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Africans are less intelligent than Westerners, says DNA pioneer

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posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:07 PM
mad scientist,

The professor was making my point exactly. if you break down the human race into blacks and whites his point is the the whites will win.. my point is that there is always a winner.

To answer your question of "Why has African culture remained stagnant over millenia ?"

this might be semantics...but i do not know enough about Africa to comment on their culture. i can comment that their has not moved since Jesus was 7 years old.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:13 PM
Looks like our dear doctor Watson has a basis to talk like this about the BLACK RACE - looks like he is a major player in the field of Eugenics; which is another word for selective breeding or shall I say racial discrimination?

'Blacks Are Stupid' Comments Betray Dark Mindset Of Eugenics

Watson was the Head of the Human Genome Project until 1992 and is best known for his contribution to the discovery of DNA, an achievement that won him the Nobel Peace prize in 1962.

But what most people are unaware of is the fact that Watson has played an integral role in advancing the legitimacy of the eugenics movement for decades.

Watson is a strong proponent of genetic screening, a test to determine whether a couple is at increased risk of having a baby with a hereditary genetic disorder.

The geneticist has gone so far as to promote the idea of creating a kind of Nazi super-race, where the attractive and physically strong are genetically manufactured under laboratory conditions.

Watson's disgusting creed of racial and genetic purity by means of state-enforced eugenics is a mindset embraced by a large body of the elite minds in government, science and academia today.

State-enforced eugenics?

Genetic screening?

I guess he is a close friend to another "Top Scientist" doctor Eric R. Pianka, who has openly called for a Wiping Out 90% of Human Population with an airborne ebola virus, while the elite few sit this one out in one of their many underground sealed bunkers. Such nice doctors, aren't they?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by mad scientist

Originally posted by DJMessiah

Is this evolution? No, it's adaptation. Same reason why we have different pigment skin. Some people's body has adapted to sunlight, while others who have less contact with sun light have paler skin.

No it's evolution. There DNA has changed to adapt their bodies to the conditions they live in. The argument could be made that intelligence does differ because people in Africa have largely remained stagnant they haven't been forced to change. MAybe because western an Asians civilisations have been in a constant state of flux, their intelligence has changed to some degree. The evoltionary process happens much quicker than most people think.

if that is true than why do most white people sunburn. if we've all been from this earth from the begining... than you would think that the white skin would'nt be so white anymore.

seems a bit unnatural for a being to get burnt by the main source of physical life.. the sun.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:59 PM
I am NOT a bigot or racsist, and believe that all humans are equal in the eyes of God. However, I thought about something the other day and had to admit that it puzzles me:

Think about this: Just suppose for a moment that the entire region of southern Africa, say from the desert south, had been fenced off and no one allowed in since the beginning of recorded time. Suppose that the African peoples had been left alone, isolated, never bothered or affected by modern man. Then suppose that today, we got on a boat and went there and landed.

Would you find highways and electrical power stations, grocery stores and parks and schools? Would you find a massive infrastructure of the type that could support the population with sewage and transportation and education? Would there be universities with advanced studies and people ready to integrate into the rest of the world without any remedial help?

NO!! You would find grass huts and tribal feuds and a crumbling political structure based on warfare and tribal loyalties. You would find savages with the same mindsets as there was eons ago. There would be no roads paved, no water and sewer lines, no schools, nothing but a primitive culture unchanged for millenia. Whenever anthropologists discover some remote tribe untouched by modern man, the are always living crude and simple lives with no social cohesion and no printed laws and courts, etc.

Do you really believe that if left alone, the black races would have gotten to the level that their white couterparts have managed to do? In a few centuries, the white races invented all of the printing presses and advances that lead to a culture advancing. I do NOT believe that in the above scenario, where the blacks had been totally isolated and left alone, that they would have advanced at all. There would be nothing but crude villages with crude living standards, and tribal laws, etc. no real advancements. There wowuld be no airplanes, no power lines, no power stations, no common defense beyond the tribal level.

Just look at what is happening today in South Africa: since the change from the old system, the country is falling apart. The blacks have been handed over all of the controlling positions and the nations there are imploding: Streets with huge holes, markets empty of goods, tribal warfare common, financial ruin and inflation, Africa always has to borrow vast sums every year to simply keep alive as they cannot agree on regional goals, and greed and trachery are common in the leaders.

