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The Hologram Theory is dead

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posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by johnlear

I was a carpenter for 17 years and worked mostly in south florida and the florida keys and have work on 2 comercial jobs (custom homes the rest of the time), they have tough building codes down there and was in hurricane Andrew, they said the damage shouldn't have been that bad, but it was

Reynolds and WOODS Saying
“Their explanation of how the towers were pulverized does not satisfy the laws of Physics” or
“NCSTAR1 failed to properly explain the observed damage caused by the supposed plane impacts”
I believe Is not really taking the chaos theory into account, So many variables are in play, structural integrity of steel connection as well as steal beams themselves ,unexpected effects of a fuel explosion ,unexpected effects of fires , content inside interior

I tend to believe psychology play's a part as to what side of the fence one is on
To believe that barbarians did this , to see them cutting off heads , To know they slaughter thousand’s of their own women because they were caught for a moment without their veils, there willingness to die just to kill us,. To know they want us all to die a horrific death, what can you do other than wait helplessly for there next attack

To believe our own government did this is different, Now we an take action, investigate and find out the one who did this, go over every official government document with a fine tooth comb, no longer are we just standing bye waiting for the next attack, now we’re hot on there trail and have them reeling, and if they think they can pull off anther attack and blame it on the barbarians, well they have another thing coming

[edit on 3-12-2007 by moonking]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Just curious but are you suggesting that directed energy weapons brought down the trade towers?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 03:57 PM
Originally posted by moonking

To believe our own government did this is different, Now we an take action, investigate and find out the one who did this, go over every official government document with a fine tooth comb, no longer are we just standing bye waiting for the next attack, now we’re hot on there trail and have them reeling, and if they think they can pull off anther attack and blame it on the barbarians, well they have another thing coming

Thanks for the post. You need to read the complaint. If you don't read the complaint in its entirety then you don't know what the possible evidence is or how the outcome will affect the future of our country.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
Just curious but are you suggesting that directed energy weapons brought down the trade towers?

Please do not put words in my mouth. It does not make you look mature.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by jfj123
Just curious but are you suggesting that directed energy weapons brought down the trade towers?

Please do not put words in my mouth. It does not make you look mature.

Grow up it was just a question. You posted the information for a reason right? It wasn't an accident right? Did you mean to post it somewhere else?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
You posted the information for a reason right?

YES, i posted information. NO, i did not say its what brought the towers down.

DO you understand that ? I would not want you to misquote it.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by jfj123
You posted the information for a reason right?

YES, i posted information. NO, i did not say its what brought the towers down.

DO you understand that ? I would not want you to misquote it.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by ULTIMA1]

I am simply asking WHY you posted the information. Obviously there is a reason you posted it. What was the reason? Please don't read anything into this question, take it at face value for what it is-A simple question. Thank you.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 05:05 PM
Son of a....GAH! i hate it when posts get lost, i really did respond to this over an hour ago.

Originally posted by InnocentBystander

Thanks, that was a lot of information!
is no problem. always glad to help when i can.

I know little to nothing about explosives, but they are a central part of the lol-o-gram theory.

they are actually part of several theories i dont subscribe to but thats another story entirely.

Do you know of any way they could have wired explosives to pull the exterior colums inward? The hologram enthusiasts have speculated that explosives were planted on the outside of the buildings, somehow disguised, and they made the plane shaped hole in the walls of the wtc. Any ideas on that?

i actually started a thread about this very subject here cuz i honestly have NO idea.

if you want any more info or a clearer idea of my take on the explosives on 911 topic, click on my profile and go down a few comments and find the link for the debate i had on the topic. or just u2u me.

god i hate reposting

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
If a DEW was used six years ago, why has it NOT been used since? Say, in Afghanistan, or Iraq?

IF (and I do mean IF) a DEW was used to collapse the towers, then why would they want to use it in Iraq?

They don't want to end the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, as long as they maintain their presence in the region to guarantee the supply of oil and opium.

They're also not worried about the lives of service personnel. Who cares about live of the enlisted, when they murdered nearly 3000 to start the war in the first place?

They would only need to use the DEW to suit them, when they want to or need to. They can use conventional arms to grind the meat in Iraq and Afghanistan.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw

They're also not worried about the lives of service personnel. Who cares about live of the enlisted, when they murdered nearly 3000 to start the war in the first place?

well, having been one...being married to, i care...

They would only need to use the DEW to suit them, when they want to or need to. They can use conventional arms to grind the meat in Iraq and Afghanistan.

yeah but remember the quote from "spies like us"? a weapon unused is a useless weapon. we cant go tossing nukes around at whim cuz the'll contaminate the area so it seems that something like a DEW would be the perfect tool for a wannabe imperial emperor who would want to be able to maintain a threat against his enemies from space and not have to worry bout that whole c14 business...

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by jfj123
I am simply asking WHY you posted the information. Obviously there is a reason you posted it.

Well i posted the information in case anyone wanted to check out DEWs. since John brought it up.

As i have stated before i post facts and evidence i come across while doing research of what happened that day.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by Damocles
well, having been one...being married to, i care...

That's my point. We care about people. We're not the murdering scum bags in charge who willingly sacrifice around 3000 civillian lives, looking for a reason to begin a war. We care, they don't.

a weapon unused is a useless weapon.

That's my point again. If they used the DEW to destroy the towers, then they did use it, so it wasn't a useless weapon.

They don't need to use it more than they have to. Conventional weapons in the Middle East do fine to carry out their murderous invasions. Why would they want to 'win' the war, when they can perpetuate it for as long as they need to?

