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Ron Paul just reshaped History, as the Conspiracy against him went into Defcon4

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by cpdaman

Yup you pretty much summed it up, don't ever let anyone tell you different b/c that is whats going on and a lot of people refuse to believe it or call it a crazy conspiracy but its really not and you would be surprised to know that most politicians know this but are to scared to stand up to it or say anything about it.
What do the rich want more than anything else? They want to keep living their stupid rich little lives. They fear loosing their money and lives more than the common man could ever imagine. What are politicians... unfortunately they are what they shouldn't be, rich. B/c they are that way they are easy to manipulate, bribe, and fear. Good thing Ron Paul isn't a puse and has the balls to say what the hell is going on.

And IIB thanks for pointing this out. I've noticed it and I'm sure most following whats going on with Ron Paul has. It's amazing they don't even mention him really when talking about fron runners. If I had to guess I would say Ron Paul has probably been mentioned 2% out of the total times they've talked about candidates on mainstream media, and believe, they talk about it a lot... but no, not Ron Paul, he doesn't exist.

[edit on 16-10-2007 by Techsnow]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:16 AM
Great post and great work IIB.

RP is getting the shaft in nearly every area imaginable and yet he's still kicking arse and taking names.

With the internet revolution being in full swing at this point, if Ron Paul doesn't end up on the ballot in '08 it should be taken by ALL as a PROOF that our democratic process has indeed FAILED.

Most of here are well aware that it has been hijacked and heading for a crash, if RP doesn't end up on the ballot with all the support he's receiving, that will (for me) mark the final crash and burn of our system.


P.S. flagged and starred. GREAT JOB!

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei

if RP doesn't end up on the ballot with all the support he's receiving, that will (for me) mark the final crash and burn of our system.

And when it inevitably happens and he doesn't make it on the ballot, will you do anything? I mean, it is obvious he is getting the shaft, but the problem is that it is just one of many examples of what is wrong with the political/cultural/corporate climate in our country. I think that our system has "crashed and burned" a long time ago and unfortunately, we peons are pretty much helpless to stop it.

I wish it wasn't the case, but that is pretty much the reality of it. I wish there were examples out there of people showing that it is possible to make a difference, but I haven't seen it and I don't know if it is even possible.

I will do what I can. I intend on voting RP, but I fear that it may end up being a waste of time.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:33 AM
IIB, this is by far the best, and most complete discription of the attitude that is surounding Ron Paul from the 'mainstream' media.

People are waking up, people are starting to see him in the debates, and say 'that make some sense', if people can reason, and they hear what Dr. Ron Paul is saying, they are changeing thier opionion, people from all walks of life, from all over the political spectrum are waking up and saying 'this guy is honest', who knew a polotiction could be honest!

Over the weekend, i was talking with some friends at a party, and we began talking polotics, and the question about who poepl were supporting for the 08 election came up, when i said Ron Paul, no one knew who he was, i gave them a basic outline, and told them to check out some Youtube videos about him. A few of them hav come back and said they were amazed on what he was saying, and amazed that they have never heard of him before.

Keep getting the message out, the media has failed us, time for the people to falicitate change.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:58 AM
I'm definitely not a Republican but I have watched these debates and no doubt Ron Paul is as real as it gets when it comes to candidness and actually saying anything that makes sense, he is definitely being suppressed and made to look like a buffoon unfortunately, not sure who is really to blame, it's sad because it shows that people really don't like hearing the cold truth.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 05:19 AM
Interestingly enough, in my own neck of the woods, one sees alot of full size, HUGE banners, speaking of Ron Paul for President in 2008, speaking of him as the "hope of the Republic", etc..... but not very many for any of the other candidates as of yet. Most of the ones I see are hand made. One can definitely read the pulse of America in this fashion. All I can say here is Go Ron Paul Go!!!!! I wish him the very best in his endeavors, and I have been following his early campaign efforts, and he seems to be the only one who makes sense! Scary, isn't it?