Sorry to say it, and I hope it doesn't sound too bad, but I really believe that the African continent would have stayed the same over the past thousand years if not for the efforts of the other races. I believe that if we visited Africa today after it never had been touched before, we would be seeing a society exactly like it was eons ago, no change, no modern anything, people living like they did for all of past history. The reason for that? I don't know. How did the white races manage to figure out advanced math and make telescopes and do math and build complex structures? How did they advance so much while the Africans stayed the same until the white races went there? Would we find an association of engineers and architects in a black society left alone? No.

I truly believe that left to themselves, with no outside help, the black races in Africa would have been totally unable to organize and coordinate and educate themselves and establish a cohesive society; they would have no highways, or universities, or printing presses, or any other advanced processes. Dark Africa would still be dark, and it is returning there fast, had there not been others to show them the wonders that existed outside of their nations. Would any African have discovered a major advance in chemistry? No way, not without all of the requisite advances needed to get even that far along; first you have to isolate chemicals and manufacture test tubes and have clean labs..and educated people..and NONE of that was ever found on that continent and never would have, unless left alone for maybe a few thousand more years.

The proof is in the pudding, and the pudding seems to be the fact that in ALL other continents, the peoples who lived there had the drive, intelligence, desire and means to move ahead in life: In Africa, the truth is that there has never been a factor present that would allow for advancement. I believe that the peoples of Africa were prematurely expected to grasp advanced concepts and social controls and we see the result today, with vast areas of south Africa being devastated by regional conflicts and tribal loyalties, and a destruction of the infrastructure on a massive scale.

What does this mean? Not sure, but I do believe that the Africans were are are totally unable to establish a civilized and advanced culture by themselves, and would be in a state of life totally similar to the ones in existence when travelers first set foot on that Dark continent. Left alone, the Africans would be exactly like they were for eons, crude, fighting on tribal basis, no advanced culture or education, no scientific acheivements, nothing. It took migrants from England and Hollad, etc. to even begin to civilize the people and show them how to farm properly and start to make things that would advance them, like power stations and infrastructures needed for advancement. Left alone, Africa today would be the same as a few thousand years ago, and that must mean something.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Souljah

Great Find Souljah, not that I am surprised.

So what are the practical uses of determining an entire race is less intelligent than yours? Let's say it's true...okay so what next? Just kick up your heels and say "cool I'm better than you"?

Nope there's more behind it than that.

I just don't see the purpose of this other than to pursue some other sort of goal or racial agenda based on this "theory" should it be acceptable again. At times it has been and we all know where that went.

Could it be true that Dr. Watson is hoping for a renewed scientifically improved eugenics program?

Certainly he seems to be laying the framework for it. Dubbing an entire race as unintelligent, advocating the extermination of homosexuals before birth, and ridding the world of "ugliness" by genetically altering women to fit a more appealing definition of whatever the dominant male culture sees as beautiful.

You can't just argue in favor of his baseless genetic "theory" that blacks are less intelligent and ignore the others regarding homosexuals and women. You can't ignore the pattern.

"Whenever you interview fat people, you feel bad, because you know you're not going to hire them,'' (- Dr. James Watson)

Watson reportedly went on to suggest that people who live in northern climates drink more alcohol to compensate for the unhappiness they suffer because of sunlight deprivation.

The bad news, said Watson, is that thin people are more ambitious...On the other hand, fat people may be more sexual.

(graduate student) Sarah Tegen was offended by Watson's repeated references to women. "To be a woman in science is difficult enough as it is without one of your own demeaning women,'' she said.

What a character.

Dr. Watson seems to want a world devoid of his definition of "undesirables" on any sort of equal status and filled with beautiful fembot eye-candy as far as the eye can see.

Sieg Heil, anyone?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:08 PM
Look, I have a headache and this thread is making it worse so I will make my 2nd and last reply to it now.

If all of you can be unbiased for a second, think to every notable civilization which ever flourished in recorded history, that we have proof of. Even the African ones of Egypt and the Kingdom of Nubia, which ruled Egypt for a time (Modern day Sudan/Ethiopia/Eritrea/Somalia). And the Asian ones, the Chinese Dynasties, and all which they accomplished. And the European ones, and that which they accomplished.

What is the one defining element that is present in each and every example, regardless of skin color and location?

1) Civilized society, which includes in it a Governing structure which is somewhat functional, and thus some form of education of the youth.

In every example cited here to agree with the Scientist in his racism, modern day "3rd world" countries are presented as evidence of a lack of intelligence. This is nonsense. It shows a lack of Civilized society, which includes a functional Governing structure, which has an education system.

