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Columbia brought down by a UFO weapon?

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 04:42 PM
Your speculation is that the aliens waited until shuttle mission 107 to shoot down a shuttle because it carried an Israeli astronaut? Would that make them aligned with the anti Israel crowd?

Didn't the on board sensors detect failures occurring in the area where the foam hit the wing at take off? May be some energy from the atmosphere did hit it during reentry but it does seem that it happened the way the investigation indicates. If it was destroyed by lighting or such why wouldn't NASA just say it got zapped? They could leave to alien part out and use the lighting explanation.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 04:58 PM
Maybe you should re-read my first post to this thread, if that is what you are refering to. I didn't say anything about aliens. I don't really believe in extra-terrestrials, I believe in super-terrestrials. The onboard sensors could have detected failures in the left wing root caused by a scalar beam, and NASA could have used the foam or ice chunk explanation for the damage as part of the cover up. Remember, we didn't see the video of the foam or whatever hitting the shuttle until after the explosion on re-entry.

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Icarus Rising
Who, other than than the US (if it does), has the technology and desire zap the shuttle while it was over the US? I see no reason for the US to do it. I'm not saying advanced weapons cannot exist just it does not seem likely they were used to down Columbia.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 05:17 PM
Good question. The answer to me, of course, is super-terrestrials. Maybe the same ones Admiral Byrd saw at the North Pole. Maybe the same ones Ayn Rand talked about in "The Fountainhead." They supposedly had a mastery of electro-magnetics that far exceeds anything we know about. Tesla was on to it, I think, but wasn't allowed to get very far.

Again, this is all speculation on my part, and I can offer no solid proof.

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Icarus Rising
I see your point and the possibility. I would have thought more incidents would have occurred if there is an agenda but then may be not. They might want to keep us guessing. I have to admit that there could be an agenda so large and complex that humans might give natural causes the blame when it is actually part of the plan or actions.

I do believe it is likely that the space system has failed a couple of times.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 05:37 PM
With the limited information that has been presented, it is difficult to say with certainty exactly what brought down the shuttle. And who knows who or what was actually on that shuttle (past what we were/are told via MSM), which may have instigated a weapons fire to keep it from reaching the ground, or any number of other potential reasons.

Can we carve in stone a conclusion in either direction, without additional information? Likely not. However, if one can accept that there appear to exist craft which can decloak, make 45-degree turns at ultra-mach speeds, then vanish over the horizon in the blink of an eye; civilization(s?) and corporate mining on the moon; and multi-earth-sized objects laying out/taking up the very rings of Saturn, is a purple phaser-blast really that far off the believability chart? If aliens actually are here, is there some undisclosed reason why they could not have fired it? And "Why would aliens travel a billion light years to earth, only to fire at the Space Shuttle?!" is not an answer, it's another question.

Evident at least to this student of world/universal events, ATS is a conspiracy forum . . . yet, annoyingly often I find myself wondering what kind of person comes here to demand that alternate theory conform to conventional mainstream knowledge? As far as I can see, ATS is exactly the place to postulate theories such as this thread suggests may have taken place, as long as good evidence comes along with it. A photo has been provided.

I would like to compare the provided photo evidence with an official pic which supports the NASA claim of an extended lightning blast, if one is available for review . . .

[edit on 04/12/2007 by OptionToChoose]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
It feels good to see the aliens push the US arrogance back where it belongs.

Are you actually saying that you like seeing Americans being killed?
That's a very sad way to think. You people will do and say anything to get your agenda accomplished. To enjoy seeing "arrogant" US citizens being killed whether it was an accident or something more is absolutly uncalled for and deserves to be taken off this forum.

I don't see anyone else saying they would love to see any other people in any country being killed because of their arrogance, race, faith etc...
Just plain sad and very disrespectful.

Now back to the subject. The video of the lightning or whatever it may be is very interesting. I don't know how lightning works in space so I can't comment on that. I also can't believe every video or story of alien weapons, soul catcher, life on other planets etc... I do wonder why the USA/NASA don't have a backup shuttle for when accidents happen that might just save lives. Maybe it's the money, who knows. But it would be nice to be able to send a rescue shuttle to bring them home or to repair the broken one. I still have faith that us humans are capable of space flight way beyond the shuttle and as for super terrestrials
Anythings possible I guess.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 05:40 PM
I often wonder if there are many more incidents that are passed off as "atmospheric phenomena" or "freak accidents" much the same way UFO sightings are deemed "weather balloons" and "swamp gas."

Who's to say how the fire in Apollo 1 really started? Who is to say what really happened that caused the explosion on Apollo 13? Back in those days, almost everybody trusted NASA.

In making these comments, I in no way mean to cheapen the loss nor sully the sacrifice of those who performed heroically and/or perished in these incidents. On the contrary, if there is more to the story I think we owe it to our lost heroes, and to ourselves, to get to the bottom of it.

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 06:00 PM
all i know is, uhhh folks, if that was an alien weapon, if it was, and it can't be a human made weapon b/c of its' speed, this whole "aliens vs humans" scenario will play out REAL fast..

The shuttle traveling at mach 18 is overtaken by something even faster than it which corrected itself in an instant after narrowly missing Columbia?

Whatever it was had to be at least mach .. pssh I dont know.. mach 30? 40? 100? Mach "We're f---ing dead?" ..

Right. Mach we are dead indeed. Interestingly it was destroyed with the first Israeli Astronaut in it, thus the first STAR OF DAVID to enter outer space evarrr on his suit, and the shuttle name was Columbia, the Babylonian Whore.

Oh me ohh my .. so much symbolism here it stinks prophecy.

Final warning, maybe?

