theory was all started because a parent needed a reason why or a place to put blame (I don't know the origin of this idea). For now I just have an open mind to all possibilities. There are still too many unanswered questions for me to believe either way. I'm just a big advocate for having those questions answered as quickly and honestly as possible."

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
I will fight to the death over this issue.Saving Gods children from destruction, and freeing the mind from our Satanic controllers is my only real mission on EArth.


And you were surprised when the lady looked at you as a nut?
Fight to the death? Hehe, c'mon. Save the dramatics.

I also don't believe "the controllers" are Satanic. I don't believe in Satan... and they don't believe in anything. Those who run things are driven by greed, pure and simple. If you want to give base human greed a name, I guess "Satan" works as well as any other... I personally prefer the older name of "Mammon", but that's semantics.

On topic:

I got all my shots as a kid, so did all my siblings. None of us are autistic. In fact, all seven of us rate above average IQs.

I know the parents of a local autistic boy and guess what?
He never got any vaccines! His parents are kinda off the grid. His mother believes in *alternative everything*. Personally, I think she is a nut herself, but she calls the shots as far as her kids are concerned. Dad doesn't get much input. It's a sad state because this kid isn't getting the kind of help he needs. He's 6 years old... and can't talk. Still, he's on a 100% organic vegan diet, is treated with acupressure, and has very little media exposure (no TV, video games, computer, etc).

So why is he autistic?

There needs to be real research done.
Both on the causes of Autism and the long term effects of cumulative vaccinations. At this point the sad truth is there's no profit to be made doing research into these issues, so nobody bothers.
Gotta love capitalism!

Finally vaccines (and all forms of treatment) should always be optional. When institutions can decree what goes into your body and the bodies of your children, you are not living in a a free society.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 03:21 AM
Hmm, this is fascinating stuff.

Mercury(II) chloride is highly toxic and corrosive. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, inorganic mercury combines with proteins in the plasma or enters the red blood cells. It does not readily pass into the brain or fetus but may enter into other body organs. The liver is a major site of metabolism for mercury, and all mercury absorbed from the stomach and intestine is carried in blood directly to the liver.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 08:12 AM
Anyone who advises someone not to have their children vaccinated could be responsible for killing that child or causing it to suffer greatly. Not to mention exposing the other children in the child's peer group. Rational people don't risk their child's life based on ridiculous claims by radical extremists. It borders on child abuse and could be murder in an extreme circumstance. Hopefully most parents are intelligent enough to know better for the sake of their children.

I'm old enough to remember the Polio Victims around the small town I grew up in. Thank God for those little sugar cubes that saved the rest of us. I had to suffer through some illnesses that children today are spared thank God. The people who spread these lies should be dragged through civil court to teach them a lesson. Sadly there is money in scaring people into making stupid decisions. Many books will be sold and occasionally a child will suffer over the stupidity.

The German Measles, Rubella, nearly killed me. I remember being thrown into a tub of ice water to save my life. When it hits nearly every child in the school gets it. Thanks to vaccines many of you have never seen this stuff. I was three when I had the Chicken Pox and I still remember the itching and the sores.

Any parents reading this thread please use the rational side of your brain and don't risk your children's health based on hysterical Myths.

[edit on 10/19/2007 by Blaine91555]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 08:35 AM
Please view this chart.
At some point simple common sense should sink in and people realize that life expectancy keeps going up and the elderly are far healthier than any time in history. Medical advances and better diet are responsible. Why do people want to go backwards. Its insanity.

The children represented in the green line probably never see a vacination. I know its due to other factors as well but the lack of vacinations is a huge factor.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:11 AM
Worth a thousand words

Originally posted by Unit541
Look, you have the right to vaccinate your kids or not. But you have no right to further your agenda by peddling horrific images of diseased children in an effort to scare others into going against their beliefs.

Way to make a putsch for the moral high ground when you don't hold it.

If you think a picture of a smallpox victim is horrific, imagine the reality.

Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are creating host reservoirs in which deadly infectious diseases, many now almost eradicated, may yet survive to mutate and cause future epidemics. Epidiemics in which other people's children die as well. Not to mention their parents.

It is not simply an issue of personal choice. Your decision affects society as well. And in my view, you are making a tragic error.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:37 AM
Food for thought here is that if you break an injector and spill it on the floor, it is considered toxic waste, and you who are firm adherents to the party line want that for your babies?

There are many more impurities in vaccines. It is worse in Africa, where people flee the WHO vaccination trucks, while they watch their kids convulse and die after injections.

If you do not think that after Prince Philip states he wants to come back as a virus and wipe out humanity, that your elite controllers are warm and fuzzy, you have another thing coming. While some vaccines may actually have a benefit, the concentration of many at once for young immune systems is a great strain. To some extent or to a larger extent, an autoimmune response has contradictory results, unintended consequences. You may look at your kids and think "well they all had vaccines, only one turned up autistic." But do you have a control group? Did you compare IQs?

