posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 04:14 AM
In one of his films. Episode1:The phantom Menace(1999).
Lucas has demonstrated that he is a visionary and a futurist, who at times can forsee events and translate them into his own ideas in film. When you
watch the film you notice a few things that relate to the september 11 attack in relation to events surrounding the plot. Note that I am not joking
about this, as I have observed Lucas works in detail and have come to this conclusion. This is not new, I knew much about this detailed subject 3
years ago and have discussed it with other people.
Lucas is an artist, he gets ideas and images from dreams and he writes this down. He takes real life events and things you would see on a normal world
and changes it to a space fantasy. So all his films take something real, and turns it into a space story. but it's like art, it all means something
else. In Episode 1. the phantom menace he has the following elements. and this makes up for my argument.
1. the trade federation-the greedy asian world traders who have stopped all trading to the world of naboo. The trade federation represents the
universal trading clan. they are like the people working on the world trade center. note how close he got to the prediction, even naming them "trade
2. Coruscant- this planet is the center of the universe, where the rich and artist reside. with tall buildings and opera homes, it represents New York
city. If you watch the film, you would understand that this is NY, just transformed up into a futuristic view.
3. Tattoine- This planet is a sand planet, with homeless and poverty all around, people in this planet look like Osama Bin Laden, iraqis or other
middle eastern. this planet represents Iraq/Afganistan.
In the film, you see the trade federation (trade center) as the greedy personalities. you have the rebellion, a young boy from tattoine, a hero who
later in the end of the film, enters a yellow plane and attacks the trade federation's ship. the trade federation ship represents the two towers. but
in space opera form. in the end, you see many of these ship/planes crashing into the trade federation towers and finally, Anakin enters the building
and destroys the ship from the inside. The ship then breaks into two parts.
I hope this interests some of you and opens up your eyes as to how visionaries see the future, perhaps in dreams and from visions come up with a story
and in this case, even a motion picture. If you must, again watch the film and come back with your thoughts.
[edit on 14-10-2007 by jedimiller]