A few thoughts ...
It's interesting to see the difference in people. Some seriously propose answers and solutions to the questions. Others laugh, mock, and ridicule.
Many want to run and hide, some are armed and ready to fight, others look to the sacred scriptures. Everyone knows the sleepyheads who mumble into
their pillows and say, "Don't bother me, I'm too busy with:
video games
romance novels
making money
and whatever else
For those who want to offer solutions, there are grassroots organizations you can join who plan and coordinate activities to influence the opinions of
others. Seek and ye shall find.
There are also people of influence in this world, unfortunately, who hold power and seek to further their agenda. Anyone on ATS surely knows about
NGOs who write the legislation that is submitted to Congress by lobbyists, and is summarily signed into law by The Decider, for Someone's Ultimate
Benefit But Definitely Not Yours.
Here is sound advice for the jokesters, "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we all die." (The sky really
is falling, BTW.)
You cannot run and you cannot hide from technologically advanced detection devices. This is a bummer, but whatever anyone has stored up in reserve
for hard times ahead, is just that much more that can and will be taken away.
For those who are armed and ready to fight, look to our forefathers of the American Revolution. They did not want to die any more than any of us, but
they took up their weapons and shed their blood. During the beauty of late spring in New England, during the summertime when crops had to be picked,
while their wives were heavy with pregnancy, they took up arms in revolt to tyranny. The snow was drenched with the red red blood of farmers,
shopkeepers, ne'er do wells, candlemakers, bakers, preachers, lawyers and doctors. Some were boys and some were men. Our forefathers. Remember that
50 page pamphlet called "Common Sense"?
Lou Dobbs had a poll question this past Monday night. The question was: "Do you believe there is any legitimacy to a government that doesn't secure
its borders and ports or insure the safety of its imports and food supply?" The response was an astonishing 99% "NO". How many responded? Don't
know, but those that did are eyes wide open. 99% of respondants believe that this government has no legitimacy!!! Oh my EGADS, the house is afire!
For those who believe, remember what He said : "I tell you most solemnly, whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, he will
perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father." And, "I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me. In the world you
will have trouble, but be brave: I have conquered the world." (New Jerusalem Bible, see the Last Supper section.)
As for the atheists, if there is no ultimate source of eternal truth, love, and justice, what is the yardstick by which you measure greed, envy, and
pride? What is the source for your sense of decency and truth and fair play? Just a question.
Here's what we do: Attempt to influence others into voting (the bums out), write letters to the editor asking question that provoke intelligent
discourse, encourage people to really think about and question the issues. Question authority. Be prepared, it may come in handy. Keep the Faith,
brethren, that is ultimately all we've got. Or else, we could just hit the snooze button for just 15 more minutes ........... pleeeeeeeease??