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Are you all weak ?

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posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by cain-diedhi

You make a good point. Something DOES need to be done in the world. However, your approach was not exactly the best. People here do not take kindly to being insulted. And insults most CERTAINLY will not get people on your side.

I do agree with you though...

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 09:15 AM
Well the trouble is that the whole damn thing is a golf ball. Peel off the surface and your presented with a twisting mass of threads, the deeper you go the more threads you find.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 09:51 AM

There is no such thing, never has been, never will be, unless you live an island unto your-self, and no man is an island unto them-self,

We are all slaves to something or someone, we all bow down to survival,

One set of power players, overthrowing another set of powerful leaders, will inevitable become one and the same, corrupted.

Is it any wonder ancient man wrote about a savior of mankind?

[edit on 093131p://bFriday2007 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:11 AM
Are you all weak?

Or are you all intelligent and keeping a low profile so that they don't send you in prison? I wouldn't be surprise if the author of this thread is working for the government. This is not time to die for things that will be revealed in the future. I doubt any of us can counter the mass-media monster. For now, we wait and see, anything else would be reckless and leads to prison or death.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by Atlantix]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Meatclown

Exactly! There is no way that Ron Paul is going to suddenly save America. He's been a part of this corrupt system for how long? And now, he's "coming out." B.S. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could spit gold ingots.

They whack the people with influence who oppose them. Thus, if you're still standing and spewing venom at the machine, then you must be working for the machine. If you're still alive, then you must have no me. I'm a peon with no power, no authority, no money and only a few smooth stones for my slingshot to go up against the behemoth.

Ssshh - watch, learn, become aware...and prepare. Mark my words, if Ron Paul survives to be elected, then he was annointed and appointed. If he doesn't, then you can speculate that he may have been the real deal. Remember, they killed J.F.K., among countless others, to further their agenda.

At the very least, like a cat playing with a mouse, they enjoy taunting the people - their prey - before ripping their heads off and devouring them. Their arrogance and ego know no bounds. If he isn't corrupt, then they're just letting Ron Paul bluster, knowing full well that they control who wins. That, my friends, is pure evil.

Hilary is a complete "Chatty Kathy" tool with absolutely no soul. Personally, I think Al Gore is going to be elected, which makes him no better than Clinton. Clinton was the ultimate tool. If you think either party is the answer, then you are a dupe and a fool.


posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by David_Reale
Man, I can't wait to the 5th of November, anyway. Leet's hope there's some good changes in store for us all.

It's an interesting thought, although I can't quite recall any time in the last 150 years or so (or longer, perhaps) when elections did anything but stir the pot of politicians a little. Maybe you could offer me an example of when an election resulted in any kind of real positive change. As far as I know, no war was ever stopped because of a vote.

The problematic things you notice are mostly a result of slow, long-term societal changes, and can't be changed by swapping one batch of professional politicians with another. Administrations come and go, but the huge bureacracy behind it just trudges on into the future, like a huge cruise ship that plods along pretty good in a straight line, but is lousy at making sharp, fast turns.

So I wouldn't expect any major changes from the upcoming elections.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:49 AM
Yeah, I guess you're right. Still, I hope... Because I'm tired of seeing idiots like George W Bush being elected into power by the people, and then repay them by slowly chipping away at the Constitution.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 08:16 PM
A few thoughts ...

It's interesting to see the difference in people. Some seriously propose answers and solutions to the questions. Others laugh, mock, and ridicule. Many want to run and hide, some are armed and ready to fight, others look to the sacred scriptures. Everyone knows the sleepyheads who mumble into their pillows and say, "Don't bother me, I'm too busy with:

    video games
    romance novels
    making money
    and whatever else

For those who want to offer solutions, there are grassroots organizations you can join who plan and coordinate activities to influence the opinions of others. Seek and ye shall find.

There are also people of influence in this world, unfortunately, who hold power and seek to further their agenda. Anyone on ATS surely knows about NGOs who write the legislation that is submitted to Congress by lobbyists, and is summarily signed into law by The Decider, for Someone's Ultimate Benefit But Definitely Not Yours.

Here is sound advice for the jokesters, "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we all die." (The sky really is falling, BTW.)

You cannot run and you cannot hide from technologically advanced detection devices. This is a bummer, but whatever anyone has stored up in reserve for hard times ahead, is just that much more that can and will be taken away.

For those who are armed and ready to fight, look to our forefathers of the American Revolution. They did not want to die any more than any of us, but they took up their weapons and shed their blood. During the beauty of late spring in New England, during the summertime when crops had to be picked, while their wives were heavy with pregnancy, they took up arms in revolt to tyranny. The snow was drenched with the red red blood of farmers, shopkeepers, ne'er do wells, candlemakers, bakers, preachers, lawyers and doctors. Some were boys and some were men. Our forefathers. Remember that 50 page pamphlet called "Common Sense"?

Lou Dobbs had a poll question this past Monday night. The question was: "Do you believe there is any legitimacy to a government that doesn't secure its borders and ports or insure the safety of its imports and food supply?" The response was an astonishing 99% "NO". How many responded? Don't know, but those that did are eyes wide open. 99% of respondants believe that this government has no legitimacy!!! Oh my EGADS, the house is afire!