I really hope to see Ron Paul step up from "behind" and take this election right out from under all those folks' noses. America deserves better than the crap we have been dished up. I'm sick and tired of the lies, the garbage we are spoon fed on a daily basis, and the coverups of information we people should rightfully know. It's time for a change, and Ron Paul is it, in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:44 AM
I saw my the first lawn sign for a presidential candidate in my neighborhood last weekend and it was for Ron Paul. Cool! I'd put some of those up.

I live in Florida and can't vote in the primary because I'm registered as an independent. I'm not a "joiner". I refuse to register as anything but independent. I usually vote somewhat to the left. I'll vote for Paul if his name is on the final ballot because he is the only one running (besides Gravel and Kucinich) with any integrity even if I don't agree with some of his positions.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:46 AM
Yesterday I went to Ron Paul's web site and donated $10....This is the first time in my life I have ever donated money to anyone...I did carry signs for Carter...phew..that was a long time ago...
..I for one can't stand to listen to all the BS that Tewe the peopleare force fed...ALL BUT RON PAUL....He has a chance...We must wake up the people...RON PAUL'S message must get out...Ask yourself, you want more of the same for another 4 years or more ??...We will not have a country worth living in....I am pushing the RON PAUL message everywhere I go..And YOU SHOULD TO...

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:02 AM
If they don't get him by ignoring him the media.

If they don't get him by leaving him out of the polls.

If they don't get him by smearing his reputation.

If they don't get him by excluding his voters.

If they don't get him by rigging the electronic voting machines.

They will get him like they got JFK.

[edit on 16-10-2007 by blahdiblah]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:10 AM
Personaly, I see the American people as dull, dim witted, dumbed down, but not blind. The bias against Ron Paul is clear and self evident. CNBC says the poll results are false becuase that "kind of support isn't possible". Fox news says cell phone polls are spamed when the poll itself is set up so as to be unspamable, one cell phone one vote. In the debates Ron paul clearly gets the least amount of time and the Least in depth questions. Questions like "WIll you support the republican nomination even if it is not you" Clearly a loaded contrite question. But Ron Paul runs with it and says what needs to be said and runs with support like a man on fire.

The american public may not be bright enough to understand how the electoral college system functions in this Democratic Representive Republic but they do have eyes to see and ears to hear and everyone from every side is noticing the bias against Ron Paul and in the end this is working in his favor. For their are many who would of never paid him any attention were it not for the medias' attempts to distort and distract from his candidacy.

I know in my heart of hearts that Hillary is already the next selected president in this electoral college tyranny and that she will most likely be running with Edwards. Yet if Ron Paul can win the republican nomination to be in the run of against her it will be a victory in the end for the nation will KNOW WITH OUT A SHRED OF DOUBT who it supported, who it voted for, and what the system delivered to the people. And maybe then Americans will be ready to address the problems of the American Federal Empire.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:31 AM
I agree with the OP. It is clear that RP is an outsider and "the man" is pushing him out. A conspiracy is at hand.

But it is to be expected.

I do not vote. In our political system, it is oil money that chooses canidates and oil money (lobby) that makes decisions. I would rather not associate with and further sanctify such tyranny by casting the holy water of my written vote upon the process. I find such a system no more democratic than burma's junta; just a little more sugar coated and greasy.

I would love to see RP become potus... but at the same time... I'd love to see marijuana legalized. Neither is happening any time soon; because neither is financially the best solution for the plasticized corporate ruling class.

I do believe in getting truth out however, so I will add the full text of the OP to my political litter campaign... That is... I'll make a 1000 copies and litter my downtown area with them. Local copy store is doing a special on B&W's for 5 cents. Consider it a $50 donation to your cause, paid for with carpenter's money. I'll print them on chlorine free 100% recycled paper.

There is a revolution at hand... It's just going to require a very big pry bar to jar things loose. I'm not sure what that is yet... but don't expect it to be RP as potus.

I think the day it becomes abundantly clear, to the masses, that the system is rigged... corrupt... unfair... undemocratic... tryrannical... and greed driven... is when the revolution surfaces.

To some of us... that time is already here... that is why we are having this discourse at present.