I do not think multi trillion dollar industries that put out vaccines deserve 100 per cent of anyone's trust. But your doctor has to go golfing on Wednesdays, and get you out the door until his next junket and cut from the pharmaceutical cartels.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by apc

Originally posted by RogerT
I didn't take a tetanus booster for over 30 years and regularly spike myself on rusty nails, get scratched by cats, and clean up animal poop - does that count?

Not really. Tetanus infections occur from deep penetration wounds. You should try it!

Oh, and I'm having fun with this because everyone else is pretty effectively pointing out the flaws in your opinions. Humor is all that's left.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by apc]

My word, I have attracted the neanderthal crowd here haven't I (with the odd notable exceptions). I guess your screen name is fair warning though

For the sake of entertainment, I'll respond.

I'm assuming by deep penetration you mean subcutaneous or deeper? where I'm from, nails do actually come in that length. Perhaps you have a hardware store nearby where you can go and do a bit of contributory research.

As for the 'pointing out the flaws', you seem to have as much problem reading the English language as you do understanding it, if you think anyone prior to this post has pointed out anything of the sort. So far, there's been misleading representations of data, sarcasm, hollow rhetoric, misunderstandings, incorrect assumptions, hearsay, personal anecdotes and more sarcasm.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:10 AM
i don't trust anyone completely but when it comes down to it, i take modern medicine over these alternative techniques any day.

something that we can never know is a persons genetics/predisposition to what reactions they might have to certain things...

1 out of however many might have a reaction to the mercury...i get that.
so nobody should get their kids vaccinated?

1 out of however many kids will have adverse reactions to say, mango's. does that mean that nobody should give their kids fruit?

i know that is not a good comparison but i really don't know what i am trying to say.

if you take 10k kids and don't vaccinate any of them, some of them will come down with autism.
if you take 10k kids and vaccinate them, some of them will come down with autism.

from the things i have read and just tossing it around in my head, i think the most simle anwer for the increase in autism cases are three things.
environmental factors
better diagnostics

just cause more people are diagnosed with autism each year does not autmatically mean that there are more cases. just more people that are diagnosed.

how many kids were misdiagnosed 5 years ago?


50 years ago you probably had a good chance of being led to the looney bin and being put through shock therapy or some damn thing.

when you have virologists posting scientific articles and such that points against the connection, i don't see how people can ignore it with things like 'well, my son had a shot and is autistic and there is no doubt in my mind that there is a connection'

in the end, i think each parent needs to make the decision for their kids. the only thing that makes this a touchy subject is the ones that do not get their kids vaccinated risk spreading these things.

then people get all bunged up whem major posts pictures.
why? that is what 'could' happen i you don't get the shots.....why not show it? people need to be informed.
all of you on the other side, post up your vids of autistic kids to inform people....personally, i think that is exactly the kind of things people need to see..

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by 27jd
It's not my place to tell any parent what they should do, I hope you made the right decision as far as your child goes. It's a tough decision to weigh your distrust of the medical community against your child's health I'm sure.

I appreciate the even handedness of your tone bro', but that's really not how I see it.

If I had even one iota of suspcicion that drugs and vaccines were beneficial to health, then I'd be weighing my distrust against my kids' health.

I know a lot of people find that hard to understand. We've grown up in the west with extreme conditioning to believe that Allopathic Doctors are the guardians of health. Once I realised that most of the time, they really don't have a clue, and that there is always a better alternative (IMO), it forced me to develop the courage to take responsibility for my own health.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:27 AM

Wow, you really don't like reading do you. Just a quick glance at the post to see if you're agreed with or not, and then straight to the keyboard to post the same errors.

I really can't be bothered spelling it out again for you. Perhaps you can find the humility to have another look - but I doubt it.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by RogerT

Well, I've personally not had so many bad experiences with allopathic medicine that I don't trust it. It's helped me and I do believe there are many benefits from it, as well as homeopathic, a point which I don't want to run into the ground though. Doctors are human and make mistakes like anyone else. Like I said, it's personal choice, however it is a good point that by not vaccinating one's children, they risk providing bugs with a host in which they can possibly mutate and expose other children to new strains they are not protected against. Microorganisms can be tricky little bastards, and we know all they need is one unlocked door.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Boondock78
then people get all bunged up whem major posts pictures.
why? that is what 'could' happen i you don't get the shots.....why not show it? people need to be informed.

It's an afront because it assumes that the vaccines prevent these diseases.

One of the arguments against vaccination is they just plain don't work, and there is ample evidence, both scientific and anecdotal, to make a case.

The standard 'we don't live with polio, measles, rubella __ (fill in the blank) anymore, which proves vaccines worked' is pure bunk if you look at the historical data (from the CDC and similar national bodies)

Hey, we don't live with scarlet fever anymore either - the vaccine really worked .... oops, there never was a SF vaccine!

I posted a lot of stuff questioning this theory 2 pages back, and except for sarcasm, and hot air rants about disease carrying unvaccinated kids from irresponsible parents and the third world, no-one is really giving it much serious attention.