For those who believe, remember what He said : "I tell you most solemnly, whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, he will perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father." And, "I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but be brave: I have conquered the world." (New Jerusalem Bible, see the Last Supper section.)

As for the atheists, if there is no ultimate source of eternal truth, love, and justice, what is the yardstick by which you measure greed, envy, and pride? What is the source for your sense of decency and truth and fair play? Just a question.

Here's what we do: Attempt to influence others into voting (the bums out), write letters to the editor asking question that provoke intelligent discourse, encourage people to really think about and question the issues. Question authority. Be prepared, it may come in handy. Keep the Faith, brethren, that is ultimately all we've got. Or else, we could just hit the snooze button for just 15 more minutes ........... pleeeeeeeease??

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 08:37 PM
Jiminy crow, that has to be the longest pause for a headline thread I've seen. Talk about crickets chirping.

As often as I've begun with it in posts, crazy as it sounds, consciously or not, pretty much everyone on Earth is freaking out about the impending scientific revolution in various or many ways. Said revolution will either reveal the (intelligent) nonhuman presence or uncover what's behind the perceptions of them... or "them." Apocalypse simply means unveiling and need not be associated with "Armageddon."

As I see it, all are mere weaklings until some (clearly) human being is able to corroberate that which is now considered ABOVE above top secret; or perhaps be eventually (or soon?) forced into it by nonhumans and/or something else nonhuman. And I know there are those who at least read these threads who know exactly what I mean. Sorry, but I really CAN'T be more specific... for however much longer. Cheers and peace.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 09:53 PM
Well, seems to me that everyone would do their best to address the problems and issues that they see as relevant in today's world to the best of their abilities and act appropriately. Who agrees on the specifics of a NWO, let alone how to fight it or what to do about it? In the ATS forums there is no universal agreement about the existence, let alone the nature and extent of a NWO. The OP asks what we individually are doing and posits that we are all weak, in effect accusing all of us of being "sheeple", but offers no distinct target for action nor recommended action to take.

This thread looks suspiciously like either a posting by a hysterical youngster or a "troll" looking to rack up points, or both. Just my opinion.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:12 PM
What are YOU going to do about what's going on in our world today ?


I seperate myself from the grid.
I keep a truck box with two deep cell batteries and a solar panel. It provides power for light, pc, and power tools.
I use biodiesel from WVO to move my work truck.
I cook on scrap wood from my carpentry business
I grow food and herbs
I plant fruit trees and oaks
I own and keep 10 acres undeveloped as wooded wildlife sanctuary/carbon offsetting.
I eat organic rice and beans daily.
I choose all natural, organic, local, handmade, etc.
I read scripture.
I heat my home with wood.
I heat my water with the sun.
I cool my home with open windows.
I use canvas bags at the grocery store.
I use all natural tung oil on my bare wood floor
I work hard, I create, I set an example

Are you weak? What do you do?

I am,

Sri Oracle, and I promise...

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Lightworth
Jiminy crow, that has to be the longest pause for a headline thread I've seen. Talk about crickets chirping.

Thanks. I felt for sure someone would have something negative to say. Just didn't know it would be you.

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 11:08 AM
it would be better to post some real possibilities instead of insulting and making stupid jokes, sorry.
when you look at the investigations of Aaron Russo and the plans the ´elite´has and then what happened after 9/11, it becomes clear that the microchipping humans is a reality.
the war on terror is a joke, its a fraud.there is no enemy.

is that fun?
or is it fun that Bush stole the 2000 election in florida and got away with that?
the power of the private banking system /fed reserve is a main point.
so, at this point Ron Paul would be a better president.
so usa should be well prepared.the power of the ´NWO´is rising, for quite some time now, they pull the strings behind, hard to see.

I would realize more direct democracy, look at the sites in my sig.
YOU have the power. it was the people that took down the iron curtain, basically.
make networks, there are many right problem is the crappy brainwashing media, some independent stations are important .

9/11 was the beginning. from freedom to fascism with one world bank/government.

and, we in europe need america, too.

[edit on 13-10-2007 by anti72]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 12:05 PM
I don't believe in most of the crap that gets posted on ATS. But if anything catastrophic ever happens, I'll just eat some cheese, drink some wine. Sit back and relax.

[edit on 13-10-2007 by Observer_PR]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Observer_PR
I don't believe in most of the crap that gets posted on ATS. But if anything catastrophic ever happens, I'll just eat some cheese, drink some wine. Sit back and relax.

[edit on 13-10-2007 by Observer_PR]

well, when thats your thinking , please go and eat your cheese .., but dont post.

[edit on 13-10-2007 by anti72]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 01:27 PM
Do what about WHAT?

It's ALL just "theories" at the moment.

When there's something specific, factual and REAL that can have something done about it, then we can start discussing WHAT to do about it!

Untill then the "knowing" is just "preperation" for the "what if".

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 03:01 PM
Thank you to all who contributed to this thread.

