posted on Jul, 24 2014 @ 11:57 PM
Great thread and observation. The World Trade Federation's main hub gets blown up from the inside. Then in real life The World Trade Center gets blown
up from the inside. Lucas said all his movies have current event and political undertones. As Phantom Menace/Clone Wars prepared us for 9/11 and the
Iraq War , Revenge of the Sith prepared us for the fall of Christianity. Order 66 (666) meant to kill all Jedi's. And that one scene where Anakin goes
to the Jedi Temple to kill kids, he walks directly over a HUGE upside cross. You will have to rewatch that scene to catch it but its blatant. I love
star wars. The new one in 2015 i'm sure will be all about revolution like Hunger Games and Planet of The Apes.
edit on 24-7-2014 by
revolution2016 because: (no reason given)