reply to post by guyfrom2007
I don't believe any of that man. You can't trap a soul. String theory points to this being a "lower/denser virbration" or "lesser realm"
originating in a higher dimension. This higher dimension might allow them to move a chair or curtain in our reality by using "quantum gravity" and
simulate a "ghost." However I feel spook stories are only for humanities benefit to wake us up from our slumber! Also for the sake of modernity, I
would replace the term "soul" with "extended mind."
What happens to your extend mind when you die is the question! Does it immediately reincarnate (transfer to another expression of consciousness, in
our case a physical body) or does it remain in the 5th dimension for "time" even though time doesn't exist in that dimension. So a bit tricky
The point is you are always welcomed home back to the light no matter what you did during your time here on earth or any other planet. However, as
you can see, most people die and never "figure out life." They have lesser awareness. This is where our culture
differs most from the
aliens who are able to visit us. They know exactly who they are and that is why their societies don't self destruct. They acknowledge a "supreme
source" which keeps their "spark" eternal and their whole society revolves around acknowledging that each and every living being is fraction of
"God's consciousness." God is One and Many at the same time.
This common bond is what unites them. Humans fight over religion. Aliens don't have beliefs. THEY KNOW. And that is the biggest difference.
Period. From there everything else will flow and humanity I believe could attain "a higher level." Without more spirituality though and
acknowledgment for what we truely are, it will never come naturally and our machines and egos will destory us before we can harness the plank energy
or however those aliens move those massive ships around.
In fact the aliens or "spirt side" (non physical conscious units who inhabit higher dimensions) might just wipe us out and decide to "start over."
There is certainly evidence that might have happened in our past (atlantis etc). And the stories are written about in our religious texts.. Why did
Jesus sacrifice himself on the cross? To show us not to have fear of the other side because you have died before and the "spark" in you survives
everytime. Therefore it is not logical to horde material possesions while you are here. Better to help others and gain knowledge. Truth will set you
free. Jesus was essentially a "powerful spirit" who incarnated on this lesser plane to be a good example to us. In fact he was the ultimate
example of "no fear" yet using his gifts for good.
Yet in our culture we have many false prophets. We are confused as to what we are so we fill up our lives with all sorts of things from careers,
families, and drug/alcohol abuse seem to be the top 3. While those are all fine and dandy...where is God in that picture? Who/what really gave you
your car? Your house? Your spouse? Your family? Your friends? Your food? Your feelings? Your sensations? Your air? Your water? Your planet?
Your consciousness? Who/What do you honestly owe it all too......... so then with that in mind................
I think it is time our society grows up and understands that it is
more important FOR ALL OF US to clean up the texas sized garbage patch in
the pacific ocean, than to update our kitchens with the latest appliances and styles. We have great individual human beings amongst us. But our
collective operates like a fearful and impatient child. There is no end to it either. The more we view ourselves from the perspective of "my
property" "my car" "my laptop" "my country" "my this" and "my that".........
the farther you get away from God. And the closer we
will get to being wiped out by higher powers or by ourselves.
A note on "EVIL ALIENS"- I don't believe the aliens are evil. I think perhaps the Grays are not part of this "Federation of planets." They are
not evil but perhaps have argued for using our dna to help their own species... which is against federation rules Id assume. However, the greys could
argue that since humanity is not waking up, and we are killing our planet with our wasteful ego driven ways, that perhaps their program could be
"saving/beneficial for both parties." In this sense the "Federation of light" would probably have to bow to sound logic. And thus the Grays are
allowed to do their thing. However, if we stop shooting at UFOs and fix our planet and stop killing eachother, I think we can have a relationship
with this Federation of Planets and perhaps they would send the Grays packing for us!
PS- To aliens Science = Spirit. We are using "spirit" to power our machines. Our culture calls it science. We have seperated science from
religion in western society because the false prophets used to hang and burn people who wanted to "learn" using "science." False prophets who
just want control and feared change. History repeats itself. There are those who sit in power today and impede progress and evolution!!! It is up
to the average person to change our hearts and minds and see the truth and not fear death or eachother or aliens.