The provocative nature of the thread was completely necessary to grab your attention and give you all a little jab!
I take many positives from the vast majority of quality post's and would also like to offer a sincere apology to anyone who felt offended by my abrupt manner and state at no time did I intend to violate the TOC's in a recruiting drive.

So, what about me?

Am I Weak?

My answer to that would be yes. I am weak!

I do not have the answer's to the issues we talk about, I am seeking to educate myself and my family and friend's so we can live better lives now and prepare for whatever the future brings. I believe together we have the power to change the repetitive cycle we seem to be locked into but it will not come without sacrifice and I hope we all fight for our freedom before it's lost.

Keep up the good work.

Kind regards


posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 03:39 PM
am i weak?
man, we all are´only´ human, but ´they´ wont win, because they cant .when millions come together. (when they steal another election like florida, it will break loose.:dn

´they´ fear the freedom of every single, creative person. thats the real capital, not money. exactly that will break their system, because theirs is based only on dead, systematic strategy.

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:34 PM
For myself I came across the NWO and the like just this past March by accident while working on a PHP forum project and started watching the videos while I was working, heck I use to think the NWO was a WWF hype scene, laff.

Since then I have been obsessed with learning about the NWO watching documentaries, reading articles, etc. Sure a lot of the evidence is circumstantial, but the results and intentions are as apparent as they are clear (for myself at least).

Things I have done:

I have canceled my cable (now I depend on local radio, local TV by antenna, YouTube, Google Video, articles on sites such as Infowars, PrisonPlanet, Rense, and other various sites I come across, also I occasionally watch CNN and read our local paper while at work.)

I told my coworkers about what I believe is really going on (they all think I am a nut job, but they already thought that anyways, but what can you do? actually a few of them share my sentiments, heh)

I started a Website and Forum: DEFENDINDEPENDENCE.ORG...

I created "Truth Markers" in PDF format so that anybody can download them and print them up for distribution: DEFENDINDEPENDENCE.ORG...

We only shop at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's for all of our food and hygiene supplies, natural and organic foods, range free, naturally feed meat, poultry and eggs, no veal insight.

We got rid of all of our Teflon coated cookware and purchased stainless steel (surgical grade) cookware. (When Teflon is heated it releases a poisonous gas that is strong enough to kill birds that are close enough to breathe it in for a period of time.)

I showed my support for important inspiring people such as Arron Russo by making a virtual memorial for him:

and Ron Paul by compiling an official appearing partial Biography of him:

I put together a little newsletter: The health Improvement Datamine that contains alternative product, security, and safety related information (I have another issue that is almost done I just need to finish cleaning it up and add a few things before putting it on the website):

I am in the process of writing several articles (or essays, rather) about things that inspire me to do so, regarding topics such as Fouad Kaady, the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and The Browns.

I have declared a peaceful awareness and organizational campaign: OPERATION INDEPENDENT FREEDOM by way:

Other things you can do (besides the above):

Close out your Savings and retirement accounts and purchase a safe mount/hide it someplace secure and put as much silver and gold bullion inside of it as you can. By putting money in any type of savings, Bond, Stock, IRA, etc., you are only helping to make the value of your money worth less, because of your Federal Reserve Fractional banking system, each dollar you put in their hands they will then make that one dollar into anywhere from 9-15 (depending upon their value rating from the Federal Reserve) more dollars and lend these new magical dollars to somebody else for ~4-25% APR and they will then only give you ~4-6% APR on just your one dollar that you gave to them for "safe storage" and in a final thankful gesture on their part the Federal Reserve they will now have devalue your one dollar by their inflationary distribution of this magical paper credit/money. Now, aren't you just so glad you worked so hard to save that one dollar? Stop being a servant unto these megalomaniacs!

Donate what you can to Ron Paul's campaign and vote for him and most importantly tell others about him and send this link to them or download the PDF and send it to them so they can learn more about Ron Paul (prior to me telling my coworkers about Ron Paul nobody even knew who he was!):


[edit on 14-10-2007 by RexxCrow]

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 06:49 PM
I also have to say the highest priority for us all is to expose the IRS and Federal Reserve, exposing 9/11 is just as important as exposing, Waco and the Oklahoma City Bombing, as both JFK and Bobbies assignations, as the Freemasons in the 93' WTC Bombing, as the many failed Sears Tower Bombings, as Pearl Harbor, as MKULTRA, as the NAU, as the EU, and the list just keeps going on; but to address these many monstrosities you first have to breakdown the machine and expose its many parts, and for America this is to stop them dead in their tracks by refusing to cooperate with their schemes any longer.

Don't pay taxes (unless you are actually required to do so, there are a few legitimate exceptions to paying taxes) by filing "Zero Returns" along with attached Affidavit See Example, and stop using credit, stop using cash, start buying gold and silver. Study up on the facts of the IRS and Federal Reserve, then tell everybody you know about the facts you have learned and then tell them to tell everybody they know and for them to tell those people the same and so on and on and on. Your words will spread like wildfire throughout our great Nation!

You can learn more here, (on the bottom left corner of menu):

[edit on 14-10-2007 by RexxCrow]

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