Booyakasha Ma Guan

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:13 PM
You guys are buying into this crap, it is made to stir up things, when we are all just trying to live a good and honest life, we should all know by now, certain political parties, don’t want people to be happy and proud, so they put # like this on the front page of the tabloids, giving away free newspapers to all, in most busy places, it is just another way to # with peoples minds, come on guys we all know there are clever people in every race, and vice versa. What do we mean by clever, if I am good in maths, am I clever, or will you class me as clever if I can write computer games, are pilots clever people. What defines clever, clever is once again based upon what is being observed. Sometimes a iq test ect can count for nothing as a lot of black people wont buy into white history ect, because if a young black guy gets to extravert he is seen as acting white. I believe we are all equal, my personal opinion is that the white man is scared of the black man because if you give us an inch we will take a meter, proven by our latest number 1 lewis hamilton, plus why do they always leave out egypt whenever you investigate black inventions, black history ect.
And when I mean blacks are smarter than whites. Remember the whites favourite saying, if your not white your black, so if ever there was a racial war, we would have so many powerful countries behind us, annihilation would begin, and a new dawn would rise. I am not a racist of any sort I am just responding to certain tabloid headlines, and no I wont provide links and stuff, I just want a general chat, and yes you think I am black, but I am mixed race, but it does not really make a difference to the white man ( but who cares). Was going to finish but I thaught I would make a quick point, whites emulate whites, blacks emulate blacks, nobody likes to be the odd one out.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:14 PM
The study of race and IQ is quite controversial to say the least. I did a search on the internet and found some interesting links

The IQ Wars

Race and IQ

Here is a link to The Bell Curve that has caused so much furor.
Bell Curve

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:16 PM
And yes it got me a bit cross today, as intended. I have lived in Ireland half my life and personally know this statement is false, also had me querying, does this thinking apply to all whites like Russian, polish, Albanians, Irish

Why did they not make this front page, I bet it just about made it onto the net

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Souljah

I went through the entire 4 pages looking for somebody that will do their homework on this mad pioneer background.

And I found you and another poster, Thanks Souljah.

Obviously the man falls in the bias mental stupidity ranks.

Be glad we are not in German Nazi era because he would have been in all his elements.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:30 PM
Why dwell on it? It's quite obvious that there are some blacks who are way more intelligent than some whites and vise versa. The potential of all races is there. I propose a mass hedonistic gathering to make race irrelevant!

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

Have you not heard of Egypt, the western world is made up from a bunch of stolen ideas.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by mad scientist

Originally posted by lee anoma

Unless of course you can show me an African scientist that claims Africans are less intelligent I'd say it does matter.

Right, so if a black scientist claims that blacks are less intelligent you would believe that because he is black.

Not a very convincing argument, I'm sure you could probably find one though.

Then do so if you like.

Also please fully read my responses before taking a small section and formulating your opinion on what I meant. You clearly have no idea what I was responding to and my point seems to have failed you. Thank you for the response though.

Personally I think I've heard enough about the good Doctor's mad ramblings for quite some time. My own research has shown me that he seems to possess an extremely elitist bias so really there's nothing more for me to see here.

To those that feel his theory is true, hey I guess it's always great to hear you're inherently smarter than millions simply by birth.

Daniel Hale Williams, Benjamin Banneker, Edward Alexander Bouchet, Charles Henry Turner, Charles Richard Drew, George Washington Carver, Ernest Everett Just, Roger Arliner Young, Norbert Rillieux, Benjamin Bradley, Garret Morgan...sigh...they all had nothing on any of you.

Now get out there and cure a disease or two if you wouldn't mind. Don't let that superior intellect go to waste by hanging around a forum.

Exit, stage left for me.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
I'll be called racist, prejudice, etc. But I agree with the man.

Hmmm..... Perhaps because you are?

Africa is in total shambles with no end in sight, black neighborhoods are infested with drugs, crime, gangs and everytime a past colony such as Jamaica, Haiti, etc. is handed over to the majority black people there, it becomes extremely poor, crime infested, corrupt with no end in sight.

Maybe because the colonizing powers when they left they created conditions for that to happen? Colonies become so dependant economy wise to their colonizing power and that country create that situation for a purpose, to keep the colony in check, how do I know? I used to live in one. Check how many colonies throughout history fight for independance once they realize that they can prosper on their own, there is many examples of that.

And to say that black neighborhoods are the only ones that have gangs, drugs and crime is and oversimplification the matter, where I live there is plenty of white neighborhoods full of the same.


t is no accident or mischance that the western world became the most powerful and still is.