But we are not the masses.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:39 AM
I agree that Ron Paul is getting the shaft. Its sad that someone like him is getting blackballed because he has some good things to say. A friend of mine has a small sub shop and he took his laptop to the shop and set up a table with the laptop and a video of Ron Paul. Around the table there is flyer's and broacher's and bumper stickers about. He talks politics with anyone that comes in to eat. We need more people like this.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:54 AM
I believe Ron Paul to be the most conservative candidate out there. Another proclaimed "conservative before republican" Rush Limbaugh doesn't talk about him much either. Someone phoned in to his show and asked him to talk more about RP. He stumbled mumbled and said "Ron Paul, 2008 Presidential Candidate" then went straight to a commercial break.

Why is the GOP trying to eliminate the best chance they have to win the White House? It's not the GOP. It's those in charge of the country and soon....the world

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Since this site is about denying ignorance, then allow me to offer some skepticism, if you please. While I, too, "thrill" at the possibility of someone similar to Ron Paul's alleged character attaining the presidency, I'm not certain that he's anything more than a distraction.

Why do I say this? Do you really think that the people who have blatantly stolen the past few elections are going to be suddenly broadsided by someone that is not on their payroll or working for their agenda? Do you really think that their alleged concern about Ron Paul is real? Do you really think that those who brought you 9-11 wouldn't have already thought of this contingency, planned for it and pulled it out of their bag of tricks, if they thought the sheeple were waking up?

I suggest that they are playing into the mindset of the frantic sheeple who are desparate for a hero. If the Cabal had not been mind-f***ing you for so long, then perhaps you'd realize that they control the media and the message. Do you really think that they can't manipulate the internet, as well? They own it, they built it, they control it. Wake up.

If Ron Paul is the real thing, then he will be kept off the playing field...or sacked behind the line of scrimmage resulting in a broken neck. If he is a wolf in sheep's clothing - or an innocent pawn - then he is being manipulated or blackmailed and his presidency will be hollow. He is a rallying point for those desparate buffoons who want someone to save them, so they don't have to get their hands dirty or bloody.

Ron Paul gives good debate. He's fiery, passionate, on target and seems to be the Savior that America seeks. Hmm, something smells rotten in the Beltway. Why isn't he dead, yet? Follow the strings, people. Follow the money trail. This nation was quick to pounce on Bin Laden and the Arabs as the new world enemy. I didn't buy that, then, and I'm not buying Ron Paul, now.

I hope I'm proven wrong. I'll gladly eat crow if Mr. Paul can deliver this country from the clutches of the NWO as easily as he delivered those babies. Now, I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies, Miss Scarlet, but I have played a few games of chess. What would I do, if I wanted to misdirect my opponent? A feint? A flurry of activity on one side of the board, perhaps? Sacrifice a knight, so you feel like you're winning...then trap you with my bishop or a couple of lowly pawns?

If the Cabal is truly concerned about losing their grip on America, then it will get far worse, before it ever improves, in my opinion. Like I've written, before, I don't trust any politician, especially in Washington. If they have operated there for any length of time, to say nothing about even making it into the inner circle, then they are corrupt, blackmailed, co-opted or mere chum to be tossed overboard when deemed necessary.

Where was Ron Paul over the past 8 years? Why was he so unheard of, until now? Wake up, sheeple. You're disappointing me. Beware of strangers bearing gifts.

Ron Paul is for little government. He wants to take the Federal government out of your face. That sounds interesting. What if the Cabal knows that it runs the show, anyway, so it can allow the unraveling of the Federal government?

"Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." - Mayer A. Rothschild

Now, for you true blue Paulites who know your man can do no wrong, I support the ideals this candidate spouts, for the most part - since I don't agree with everything he says - so I'm not against you or him. However, it will take far more than a nice smile and passionate zeal with some good talking points to win me over. I'm a cynic and a skeptic, so I don't bow down to anyone, kiss their ring, or pledge allegiance just because it seems hip.


posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by drivin98
I saw my the first lawn sign for a presidential candidate in my neighborhood last weekend and it was for Ron Paul. Cool! I'd put some of those up.

I live in Florida and can't vote in the primary because I'm registered as an independent. I'm not a "joiner". I refuse to register as anything but independent. I usually vote somewhat to the left. I'll vote for Paul if his name is on the final ballot because he is the only one running (besides Gravel and Kucinich) with any integrity even if I don't agree with some of his positions.

