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WOW!! Has any tried this yet??? Manipulating randomness live !!

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posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:35 PM
So based on this article:

We(anyone) can manipulate a random number generator to spit out streams of straight 1's or straight 0's for a good amount of time just by looking at the box and thinking it, using you consciousness.

So the other night I was flipping through channels and picked a channel that doesn't exist, i.e complete TV fuzz like in poltergiest.

Anyway, at that moment I realized that the fuzz on the non-existent channel in the TV is random as well, so I started messing with it and lo and behold I begin to manipulate it using my mind.

At fist I was in shock about this being possible when out of nowhere (since I was at my moms house visiting) she came by the living room and asks me why I'm watching a broken channel. So I explain to her the random number generator maniulation experiment at princeton and tell her I can manipulate the fuzz.

So she sits down next to me and we begin to focus and she see's me manipulating it in the same way that I was thinking. Then when it was her turn, she turned the fuzz into a flock of birds flying in different directions

She is diefinately stronger in this area of affecting the random factor where as I can only get as far as creating lines, squares, circles, she can create complex structures, animals, geometry, etc.

Has anyone tried this or want to try it and report back here???

Hint: What you want to do is first get to the point where the screen is full of 2-3 inch pinwheels side by side through-out the whole screen spinning in in unison, once you reach that you will be able to manipulate.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by dominicus]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:48 PM
I find it extremely hard to believe that you read a cool story and decided it would be cool to try and therefore you were successful on your first attempt. People spend years upon years developing such techniques of manipulation. Buddhist monks for example, spend their entire lives training their minds. Doubtful that you, a citizen of the common wealth, can just go "oh thats cool, i wanna try" and be successful.

Although It would be pretty awesome if it were possible...i just dont see it as possible

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Actually, proir to this successful experiment, I've been a Christian Mystic and practicing yoga and deep meditation for years. My mother on the other hand has been on a deep meditative spiritual path for decades!!!!!!

Not only that, you haven't even tried it and you're already talking sceptic smack.

The people in that link were random people off the street with no "divine" powers what-so-ever. Any person that is conscious can manipulate randomness with thought.

Report back here after trying please.

Also*** If you are a hard core sceptic, good chances are it wont work for you because you will be going into it with a pre-concieved and closed mind.

It takes an open, nuetral, and concentrated mind to make it work

[edit on 12-10-2007 by dominicus]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:01 PM
Please record it so the rest of us can see.

Would be very cool.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by dominicus

Not only that, you haven't even tried it and you're already talking sceptic smack.

I would venture to say that is because nobody is going to believe something like this without more than just someone's personal story in a thread.

I'm not really believing it either, sorry to say.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:07 PM
I didn't post this for sceptics, I posted this for others to try and report back here about your success.

I posted my testimony about its success, not a theoretical idea open for scientific rebuttals, when obviously with the link provided I have more than enough science to back up my claims.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
Actually, proir to this successful experiment, I've been a Christian Mystic and practicing yoga and deep meditation for years. My mother on the other hand has been on a deep meditative spiritual path for decades!!!!!!

Not only that, you haven't even tried it and you're already talking sceptic smack.

The people in that link were random people off the street with no "divine" powers what-so-ever. Any person that is conscious can manipulate randomness with thought.

Report back here after trying please.

Also*** If you are a hard core sceptic, good chances are it wont work for you because you will be going into it with a pre-concieved and closed mind.

It takes an open, nuetral, and concentrated mind to make it work

[edit on 12-10-2007 by dominicus]

I'm not trying to be a skeptic ***hole. But you gave no background information about this. All I got from this was "I saw this article and tried it, IT REALLY WORKS!" If you have been in practice of such things for many years, then it would make sense, yes.

And as a matter of fact, I too have been a practitioner of such things for quite some time. The reason I was skeptical to begin with was BECAUSE of those years of practice.

As Copernicus said, get recorded proof of it. Would make it much more viable and interesting!

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:25 PM
That article is definitely interesting. I have no doubt in my mind that it is very possible. Given the fact that it has been tested and reproduced over and over. Unfortunately, I do not have a random number generator to spend a few hours on everyday to see the results for myself.

What I'm finding hard to understand is how it predicted 9/11 a few hours before it. The article itself is based around manipulating numbers. I suppose maybe the event itself was manipulating the numbers as it was approaching? Could be sign of alternate realities of existence that exist a few hours ahead of us was interfering with it?

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:37 PM
I dnot bleveie its pbislsoe, mkae snsee of tihs rndaoenmss and i sitll wnot bleveie you

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by R-evolve
I dnot bleveie its pbislsoe, mkae snsee of tihs rndaoenmss and i sitll wnot bleveie you

lol. That wasn't random enough to make it possible! Nice try though...

