posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by ptownb
I reached a similar conclusion, but without knowledge of most of the theories or the physics involved... I guess it stems from the idea of the
Universe expanding, then collapsing, and then another Big Bang happening, of course that's the linear idea, but if time doesn't exist then the next
Universes to be created are all existing simultaneously with us... both instant and infinite... here's the basics of what occurred to me, formerly my
"I realized that the Universe was both instant and infinite because time has no meaning... and I figured out that there are an infinite number of
different dimensions based on a infinite number of infinite possibilities, therefore regardless of how far fetched it sounds every single reality you
can imagine, and an infinite number of ones you can't both did, will, do and have existed... therefore there is simultaneously EVERYTHING and