I believe this could be due to many posters being parents. It's very difficult to be open minded about an issue that could end up meaning you were misled into injecting toxic substances into your kids' bloodstream for no reason at all.

I see post after post from members who are completely convinced, without even the slightest possibility of error, that vaccines protect us from disease.

Why do they believe this with such blind vehemence that they refuse to examine an alternative possibility?

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by 27jd
Doctors are human and make mistakes like anyone else.

That's a bit of an understatement.

If a plasterer makes a mistake, you get a lumpy wall. If a ticket collector makes a mistake, you may get a free ride. If a doctor makes a mistake, you may get a free ride to the afterlife.

the number of people having in-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs to be 2.2 million per year. The number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections is 20 million per year. The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million per year. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million per year.

The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per year. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. (By contrast, the number of deaths attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251.5)

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by RogerT
The standard 'we don't live with polio, measles, rubella __ (fill in the blank) anymore, which proves vaccines worked' is pure bunk if you look at the historical data (from the CDC and similar national bodies)

I'm a little confused RogerT, as to whether you're saying the CDC is against vaccinations...

Melinda Wharton, deputy director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at CDC, said, "Thanks to this high level of coverage, and due to the good work of immunization providers and the commitment from parents, the diseases that these vaccinations prevent are at very low rates in this country." CDC officials said that they hope to increase the rate of young children nationwide who receive all of the recommended vaccinations to 80% by 2010 (Donnelly, Boston Globe, 8/31).

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by RogerT
If a doctor makes a mistake, you may get a free ride to the afterlife.

Along with an airline pilot, a cab driver, etc. You can post statistics about how many have been "killed" by doctors, but is there even a way to keep any kind of records on how many have been saved? I think not. Who knows how many would die of common diseases such as asthma, diabetes, etc. without maintenance meds. It's not an argument that can proved one way or the other.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by RogerT
The standard 'we don't live with polio, measles, rubella __ (fill in the blank) anymore, which proves vaccines worked' is pure bunk if you look at the historical data (from the CDC and similar national bodies)

I'm a little confused RogerT, as to whether you're saying the CDC is against vaccinations...

No of course not. Please take the time to review my posts in this thread, but I'll sumarise, as you are not the only one misunderstanding this.

Various organisations keep historical records on disease morbidity rates, the CDC is just one of them.

Look at graphs representing the decline of the major disease over time, say the past 100 years, and you'll find that vaccines were introduced when the disease morbidity rates were already declining. The curve of the graphs does not accelerate downwards due to vaccine introduction. In fact, if you scout around a bit, you'll find some data showing spikes in disease morbidity rates immediately following forced vaccinations in some instances.

I posted a few, but by no means an exhaustive list - basically a one minute google.

I didn't find a single incidence of data showing accelerating decline for a single major disease of our current vaccine cocktail. If you find one, please make me aware.

Make sure to go back far enough in time, as some diseases exhibit ups and downs over history, which can be shown to support vaccine introduction if the commencing date of the data is cherry picked.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by otherhalf

As MajorMalfunction pointed out, we had (what I felt was) a pretty good discussion going on this here: Study: Vaccines with Thimerosal not tied to brain problems

Thimerosal has Mercury in it.

There are no safe levels of Mercury. I don't care how they spin it, sugar coat it, whatever, no safe levels period.

See what happens when you spill a drop of mercury onto a public school floor.

Complete evacuation, days later and tens of thousands of dollars to clean it up.

Here is a thread of mine in regards to dangers of Mercury in dental fillings or Amalgams.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:13 PM
I had done extensive research before having both of my children vaccinated. I MEAN EXTENSIVE....and what I found was that there were no reported cases in the United States of children being diagnosed after the age of 4 with autism IF their vaccinations took place after the age of 4. So I waited and vaccinated my children after the age of 4. Did the Dr get on my case everytime I went into the office...absolutely, but, my kids are happy, healthy, and never had even the smalled reaction to the vaccacines, not even a low grade fever or injection site irritation. So maybe there is something to waiting until they are a little older and their immune systems in better shape. The first time either one of my kids were sick with something more than a cold was after they each went to kindergarten.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
Do you have children?

I do.

Mine are vaccinated. No autism. Why? Because there is no link between vaccines and autism, except in the alternative press.

You and the next 159 people asked can state that. The 160th parent might have a second opinion.

When you have kids and they end up in the hospital with pertussis or measles or something else you could have easily prevented, then feel free to come on and tell me how dumb I am for not putting my kids through that.

When you are the 160th odd parent and have kids and they end up, what could we say that's politically correct here?, special... with autism; something that could have been prevented easily. You might ask, "How dumb would it be to fail to avoid using a preservative with a potential link to autism when you give children booster shots?"

But calling a parent dumb for doing the responsible thing and protecting their children from unnecessary death and crippling is, in my opinion, ignorant.

Brilliant. Now look at the other side of the coin.

Sri Oracle

[edit on 19-10-2007 by Sri Oracle]

[edit on 19-10-2007 by Sri Oracle]

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