Ignore this part. taking up space so I don't post a one liner

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:14 PM
well that's the thing, I don't have the random number generator, nor have I any idea on where to get one. But when I realized that a broken TV channel produces that fuzz, it instantly clicked that the fuzz is also random as well so the same thing applies to the fuzz.

Now, I might have been practcing meditation for several years now, but the fuzz thing I got on like the 2nd or 3rd try. My mother got it on her first try, and I got another buddy, (after showing him the article) who was able to do it to a certain degree also in his first few tries and he doesn't meditate.

My next step is to get a camera to record the manipulation of the fuzz. Bear with me, as I do not own one so I have to ask around to borrow one, and even then, I don't know if when I record it, if it will show because in order to manipulate the fuzz, you have to first get to a state of seeing these spinning pinwheels. Looks like I got a project on my hands.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:18 PM
I seem to recall that godlikeproductions or somebody like that used to have a link to a little ball on the screen that changed colors when there was a change in the randomness of the generator, presumably foretelling something momentous was going to happen.

Unfortunately, the correlations are only made after something "important" happened, leading to a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking, if you're familiar with the term. It also seemed to be unusually biased toward an Anglo-American point of view of the world. So a school shooting in Ohio, for instance, would be seen as an event indicated by a previous high reading, whereas several thousand people getting killed in Vietnam never caused a blip. That's a problem that's difficult to reconcile.

Actually, I think a more accurate method of predicting some future calamity might be along the lines of Asimov's "Psychohistory," as explored in the "Foundation" science fiction series. That is, following current trends will lead you to a point at which a certain singular event is bound to occur. The 9/11 attacks, for instance, or the JFK assassination, were almost bound to happen when and where they did, given the trend of events leading up to it. The trick, of course, is to make sure you have enough data, and that it's weighted correctly. That's what the CIA tries to do, supposedly. Psychohistory.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by Nohup]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:23 PM
Excuse me, but I really don't understand what you're seeing, or if even it can be seen by other people.

Are you manipulating the static/black and white fuzz to display pictures? Are these pictures only visible to yourself and your mother who have had a good few years in spirituality, or could 'others' see these images which you display?

Have others sat in when you have tried to manipulate the black and white, others less 'in tune'? Or at the moment is it your mother and yourself who have tried it together with no outsiders?

Thanks for your time.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
My next step is to get a camera to record the manipulation of the fuzz.

Just a thought, and bear in mind I have no idea what I'm talking about (which hasn't hindered me yet).

If I was going to try this, rather than point a camera at the screen, I think I'd try to use some recording device (VHS or DVD type thing) that actually recorded off the TV signal. Then upload that to some hosting site like You Tube or something. If you use a camera, the background glare etc will affect the image recorded.


posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:57 PM
I got 3 people now that can sit with me and correlate to what I'm seeing, 2 of them have no spiritual backgrounds.

Basically, you kind of squint your eyes and focus your conciousness at the screen to see a kind of logical pattern that makes sense. For some reason to me it's always a bonch of pinwheels, and once I get to the phinwheel stage I can spin them clock or counter-clock wise.

The images themselves are made of the static, so when I saw my mother make the flock of birds. they were symetrically all the same distance from each other and it looked as if most of the fuzz was in the background while the birds were more upfront per se.

The only thing my other 2 buddies can do is get to the pinwheels or create a line going do the middle of the screen and moving that line in different directions, though with difficulty at first.

I think if I record directly from the tv and use a camera at the same time, I can have 2 sources to corelate with each other.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by dominicus]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:25 PM
This is an interesting thread on whether we might be sometimes controlling our environment with our minds.

I think that we can.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by elaine]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Wow.... I tried this myself on my tv.

Sure enough, letters started to appear out of the randomness, right after I saw the pinwheels.




ni...... c....



f..... i.............

n....... g...... a......


What do you make of this???

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
I seem to recall that godlikeproductions or somebody like that used to have a link to a little ball on the screen that changed colors when there was a change in the randomness of the generator, presumably foretelling something momentous was going to happen.

That sounds like the GCP.

It's quite an interesting project IMO.

[edit on 12/10/07 by Implosion]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:19 PM
Yeah it's based exactly off of GCP from princeton. I just didn't realize it until after switching back to a normal channel that fuzz is random and it works. I have already contacted some-one at princeton about the fuzz, but since I don't have "thier" crudentials, who knows.....

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Here's a random number generator.

If you are able to generate a lot of one number take a screen shot and post.

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