That's BS. I live in Florida as well and I've donated to Ron Paul as a registered Independent. I recently swiched to GOP just to vote for him in the primaries. If you you truly BELIEVE, you must TAKE ACTION for YOURSELF. You don't win by being a spectator. TAKE CONTROL!

Originally posted by katmandu
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Since this site is about denying ignorance, then allow me to offer some skepticism, if you please. While I, too, "thrill" at the possibility of someone similar to Ron Paul's alleged character attaining the presidency, I'm not certain that he's anything more than a distraction.


If Ron Paul is the real thing, then he will be kept off the playing field...or sacked behind the line of scrimmage resulting in a broken neck. If he is a wolf in sheep's clothing - or an innocent pawn - then he is being manipulated or blackmailed and his presidency will be hollow. He is a rallying point for those desparate buffoons who want someone to save them, so they don't have to get their hands dirty or bloody.

Why don't you trace his record back to the 70's and 80's. He's never budged from any of his pooints. He's been attacking the FED, IRS, NAFTA, CAFTA, CFR, etc. since he's been in office. He's not dead because his fate is at the helm of America, steering it away from the Maelstrom. Watch, read, and listen to the man!

If you don't think he's real, and refuse to try and view his essnece for yourself, you deserve to go down with the ship with every else.

[edit on 10/16/2007 by Arcane Demesne]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:32 AM
I was also wondering how Paul made it as far as he did. I think the big guys who run the show overlooked him. They were planning to let him be in a few debates early on and then ask him to leave after falling way behind.

This however never happened as he won most of the debates he has been in. Now its too late to ask him to leave or kill him as he would become a martyr and wake up to many sheeple. The only thing they can do is ignore and slander him.

The guy has been in the federal government for a long long time as a congressman. He knows how the system works and how to protect himself and his image. He has also raised over 5 million dollars. Its to late for them to sweep him under the rug.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by katmandu

Not sure I see your logic. Yes, the president is just a puppet, but wouldnt you rather have a good puppet than a bad puppet in the presidential seat? He may be able to change some things, or die trying.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Arcane Demesne

While I respect your opinion and determination to fight for Dr. Paul, I think I made it very clear about why I believe he won't be nominated. I also said that, if you'd care to take my reasons and concerns to your holy candidate and ask him to speak about it, then I'll be watching.

If Dr. Paul is real, time will tell, in either a very good or a very bad way. However, you're not trying very hard to engage me or bring me into your fold, which is what you truly need to do, if you want your man to succeed.

Calm down, take a deep breath and engage my mind. I said that I didn't trust anyone in the Beltway. That includes Ron Paul. Do you seriously believe that he is the only untainted, holy roller of the righteous? Please.

If he is, then why hasn't he done something about it, until now? We sure could have used his candidacy 20 years ago. I don't care how he's voted over the years. Why haven't we heard from him, till now?

Get back to me, please.


posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by katmandu

If he is, then why hasn't he done something about it, until now? We sure could have used his candidacy 20 years ago. I don't care how he's voted over the years. Why haven't we heard from him, till now?

Get back to me, please.


Paul ran for president in 1988 and placed third in the nation.

In the 1988 presidential election, Paul defeated American Indian activist Russell Means to win the Libertarian Party nomination for president.[16] Although he had been an early supporter of Ronald Reagan, Paul was critical of the unprecedented deficits incurred by Reagan's administration, for which Paul's opponent George H.W. Bush had been vice-president.[37] On the ballot in 46 states and the District of Columbia,[42] he placed third in the popular vote with 431,750 votes (0.47%), behind Republican Bush and Democrat Michael Dukakis.[43] Paul was kept off the ballot in Missouri and received votes there only when written in, due to what the St. Louis Post-Dispatch called a "technicality".[44]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by katmandu

20 years ago america was full swing into the bush clinton bush clinton skull and bones power grab. 20 years before that in the 60s we had JFK. And we all know how that turned out. Like I said before I don't see Ron Paul winning because he has not been choosen.. but if he can take the republican nomination it will still be a victory

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