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
They don't need to use it more than they have to. Conventional weapons in the Middle East do fine to carry out their murderous invasions. Why would they want to 'win' the war, when they can perpetuate it for as long as they need to?

Thanks for bringing this up. Seems from the start of the Iraq invasion that "winning" was secondary to oil flow. Also troop and civilian wellfare was less important than a quick and decisive "victory". Remember "Mission Accomplished"?

Something I read resently said this:2,600 members of the Minnesota National Guard returned resently from extended duty in Iraq, which was reportedly the longest consecutive deployment of any outfit (22 months counting extensions). However, the Guardsmen still do not qualify for government education benefits. The law allows the benefits only for those on "active duty" at least 730 days, but the Minnesota Guard's orders (as well as some other outfits orders), were specifically written for "729 days".

Makes you feel all warm inside doesn't it.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 09:49 AM
Originally posted by infinityoreilly

Something I read resently said this:2,600 members of the Minnesota National Guard returned resently from extended duty in Iraq, which was reportedly the longest consecutive deployment of any outfit (22 months counting extensions). However, the Guardsmen still do not qualify for government education benefits. The law allows the benefits only for those on "active duty" at least 730 days, but the Minnesota Guard's orders (as well as some other outfits orders), were specifically written for "729 days". Makes you feel all warm inside doesn't it.

The Minnesota National Guard always gets special treament. Last year Gen. Michael Wynne (then Secretary of the Air Force), Gen. Michael Hayden (Director C.I.A>) and Gen. Charles Metcalf (Director, National Museum of the Air Force) together conspired to hijack the Minnesotas Air Guards A-12 Blackbird which was on loan from the Air Force Museum and had, over a period of thirteen years been fully restored at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of man hours.

But C.I.A. Director Michael Hayden wanted an A-12 Blackbird on a stick outside of his office window at Langley. A team was sent in to hijack the blackbird and transport it to Virginia.

But this is what our country has come to. A disgraceful band of military and governmental thieves. There is no truth, no honor, no self respect, no loyalty in our military and government leaders or the co-conspiratorial military/industrial complex.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 11:58 AM
John; having said that, do you feel as I do that unless the military finds enough flaf officers ready to take back the Constitution that we are finished as a nation? I believe that even though there are a number of Neocon traitors with stars on the shoulders, perhaps there might be a few left who see what is happening and intend to recue America. It might take an actual re-coup to accomplish it: Surround the White House with tanks and take Goergie boy and Dick and the rest into custody, and arrange for the same kind of ' tribunal ' that they found so humane for others around the world.

Hey, if we waterboarded Bush and Cheney, maybe we would get the truth about 9-11!! ) I have a Tshirt that says that ) !! Unless there is a radical and open set of hearings and the Bush cabal is forced to respond, we know that the perps will continue to laugh in our faces and continue their evil march to global hegemony and resource theft as well as personal enrichment on a grand scale. Is there a chance? is all lost? Is there ANY politician who has the guts to DEMAND real change and exposure of the truth? I know of not one..and that is sad.

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86


Waterboarding Bush and Cheney? (just that post alone might get you in big trouble) I'll join you. GWB is a stooge, a puppet, doesn't have any idea what is going on, except what is fed to him. SO, torturing him, while it may give some satisfaction to a few, would be pointless (not to mention illegal).

Same thing applies to the long as he is Veep, or 'BHTSPOTUS' (I made that one up) he is still under SS protection.

OK...i've jumped into the pond with you now, eyewitness...guess the next FedEx guy at the door will be...undercover?

posted on Dec, 4 2007 @ 05:07 PM
Ah, but don't you know that waterboarding is NOT torture, according to the souse in chief? Nope, just another way of convincing enemies of America to whats good for a foreign enemy is good enough for a domestic one!! And never fear: The majority of the world feels as we no sweat.

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
But this is what our country has come to. A disgraceful band of military and governmental thieves. There is no truth, no honor, no self respect, no loyalty in our military and government leaders or the co-conspiratorial military/industrial complex.

I agree with you John on the "leadership" issue all the way. The way this country is being run is ruinous and self serving. I see no decent front runner among the candidates for POTUS. May we be blessed with an alternative.

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 01:50 AM
It took me some time for this to click in my head, but as usual im going to blame my pain meds lol.

But in reading a few of these threads in which you share with us stories about people you know sharing their experiences with you or stories youve read or heard, Ive counted at least 4 separate and unrelated accounts of hologram tech being demonstrated either overtly or covertly.

So, without being facetious, i have to ask...are you just a magnet for strange? lol maybe its because im only in my 30's but ive never had anyone share any hologram stories with me. or maybe its becuase people know you have an interest in such things and a man such as yourself im sure knows WAY more people than i do so naturally your chances of hearing such things more than once are higher...but, and you'll forgive me for this i hope, isnt that statistically a little high?

Also one question has been bothering me so i figure ill finally ask you. Youve shared with us 2 stories of holographic 747's (or similar) that were according to your account so realistic as to be indistinguishable from the real thing, so i have to ask: IF it looked like a 747, and IF it sounded like a 747, how then can the person witnessing it or even you for that matter be so confident it was NOT a 747?

im not even going to ask about Wyle E Coyote...even medicated that kinda blows my mind.

Please dont take these questions as me questioning your credibility, character (though you do seem like a character hehe
) or your integrity as this is certainly not the case. but, im sure you can appreciate that as i dont know you personally i cant simply just "take your word for it" so to speak. and objectivly speaking you should be able to agree that statistically your collection of hologram stories is a little anomalous yeah?


posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 03:27 PM
For the “Wyle E Coyote” Fans

[edit on 5-12-2007 by moonking]

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