To this I will agree, the same way that black culture has been stagnant is not by chance either, too many inside and outside factors has to be taken into consideration in order to analyze the situation as a whole and just saying that is because of the genes is a way IMO to justify the situation without accepting any kind of culpability for the current situation.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Read "The Bell Curve". It's a study of race and IQ.

The Bell Curve

To me, it does not seem strange that IQ varies by race. Different races developed in different areas under different conditions. There are physical differences between races, why not IQ differences?

But remember, IQ doesn't measure all areas of intellignce.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:13 PM
If I said I believed the white race is a foreign being that landed on planet Earth, and has since exploited and abused the native colored peoples (africans, native americans, middle easterners, asians). for all I know they descended from Lucifer when he was cast out of Heaven with his angels and they landed in europe. European dynasties now control the biggest players in the American Hemisphere, Asia, and Africa as well as australia.

I bet that sounds only a little bit mroe racist than saying black people would never evolve in Africa if they could just get a chance to not have Western educated dictators brutalize their pouplations in order to keep them divided to be helpless from Western corproate exploitation?

If we were kind enough to stay out of their affairs, they would probably have been more advanced than us by now.

you know having most of your entire race enslaved, submitted to genocide (congo and the belgium king), appoint foreign laws and leaders to them (ivory coast, horn of africa, south and north african lands) in the few centuries when the ones exploting your race is making the biggest scientific leaps around, you could probably get a better picture of why what excists today, exists today, and still exists, because ti still is the same.

How can you R&D when you are tricked into giving up your lands, and have to simply outrun the paid and drugged criminals who are your own people and have been tricked to kill you as well just to survive?

Maybe if we all had a time machine, we could go back and live in the times when Europe was developig, and Africa was being raped, plundered and exploited, and see why things did not happen they way they could have been.

Instead of being nice, and helping them by giving them knowledge, teaching them different languages, building schools where they could learn about the other sides of culture in a positive atmosphere instead of being killed and robbed, mostly because they looked different.

If one wishes to discuss how it is today, and only look at it that way, than one should see the period of time in which all the damage was actually done, and understand how and why it destroyed their entire continent.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by RetinoidReceptor

Thank you for answering me!
This bellow is an extract from this website:
""It was in Africa where we first spoke, shared information with each other, and exchanged news and ideas. The shared words and linguistic structure served to enhance the complexity of our relationships. Humanity's oldest language groups come from Africa: spoken first by the people of the arrow (the Khoisan languages), the hoe (Niger-Congo), and the stick (Nilo-Saharan).""

I hope you understand that we will never achieve any peace in the world if we don’t stop arguing about been better then other because the fact is that we are all the same at birth.


posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by DiabolusFireDragon
Why dwell on it? It's quite obvious that there are some blacks who are way more intelligent than some whites and vise versa. The potential of all races is there. I propose a mass hedonistic gathering to make race irrelevant!

in america only about a few million people are really smart.

these few million made america advanced ...

maybe 5 or 6 million.

the remaining 295 million are your usual bozos and grunts.

you average joe grunt american with his pot belly is ignorant stupid and quite thick.

in america they have special words for intelligent people.

words like NERD AND GEEK...

to make you feel ostracized,

most bozo most americans hate smart people. that why they call them NERDS AND GEEKS....derogatory terms which aim to despise high iq....

so 99% of americans hate the other 1% smart people.



[edit on 17-10-2007 by esecallum]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:23 PM

Having exhausted the study of the small isolated African societies, the anthropologists were faced with the larger and more complex African societies. They came to realize that some of these complex political, economic and social systems were comparable and at times more advanced that those developed in Europe. In spite of the evidence, they denied these African achievements to the Africans, and looked for their origins outside the continent. In Africa itself, the independent nations began to build their national archives in which historical data is made available for researchers and museums to preserve and project their cultural heritage. International conferences on African History were organized in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Books including text books on African History as well as journals specializing in African History filled the shelves of libraries and bookstores. African history has come of age. Nonetheless, the mistakes of the past still linger on in the writings of some historians of Africa and in the minds of some of us. Many but not all European academics and historians have forgotten the racist notion that "Africa has no History." We have indeed come a long way but there is still much to be done, beginning with the decolonization of our minds.

[mod edit: Please do NOT cut and paste text from websites without linking to that site. -- Byrd]

"We learn the past to predict the future and to form the present"

[edit on 19-10-2007 by Byrd]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:30 PM
I bet all humans have the same average IQ and the same percentage of under/over average IQ's, well except the USA where most are way under average ;p

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