If not, aliens definitely were trying to make us think some prophecy was being fulfilled.. downing our good ole' Babylonian Whore with little Ashkenaz man on it, who do they think they are?

Alternatively, if you think all of our leaders are all shapeshifting anunnaki reptilians from planet nibiru, who are in on secret Babylonian cults where people get killed like Bohemian Grove, perhaps one could think that the "Illuminati" shapeshifter reptilians shot Columbia down as a ritual sacrifice to Molokh, to symbolize the defeat of the Goddess Columbia by .. uh.. them .. or .. Molokh .. errr..

*looks over at sheet of paper that he's copying from*

Who writes this crap?

[edit on 10/9/2007 by runetang]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 06:21 PM
Wow. Talk about connecting the dots. I had no idea. Actually, that's not true. I remember the moment I heard on the radio that Columbia had blown up on re-entry, my first thought was "it was shot down somehow." The more I thought about it, though, the more I thought, "that's impossible." I'm obviously not so sure of that anymore.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 06:29 PM
This might seem way out there but I read and article or watched a video talking about this very thing.It was on a Nikola Tesla sight and I apologize for not having the link.I tried to find it but can't.
It talked about Scalar technology which the Russians invested in.The story goes on to accuse Russia of this tragic incident in retaliation for an event I can't recall.
I wish I could be more help and I shall search further to provide a link(s).
Maybe a Tesla fan knows what I'm talking about.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 06:31 PM
There is likely not one single sane American citizen who is glad to see the demise of one of their own. Perhaps citizens of other countries have been conditioned to hate Americans, but it is indeed critical to keep in mind that it is not the American citizen making controversial high-level decisions which angers others; nay, the average American citizen is not even involved in the decision-making process of matters which would cause a weapon to be fired at and prosper against one of our own national symbols of humanity's quest into the future (Space Shuttle), a symbol that most Americans share at least a notable degree of patriotic pride in, in my opinion.

If ET is keeping anyone at bay, putting them back in their place, it would be those in the decision-making process, not the citizen, who -- alas -- suffers most, typically, when there are grudges to bear against a country's Leadership.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 06:48 PM
How do we know what lightning can do in outer space
In the video it shows what lightning here in our atmosphere can do. I see it traveling very fast and turning and changing directions just in our atmosphere. What about the lightning we can't see above the clouds or in space. If there's nothing to ground in space except the shuttle then my guess is that it would start heading towards it. That's just my opinion. I honestly don't trust the government or nasa myself. To much power for humans to have and to manipulate. We can come up with tons of speculations and assumptions, theories, stories etc.. But what if the truth is the truth? I guess it's like religion. You believe what your gonna believe and that's fine. We'll believe what we believe. Who wins? Maybe the atronuats saw aliens and couldn't go back with that information or just maybe it was lightning that struck the shuttle. There's no proof either way and to believe one side is denying the truth.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Solarskye

I agree, no one has mentioned the phenomena of elves, sprites and blue jets.
I'm no NASA sympathizer, but I don't think it's much of a stretch to consider one of the above to be responsible. From the description and the picture I think a blue jet is the most likely suspect, you have to remember the shuttle would have just re-entered through the earths protective plasma sheath that separates the charge of the earth with the solar plasma.
Apparently these rare megalightnings have been known to have brought planes down as well.

A blue jet.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 07:40 PM
I remember hearing about the guy taking the pictures that day, He was the first one to confirm it was breaking up. I herd that report about him that day. I was listening to the radio at the time and when they said the shuttle was breaking up on re-entry, I about choked because I live right in the path of it coming home. I was a little worried till they said it was falling in Texas.
Now, I'm no rocket scientist however but how can you say that the same foam they have been using for 30 years and still use now caused that big of a problem. I have seen the videos from NASA and the foam test and I would think that if that was the problem they would have changed that whole fuel tank in the time the program was grounded.
I have seen another claim by a former NORAD commander who witnessed the same thing happen to a military satellite on launch just when it reached space.
Russians shooting it down? Now thats far fetched.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Great post Monster, I have not heard of this before.

Great job in getting the pic, and the articals out by the other posters.

Once again it's hard to come to a conclusion with out all the facts, and that's exactly how "They" like it.

Maybe the photographer doesn't want the pic's out, because he wants to live a little longer. Or he doesn't want what is left of his life trashed.

We need help from an outside source.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 08:40 PM
I've seen one of the photos I while back on the internet, depicted a purple coil bolt behind the shuttle...

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

After watching the videos, I kind of have to wonder if the guy discussing the impossibility of a lightning strike lasting for more than one second has ever sat down and watched a lightning storm. I must agree with him in that most are just brief flashes, and that I have never seen one last for up to thirty seconds. However, I have seen them last for about five seconds before. Maybe more, maybe less, but definitely longer than one second.

My brother has described a lightning storm that he saw before as being not what one would think lightning should look like as well. He said they looked like completely straight colums, (Like a column on an old roman building was how he described them.) and bigger (More intense.) than any bolt of lightning he had ever seen before. Not just one, but every one in that particular storm. He drives a truck cross-country for a living and has been through plenty of lightning storms, but this one was strange enough to him that he actually pulled over on the side of the road just to watch it for a while. I wish I was awake at the time to see that for myself. (It was while he was at home and driving to work, and no more than ten miles from my house.)

I don't know. Lightning is a strange thing and something that doesn't happen too much in my area. I've always loved watching it and maybe that's why.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 09:11 PM
i really need to see all of the photo's before i draw conclusions.

the one image shown does look very interesting though.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 09:35 PM
Here is an interesting paper I ran across.

Link to Shuttle Columbia Disaster: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

Speculation that an increased solar wind occurring at reentry time may have play into the disaster and may have caused the electrical energy photographed.

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